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This paper recommends the length of minimum 10 pages, double-spaced, following APA 7th edition
formatting guidelines (pls look for the APA format referencing guide in the internet). The proposals
may include visual elements such as pictures or layout plans to enhance clarity and understanding.

Guideline for Analyzing Current Events Using Ethical Theorists

The purpose of this alternative activity is to examine contemporary global events through the lens of
ethical theories, gaining a deeper understanding of the moral implications and diverse ethical
perspectives that can be applied to real-world situations. This will serve as an alternative activity and
shall be presented to the instructor.


1. Select a Current Event:

Choose a specific current event from the list provided or select another globally significant issue.
Examples of current events: War in Israel and Palestine, Conflict in Ukraine, Climate Change Crisis,
Refugee Crisis, Technology Ethics, Relationship etc.

2. Identify Relevant Ethical Theorists:

Choose at least one ethical theorist whose framework is relevant to the event. Some notable ethical
theorists include (NOT LIMITED TO THESE PEOPLE) :

Aristotle (384–322 BCE):

Concept: Virtue Ethics
Key Idea: Emphasized the development of good character traits as the key to ethical behavior.

Immanuel Kant (1724–1804):

Concept: Deontological Ethics
Key Idea: Argued that certain actions are inherently right or wrong, regardless of the consequences,
based on principles like the Categorical Imperative.

John Stuart Mill (1806–1873):

Concept: Utilitarianism
Key Idea: Focused on maximizing overall happiness or pleasure as the foundation for ethical decision-

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778):

Concept: Social Contract
Key Idea: Explored the idea that individuals enter into a social contract with one another, forming the
basis for moral and political order.

John Rawls (1921–2002):

Concept: Justice as Fairness
Key Idea: Proposed the original position and the veil of ignorance as a way to construct a just society,
emphasizing fairness and equality.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900):


Concept: Master-Slave Morality

Key Idea: Explored the contrast between the morality of the strong and the weak, criticizing traditional
notions of good and evil.

Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679):

Concept: Social Contract
Key Idea: Argued that individuals, in a state of nature, would create a social contract to avoid the "war of
all against all."

Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855):

Concept: Existentialism
Key Idea: Emphasized the importance of individual choice and personal responsibility in the face of
moral dilemmas.

Albert Camus (1913–1960):

Concept: Absurdism
Key Idea: Explored the idea that life is inherently without meaning, and individuals must create their own
meaning and values.

Carol Gilligan (1936–):

Concept: Ethics of Care
Key Idea: Challenged traditional ethical theories by emphasizing the importance of caring relationships
and empathy in moral decision-making.

Karl Marx (1818–1883):

Concept: Historical Materialism
Key Idea: Examined the economic and social structures underlying ethical and moral systems,
emphasizing the role of class struggle and historical development.

John Stuart Mill (1806–1873):

Concept: Utilitarianism
Key Idea: Focused on maximizing overall happiness or pleasure as the foundation for ethical decision-
making, with an emphasis on individual liberties.

3. Research and Understand the Ethical Theorist's Perspective:

Investigate the key principles of the chosen ethical theorist.
Explore how the theorist's principles apply to moral decision-making and actions.

4. Analyze the Current Event:

Examine the current event in detail, considering its historical context, key players, and underlying causes.
Identify ethical dilemmas, moral conflicts, and potential consequences associated with the event.

Example of topics may include but not limited to the following:

War on Drugs in the Philippines, West Philippine Sea Territorial Dispute, Education System Reforms in the
Philippines, Impact of Typhoons and Natural Disasters, Mining Industry and Environmental Conservation,
Rise of Online Learning in the Philippines, Political Dynasties in Philippine Politics, Impact of Social Media
on Philippine Society, Healthcare System Challenges in the Philippines, Labor Migration and Overseas


Filipino Workers (OFWs), Philippine Telecommunications Industry and Digital Divide, LGBTQ+ Rights in the

5. Apply Ethical Theories:

Apply the principles of the chosen ethical theorist to analyze the current event.
Consider different perspectives within the chosen ethical framework.

6. Discuss Implications and Critiques:

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of applying the ethical theory to the current event.
Discuss any critiques or limitations of the chosen ethical framework in addressing real-world issues.

7. Provide Recommendations:
Based on the analysis, offer recommendations for addressing the ethical challenges posed by the current
Consider potential solutions or actions that align with the principles of the chosen ethical theorist.

8. Writing Guidelines:
Follow a structured essay format, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Cite relevant sources to support your analysis and incorporate the ethical theorist's ideas.
Note: Feel free to explore additional ethical theorists or modify the structure based on the specific
requirements of your course.



I. Introduction

A. Background and Context

- Provide an overview of the selected current event and its global significance.
- Briefly introduce the ethical dilemma or moral challenges associated with the event.

B. Thesis Statement
- Clearly state the purpose of the paper and the central argument regarding the application of ethical
theories to the chosen current event.

II. Review of Related Literature

A. Overview of Current Event

- Summarize key details and developments related to the chosen current event.
- Reference reputable sources to establish the context.

B. Ethical Theorists and Frameworks


- Introduce the ethical theorist selected for analysis.

- Provide a concise overview of the chosen theorist' key principles and ethical frameworks.

C. Previous Applications of Ethical Theories to Current Events

- Explore existing literature or scholarly works that have applied ethical theories to similar current
- Identify gaps or areas for further exploration in the existing literature.

III. Method
A. Research Approach
- Specify the approach used for analyzing the current event through ethical theories.
- Clarify any specific criteria used for selecting ethical theorists and the current event.

B. Data Collection
- Describe the sources of information utilized for understanding the current event and the ethical
- Provide details on how information was gathered and assessed for relevance.

IV. Theoretical Framework

A. Ethical Theorist #1 (e.g., Immanuel Kant)
- Explain the key principles and concepts of the chosen ethical theorist.
- Discuss how these principles can be applied to analyze the moral aspects of the current event.

V. Analysis of the Current Event Through Ethical Theories

Analyze the ethical implications, conflicts, and potential resolutions.

VI. Discussion
A. Evaluation of Ethical Theories
- Assess the strengths and weaknesses of applying the chosen ethical theory to the current event.
- Discuss any challenges or limitations encountered during the analysis.

B. Recommendations
- Offer informed recommendations based on the analysis and the principles of the chosen ethical
- Consider potential actions or policies that align with the ethical frameworks discussed.

VII. Conclusion
Summarize the key findings and insights derived from the analysis.
Reinforce the significance of applying ethical theories to understand and address real-world challenges.

VIII. References
Cite all sources used in the paper according to the APA 7th edition format.
Ensure proper citation for both the current event information and the works of the chosen ethical

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