Vitamin C Nature's Super Medicine That Cures Disease and Threatens Big Pharma Profits

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December 13, 2021

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Vitamin C: Nature’s
Super Medicine That
Cures Disease and
Threatens Big Pharma

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by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

When the “COVID Pandemic” began in

China in 2020, which we now know was
just a politicized version of the annual flu
infections, doctors in China immediately
began using Vitamin C to quickly cure
people. See:

More Vitamin C Studies

Approved in China to Fight
Coronavirus: Therapy
Censored in U.S.
American doctors also began using
Vitamin C therapy with great success in
treating “COVID.” They were so
successful, that some were arrested and
others were forced to take down their
websites. See:

Michigan Doctor Raided by

FBI and Arrested for
Treating COVID19 Patients
with Vitamin C

Censored Medical Doctor

Publishes Results: 100%
SARS-CoV-2 Cure Rate
with No Drugs or Vaccines
Health Impact News was also attacked
by the Facebook “Fact Checkers” that
tried to discredit our reporting on this

If you search Health Impact News for

“vitamin c,” you will get 397 results, and
some amazing articles on just how
powerful this natural medicine is.

The most comprehensive article and

video presentation is one done by Dr.
Suzanne Humphries in 2014, and I am
going to reproduce the article we did on
that presentation, and we have also re-
uploaded her video to our Bitchute

The most potent form is through IV drips,

but most hospitals will not allow it. I
personally use a liposomal version of
Vitamin C, as it allows me to take much
higher doses without disturbing my
stomach, as ascorbic acid can irritate
your stomach. A buffered version can
help, but I do better with the liposomal
version (and no, I do NOT sell Vitamin C.)

When news first broke in early 2020 on

the success in treating coronavirus
patients in China, all forms of Vitamin C
became hard to find. The ascorbic acid
powders can be stored indefinitely, so
stocking up on this would be wise.

Vitamin C Cures
Disease but Doctors
and Pharmaceutical
Companies Do Not
Want You to Know

by Dr. Suzanne Humphries

The Swedish Society for
Orthomolecular Medicine, Stockholm,
Sweden 2014

The Swedish Society for Orthomolecular

Medicine introduced Dr. Suzanne
Humphries to lecture on the practical use
of Vitamin C in Stockholm, Sweden 2014.

Although Dr. Humphries primary interest

is in the study of vaccinations, she has
realized that,

“Much of what I have

learned in my medical
education is lacking in
details on how to support
the biology of the human

She continues,

“When people are just a

little bit sick or when they
are healthy, it can be
very helpful to support
the chemistry of the body
using earth products that
were put here for us and
not necessarily the ones
the drug companies have
made for us.”

Dr. Humphries states that since she has

learned to use Vitamin C, not only has
her own health become extraordinarily
better, but her prescription writing has
gone down significantly and the health of
her patients has improved.

Dispelling Myths
Regarding the
“Dangers” of Vitamin C
Dr. Humphries states that there is a lot of
mythology in the medical field regarding
vitamin C. The fact that vitamin C is
necessary to prevent scurvy, but that
doses over 1000 mg are dangerous,
wasteful and just gives you “expensive
urine,” is a myth.

Scurvy is a disease that occurs if you

have a severe lack of vitamin C (ascorbic
acid) in your diet, causing anemia, gum
disease and skin hemorrhages.
Conventional doctors may say that the
body becomes saturated if consumers
take more than 150 mg a day. In addition,
that in large doses vitamin C can cause
kidney stones.

We hear that natural whole vitamin C is

always the best source, food is always
the best source, and the statement that
people with illnesses can get enough
ascorbate (vitamin C) from food.

None of these myths we hear are true or

have ever been proven clinically or
scientifically according to Dr. Humphries
and medical literature.

The Recommended
Daily Allowance of
Vitamin C is to Prevent
Scurvy, Not Promote
Optimal Health
Dr. Humphries explains,

“Animals use four

sequential liver enzymes
to convert glucose into L-
Ascorbic Acid. This is the
magic chemical that has
so many functions in our
body that enhance our
health and can be very
lifesaving in certain
situations, and can be
consumed very rapidly
during illness.”

The fourth enzyme is missing from

human beings as well as some other
animals (bats, guinea pigs and some
primates). This means that human beings
are dependent on the food source in
order to have this life saving nutrient.

There are animals that make their own

vitamin C, for example, a cow makes 18
mg/kg/day, daily total of 12,000 mg a day
plus food. Another animal she discusses
is cats, who make 20 to 40 mg/kg/day,
daily total of 180 mg a day.

The Recommended Daily Allowance

(RDA) for a person is half of that amount.
The animals that rely on their food
source, such as a gorilla, the intake is 30
mg/kg/day for 4,500 mg per day. The
guinea pig also does not make their own
vitamin C, and intake is 33 mg/kg/day for
30 mg per day.

Dr. Humphries has learned some

interesting facts about goats. When goats
are healthy, they produce 185 mg/kg/day
(13,000 mg/day) and when sick or
stressed, up to 1400 mg/kg/day (100,000

A veterinarian was on the farm in New

Zealand where Dr. Humphries is seen in
this picture, and he volunteered that
goats hardly ever get sick.

Dr. Humphries states,

“I make none of my own

vitamin C and I am told
that I only need 75
mg/day or 1.2 mg/kg/day.
This is a gross
underestimation of what
we should take every
day. The science behind
this estimate is flawed.”

The RDA for men is 90 mg/day and for

women is 75 mg/day. When scientists
attempted to change the RDA of vitamin
C to 200 a day, it was rejected by the
authorities according to Dr. Humphries.

When a person develops an illness, the

vitamin C reserves can be depleted very
quickly. Dr. Humphries stresses that the
RDA levels for vitamin C are to prevent
scurvy, not promote optimal health.

Study Shows That

Nearly One in Five
People Have a Plasma
Vitamin C
Compatible with
Dr. Humphries found a study in Canada
showing levels of vitamin C in the blood.
In this study, greater than 28.4 micro
mol/L is considered normal. According to
this study there are approximately 16
percent of people who have subnormal
levels in their blood and 84 percent are

The difference in patients that are in the

hospital and ill, is that only 21 percent are
normal by what Dr. Humphries exclaims

“a very low standard of


The graph on the picture above shows

hospitalized patients as the black bars
and outpatients are represented by the
clear bars. Dr. Humphries points out that
both groups have people that are 100 or
125, she believes that this is a better
range for us to live in, either with a high
diet of this nutrient or repeated doses.

She states that 24 percent of the people

that were admitted into the hospital were
taking vitamins and the doctors
discontinued most of them.

The conclusion of this study was that,

“Nearly one in five had a

plasma vitamin C
concentration compatible
with scurvy.”

Dr. Humphries questions,

“If conventional doctors

knew about this would
they do anything

There are Some

Physicians Who
Would Rather Stand
by and See Their
Patients Die Than Use
Ascorbic Acid
Dr. Humphries states that we are living
with this myth that we do not need to look
at vitamin C levels in sick people and we
don’t need to supplement.

Dr. Frederick R. Klenner was one of the

pioneers of using ascorbic acid in high
doses and cured many patients with
horrible diseases in the 1950’s, including
polio and a black widow spider bite
(documented in The Black Widow Spider:
Case History. Tri-State Med J, Dec 1957,
Vol5, No 10, pp 15-18).

Dr. Humphries states that in this case

history Dr. Klenner says,

“…there are some

physicians who would
stand by and see their
patient die rather than
use ascorbic acid –
because in their finite
minds, it exists only as a

Dr. Humphries discusses a study from

New Zealand with healthy adult males
around 30 years old. These males
offered to do a muscle biopsy to measure
the vitamin C levels. Initially, they
measured the men’s blood levels which
were on the low end, around 30 to 40
Mol/L. They were then told to consume a
diet low in vitamin C and stop
supplements, and the levels dropped
considerably in five weeks almost to
levels of scurvy.

Next, half of the men were told to eat half

a kiwi a day and the other half two kiwi’s
a day. The levels of both groups were
raised considerably, but the men who ate
two kiwi’s a day, had levels that rose up
to 70 Mol/L.

Dr. Humphries continues to say,

“Different parts of our

bodies need different
amounts of vitamin C.
The adrenal and the eye
need very high amounts,
for instance, muscle is
somewhere in between.”

The need for vitamin C can be divided

into categories; anti-oxidant, anti-
histamine and enzyme co-factor.

Vitamin C acts as an electron donor and

fixes the damage that is done by the
oxidants in our environment, such as, car
fumes, environmental sprays or from any
poison. Vitamin C also acts as an anti-
histamine, and protects people from
pollen and allergies.

Dr. Humphries states that she has found

in clinical practice and evidence in
Go to...
medical literature. She continues that
vitamin C,

“Is a co-factor for many

enzymes. Some of them
make collagen,
hormones and carnitine.”

Vitamin C Can Prevent

Diseases Such as
Diabetes, Heart
Disease and High
Blood Pressure
Dr. Humphries discusses two medical
issues that many doctors deal with daily,
diabetes and high blood pressure. Both
of these medical problems are associated
with low vitamin C. Dr. Humphries states
that both of these problems respond to
vitamin C supplementation.

She continues,

“Both types of diabetes

are becoming worldwide
problems, epidemics and
both are largely
preventable. We also
know that diabetics have
lower vitamin C levels
than non-diabetics, about
30 percent lower.”

She continues,

“About every aspect of

glycemic control is
improved with
supplementation with
vitamin C.”

The second medical issue she talks

about is heart disease,

“Heart disease is caused

by too much oxidative
stress, toxin exposure,
toxins from both inside
the body and outside the
body. It is an
inflammatory state. Every
risk factor for heart
disease is improved by
vitamin C.”

Dr. Humphries states that blood vessel

health, cholesterol metabolism and blood
pressure are all improved by taking
vitamin C supplements.

In the 1950’s there were biopsy’s done on

people with heart attacks and strokes,
and parts of the brain and heart were
found to be extremely low in vitamin C,
according to Dr. Humphries.

She states that,

“The only thing there has

not been a whole lot of
research on is the exact

Vitamin C is the Most

Powerful Antioxidant

According to Dr. Humphries, Vitamin C is

the most powerful antioxidant. She

We make many other

antioxidants in the body,
but this one has more
power. Ascorbic acid is
very bitter and it is what
we find in the natural
food. The body likes to
bring in sodium
ascorbate, our intestines
need sodium to bring the
ascorbate into the body.
We can either take it as
ascorbate acid and we
will use the sodium from
something we have
eaten or we can take
sodium ascorbate.

Dr. Humphries recommends

supplementing with sodium ascorbate.

Dr. Thomas Levy on

Vitamin C
Dr. Humphries recommends reading
Primal Pancea (MedFox Publishing), By
Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD.

Dr. Humphries states,

“He is a cardiologist and

he is also an attorney.
His viewpoints are
backed by literature. He
has over 650 scientific
references. It is a very
valuable book that
describes exactly how
these changes in the
heart and the blood
vessels are affected by
vitamin C.”

Pharmaceutical drugs
are one of the worst
culprits of oxidative
stress on our bodies

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