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Interviewer: Let's start.

Roxana, could you tell us about your studies and what you have
achieved so far?

Roxana: Of course! I am currently studying Obstetrics and have actively participated in various
student organizations. I was also giving talks together with the municipality for older adults.

Interviewer: That's impressive, Roxana. Cristhian, what outstanding personal experiences have
marked you?

cristhian: thanks for asking. One of the most impactful experiences was volunteering in a rural
community, where I helped build houses for families in need. It made me appreciate the value
of teamwork and giving back to society.

Interviewer: Wonderful, Cristhian. Yaritza, what are your future goals after finishing your

Yaritza: After graduating, I plan to obtain a master's degree in Environmental Sciences. My goal
is to work for sustainable development and contribute to creating a greener future for our

Interviewer: That is worthy of praise, Yadira. Jhosep, how do you maintain a healthy lifestyle
while juggling your academic responsibilities?

Jhosep: For me it's about balance. I prioritize regular exercise and maintain a nutritious diet. I
also practice mindfulness techniques to manage stress effectively.

Interviewer: Great, Jhosep. Cristhian, do you have any additional ideas on how to live a healthy

Cristhian: Absolutely! In addition to physical health, mental well-being is crucial. I believe in

maintaining a positive mindset, pursuing hobbies, and cultivating strong relationships with my
loved ones.


Interviewer: Thank you all for sharing your experiences and aspirations. It was a pleasure
meeting each of you. Do you have any question for me?

Roxana: Yes, I have a question. What are the key qualities you look for in candidates for this

Interviewer: That's a great question, Roxana. We value qualities such as leadership,

adaptability and a passion for continuous learning.

Cristhian: I also have a question. Could you tell us more about the professional growth
opportunities within this organization/institution?

Interviewer: Sure, Cristhian. We offer various professional development programs, mentoring

opportunities and encourage employees/scholars to attend conferences and workshops to
enhance their skills. Does anyone have another question?

Yaritza: Me, dear. When would the results for the work be coming out?
Interviewer: For Friday of this week.

Interviewer: Once again, thank you all for your time. We will be in touch soon regarding next
steps in the selection process. Bye bye!

Roxana: Goodbye!

Cristhian: Goodbye!

Yaritza: Thank you! Bye bye!

Jhosep: Goodbye!

Interviewer: Goodbye everyone.

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