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Lesson Overview: How do you an*cipate the children will explore with the materials?

What do
you think they will do? What COULD happen?
The students will be given a selec2on of dress-up clothes that model different community
helper jobs. They will choose different ones they want to play as. I an2cipate they will exhibit
interest in certain jobs and play out the jobs of those professions. This will explain to them the
point and importance of community helpers in our community.

Lesson Plan Objec2ves: what do I INTEND for the children to explore?

Students will explore various community helper jobs and exhibit which of those they are most
interested in.

● What are the CHILDREN doing? What is your explorable ques*on? Ideally, children
should be able to loop back to this ques*on in their explora*on
○ Children will choose which dress-up career they want to play as.

○ “What do community helpers do in our community” “What do their roles

contribute to our community”

● What is the TEACHER doing? How are you asking children to engage with the explorable
ques9on? Write 3 ways to ask: how; what; where)
○ HOW: “How are these roles important to our community and how do they
contribute to our community?”
○ WHAT: “What are they doing for their specific roles?”
○ WHERE:” Where do you see them portray these roles?”
● How are you DOCUMENTING? What tools are you using for documen*ng the
○ Picture Evidence
○ Wri*ng down how each child responds to the different roles and which roles seem the
most interes*ng to the whole class.
● What is NEW about the experience? Is it the materials, the physical space, or
set-up of familiar materials?
The students will be given new dress-up opportunities that aren’t
present in the classroom at normal play. This will allow them to
explore different community helper roles and learn their importance.

● Sketch it out–below sketch out what the experience will look like, highligh*ng the new
and the ques*ons for each of the three experiences

“What are the roles of community helpers and how do
they contribute to our community?”
Schemas an2cipated:
- Connec2ng
- Transpor2ng
- Transforming
Below: At least 3 ways to stage the environment to discover more. Include materials, loca*on, and ques*ons for
1. Students will be in the 2. The students will be given the 3. The students will be asked
classroom for normal play. The opportunity to explore different open ended ques9ons by the
dress-up clothes will be laid on dress-up clothes. They can teacher about the role they are
the table for them to freely change ouQits as they choose to playing as. The ques9ons could
come over and choose what and can play as different roles. be the “What, How, Where”
they want to play with. ques9ons

1. What part of this lesson experience went well?

a. The students came to the table and chose to play with the manipulates without

the teacher's direc9on.

b. The students played with the manipulates for over an hour and stayed engaged.

c. Students showed an understanding of the different roles and their importance to

our community.

2. What part of this lesson experience surprised you?

a. How long they were engaged in the hook experience: They played with them for

over an hour un9l it was 9me to transi9on to going outside.

3. If you could change anything, what would it be and why?

a. I wish the students would have had more 9me to explore with the hook

experience. Since I was there for the aUernoon sec9on of lab, we had to outside

and the students didn’t want to stop playing with the dress-up.

4. Do you feel the children engaged with the experience as you expected?

a. I believe they were more engaged than I expected. I expected them to play with

them for 20-30 minutes, but they played with them for most of the work 9me.

5. Provide photos or documenta9on from your lesson implementa9on.

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