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Definition of terms:
1. Sexual Behavior
 Action with sexual intention
2. Erotic
 Sexual stimulations; erogenous zones
3. Sexual Response Cycle
 Sequence of events from arousal to orgasm
4. Sexual dysfunction
 A problem in any phase of the sexual response cycle
5. Copula Tory behavior
 Insertion to the penis to vagina
6. Paraphilia
 Arousal from non-living objects

Understanding the three primary components of psychology: Affective, Cognition,

Psychomotor (actions)
o Plays an important role in understanding human sexuality.

 Behavior
o refers to action
o measurable as opposed to feelings and thoughts.
o Has intensity
 The magnitude by which it is done, is it forceful? Is it weak?
 Motivation
o Refers as something that drives us to do something

Scientist believe that we behave:

 In response to stimuli or;
 To avoid pain;
 To achieve pleasure;
 To achieve a goal in life

 Frequency
o Refers to how many action is done in a span
 Duration
o How long does an action take place in secs, minutes, or hours?
 Diversity
o Refers to what are the varieties of a similar behavior done in various
o What are the different behaviors we are capable of depending on our
physical characteristics?
Sexual Behaviors (Action with sexual intention)

 Are actions that humans agree to interpret as an expression of their sexual

motivations or intentions
 Sexual behavior is also known generally as Erotic behaviors
o Refers to involvement of any of the primary or the secondary erotic zones
 Sexual behavior can also be type according to the aim of the behavior:
o Such as the sexual behavior masturbation or;
o Auto erotic (self-directed)- stimulation of one’s own genitals
o Erotic motivations can also be directed to other people of the same sex
or the opposite sex
 Homoerotic
 Sexual behaviors oriented to same sex
 Heteroerotic
 Sexual behavior oriented to opposite sex.
 Sexual behavior can also refer for reproductive purposes:
o Copulation, refers to the insertion of the penis to the vagina
 Has two positions
 Ventra-ventral position
o Facing each other
 Ventral-dorsal position
o Facing from behind (arf arf style)
 Sexual behavior does not only refer to copulation:
o It also includes an array of non-copulatory sexual behavior such as:
 Hugging, Kissing, caressing
o It also includes oral stimulations of genitals:
 Fellatio (penis stimulation)
 Cunnilingus (vagina stimulation)
 Anal sex (sexual penetration of anal orifice)
Sexual Response cycle (Sequence of events from arousal to orgasm)

 For heterosexual couples, ultimate goal of sexual act is reproduction

o Made possible through the fertilization of the ovum by sperm by
 Also known as release of the sperm
o As it undergoes a sequence of bodily changes which prepare them for the
sexual climax

 Master and Johnson’s Model (1996-1970)

o Propose the four phases of sexual response cycle
1. Excitement phase
o Also known as the first phase of the cycle
o For the human male the goal of this phase are:
 Erection or tumescence
 In order to be inserted to the vagina
 During this time the testes and the scrotum starts to
 During this time the breast and chest of the male will
reddens or also known as sex flush (mamula)
o For the human female the goal of this phase are:
 Lubrication (wetness of vagina)
 is made possible by vasoconogestion
 at this phase there is a swelling of the glans of clit and labia
minora, as well as sex flushes in breast and chest.
2. Plateau
o The second phase of sexual response cycle as it experiences a
sustained peak in stimulation of organs
o For the male:
 the male corona and glans in penis enlarged and reddish, the
cower glands release lubricating fluid for sperm.
o For the female:
 The outer vagina swells while the inner vagina expands and
elongated forming orgasmic platform (tenting)

3. Orgasm
o The climax of the sexual response cycle
o During this phase human male achieves ejaculation and the human
female is ready to receive sperm
4. Resolution
o The last phase
o The penis will return to its normal unerected phase while the female outer
and inner reproductive organs release.

 Kaplans Model (1979)

o Sees the sexual response cycle as having independent stages
1. Desire
o Involves sexual thought and feelings
o Desire does not necessarily translate into function
2. Arousal
o is where the Excitement and Plateau (Masters and John) takes place.
o Bodily changes occur as an outcome of sexual stimulation.
o Arousal does not necessarily translate into orgasm
3. Orgasm
o Unlike Masters and John. This phase includes the resolution phase.
Sexual Response Dysfunctions

 These are what some people experience in difficulty or problems during the
sexual phases:
1. Sexual Desire Disorder
o Individual has low level of desire and has an aversion of sexual
2. Sexual arousal Disorder
o Individual has problems in achieving physiological state for copulation
(erectile dysfunction in males)
3. Orgasmic Disorder
o Individuals have problem achieving orgasm
4. Sexual Pain Disorder
o When there is a pain experience during sexual response cycle

o When an individual gets sexually aroused by non-living objects, a person, or

circumstances that are unusual
o Is a Disorder
o Is atypical sexual behavior variation

Paraphilia Disorder

o This is when the urge or act lasts for at least six months and is a manifestation of
clinically significant distress.

Some of the ff. are common paraphilic disorder:

1. Exhibitionism
 Feel pleasure when exposing one’s genital to other nonconsenting people
2. Fetishism
 Arousal form non-living objects
3. Frotteurism
 Feel pleasure when letting nonconsenting people rub or touch one’s own
4. Pedophilia
 Arousal from children (crime)
5. Sexual masochism
 Arousal from actual suffering or humiliation
6. Sexual sadism
 Arousal from inflicting pain to others
7. Transvestic fetishism
 for heterosexual males only
 Arousal from wearing clothes by the opposite sex.
8. Voyeurism
 Arousal from watching other people have sex.

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