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Consent Form for Participation in Experiment

Title of the Experiment: Bilateral Transfer of Learning


Balla, Jeshua Emmanuel

Bambalan, Khrycia Nicole
Diaz, Marie
Jesuitas, Jonalyn
Siscar, Nicos Benedick
Tatunay, Mikaella

You are invited to participate in an experimentation study conducted by the researchers at

DMMMSU-SLUC Psychology Laboratory. Before you decide whether to participate, it is
important that you understand the purpose of the study and what your participation will

Purpose of the Study:

The primary objective of this study is to examine how a rest interval influences the Bilateral
Transfer of learning. Specifically, we seek to determine whether taking a rest period between
learning tasks enhances or diminishes the transfer of skills from one hand to the other.

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to trace shapes using your preferred hands in
the mirror shape-tracing task. Data on performance and learning transfer will be collected
and analyzed to draw conclusions regarding the impact of rest intervals on bilateral transfer
of learning.

Risks and Discomforts:

The mirror shape-tracing activity poses minimal risk to participants. However, some
individuals may experience mild discomfort or fatigue from prolonged engagement in the

Participation Consent:
By agreeing to participate in this experiment, you acknowledge that you understand the
objectives and procedures outlined above. Your participation is voluntary, and you have the
right to withdraw at any time without penalty. Your data will be kept confidential and used
solely for research purposes.

If you consent to participate, please provide your confirmation below:

Participant's Name (optional):

Participant's Signature: Date:

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