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Botanists are chiefly concerned about all the topics below EXCEPT

A. Photosynthesis
B. Blood circulation
C. Pollination
D. Annual rings

When living things sense danger, they scatter in different directions. This
illustrates which characteristic of living things?
A. They are able to reproduce
B. They are adapted
C. They are organized
D. They are able to respond to stimuli

Which of the following distinguishes a plant cell from an animal cell?

A. The presence of nucleus
B. The presence of cell membrane
C. The presence of cell wall
D. The presence of vacuoles

In a cell with 24 chromosomes divided by mitosis, how many pairs of chromosomes

will each of the daughter cells possess?
A. 6
B. 12
C. 24
D. 48

Comparing a cell to a group of factory workers, the nucleus acts like the
A. Supervisor
B. Janitor
C. Assembly line worker
D. Security personnel

When down� syndrome afflicts a person, his typical body cells would have ____
individual chromosomes
A. 22
B. 23
C. 44
D. 47

From the union of a plant with red flowers and a plant with white flowers, a plant
with pink flowers results. Which of the alleles are dominant?
A. The red one
B. The white one
C. Both are recessive
D. Both are dominant

Which of the following will not found on the strand of DNA?

A. Uracil
B. Thymine
C. Cytosine
D. Adenine

When a sudden change in an organism is brought about by environmental conditions,

this process is known as
A. Evolution
B. Dominance
C. Mutation
D. Adaptation

Which choices below shows the proper order of the hierarchy in Linnean
A. Class, phylum, order, species, family, genus, kingdom
B. Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
C. Species, order, genus, phylum, kingdom, class, family
D. Phylum, kingdom, family, class order, species, genus

Homo sapiens is the scientific name of man. This comes from which levels of
A. Kingdom and phylum
B. Phylum and species
C. Genus and species
D. Order and family

A unicellular organism
A. Cannot survive
B. Will not reproduce
C. Will not be able to look for nutrient sources
D. Represents the lowest level of organization

One difference between a corn kernel and bean seed is that

A. The presence of seed coat
B. The number of cotyledons
C. The presence of roots on the embryo
D. The absence of stored food

Dicots are the only one that have

A. Parallel leaf venation
B. Freshy stems
C. Numerous vascular bundles
D. Netted leaf venation

Carlo counted the rings on a tree atump in the park. This process reveals the tree
A. Age
B. Height
C. Species
D. Sap content

Coconuts are fruits which are well adapted for dispersal by

A. Wind
B. Animal
C. Human
D. Water

After a flower�s ovary have been fertilized, it will

A. Change color
B. Dry up
C. Become a seed
D. Become a fruit

Photosynthesis produces
A. Carbon dioxide and water
B. Oxygen and starch
C. Starch and carbon dioxide
D. Water and oxygen

Plants cannot gather and use up free nitrogen in the air. They have to rely on
bacteria to perform
A. Nitrogen release
B. Denitrification
C. Nitrogen synthesis
D. Nitrogen fixation

Organisms that rely on dead or decaying matter for nutrition are known as
A. Bryophytes
B. Saprophytes
C. Autotrophs
D. Heterotrophs

The sum total of all processes within a cell or within the body of an organism is
A. Metabolism
B. Catabolism
C. Anabolism
D. Tropism

The process of oxidizing glucose to release energy is known as

A. Respiration
B. Transaction
C. Metabolism
D. Isotonic

Your skin, hair and nails are all part of which system?
A. Excretory
B. Respiratory
C. Circulatory
D. Integumentary

Which of the choices below, shows the proper organization of living things in
increasing complexity?
A. Cell, tissue, organ, system
B. Tissue, organ, system, cell
C. System, organ, tissue, cell
D. Organ, tissue, cell, system

The skull possesses what kind of joint

A. Immovable
B. Slightly movable
C. Freely movable
D. There are no joints in the skull

Which of the following cannot be digested by humans?

A. Starch
B. Proteins
C. Lipids
D. Cellulose

If you contract chickenpox, there is a good chance you will not get it again
A. You have developed immunity
B. It is not contagious anymore
C. It has been eradicated
D. It occurs only once in every lifetime

Dengue fever is spread by a day biting mosquito. To prevent the spread of this,
what could be done?
A. Planting trees
B. Clearing canals
C. Using natural insect repellants
D. All of the above

Mr. Deluria, the culinary arts teacher, advised us not to placed cooked chicken on
a plate that previously held raw chicken unless it has been thoroughly washed in
between. This is to prevent Salmonella food poisoning. Salmonella is caused by the
transfer of a/an
A. Bacteria
B. Poison
C. Protozoan
D. Virus

In a news item, a certain number of swine was put to sleep because they have been
infected by Ebola. This means they have been infected by
A. Bacteria
B. Poison
C. Protozoan
D. Virus

Arthesclerosis is the hardening of the artery walls due to the build up of plaque
made up primarily of
A. Carbohydrates
B. Fats
C. Proteins
D. Vitamins

A stroke can be caused by rupture of a blood vessel in the

A. Brain
B. Heart
C. Lungs
D. Legs

What will happen when the iris of a microscope is closed?

A. The view of the specimen will darken
B. The view of the specimen will lighten
C. The view of the specimen will become clearer
D. The view of the specimen will become blurred

The cell membrane is chiefly composed of

A. Proteins and sugar
B. Carbohydrates and fats
C. Fats and proteins
D. Sugars and carbohydrates

If a cell is placed in a distilled water, it will most likely

A. Shrink
B. Swell
C. Remain the same
D. Solidify

Which of the choices below is a function not carried out by all cells?
A. Growth
B. Nutrition
C. Locomotion
D. None of the above

After completely dividing through meiosis, the daughter cells contain ______ the
number of chromosomes of the parent cell.
A. Double
B. Half
C. One-fourth
D. Quadruple

Which of the following are mismatched?

A. Protists �mosses
B. Fungi-mushrooms
C. Plants-fern
D. Animals-fish

What kind of relationship does a virus invading a human being represent?

A. Mutualism
B. Parasitism
C. Predation
D. Competition

The organisms that ultimately puts back nutrients into the soil are called
A. Decomposers
B. Parasites
C. Consumers
D. Producers
All monocots have
A. Two cotyledons
B. Hard testa
C. Woody stems
D. Parallel leaf venation

The process in which formerly arable land is transformed into wasteland is called
A. Desertification
B. Cultivation
C. Kaingin system
D. Green revolution

Jim and Jane carve their initials onto the mature bark of a tree. After being
married for ten years, they go back to the tree and try to look for their initials.
Since the tree has grown taller and stouter, where should they start looking?
A. Higher than the original position
B. Lower than the original position
C. In the same position
D. Erased

Which of the following organisms reproduce asexually?

A. Bears
B. Mussels
C. Mushrooms
D. Amoeba

An animal who can automatically regulate his body temperature is considered

A. Cold-blooded
B. Warm-blooded
C. Isothermic
D. Exothermic

Nature always strives to maintain balance. The tendency of the body to seek balance
is known as
A. Osmosis
B. Homeostasis
C. Isotonic
D. Metabolism

Which of the choices below draw blood away from the heart and brings it to
different parts of the body?
A. Arteries
B. Veins
C. Capillaries
D. Phloems

Dante was advised to eat foods which have high amounts of fibers. He can do this by
A. Meat
B. Dairy products
C. Vegetables
D. Sea foods

The elbow is a typical example of

A. Ball and socket joint
B. Sliding joint
C. Hinge joint
D. Pivot joint

The muscles which you can consciously contract are

A. Smooth
B. Skeletal
C. Cardiac
D. Involuntary

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