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Objective & Understanding

The prison system is a complex environment that requires a significant number of

resources to manage effectively. One of the key challenges faced by prison staff is
the need to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of inmate data, including
medical information, disciplinary actions, and release dates. To address these
challenges, MCS has floated an RFP for development of a prison software system
that can streamline and automate key prison management processes.
Maldives Correctional Service will be referred as MCS in this document, the system
built should be secured, robust, scalable & adhere to modular architecture for easy
management of modules. The system should be tampering proof and should be
enabled with audit logs for transaction management.
The system must be highly available & should work even during non-availability of
networks, the system should implement independent distributed systems that can
seamlessly work independently during offline scenarios and then later synchronise
with central systems on network availability.
The primary objective of this project is to develop a software system that can
effectively manage inmate data and streamline prison management processes.
Specifically, we aim to achieve the following goals.
 Improve data accuracy: By automating key data entry and management
processes, we can reduce the likelihood of errors and improve the accuracy of
inmate data.
 Increase efficiency: By automating routine tasks, such as scheduling and
record-keeping, prison staff can focus their efforts on more complex and
important tasks
 Enhance security: By centralizing inmate data and implementing strong
access controls, we can ensure that sensitive information is only accessible to
authorized staff
 Improve communication: By providing real-time access to inmate data, we can
improve communication between prison staff and facilitate more effective


We recommend a distributed architecture with micro services, Microservices

architecture treats each function of an application as an independent service that can
be altered, updated or taken down without affecting the rest of the application.
The proposed prison software system will be developed using an agile development
methodology, which emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and iterative development.
The development process will involve the following steps
 Requirements gathering: We will work closely with prison staff to identify their
needs and requirements for the software system.
 Design and prototyping: Based on the requirements, we will develop a
prototype of the system and work with prison staff to refine the design.
 Development and testing: We will use an iterative development process to
build and test the system, incorporating feedback from prison staff as we go.
 Deployment and training: Once the system is complete, we will deploy it to the
prison and provide training to prison staff to ensure they are able to use the
system effectively.

We use 2 phase commit patterns in our database systems, A prepare phase and
a commit phase. In the prepare phase, all microservices will be asked to prepare for
some data change that could be done atomically. Once all microservices are
prepared, the commit phase will ask all the microservices to make the actual
Why Microservices Architecture?
Scalability using Microservices architecture.

Microservice architectures allow organizations to divide applications into separate

domains managed by individual groups. This is key for building highly scaled
Distributed Architecture

We implement a centrally orchestrated system, with dynamic load balancing, service

discovery, security, micro-segmentation for both north/south and east/west traffic.

Data Processing

Since applications running on microservice architecture can handle more

simultaneous requests, microservices can process large amounts of information in
less time.

Deployment Architecture and Network Security

To address the requirement and provide high availability and security, following
deployment recommended is recommended. The modules are deployed at individual
prisons & the master replication module is deployed at Ooredoo datacentre with data
replication setup. The connectivity between the DC and Prisons are on secured P2P
line and the same is running on a closed network.
This ensures that the solution will work without the availability of the network, the
synchronisation of the same is done once the network is made available.
The hardware required for all 4 prisons are as follows.

Sl No Hardware Units
1 P2P – 10 MBPS Line 4
2 Two-socket (dual CPU) rack servers for 4
Application Deployment with 64GB RAM
& 1 TB of HDD
3 Two-socket (dual CPU) rack servers for 4
Database Deployment with 64GB RAM &
10 TB of HDD
4 Single-socket rack servers for WEB 4
Server with load balancer 32 GB RAM &
500 GB of HDD
5 Managed Switch 4
6 Virtual Server licenses 8
7 Open-source Linux OS (example: 12
8 PostgreSQL Database 4
9 Firewall 4

Note: The BOQ recommended only for prisons, the below will be the requirement at
Data Centre
Sl No Hardware Units
1 Aggregated bandwidth of 40 MBPS 1
2 Required network components & Firewall 1
3 VM with Ubuntu OS for application 2
server & Webserver
4 Database VM with PostgreSQL 1
Enterprise – 10 TB
5 Backup Systems for Database and Audit 1
log backup – 10 TB

Software Modules

Following modules are mentioned in the RFP, which will be developed after the
detailed requirement analysis.
 Detainee profile module
 Phycological history management module
 Case management module
 Remand order/sentence execution management module
 Medical management module
 Prison sentence execution management module
 Parole, Clemency, and other pardon management module
 House arrest and island banishment execution module
 Community service execution module
 Rehabilitation framework management module
 Correlational facility management module
 Document management module
 Human resource management module
 Intelligence management module
 Correctional institute management module
Development Methodology

We follow Agile FDD (Feature Driven Development) based software development

approach, where there is a continuous planning, learning, improvement, team
collaboration, evolutionary development, that enables us to deliver the project on
In FDD, it is focused around “designing & building” features. At FDD we focus on a
very specific and short phases of work that must be accomplished separately per
feature. It includes domain walkthrough, design inspection, promote to build, code
inspection and design.
In case of this project there are multiple modules that uses the common data, once
the master data is created the modules can be developed, deployed, and tested

The breakdown of the process is as follows.

1. Object Modelling
2. Module Development
3. Design by Feature
4. Configuration Management
5. Regular Builds
6. Deployment & test results

The first and foremost thing is, we perform the requirement analysis & develop the
feature list of each module. We will be using the information collected during the
requirement analysis to create a list of the required features.
Once the feature list is developed, then we will start analysing the feature list by its
complexity & further plan. During the planning stage, all our team members will be
part of the feature list evaluation. Once the complexity assessment is determined
then the order in which each feature will implemented will be decided and team
members will be assigned to each feature set.
Our Architect will determine the feature that will be designed and built. He will also
determine the class owners and feature teams involved, while defining the feature
priorities. Part of the group will be working on technical design, part of the team on
the framework. By the end of the design stage, a design review is completed by the
whole team before moving forward.
This is the step where the user interfaces are built, as are components detailed in
the technical design, and a feature prototype is created. The unit is tested, inspected
and approved, then once the feature is completed then the feature is moved to the
main build.
To conclude, we have picked this Development practice as it is a practical Agile
approach & it has helped us for long-term & complex projects.
Technology Stack

Chat/Voice & Video 3rd Party Integration

Front end React / Javascript
Backend Node.Js
Database Mongo/ PostgreSQL
Web- Admin React / Javascript
Integration Reporting module
Web Server Ngnix
Cloud Ooredoo cloud server
ML Tools (Python Libraries) SCIKIT Learn, Keras, Tesnor flow

Development Resources

Man Duration
Program Manager 9 9 Months
Project Manager 9 9 Months
Architect 9 9 Months
Application Development Team with unit 90 9 Months
User Experience 18 2 Months
Front End Development Engineers 45 9 Months
QA Engineer 9 3 Months
QA Lead 9 9 Months
Deployment and Dev-ops 18 2 Months
ML, Analytics & Dashboards 9 3 Months
Development & Deployment effort - 225 Man Months
Post deployment and training, 2 Support Engineers will be provided for 5 Years or
as per the support requirement of the client
Total Effort – 345 Man Months


Date of Incorporation 2016 April

Average Annual turnover 500,000 USD
Biggest PO executed 1 M + Single order
Highlights of Projects
TELIBRAHMA is a software company enabling efficiency and automation, it has
helped many companies/organizations to develop solution for their operational
needs in both government & private verticals. TELIBRAHMA has developed many
traffic solutions like FTVR (Field Traffic Violation Record), eChallan Solution,
Traffic Signal Optimization in coordination with google, ANPR solution & Speed
Board solution.

TELIBRAHMA is working with Bengaluru Traffic Police to enable contactless and

contact-based challan generation, the contactless challans have helped police to
collect evidence-based offences and also collect the same in the contactless way
by integrating with payment applications.

TELIBRAHMA has also worked with Karnataka Police to roll-out eChallan across
the state & TELIBRAHMA is the first to deploy eChallan in India, eChallan was
deployed for Bengaluru Traffic Police in 2008.

TELIBRAHMA has come up with the innovative ways to address traffic police
problems, it has deployed 20 ANPR cameras to detect theft, fake vehicles on the
road and immediately alert traffic police, it also detects pending violations and
alerts traffic police to stop the vehicle on the road & take action.

TELIBRAHMA is also helping telecom operators & multinational organizations to

perform big data analysis to understand equipment failures, building test platform
to test software and IOT based equipment.

TELIBRAHMA has installed cameras in 16 locations at NICE to capture speed

enforcement on NICE road and send the violation challan to BTP.

To summarize we have implemented a secure & robust system, which is working

for last 15 years, the platform is handling more than 5000 clients & 50000 average
transactions per day. The platform does the transaction management and has
handled payments approximately of 50 Million USD till from the time it is deployed.

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