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Study Fourteen

A Few Thoughts from the Book of Titus

Thank God for Faithful People

Titus 3:12-15

We now come to the end of Paul’s letter to Titus. Paul’s faithful ministers of the gospel and co-laborers with Paul
“yours truly,” of his letter contains a list of names of special in the ministry. In these four men, we see:
friends, as well as parting instructions to Titus and the
churches. These friends were men that were being used by Faithful Men Sent by Paul
God and were faithful servants with him in the Gospel
ministry. As we saw in our last thoughts, in verses 9-11, Paul speaks of sending, “Artemas unto thee, or
Paul spoke of unfaithful people. He called them “hereticks” Tychicus.” He is talking about replacements for Titus.
in verse 10. Now, he speaks to faithful people, those that Seeing that Paul strongly stressed faithfulness on the part
were faithful servants and ministers of Jesus Christ. of Titus, it stands to reason that those whom he would send
In my opinion, one of the greatest compliments that to replace Titus would be considered by Paul as faithful
could be paid a person is that they are faithful Christians men as well.
and servants of the Lord. The Bible says of Moses in It reminds us that God uses faithful people to do His
Hebrews 3:5 that he “verily was faithful in all his house.” work. Paul would have never considered someone who
Paul spoke of himself as a faithful servant in 1 Timothy was not faithful as a replacement for Titus. He knew that
1:12, “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled God only uses faithful people. If you want God to use you,
me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the faithfulness is a prerequisite.
ministry.” One of the expectations of Christians and The first replacement he mentions is “Artemas.” We
servants of God is that they are faithful. The Bible says in 1 know nothing about Artemas. His name is most likely a
Corinthians 4:2, “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a shortened form of the name Artemidoros, meaning “gift of
man be found faithful.” One of the goals of our spiritual life Artemis.” This suggests that his parents worshipped the
ought to be that one day we will hear the Lord say, “Well Greek goddess Artemas. Here is a faithful minister of the
done, good and faithful servant” (cp. Matt 25:23). What gospel who had been saved from a pagan background. He
greater could be said of us than we were faithful to God and is a testimony of God’s saving power and the new life and
His Word? Lord that salvation produces.
King Joao V of Portugal (1689-1750) paid almost a Many faithful ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ
quarter of a billion dollars for the two words "Rei can testify to a life transformation by the saving power of
Fidelissimo" (Most Faithful King). The exact sum spent was Jesus Christ. Some of the greatest preachers I have ever
234 million dollars. In exchange for this fantastic sum, the known were rogues before God saved them. However,
king won the right to display these two words in his title. when they met Jesus, He changed their life, and now they
This breathtaking extravagance exhausted all the wealth are preaching the Gospel.
Portugal had extracted from Brazil up to that time. And John Newton is a good example of the saving power of
when the Most Faithful King died, there was not enough the gospel. Newton was a rough, dirty sailor with a foul
money in the treasury to bury him decently. A public mouth. He served as a captain of a slave ship, and his life
collection was necessary to defray the cost of the royal was marked by sin and degradation. But then He met the
burial. The title or testimony of faithfulness cannot be Savior, and his life was changed. He became a faithful
purchased. It is a testimony that is earned and achieved by minister of Jesus Christ. His ministry still touches the lives
the kind of life and service you give to the Lord. of Christians Sunday after Sunday. I doubt there is a
In chapter one, Paul specifically spoke to ministers. In Sunday without his great hymn, Amazing Grace, being sung
chapter 2, his focus was on members. As he closes his somewhere around the world.
letter, his words are addressed to both. In his closing Artemas reminds us that God can take unlikely
words, he speaks of: candidates and make them faithful servants. I do not care
what your past was like; God can take you, make
FAITHFUL MINISTERS something of your life, and use you for His honor and glory.
The second possible replacement that Paul mentioned
In verses 12-13, Paul mentions four ministers: is “Tychicus.” He is mentioned five times in the New
Artemas, Tychicus, Zenas, and Apollos. These men were Testament. His name means “fortunate,” and he was a

A Few Thoughts from the Word by Ken Trivette
faithful companion of Paul, as well as a faithful minister. He The second man that Paul tells Titus to bring with him
was with Paul on his missionary journey from Corinth to is “Apollos.” He is found on several occasions in the Bible.
Asia Minor. He is referred to by Paul as “a beloved brother In Acts 18:24-25, we read, “And a certain Jew named
and faithful minister in the Lord” (Eph 6:21). In Colossians Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in
4:7, Paul speaks of him not only as a “beloved brother, and the scriptures, came to Ephesus. This man was instructed in
a faithful minister” but also as a “fellowservant in the Lord.” the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake
He had been sent to Ephesus as a replacement for Timothy. and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only
Paul’s often references of him as a “faithful minister,” the baptism of John.” Apollos, an Alexandrian Jew, was a
describes someone dependable and committed to God’s great minister and preacher of the Word. When the Bible
work. Whatever his role in God’s work, he was dependable, speaks of him as “an eloquent man,” it means that he was a
trustworthy, and faithful. God uses people who take the fluent communicator. We would call him an orator. He was
work of God seriously. They make God’s work a priority “mighty in the scriptures.” He was a great student of God’s
and take their responsibilities seriously. Word and very skillful in the communication of the Word.
As Christians, whatever our place of service, it Apollos reminds us that a Christian should be a
deserves and demands our commitment. Thank God for student of the Bible. As Christians, we ought to love the
Sunday School teachers that are faithful. Thank God for Bible and take time to read and study the Bible. It is tragic
youth workers, choir members, deacons, and soul-winners that Christians, by and large, have so little knowledge of
that are committed to their place and work. That is the kind the Bible.
of people God uses and the kind of people that God expects. I think about a list of answers I once came across from
In verse 12, Paul mentions that he will spend the students that took a Bible knowledge test:
winter at “Nicopolis,” and he wants Titus to do everything
he can to join him. He says to Titus, “be diligent to come • The first book of the Bible is Guinessis in which Adam
unto me to Nicopolis.” In the meantime, he is praying about and Eve were created from an apple.
whom to send as a replacement. Whomever that • Noah's wife was Joan of Ark.
replacement will be, it will be someone faithful. • Lot's wife was a pillar of salt by day and a ball of fire
The second two men that Paul mentions are: by night.
• Samson slew the Philistines with the ax of the apostles.
Faithful Men Sent to Paul • Moses went to the top of Mt. Cyanide to get the 10
Artemas and Tychichus were men that Paul was • The seventh commandment is, "thou shalt not admit
considering sending as replacements for Titus. In verse 13, adultery."
he says to Titus, “Bring Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on • Joshua led the Hebrews in the battle of Geritol.
their journey diligently.” He now talks about two men • Solomon had 300 wives and 700 porcupines.
whom he wants to be sent to him.
• The people who followed Jesus were called the twelve
The first that he mentions is “Zenas the lawyer.” As
Artemas, we know nothing about Zenas. His name is an
• The epistles were the wives of the apostles.
abbreviation of Zenadorus which means “gift of Zeus.” This
• One of the opossums was St. Matthew.
suggests that he had been saved from a pagan background
• Paul preached acrimony, which is another name for
as Artemas. The only thing we really know about him is
that he was a lawyer.
I think about a couple of fellows that were walking • David fought the Finkelsteins, a race of people who
through a cemetery and came upon a gravestone that read, lived in Biblical times.
“Here lies so and so. A good man and a lawyer.” One said to • A Christian should have only one wife. This is called
the other, “Well, look here. Two men buried in the same monotony.
Lawyers do not always have a good reputation. In the I am not so sure some adults would do much better.
case of Zenas, we have a Christian lawyer. Zenas reminds Like Apollos, every Christian should desire to be a student
us that God uses people from all walks of life. God can take of the Bible. It is God’s Word. It reveals His plan and
professional people and use them for His honor and glory. purpose for your life. It gives you spiritual guidelines for
I have met professional people with a wonderful testimony living as a Christian and is the source of all spiritual growth
and witness for Jesus Christ. I praise God for Christian and strength. Therefore, we all should be students and, as
doctors, bankers, lawyers, and professional people who Apollos, “mighty in the scriptures.”
are not ashamed of Christ and are witnesses for him. When Paul speaks of Zenas and Apollos, he asks “that
Zenas also reminds us that no matter one’s field of nothing be wanting unto them” (Vs. 13). He wanted them to
employment one’s occupation, one can have a Christian be cared for so that they would lack nothing. Paul’s words
testimony. It matters not what you do; if you are a are a reminder that the Church is to be mindful of the needs
Christian, you should have a Christian testimony.

A Few Thoughts from the Word by Ken Trivette
of those who preach the Gospel and generous in meeting everyone is needed. The work is so great that it is
those needs. impossible for one person to meet those needs. Every
Artemas, Tychichus, Zenas, and Apollos; are four men Christian is to use their spiritual gifts and abilities in God’s
that were faithful ministers of the Lord Jesus. What work, so these needs are met.
excellent examples they are for each of us. Are you a worker? Paul’s words to Titus indicate that
Secondly, Paul not only speaks about faithful every Christian is to understand that they are to be
ministers, but he talks about: workers. I am to work, you are to work, and all of us are to
be faithful workers.
FAITHFUL MEMBERS Members are to not only be faithful workers but also:

He says in verse 14, “And let ours also learn to maintain Fruitful Workers
good works for necessary uses, that they be not unfruitful.”
The “ours” speaks of the members of the Church. Having In verse 14, he speaks of members “that they be not
given a closing word to ministers, Paul now has a few final unfruitful.” Faithfulness leads to fruitfulness. Jesus said in
words for the church members. First, Paul speaks of John 15:8, “Herein is my Father glorifed, that ye bear much
members as being: fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” Fruitfulness is to
characterize the life of the Christian. As Christians, we are
Faithful Workers to live fruitful lives. The spiritual fruit Paul primarily had
in mind is the lives of others. Winning people to Jesus is
He commands members to “maintain good works.” bearing fruit. Ministering to others and helping them is
Maintaining has the idea of faithfulness. Christians are to bearing fruit. Being used by God to help others grow in the
be faithful workers. They are to “learn” to be faithful. As Lord is bearing spiritual fruit.
Christians, we must learn that serving God and being Are you faithful? Are you faithful to God’s work?
faithful Christian workers is part of the Christian life. Some Are you fruitful? As a Christian, are you bearing
believe that the pastor and church staff are to do the work. spiritual fruit?
Every Christian is to be a worker. Paul closes his letter with verse 15, “All that are with
Paul speaks of “necessary uses.” He is talking about me salute thee. Greet them that loves us in the faith. Grace
pressing needs that exist and how Christians are to learn be with you all. Amen.” The word “salute” is equivalent to
to assist in these pressing needs. The idea is that the needs saying, “Peace be unto you.” In Paul’s final words to Titus,
are so great that it is beyond the pastor’s ability to meet he tips his hat to both ministers and members who were
them. Therefore, members assist and are involved in faithful to God.
meeting these needs. When it comes to the work of God, Can you be saluted for being faithful?

A Few Thoughts from the Word by Ken Trivette

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