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Outside The

Staff Meeting: Term 1 2023

Hē o te kotahi
Nō te tokomaha
One wrong decision -
everyone is affected
Karakia Kai
Whaka piri o ringa Hold your hands
Pani ki raro Bow your head

E te atua
Whakapainga ēnei kai
Hei oranga
Mō ō mātou tinana
Me ō mātou wairua hoki
Reading - 3 minutes

Looking at the curriculum

Key Messages
● Learning and safety go hand in hand
● Everyone shares responsibility for quality
learning and safety
● Understanding that we are all
accountable irrespective of our role for
keeping our children safe from harm
● The need to review EOTC events
Learning Safely
Learning and safety are paramount in
EOTC. While EOTC provides opportunities
for positive learning outcomes, there is the
potential for mishap if programmes are not
effectively managed. Schools have a legal
responsibility to keep learning
environments safe for children and staff.
Today we will be looking deeper into how
we are meeting our legal obligations &
deeper into
In The News - Links
● School Cycling Trip Ends in Injury for
Student (yellow)
● Waihī Beach drowning: Charges laid after
Hamilton student's death (lime)
● Apology for school trip injury (purple)
● Grieving mums can move on after 7 years
● School children injured in school bus crash
● School bus accident - 28 injured (red)
● Students seriously injured when trailer
ride overturns (MacIntosh)
EOTC News Articles
Find the teachers that have the same colour
Fruit Burst/lolly as you.

Read your news article.

● What are your first thoughts?

● Who is ultimately responsible? Be

Give a brief summary of your article and


your thoughts to the whole group.

Putting it into perspective
In New Zealand, fall related injuries
are the leading cause of
unintentional child injury resulting in
hospital admission, for children
aged 0 –14 years. The leading
cause is falls from playgrounds.
What does actually happen
and who is liable when
something goes wrong?

He kōhatu taka i te pari

e kore e taea te whakahokia
A stone fallen from the cliff can
never be returned
Accountability & Liability for All
Schools operate in an environment of statutory requirements and Ministry of Education policies and guidelines

The outer layer of figure 5.1 shows the statutory

requirements that schools need to meet.

The second layer of figure 5.1 shows that schools need

to follow Ministry of Education policies and guidelines.
These include the national curriculum, which sets the
direction for learning, and the EOTC Guidelines:
Bringing the Curriculum Alive (2016).

The third layer of figure 5.1 shows that schools need

to follow the safety management policies and systems
that they have developed themselves to maximise
student learning and safety. Statutory requirements
and Ministry of Education policies and guidelines must*
underpin these.

Central to the entire framework shown in figure 5.1 is

student learning and safety.
Accountability & Liability for All
The board of trustees, which includes the principal, is
responsible for the safety of all students and others
involved in EOTC programmes.
If there is an incident* during an EOTC event, a board may
be held accountable whether the incident is caused by the
actions or omissions of a teacher, volunteer assistant,
student, or provider contracted by the board.

If there is a failure to carry out due diligence; or to

develop and follow policies and procedures which keep
students, staff, and volunteers safe during the event; then
the board, and/or its officers (e.g., principal), and/or its
workers may be liable to prosecution.
Accountability & Liability for All
Whether such accountability will mean that the
board is legally liable for the incident will depend
on whether the board has complied with its legal
obligations when the school was planning and
implementing the EOTC activity.

Where the board, staff, and volunteers plan well

and follow good practice guidelines, the possibility
of legal liability, if anything goes wrong, will be
greatly diminished.
Importance of Assessing the Risk
Undertaking an EOTC event with someone else's
child gives us a duty of care to ensure that the
highest level of safety procedures are in place and
followed. Parents drop their children off school,
mostly without another thought. They trust us to
keep their child safe from harm, both emotionally
and physically. Never take that trust for granted, it
is a privilege.

With every EOTC event we need to identify the

risks involved and ensure we have a plan in place
that shows how we have to mitigate those risks as
well as knowing what to do if something goes

This means…..PAPERWORK
Worse Case Scenario
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015

The three major offences under

the Health and Safety at Work
Act 2015 are:

• Section 47: Offence of reckless

conduct in respect to duty

• Section 48: Offence for failing

to comply with duty that exposes
individual to risk of death or
serious injury or serious illness

• Section 49: Offence for failing

to comply with duty
Scenario - EOTC to Orana Park
The bus has just arrived at the carpark
at Orana Park. A student spots a friend from
another school across the carpark, rushes
off the bus, runs across the carpark to meet
their friend, gets hit by a car, and is in too
much pain to get up.

What preparation and planning will you have done

to be prepared for this scenario?
Using the Halswell School EOTC website, find the relevant information that

tells you what your immediate actions should be in this situation.

Halswell School EOTC
Fatality, Injury, Incident or Illness
-What level of incident requires reporting?

Sorting activity
Sort the cards into three categories:
● No follow up
● School incident form
● Notifiable event - notify Worksafe NZ
Fatality, Injury,
Incident or Illness
(If an incident occurs this is what
you do)
Levels of Responsibility

Health & EOTC

Board of Principal
Safety Team Co-Ordinator
Trustees (Tracey & Cathie)

Note: Student Teachers are

Teacher in
a volunteer External
Volunteers Charge,
EOTC Event
While all of the groups involved in
EOTC are in control of different
aspects, they have a shared, not sole,
responsibility for the quality of the
Teachers, i.e.,
learning and safety outcomes. Activity leaders

Other EOTC updates
● EOTC forms have been updated. The new website
and forms must be used from Term 1, 2023.
● Blanket Consent - What is blanket consent? How do
you know all your children have blanket consent?
● We are required to review our EOTC events and
report to the board. Team Leaders are responsible
for completing the reviews and EOTC Coordinators
will complete an annual board review.
● From the sorting activity today, we will create a
chart that shows what needs to be reported to
school or Worksafe and add it to the EOTC site.
EOTC Website - Scavenger Hunt
1. Name three shared understandings
2. Looking at roles and responsibilities - what is the
difference between the TIC and the teachers.
3. Find the risk assessment matrix - what colour
classifications support the event going ahead?
4. Find and read EOTC team review - how often
should you be reviewing EOTC events as a team?
5. What’s your most interesting FAQ?

FAQ: Any questions?

With any EOTC event
we plan, we want to
ensure everyone goes
home happy, healthy
and well
Let’s debate
Debating session - The risk to teachers hasn’t changed.

● Is learning outside the classroom worth all the

paperwork? Agree/Disagree

Split into two teams within your group

● Half Agree - Yes it is
● Half Disagree - No it isn’t

2 minutes to come up with your argument and begin

?’s & Clarifications
We are developing a FAQ’s page on the
website so if you have any questions, please
let us know and we will find the answer!
● What if only one child is representing the
school in an event?
● How often do you have to hand in the
EOTC for a recurring event, i.e., each
● ? - What’s your ?

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