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Food Safety and Standards Autharity ef india (FSSALis an autonomous body established
nder the Minstrvaf Heath &Farity Wefre, (iovenent ofndia. The FSSAJ has been
established under the ondSafery and Staxdards Ast. 2006 which is aconsolidating statute
related to foodsafety and reguiation 0ndia. FSSAI isresponsible for protecting and
promoting public helt through the resnlatinn and supervision of focd safet, The FSSA! has
its hadquarters ai New Deihi. The autihority aiso has 6 regional offices locatd
in Dclhi, Guwahati, Mumbai, Koikata, Cochl, and (heuna., 14 referral laboratories notified by
FSSAI/12 StateUT laboratories located throughout Indiz<and 112 laboratories
arç NABI accredited private laboratories notified by FSSAI.
FSSAl was estabiished by Government of India on 5 September 2008 under Food Safety and
Standards Act, 2006. 1he FSSAI consists of achairperson & 22members. The FSSAI is
responsible for setting standards for food so that there is one body to deal with and no confusion
in the minds of consumers, traders, manufacturers, andinvestors. Ministry cf Health & Famiiy
Welfare. (overnnent of lhdia is the AdministrativeMinistry of FoodSafety apd Standards
Authority of India. The following are the statutory powers that the FSS Act, 2006 gives to the
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).
1. Framing of regulations to lay down food safety standards
2. Laying down guidelines for accreditation of laboratories for food testing
3. Providing scientific advice and technical support to the Central Government
4. Contributing to thedevelopment of international technical standards in food
5. Collecting and collating data regarding food consumption, contamination, emerging risks
6. Disseminating information and promoting awareness about food safety and hutrition in

FSSAI is located in 3 rvgions
1. Northern Region - With head office at New Delhi
2. Eastem Region
3. North Eastern Region
4. Western region
5. Southern Region
of Health and Familv
The FSSAI functions under the administrative control of the Ministry
Welfare. The main aim of FSSAI is to

1. Lay down science-based standards for articles of food

2. To regulate manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import of
3. To facilitate food safety
Research and quality assrance
Research and Develop1nent
FSSAIhas set certain guidelines for food safety research. The
division is responsible for research with the following objectives:
upgrading food
1. Generate new knowledge that would help in continuously updating and
safety standards which are compatible with international organ1zations
2. Carry out evidence based studies for improving or building polhcies.
Quality Assurance
FSSAI has been nandated to perform various functions related to qualitv and standards of food.
These functions in addition to others include Laying down procedure and guidelines for
notification of theaceredited laboratories as per ISO17025" The FSSAl notified laboratories
that are classified as:

1. FSSAI notified NABL accredited labs- 112

2. State Labs-72
3. Referral Labs-14

Standards framed by FSSAlare prescribed under Food Safety and Standards (Food Product
Standards and Food Additives) Regulation, 2011, Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and
Labelling) Regulation,2011 and Food Safety and Standards (Contaninants, Toxins, and
Residues) Regulations, 2011.
The FSSAI has prescribed standards for following food products:
Dan y pioducts and ånalogues
Fats, uils and fat emulsions
Eruits and vegetable products
Cereai and cereal products
Meat and meat products
Eisi and fish products
Sweets & confectionery
Sweetening agents including honey
Sai, spices, condiments and related products
Beverages, (other than dairy and fruits & vegetables based)
Other fpod product and ingredijents
Proprietary food
Irradiation of food

Consumer outreach
Consumers can connect to FSSAI through various channels. Recent!y an onlne platform called
Food Safety Voice' has been launched which helps consumers to register their cOnplaints and
teedbacks about food safety issues related to adulterated food. unsafe fobd, substandard food,
labeling defects in food and misleading claims & advertisements related to various tood
products. A GAMA porial for concerns regarding misleading claims and advertisements toO 1s
Applicable FSSAI License
FSSAI issues three types of license based on natur of food business ànd turnover:
1. Registration: For Turnover less than 12 Lakh
2. State License: For Turnover between 12 Lakhto 20Crore
3. Central License: For Turnover above 20 Crore
Other criteria like the location of the business, number of retail stores ete. is needed while
evaluating the nature of license applicable

The FP0mark is a certificatiou mark mandatory on all processed fruit products sold in India
such as packaged fruit beverages, fruit-jams, crushes and squashes, pickles, dehydrated fruit
products, and fruit extracts. following the Food Safety and Standards Act of
2006. The FPO mark guarantees that the product was manufactured in hygienic 'food-safe'
environment, thus ensuring that the product is fit for consumption.

The standards have been in force since 1955 by the law of FruitProducts Order, after which the
mark is named, but the mark itself got a mandatory status only after the Food Safety and
Standards Act of 2006.A FPO license is, in fact, necessary tO start a fruit processing industry in

India. The agency that develops standards for this purpose and that which issues the mark is
the Ministry of Food ProcesSIIg 0ndustries of the Govornment of indi.
FPO starnds •or Fruit Products Order. Food process order or FPOmark is issued by the Ministry
of Food processing Industry which also develops the standards for this mark. The mark was
named after the law called Fruit Products offer. FPO mark guarantees that the productwas
manufactured in a hygienic environment and to the specifications and quality controi
requiremnents, thus ensuring that the product is fit for consumption.

FPO mark is a certification mark mandatory on all processed fruit products sold in India such as
packaged frut beverages, fiuit-jams, crushes and squashes, pickles, gehydrated frutt produca,
and fruit extracts, following the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006. FPO certification India
is effective since 1955, but becane mandatory only in 2006 after Food Safety and Standards Act,
promuigated under Section 3 of the Essential Commodities Act - ivil, wii an objective to
regulate the fruits and vegetable processing sector

The Ministry has launched many publicity campaigns to ciucate public as well as fruit
processors to understand its necessity and mandate. Ai! food processors a1e nnandated to have an
FPO license and carry out their operations abiding by the gusdelnes in order to be abie to
continue the business.

FPOcertification is mandatory for all food processing industries a:d it includes:

Synthetic beverages, Syrups and sharbat

Vinegar whether, brewed or Synthetic
Pickles, Dehydrated fruits and vegetables
Squashes, crushes, cordials, barley water
Jam, jellies and marmalades, Chutneys
Tomaiu products, ketchup and sauces
Preserved, candied and crystallised fruits and peels
Canned and bottled fruits, juices, pulps and vegetables
Frozen Fruit and vegetables
Sweetened aerated water with or without fruit juices and pulp
Fruit cereal Flakes

FPOcertification is a procss and one should follow each and every step wihile applving for FFO
registration or certification. FPO certification in India also applies to few nore fruit products
including Tomato products like tomato ketchup, tomato sauce and other vegetable juices.

Reieutural p e(Going and Mariketir Ad)

isa certification mark employed on agrictltural products in hia,dssuring that they
Conform to a set of standards approved by the Directorate of Marketing and lnspection, an
agency of the Government of lndia. The AGMARK Head Office at Faridabad (Haryana) is
legally enforced in India by the Agriculrural Produce (Grading and Marking) Aetaf 1937 (and
amended n 1986). The present AGMARK standards cover quality guidelines for 222 different

JOmnodities Spanning a
varicty of ut::, Eti, csial osls,
vegetables and se-proOceSsed produets ikc xom vcoetabie o1i8, fruits and
The terim agmark was coined by joining the
words 'Ag' to mean agriculture and 'mark for a
certification mark. This term was introduced originaliy in the billpresented in the
India for the Agriculturai Produce (Grading parliament of
andMarking) Act.
The entre system of Agnark, inchuding the name, was created by Archibald
Livingstone, Agricultural and Marketing Advisor to the Gover1ent of India, from 1934 16
1941.He was supported by a staff of several hundred. The system was desrgned to beneft
growers throughout ndia who were, in the absence ofa certihication as to quality,, 6xpos«d to
receiving less for their produce fro dealers tham its tve wortd.

Agmark Laboratorie_

The Agmark certificationis employed through fully state-owned Agmark laboratories located
across the nation which act as testing and certifying centres.In addition to the Central AGMARK
Laboratory (CAL) in Nagpur,there are Regional A(GMARK Laboratories (RALs) in 11 nodal
cities (Mumbai, New
Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Kanpur, Kochi, Guntur, Amritsar, Jaipur, Rajkot, Bhopal). Each of
the regional laboratories is equipped with and specializes in the testing of products of regiona!
significance.Hence the product range that could be tested varies across the centres.

Commodities and tesis

The testing done across these laboratories icluxke cheaicall amalysS, Hrcngbiolbgial:
analysis, pesticide residue, and afiatoxin anaBysis N whole spices, ground spices, gtee, buttar,
vegetable oils, mustard oil, hOney, foodgrains (wheat), wheat products (atta, sun
and maida), gram flour, soyabean seed, bengal gram,ginger, ot caxe, NON ccHble oil, oils and
fats, animal casings, meat and other food products.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an hicilldt.iàt bkandrd-setting
body composed of representatives from variouS national ssandavds rganizotions.
* Founded on 23 February 1947, the organization promotes worldwide proprietary, industrial and
commercial standards. It is headquartered in (Geneva. Switzerland,and works in 162 countries.
ISOoriginated from the union of two organisations - the 1SO (Hnternational Federation of the
Nationai Standardizing Associations) and the UNSCC (United Nations Standard Coordinating
In 1946 over 25 countris met at the Institute of Civii Engineersin lL.ondon tocreate a new
internationalorganisation, where the objective was to facilitate the international coordination
and unification of industrial standards' From this the new organisation !SO began operations ill
February 947. T'he word ISO is derived fronm the Greek }SOS meaning equal'.
* As the International Organization for Standardization would translate differently across different
languages itwas decided that the short form name for the organisation would be ISO.
*Today the ISO has grown to a confederation of delegatesrepresenting over i50 countries and has
published over 16,500 international standards. They meet on a reguiar basis to further develop
new and existing management standards.

There are three main reasons why companies adopt an iS0 management system:

To increase success on public and private tenders

To improve internal efficiency and reduce costs
Subliminal marketing -- by showing or logo on your marketing you prove to your prospective
clients you are credible.,


Are there any areas of your business you would like to improve':
Would you like to save time and money on recurring problems v eso0vng tihen: permanently
first time round?
Would you like to tender for contracts within your sector?
Would you like better utilisation of your time thouglh improved resourcemanagement?
Would you like to enhance the
customer/supplier relationship by responding pro-acti vely to
customer feedbaCk'"
Would you like10 see a improvcment n yor internal
Would you like io potentialiy reduce company on-going permit and
insurance fees?
Ii you can answer yes iG any oí the above questions ISO Certification may he for you.


Docv nent Control

lssuing a document with a reference and version number to ensure that the right
document, is in tlhc right place. at the right time.

Record Control

A record is a completed documeni (see above). Record control is an efficient method of

finding individual records. Jtcan also refer to how you file, remove, archive and destroy
individual records.

Internal Review

An in-depth review of your management system, to ensure you are on track for your end
of year validation audit. This also ensures the company satisfies internal audit
requirements laid out in the standard.


A non-conformance is when something happens within the business that wasn't planned.
This could be: Internal E.g Out of datc process /procedure, human error etc. External E.g
Customer complaints, supplier issues etc.

Corrective Actio
Aplan crated by management to rectify a non-conformance (see above), and to prevent
it from recurring

Preventative Açtion
Anaction toclarify andaddress potential risks to the business, with a view to reduce
future non-conformances.
The ISI, short for Indian Standards institute, is a cerieotiuu hari that is found on Many
Indian products.
ISI mark is a ..Ticain £k for industrial products inhi: The mark certifies that a product
confirms to the Indian Standard, mentioned as CMN-xXXXNXX On top of the mark,
developed tby
the B1ueau of lndian Standards (B1S), the national standards bodv of india.
The ISI mark is by
far the most recognized certification mark in the Indian
subcontinent. The name 1SI is an
abbreviation of Indian Standards Institute, the former name of the Bureau of Indian Standards.
The ISI mark is mandatory for certain products to be sold in India, lke many of the
appliances like switches, electric motors, wiring cables, heaters, kitehe appiances etc., and
other products like Portland cement, LPGvalves, LPG evlinders, autoioe tires etc.
In the
case of most other products it is voluntar to put an ISI
Difference between ISO and ISI

ISO and ISI are two different standard1zation organ1zations However. they d1ffer from each
other. ISO is an international standard1zation organization, while ISI is a mark by tlhe
Bureau of
Indian Standards.

ISO, short for International Organization for Standardization, is considered as the world's largest
developer of voluntary lnternational Standards The main purpose of a company is set to
standards for variIous products so that it is of a sign1ficant qual1ty when it is sold to the consumer.
ISO is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national
standards organizations. The organization was founded on 23 February 1947 and is
headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland The organization promotes worldwide proprietary,
industrial and comruercial standards,

According to the ISOwebsite, the international standards set by the organ1zation gives, *state of
the art specifications for products, services and good practice, helping to make industry more
efiicient and effective Sitis estabiishmeni, the establishacnt has pebiished nOre than 19,500
covering almost all aspects of technology and bus1ness. According to the entity, its goal is to
*ensure that products and services arè safe, reliable and of good quaity. For business. they are
strategic tools that redu¢e costs by minimizing waste and errors and increasing productivity
They help companies to access new markets, level the playing field for develop1ng countries and
facil1tate free and tau globai trade" The
organ1zation contans 163members from variOus

The ISI, short OT 0ndial Standards lnstitute. is a

certification mark that is found On many lndian
j»roducts. The ISi standards have been created by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS),
known as the Indian Standards Institute. This mark ensures that the
produet conforms the
standardsset forth by the BIS for sale. According to the The Bureau Of Indian Standards Act,
1986, BIS is the nationai Standards Bodv of india working under the aegis of Min1stry of
Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution. Government of India. The act was put into eftect
on 23 December 1986.

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the national Standards Body of India working under
theaegis of Ministrvof Consumer Affairs. Food& Public Distribution, Government of India. It
is established by the Bureau of Indian Standards Act 1986 wlich cane into effect on 23rd
December 1986 it has 25 imembers rawn from Central or State Governments, industry, seientiic
and research institutions, and consmer organisations. Its headquarters are in New Delhi, with
regional offices in olkata, Chennai, Mumbai, Chandigarh and Delhi and 20 branch offices. It
also works as VT)-TRT enquiry point for India.

BISwas founded to ensure uniformity in processes and quality of goods. Prior to this many
people wouldestablish any process tocreate a product or a service and would sell it for a pricc.
While,some created high quality products, others would create low quality products and sell it
for the samcpricc. The customer would have to pay because a company wanted a higher profit
margin. The BIS ensures that if the product or the service has a lSI m¡rk, then it is approved by
tbe BIS is a high quality product. The ISI mark is a mandatory mark for certain products to be
soid in india, even if they are imported. These products include: electrical appliances, (such as
switches, electric motors, wiring cables, heaters, kitchen appiances, etc.), cement, LPG valves,
cylinders, automotive tires, etc. In other cases, the ISI mark is voluntary. There has also been an
issue in India regarding fake and counterfeit marks being placed on produçts that are actyally not
acquired by the institute.

BIS has a chain of &laboratories. These laboratories have established testing facilities for
products of chemical, food, electrical and mechanical disciplines.

Standard formulation and promotion

One of the major functions of the Bureau is the for1nulation. recognitior and promotion of the
Indian Standards. As on 31 August 2016, 26552 Standards formulated by BIS, are in force.
These cover important segments of economy, which help tihe industry in upgrading the quality of
their products and serviGes.

BIShas identified 14 sectors which are important to Indian Industry. For formulation of Indian
Standard, it has separate Division Council to oversee and supervise the work. The Standards are
regularly reviewed and formulated in line with the technologicaldeve lopment to maintain
harmony with the laternational Standards.
Product Certification

For Indian manufacturers

Product Certifications are to be obtained voluntarily. For, some of the products like Milk
powder, Drinking Water, LPG Cylinders, etc., certification is mandatory. Because these products
are concerned with health and safety.

For foreign manufacturers

All foreign manufacturers of products who intend to export to India are required to obtain a BIS
product certification license. Towards this, BIS launched its Product Certification Scheme for
overseas manufacturers in the year 1999, Under the provisions of this scheme, foreign
manufacturers can seek certification from BIS for marking their product(s) with B1S Standard
Mark. If or otherwise, the foreign manufacturer has not signed an MoUwith BIS, ithas toset up
a liaison office in India with the permission of Reserve Bank of India. Otherwise, an authorised
representative or agent needs to be appointed by the foreign firm
For Indian importers

Indian importers who intend to get Certification Mark may apply for the license. However, the
assessment visit is paid to the original product manufacturer.
Management System Cerification

Management System Cerification Scheme ISISO 9001.

Envrommental Manayement vstem Certification Scheme JS/ISO 14001.
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systenn Certification Scheme IS 18001.
Hazard Analvs1s and Criical Controi Schenme IS/ISO 22000.
Service Quality Management System Certification Scheme IS 15700.
World HealthOraHatiüt

WHO response
The "WHO Globa! Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health was adopted in 2004 by
the World Health Assembly (WHA), It clied on govemments, WHO, international partners,
the private sector and civil society to take action at global, regional and local levels to support
healthy diets and physical activity.

WHO aims to facilitate global prevention, detection and response to public health threats
associated with unsafe food. Ensuring consumer trust in their authoritis, and confidence in
the safe food supply, is an outcome that WHOworks to achieve.:
To do this, WHOheips Member States build capacity to prevent, detect and manage
foodborne risks by:
providing independent scicntific assessments on microbiological and chemical bazards
form the basis for international food standards, guidelines and recommendations, known as
the Codex Alimentarius, to ensure food is safe wherever it originates;
assessing the safety of new tcchnologies used in food production, such as genetic
modification and narnotechnology:
heping improve national food systems and legal frameworks, and imnplement adequate
infrastructure to manage food safety risks. The International Food Safety Authorities Network
(INFOSAN) was developed by WHO and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
to rapidly share information during food safety emergencies;
promotng safe food handling through systematic disease prevention and
iranp materials, and
programnmes, through the WHO Five Keys to Safer Food message nd
!IN and for integrating
advocating for food safety'as an importanf component of lhealth
nternational Health
food safety into national policies and programmes in ne withthe
Regulations (|HR - 2005).
WHO works closely with FAO, the World (Organization for Anmal Health (OIE) and
nternational organizations to ensure food safety along the entire food chain from production
to consumption.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) i an agency that combats
first two
global hunger and promotes rural development. The FAO was born in 1945. In its
decades, FAO played the leading role in the global food and agriculture issue areas, overseeing
the establishment of important agreements and institutions, including the World Food
Programme (WFP).

There functions serve the following goals Help climinae hunger/ood nsecurity, and
malnutritione Make agriculture more productive and sustainable Reduce rural povertye)
Ensure inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems</ Protect livelihoods from disasterse
monitor the
These challenges highlight the importance of an international architecturc to (i)
performance of global food and agricultural systems, (i) ensure that countries can provide fool
security for their populations, and (i1) promote cooperation anong nations in solving problems
related to food and agriculture systems.
and Social
The FAO has eight departnents: Agriculture and Consuner Protection; Economic
Development; Fisheries and Aquaculture, Forestry; Corporate Services, Human Resources
Finance:; Natural Resources Management and Environment; and Technical Cooperation.
member states.
the FAO is funded by assessed (obligatory) and voluntary contributions by
FAO conference.
Member states' assessed contributions are established at the biennial
Kood and Drug Adninistratioi
The FDATegulates a wde 1ange of prodi ucts,
inchudng foods (except for aspects of some mneat,
poultry and egg products. vhich ac tegulaicd by the US Department of
Agriculture), hurman
and veterinary drugs. vaOnes and other biological products, medical devices
intended for
human use, rad1ation-cmitmg elccironic

FDAMission The Food and Dug Admin1stration is responsible for protecting the public health
by ensurng the safcty, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products,
and medicaldevices, and ty cnsuring the safety of our nation's food supply, cosmetics, and
products that emit radiation.

The FDA is responsible for protecting and ptomoting public hcalth through the control and
supervision of food safety, to bacco products, dietary supplements, prescription and over-the
counter pharmaceutical drugs (medications), vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusions,
medical devices, electromagnetie radiation

Hazard Analysis and Criticai Controi Points or HACCP is a systematic preventive approach to
food safety from bioiogical, chemica!, and physical hazards in production processes
that can cause the finished product to be unsafe, and designs measurements to reduce these
risks to a safe levei.

(HACCP is important because it prioritizes and controls potential hazards in food production.
By controlling major food risks, such as microbiological, chemical and physical contaminants,
the industry can better assure cons1mers that its products are as safe as goodscience and

technology allows.
7Steps of HACCP:

Conduct a Hazard Analysis.

Jdentify Critical Control Points.
Establish Critical Limits

Establish Monitoring Procedures.

Establish Corrective Actions
Establ1sh Verification Procedures
Record Keeping Procedurc

1. Conduct a hazard analysis
Plan to determine the food
safety hazards and dentify the
can apply to control these reventive measures the plan
hazards. Afood safety hazard is any
physical property that may cause a food to be biological, chemical, or
2. unsafe for humlan consumption.
ldentify critical control points
A Define (o.m)
critical control point (CCP) is apoint, step,
process at which control can be applied and, as a procedure in a food imanufacturing
prevented, eliminated, or reduced to an acceptableresult, a food safety hazard can be
3. level.
Establish critical limits for each critical
A criticallimit is the maximum or
minimum value to wihich a physical,
chemical hazard must be controlled at a biological, or
reduce that hazard to an critical control point to prevent,
acceptable level. eliminate, or
4. Establish critical control point monitoring
Monitoring activities are necessary to ensure that the
critical control point. In the United process iS under control at each
States, the i requires that each monitoring
procedure and its frequency be listed in the
5. HACCP plan.
Establish corrective actions
These are actions to be taken when
critical limit. The final rule monitoring indicates a deviation trom an
requires a plant's HACCP plan to identify the established
actions to be tak7en if a critical limit is
not net. Corrective corective
that no product is injurious to actions are intended to ensure
health otherwise adulterated as a
enters commerce. result if the deviation
6. Establish procedures for ensuring the
HACCP system is working as intended
Val1dation cnsures thai1he plants do whai
successful in ensuring ine they were
production of a
designed to do; that 1s,
they i
their cwH safe product. Plants will be
HACCP plans. FSISwill not approve required to validate
review them for
conforinance with the final ruje. HACCP plans in advance, but will
Verification ensures the HACCP plan is
Verification procedures may include suchadequate, thatas is, working as intended.
records, critical limits and microbial activities review of HACCP plans, CCP
HACCP plan inciuie verification taskssampling and analysis. FSIS is
to be performed by plant requiring that the
tasks would also be perforned by
FSIS inspectors. Both FSIS and
personnel. Verification
microbial testing as one of severai industry will undertake
Veriication als inchudes validation' - the process activities.
of finding evidence for the
of the HACCP system (e.g. scientific evidence for accuracy
7. Establish record critical limitations).
keeping procedures
The HACCP regulation requires that all
plants maintain certain documents,
hazard analysis and writen HACCP plan, and including its
records documenting the monitoring of
critical control points, critical limits,
activities, and the handling of
proçessing deviations. 0mplementation involves monitoring,
the daily work that is compliant with verifying, and validating of
regulatory requirements in all stages all the time.
The differences among thOse three
types of work are given by
and Food Saskatchewan Agriculture
The seven HACCP principles are
included in the international standard ISO 22000 FSMS
This standard is a complete food safety and 2011
quality m¡nagementshporang
elements of prercquisiteGood mon u4 ProceS Standord
pro grammes(GMP & SSOP), HACCP and the quality OPeratinq
system,which together form an organization's Total management
Quality Management system.
FDAendorses the voluntaró implementat:on of fond safety vavagenent s s in retai!
and food service establishments. The goai in applw g HAe DrìChes n retail and food

service is tohave you, the operator, take purposefuiactians t0 ensre safe inad

It is apoint, step or proçédure at which controls can h applid and ir d safet nazard can be
prevented. eliminated or reduced io accep :h}e (critical} leeis The:0st o)R CCP IS
cooking, where food safety managers desnate criticei nts
Good manufactwÍing practices ((GMPsi cohe he criinns ad raes ittat are necessry
to the rianufacturing. processing, packing or storage of foad io ensue its setv and

woiesoene Ss. Thc GMP reulations :re ies1gneio be t h ' i ) n andards for

ti:food industry


Fish end fishery p: nducts

Fresh-cut produce
Juce and nectar products
Meat and poulty products
School food and services
o ndan
Stand ay d aitdtn
FAo - Food cah d Aqrirulkuno ) aneiation
Food and Adminstrin
WHo World Health
CMARk => Aqriewltora!

1so eor for Stando


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