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>>0 briefing_01-------------

Following a dispute with his son Gruffudd in 1221, Llywelyn Fawr took over his
territories of Meirionnydd and Ardudwy in southern Gwynedd and began to build
Castell y Bere. The castle was built on an elongated plateau of rock in the upper
Dysynni valley. On the 25th April 1283, Castell y Bere was surrendered to King
Edward's forces. Castell y Bere was the last of the Welsh castles to fall to
Edward. But despite the King's attempt to quell forcibly any resistance by his
ambitious castle building scheme, the Welsh rebelled in 1294, and the self-
proclaimed Prince of Wales, Madog ap Llywelyn led the North Wales mob. By the time
they were stamped out in the following year, Castell y Bere was a gutted shell.
All that remains today is a few pieces of rock and the outline of the huge keep.

>>1 rt_taunt_01-------------
You impudent upstart, I shall take great delight in dispatching you myself.

>>2 briefing_02-------------
Angers, the Capital of the historic province of Anjou, is considered one of the
most beautiful cities in France. Foremost among its many notable structures is the
magnificent twin-spiraled cathedral of Saint Maurice. The castle of Angers is an
extensive complex of fortifications. At the base of the towers are slopes, which
would have functioned as a typical medieval way to stop battering rams. Originally
the semicircular towers around the castle perimeter were much taller.

>>3 briefing_03-------------
Guadamur was built in the latter half of the 15th century by D. Pedro Lopez de
Ayala and is located approximately 12 Kilometers West of Toledo. Often referred to
as one of the most aesthetic castles in Spain, Guadamur castles lies on a flat
plain of land, unlike most Spanish castles which are built on large hills, while
the fortifications are not as substantial as most castles of its period. The
castle was burned by French invaders in 1809 and remained in ruins until its
restoration in the late 19th century.

>>4 briefing_04-------------
Coucy Castle started as a small wooden tower on a stone base back in 920 by Herve,
Archbishop of Rheims who was eager to protect his territory of Coucy against
invasion. Over the years it was then expanded into the fortress it is today.
First, Enguerrand II had the courtyard chapel erected in the 11th century. Next it
was Enguerrand III that had the current castle placed in the 13th century but he
died in 1242. But it was Enguerrand V who did the majority of the work,
transforming the small fortress into a giant palace. In 1540 the castle had new
fortifications placed on it to reflect the period. Then there was a small siege
lasting 3 months in 1652, after the governor of the Duke of Orleans refused to give
the castle to the royal troops, but this ended when the castle surrendered. At
this point Mazarin decided to dismantle the fortress since it had become too much
of a threat to the King's power. The castle was later bought by Louis-Philippe for
6000 Francs.

>>5 briefing_05-------------
Gluecksburg castle is completely surrounded by a natural lake and is considered to
be the most important example of renaissance architecture in Schleswig-Holstein.
Nikel Karies, a master builder from nearby Flensburg, built the castle between 1583
and 1587. In 1848, during the Schleswig-Holstein uprising, the Danish devastated
the castle but King Friedrich VII chose it as his summer residence some years later
and had it refitted.

>>6 rt_taunt_02-------------
Oh yes, I bet now you're worried, my imperial troops will soon be upon you.

>>7 rt_taunt_03-------------
My instructions have been given. My plans have been made. No one will escape from
your pathetic settlement.

>>8 ap_milit_01-------------
Sir, De Puce's men have arrived! We can't allow them to give away our position.

>>9 briefing_06-------------
Harlech castle can be found half a mile from Tremadoc bay in Wales. Harlech was
created by King Edward I as part of an iron ring of castles surrounding the coastal
fringes of Snowdonia. The ring of castles intended to prevent the region ever
again becoming a focal point of insurrection and a last bastion of resistance. The
defenses of Harlech castle were first tested in 1294 when a 37 strong garrison
fought off Welsh besiegers. In the following century the castle was neglected but
was repaired before being besieged again by Owain Glyndwr and was captured in 1404.

>>10 briefing_11-------------
The German castle of Wartburg sits on a hill looking over the town of Eisenach,
Thuringia. The castle, which started construction in around 1067 by Ludwig the
Leaper, sits on top of a mountain crest 1300 feet above sea level. During ten
months between 1521 and 1522, Wartburg Castle provided refuge for Martin Luther.
During this time Luther translated the Old Testament into German. Other famous
people known to have stayed at the castle over the centuries includes the saint,
Elizabeth of Hungary who was the wife of Ludwig IV.

>>11 briefing_07-------------
Haut-Koeninsbourg Castle is located in Alsace, France. This castle is the last of
several to be built on the Staufenberg overlooking the Rhine plain. The view from
the highest tower over looks the small town of Colomar. Standing an impressive 757
meters (2498ft) up in the mountains the castle is in a very obvious defensive
position, but still came under a lot of struggles until in 1899 it was left in a
ruin. It was later that Guillaume II bought the castle in this state and had it

>>12 briefing_08-------------
The Normans commonly used this standard design of Motte and Bailey castle as a
quick means of fortifying lands without spending too much time, manpower or
resources. They could easily invade a country, erect a Motte and Bailey style
castle, before leaving a few men to guard it and continue with the invasion. The
Motte (Hill with the keep on top of it) was a man-made mound of earth where
anything important to the castle was kept, while the Bailey, kept other not so
important things safe. Some Motte and Bailey castles had more than one Bailey.

>>13 briefing_09-------------
On the summit of Jettenbühl, which dominates the Eastern portion of the city of
Heidelberg, is Heidelberg castle, also known as the red walled castle and is
thought to have been built over several slow, small steps between the 14th and 17th
century. The castle is noted for not having any uniform constructional plan and no
common building line. It was neglected after being occupied during the thirty
years' war (1618-1648) but was repaired after being turned over to Bavaria before
being reduced to ruins by French troops in 1689. The castle was then damaged some
more by a lightning storm in 1764 before being partly restored during the Romantic

>>14 briefing_10-------------
The castle of Javier is located in the province of Navarra, Spain, and is
approximately 30 Kilometers Southeast of Pamplona. Javier is thought to be a fine
example of Spanish military architecture and was originally constructed in the 10th
century as an Arab Fortress. The Arab contributions to the castle, however, have
since been replaced or were heavily modified during subsequent centuries. The
tower of homage (or Keep), which can be seen through the main gate of Javier, is
the oldest known fortification tower in Navarra and built during the latter part of
the 10th century. The rest of the castle was then built around this tower in the
11th century. By the early 16th century the castle was very well renown for its

>>15 ap_milit_03-------------
Our scouts report another group of the Rat's men heading in our direction. Are we
ready for them?

>>16 ap_milit_04-------------
The cowards have run, sir! We can't catch them. They'll give us away for sure.

>>17 ap_milit_05-------------
They're coming! To the ramparts!

>>18 rt_taunt_04-------------
You fool, you will soon pay for meddling in the affairs of your superiors.

>>19 wf_taunt_01-------------
Your time on this earth is limited. Time to say your prayers.

>>20 wf_taunt_02-------------
I will kill you soon, you and all your vermin.

>>21 wf_anger_01-------------
You anger me. You will pay dearly.

>>22 rt_taunt_05-------------
Frightened? The glorious forces of De Puce will brush you aside... as I would
brush a fly from my arm.

>>23 sn_plead_01-------------
Oh spare me, I wanted only to be your ally, really I did.

>>24 sn_taunt_01-------------
Ah...yes... it's time to die.

>>25 sn_taunt_02-------------
Presently...swiftly...I shall be upon you.

>>26 rt_taunt_06-------------
Prepare to grovel before me in my court. You do not have what it takes to defeat
the likes of me.

>>27 ap_milit_06-------------
Duc de Puce wishes to meet us in this valley surrounded by cliffs. It looks like
someone has moved some of the boulders to the edge of the cliff.

>>28 ap_milit_07-------------
It's a trap! Sir Longarm was right.

>>29 ap_civil_01-------------
Animal tracks have been reported in the area sire.

>>30 ap_civil_02-------------
Scouts are reporting that packs of wolves are closing in on the castle. We must
get the supplies stored.
>>31 ap_civil_03-------------
The wolves are on the prowl, sire!

>>32 ap_civil_04-------------
Here they come again, sire!

>>33 ap_civil_05-------------
We'll have to work fast. These wolves are everywhere.

>>34 ap_milit_08-------------
You again! How did you get in here without me knowing? No matter, i'll send some
of my troops to dispatch you.

>>35 ap_milit_09-------------
The castle is under attack! Quickly, get the men to the walls.

>>36 ap_milit_10-------------
I have had a change of heart. Due to the recent increase in army wages, I will
need you to supply me with more ale. Still a fair trade don't you think?

>>37 ap_milit_11-------------
My counties have been hit hard by the storms this season. I am afraid I will need
even more ale to raise money for the troops.

>>38 ap_civil_06-------------
Dire news, sir, Duc Truffe (the Pig) has just taken one of the neutral counties.

>>39 ap_civil_07-------------
The shipment of ale has been completed and sent to the Snake. Hopefully the
reinforcements he promised will arrive soon.

>>40 ap_civil_08-------------
The troops promised by the Snake have arrived sire.

>>41 ap_milit_12-------------
I must retake my castle Pig. I need help.

>>42 ap_milit_13-------------
Shut up! I have sent a troop of men to your castle. Command them and they will
retake it.

>>43 ap_civil_09-------------
I have retaken the county wrongfully claimed by the Snake.

>>44 ap_milit_14-------------
N, n, n no please!

>>45 ap_civil_10-------------
Sir Longarm has left on a ship to negotiate with the King's captors.

>>46 ap_milit_15-------------
The Wolf's swordsmen are here. We're doomed!

>>47 ap_milit_16-------------
Not bad. I will not underestimate you the next time.

>>48 ap_civil_11-------------
Here, take this; the crossbow design contained in these pages will help you against
your new foes. We pray that it is enough.
>>49 ap_milit_17-------------
This time I will take you down.

>>50 ap_civil_12-------------
Sire, we should have our fletchers build crossbows as soon as possible. We must be
ready when the Wolf's men return.

>>51 ap_civil_13-------------
We have found some gold in the Snake's treasury , sire, but we still do not have
enough for the ransom. We will have to raise the rest of the gold by other means.

>>52 ap_milit_18-------------
The Snake's men have been spotted, what now sire?

>>53 ap_milit_19-------------
Yes, I led you father into the trap but I swear I didn't kill him myself. Please,
no, arrgghhh!

>>54 ap_civil_14-------------
I have returned with the King and together we have taken back another county.

>>55 ap_civil_15-------------
We have taken back control of another county and our numbers are growing.

>>56 ap_civil_16-------------
Our march continues and we have taken back another county.

>>57 ap_civil_17-------------
We have news that the King has walked in unopposed to take another county.

>>58 ap_milit_20-------------
Squeal, choke, gargle.

>>59 rt_taunt_07-------------
Oh... about to retreat are we, well it's no use groveling now.

>>60 rt_taunt_08-------------
Ah hah, I the mighty De Puce, your nemesis... will soon triumph over your so-called

>>61 rt_anger_01-------------
Arrrrggh, my stupid troops can't... won't arrgh... didn't follow my... foolproof

>>62 rt_anger_02-------------
Oh bother it and... and... and... oh I lost again...

>>63 rt_anger_03-------------
Not again... I don't believe it... I'm surrounded by idiots... how can YOU have
beaten my troops.

>>64 rt_anger_04-------------
The world has gone crazy... I, I, I should have destroyed you.

>>65 rt_plead_01-------------
Please, please, please don't hurt me, please.

>>66 rt_plead_02-------------
No, No, Not little Ratty. It wasn't me it was the others. They made me do it.

>>67 rt_plead_03-------------
Things are going well aren't they?? Yes erm, I er think they er must be erm?

>>68 rt_vict_01-------------
Ratty wins again, Ratty wins again, hee hehe hee.

>>69 rt_plead_04-------------
No need to panic Ratty, no need to panic, stay calm, stay calm.

>>70 rt_vict_02-------------
My plans worked perfectly, you are no match for me.

>>71 rt_vict_03-------------
I am victorious... and as for you!

>>72 rt_vict_04-------------
So my glorious army triumphs again, you are history.

>>73 sn_taunt_03-------------
It's over my friend. Lets face it... you've lost.

>>74 sn_taunt_04-------------
Still alive! Well not for much longer.

>>75 sn_taunt_05-------------
Can you hear it hmmm? That's your death drawing near.

>>76 sn_taunt_06-------------
Too bad you must die, I was enjoying our little game.

>>77 sn_taunt_07-------------
Ah, the little hero... well I may have a surprise for you.

>>78 sn_taunt_08-------------
Oh it's you. You're kind of persistent aren't you!

>>79 sn_anger_01-------------
Grrrragh... Why are you here? You are ruining my plans. Why don't you go away?

>>80 sn_anger_02-------------
Not again... I am sick of you persistence... next time you will not be so lucky.

>>81 sn_anger_03-------------
Arrrrrgh... You severely try my patience. I will remove you yet.

>>82 sn_anger_04-------------
Who are you to challenge me and my right to rule in these lands?

>>83 sn_plead_02-------------
My most gracious lord, spare my life, you misunderstand me.

>>84 sn_plead_03-------------
Oh I think I might just er...

>>85 sn_plead_04-------------
Ah... time to leave...
>>86 sn_vict_01-------------
Oh dear, you seem to have lost. Never mind, why don't you try again.

>>87 sn_vict_02-------------
Am I victorious? Oh yes I am, ha ha ha ha ha.

>>88 sn_vict_03-------------
Lost again have we? Maybe you are not up to the job hmm!

>>89 sn_vict_04-------------
Winning all the time really is getting rather tiresome.

>>90 pg_taunt_01-------------
Wuhhararah. I'm coming to kill you.

>>91 pg_taunt_02-------------
No prisoners, everyone dies, hrruuh.

>>92 pg_taunt_03-------------
You are pig food. My men will crack your bones.

>>93 pg_taunt_04-------------
Blow the horn, bang the drum. The Pig is coming to town!

>>94 pg_taunt_05-------------
How do you want to die? I have lots of ideas to put to you.

>>95 pg_taunt_06-------------
Run away little chicken, I going to clip your wings, wurhhararah.

>>96 pg_taunt_07-------------
Stamp, stamp, stamp... That's me on your head... I will CRUSH you.

>>97 pg_taunt_08-------------
The Pig's men know no fear, the Pig's men are almost here, there's going to be

>>98 pg_anger_01-------------
RRaahhh, you mess with me... you'll pay, you'll pay...

>>99 pg_anger_02-------------
I will KILL you. I will kill you.

>>100 pg_anger_03-------------
NO, NO, No... this doesn't happen to the Pig, I never lose...

>>101 pg_anger_04-------------
Wwwwaarrggh, I am mad, I will smash you to pieces, into little bitsy pieces.

>>102 pg_plead_01-------------
No Pig not die, no, no, no...

>>103 pg_plead_02-------------
Help, Help, I want to live...

>>104 pg_plead_03-------------
Pig not like this. Maybe Pig in trouble.

>>105 pg_plead_04-------------
What is wrong? What is happening to me?

>>106 pg_vict_01-------------
I win, I win, I win... No one beats the Pig.

>>107 pg_vict_02-------------
This is too easy. FIGHT harder.

>>108 pg_vict_03-------------
Pig wins again, get ready to die... slowly!

>>109 pg_vict_04-------------
You die, I will skin you alive... myself ah hah ha hah.

>>110 wf_taunt_03-------------
You have caused me much grief and I now intend to repay that debt.

>>111 wf_taunt_04-------------
I will tear down your castle, stone by stone if I have to, but I will have your

>>112 wf_taunt_05-------------
My men approach, you will trouble me no more.

>>113 wf_taunt_06-------------
Soon you will see what it means to wage real warfare.

>>114 wf_taunt_07-------------
I am sick of your interference in my affairs, this time YOU WILL DIE.

>>115 wf_taunt_08-------------
Like your father before you, you are no match for me, boy.

>>116 wf_anger_02-------------
Damn you boy, I will have revenge.

>>117 wf_anger_03-------------
Arrgh, watch your back. You will feel my bite.

>>118 wf_anger_04-------------
Is there no one who will rid me of your irritating presence?

>>119 wf_plead_01-------------
Kill me now. I will not kneel before you.

>>120 wf_plead_02-------------
I shall return, you have not seen the last of me.

>>121 wf_plead_03-------------
Maybe I have underestimated you a little?

>>122 wf_plead_04-------------
You fight better than your father. I will at least give you that.

>>123 wf_vict_01-------------
I win you lose.

>>124 wf_vict_02-------------
You are weak and not fit to command an army.
>>125 wf_vict_03-------------
Just like your father before you, you fall before me.

>>126 wf_vict_04-------------
It gives me great pleasure to announce, you're finished.

>>127 briefing_12-------------
Leeds castle is a Norman castle that was first built 900 years ago by Henry I
(William the Conqueror's son). The castle is named after the village of Leeds in
Kent, of which the Saxon name would have been 'Esledes'. Leeds castle has had
quite an extensive history including being home to at least six Queens during the
medieval period and the main residence of Henry VIII who spent a lot of money and
time updating the castle while still retaining its defenses. Once, during the 17th
century, Leeds was used as a prison for 600 captured French and Dutch sailors.
During this time the prisoners managed to set fire to the castle and the entire
Eastern wall fell into the moat and was not repaired until 1822, Nowadays, Leeds is
still standing amongst 500 acres of beautiful parkland. The river Len feeds the
moat of Leeds.

>>128 briefing_13-------------
Monteriggioni is without doubt one of the most classical and best-known Italian
walled towns. The walls, which are still nearly intact today, cover a length of
570 meters and are alternated by 14 towers and two gates. The Senese gate rises at
the base of a tower while the gate facing towards Florence is defended from one of
the towers of the fortified perimeter wall. The hill where Monteriggioni rises is
natural, even though it does seem to resemble the artificial hills used for the
Normans mighty Motte and Bailey castles. The walls are circular and were placed by
following the ground's natural curves. The town itself was built by the Senesis in
the years 1213-1219 on a hillock at Dominion and overlooks the Cassia road.

>>129 briefing_14-------------
Arnold Von Isenburg, Archbishop of Trier built the fortress of Stolzenfels around
1250 on a rocky spur overlooking the Rhine, upstream from Koblenz, to secure the
surrounding terrain. In 1688 the troops of Louis XIV of France destroyed
Stolzenfels during the war of the Palatinate Succession. In 1802 the ruins came
into the possession of the city of Koblenz, which presented them to the Prince of
Prussia, later King Friedrich Wilhelm IV in 1823. The castle was then rebuilt in
the years afterwards as a way to celebrate German chivalry, culture and history and
promote the Rhine as a symbol of national freedom.

>>130 briefing_15-------------
William the Conqueror chose the site for Windsor, England's largest castle, 900
years ago in 1070 and was designed with the intention of guarding the western
approaches to London. Starting life as a simple wooden stockade, it was to be the
first of a chain of fortifications built around London by the Normans to control
the South-East of England. Each castle in the chain would be no more than a days
march on foot in case of invasion. Windsor's commanding position, on a hill
overlooking the Thames, was the natural place for the principle building in the
area at the time. Windsor has only ever been the scene of military action twice -
in both cases a siege, and within only 22 years of each other, in 1193 and 1215.

>>131 briefing_16-------------
Carisbrooke Castle is situated on the small island of the Isle of Wight and covers
a huge seven-acre site. The castle, which was built on Saxon fortifications, has
features of Saxon culture dating back to the 8th century, which can clearly be seen
running below the Norman Keep. The Saxon burhs were originally designed to defend
England against the Vikings. Back when Carisbrooke was a Saxon castle, William the
Conqueror thought that it was such an important structure that he gave it to his
Kinsman, William FitzOsbern, who began the daunting task of turning the old Saxon
burh into the Norman castle by building a campaign fort in one corner. During the
hundred-years war, King Stephen laid siege to Carisbrooke, which at that time, was
in the possession of Baldwin de Redvers. Baldwin held fast for a while but had to
surrender when the castles water supply ran out. Later in 1377, the French
attacked the castle but retreated when the French commander was killed. The
remaining French troops were then made to pay gold to finance the rebuilding of
Yarmouth, which they had burned earlier. At its peak Carisbrooke had over 3000
soldiers garrisoned in its grounds at one time.

>>132 briefing_17-------------
The site that Dunnottar is built on is an impressive site. Even if there were no
castle there, the site would still not fail to impress. An enormous flat-topped
rock standing 160 feet above the North sea with sheer cliffs on three sides and the
sea smashing at the base, the castle could have possible been one of the hardest
castles to siege in the UK. The site was chosen in Pictish by Saint Ninian as a
place of strength and as somewhere to retreat in times of need. Dunnottar castle
is in such a good tactical position on the cliffs that there once a siege against
the castle where only 70 men held out for an astounding 8 months. Dunnottar has
seen many famous people over the centuries, some of which included William Wallace,
Mary Queen of Scots and the Marquis of Montrose. More famously though was the time
that the castle held out against the might of Cromwell's army for eight months and
saved the Scottish Crown Jewels (also known as the honors of Scotland). Afterwards
they managed to keep the Jewels hidden for nine years while the English army
searched in vain.

>>133 ap_milit_02-------------
They've found us sir! What are your orders?

>>134 ap_civil_18-------------
His Majesty thanks you for your work. On his return he has plans for you.

>>135 ap_civil_19-------------
You have failed to deliver. The King has found a new position for you.

>>136 ap_civil_20-------------
The shipment of weapons is due in 5 years my lord.

>>137 ap_civil_21-------------
The shipment of weapons is due in 4 years my lord.

>>138 ap_civil_22-------------
The shipment of weapons is due in 3 years my lord.

>>139 ap_civil_23-------------
The shipment of weapons is due in 2 years my lord.

>>140 ap_civil_24-------------
The shipment of weapons is due in 1 year my lord.

>>141 ap_civil_25-------------
The King notes well your victory this day. With the enemy crushed, the kingdom is
safe... for now.

>>142 ap_civil_26-------------
The castle is lost. What hope is there now for the kingdom?

>>143 ap_civil_27-------------
You have done well thus far. One enemy has fallen back, but another more deadly

>>144 ap_civil_28-------------
The enemy approaching you is too great. The King has sent back a company of
archers to aid you.

>>145 ap_civil_29-------------
The King's archers have arrived.

>>146 briefing_18-------------
When William the Conqueror (at the time known as William of Normandy) defeated
Harold (Edward, King of England's brother) at Hastings on October 14, 1066, he was
crowned King of England and immediately started to build small forts around the
face of England. One such fort, situated in the Southeast of London, near an old
Roman wall on the North bank of the river Thames, was chosen by William to be
removed and replaced with a mighty stone Stronghold. This new tower was to be a
symbol of power and a place of defense as well as a prison for his enemies. He
named this new fort the Tower of London. The finished tower was, impressively,
over a hundred feet tall and its walls almost 15 feet thick in places and took
twenty years to finish. From that moment on the tower became the center of many
historical events. One such important incidence happened on May 19th, 1536, when
Anne Boleyn was executed under Henry VIII's orders after she gave birth to a girl
(Queen Elizabeth I) instead of a boy (although King Henry's reason for her
beheading was that she had committed misconduct). Elizabeth herself was then
thrown into the tower dungeons after her half sister Queen Mary felt she was
threatening her throne. The public, who knew Elizabeth to be innocent, went into
an outcry and eventually, on May 19th 1554, she was released. Three years later,
in 1558, Elizabeth was coroneted and became the Queen of England. Today the Tower
of London covers 18 acres of land and is an important site both historically and as
a tourist attraction and landmark. The tower, due to its impressive defensive
capabilities, also held (and still holds) the crown jewels.

>>147 briefing_19-------------
Edinburgh castle sits on top of an old volcano top, a staggering 437 feet from sea
level. It has been used as a fortified point in Scotland for at least 2000 years
by many different armies, ranging from the Romans to the Scots and then the
English. The castle also has had several royal residents in its time, the first of
which occurred in the 11th century when Margaret, wife of Malcolm III was present
there. Due to the fact that a lot of Scottish treasure, records and artefacts were
kept in the castle, many Kings also spent their reign there. When William the Lion
was captured at Alnwick in 1174 Edinburgh was one of a number of castles handed
back to the Scottish shortly afterwards in 1186 due to a marriage between Scottish
and English nobles. In 1291, Edward I took over the castle for the English again
and removed all records and treasures, most of which were never returned. Several
attempts to retake the castle failed (William Wallace had some partially successive
attempts) even though there was only a garrison of 350 English soldiers at the time
and so the castle stayed in English hands until 1313. Later that year, the Earl of
Moray led a party of 30 men who scaled the cliffs and climbed over the walls into
the castle. Afterwards, King Robert the Bruce ordered the entire castle to be
destroyed (with the exception of St Margaret's chapel which was spared) so that the
English could not use the castle or the surrounding area again. In 1333 Edinburgh
was again occupied by the English and partially rebuilt although in 1341, Sir
William Douglas, disguised as a merchant, stopped his horse and cart under the
portcullis and allowed a band of Scots to rush in and retake the castle again.
Sometime in the early 1400s Henry IV of England besieged the castle, but had to
withdraw when bad weather fell in and his supplies ran short. By the end of the
15th century the castle was not used much as a royal residence any more. Nowadays
the castle is probably where most tourists visit during their stay in the area.
>>148 briefing_20-------------
8 castles fighting for space. Expect a few early casualties.

>>149 briefing_21-------------
A big map with lots of resources, but with 8 players and nowhere to hide how long
will you last?

>>150 briefing_22-------------
Wooden walls only and a central resource area sets-up a very tense confrontation.

>>151 briefing_23-------------
Two hill forts battle it out.

>>152 briefing_24-------------
All's square with two almost identical castles. May the better strategist prevail.

>>153 briefing_25-------------
Four unique strongholds fight for supremacy.

>>154 briefing_26-------------
Get ready for some instant action. These castles are right on top of each other.

>>155 briefing_27-------------
This map is not as peaceful as it sounds.

>>156 briefing_28-------------
This is a King of the Hill map. Send your troops to the central keep to reduce the
points total. The first player to reduce their points total to 0 wins the game and
earns the title of King of the Hill.

>>157 briefing_29-------------
Use the contours of this rock mount to recreate an island fortress, such as St.
Michael located off the coast of France.

>>158 briefing_30-------------
The ancients often used rivers as a natural defense. Do the same on this wide-open

>>159 briefing_31-------------
Build the castle of your dreams in these wide-open spaces. Resource rich, these
fertile plains will allow you to build the ultimate castle.

>>160 briefing_32-------------
Build a new castle on the ruins of an ancient city.

>>161 briefing_33-------------
Grow a settlement amongst a huge waterfall and eroding hills.

>>162 briefing_34-------------
Your nemesis, the Rat, wants another crack at you! Are you scared?

>>163 briefing_35-------------
The Snake has slithered back to the ancient fortress of his ancestors. Do you have
the skill to traverse the maze of tunnels carved out by his forbearers and finish
the odious reptile.

>>164 briefing_36-------------
The Pig is back, bigger than ever, larger than life and he wants your food!
>>165 briefing_37-------------
You should be! In this deadly mission he's coming for you with everything he's

>>166 briefing_38-------------
Four villains, four attacks, four times the trouble.

>>167 briefing_39-------------
With the King gone but a few days, two of our adversaries have dispatched siege
forces to probe the strength of our defenses. The King now has need of you earlier
than planned. Make haste to the blasted heath to the south where you will find a
small castle. Bolster its defenses and hold off the enemy as best you can.

>>168 briefing_40-------------
In readiness for his forthcoming crusade, the King has ordered that the royal
armory be restocked. Forthwith, your fiefdom is to supply His Majesty's steward
with a quantity of weapons. You are to have the shipment of weapons ready for
dispatch before the King and his army set forth. A local trader here sells iron,
which you can buy to produce some of the weapons needed.

>>169 briefing_41-------------
Maintain a maximum fear factor for the given duration to prove you are the cruelest
master in the land.

>>170 briefing_42-------------
This ancient forest is dying. The King needs yet more weapons. You have a limited
time in which to deliver them.

>>171 briefing_43-------------
To confirm your status as the most pious of the King's lords you need to ensure
that every single one of your serfs attends church.

>>172 briefing_44-------------
You have a long time span to turn your village into the greatest economy in the

>>173 briefing_45-------------
Camelot, the legendary castle of King Arthur is a beacon for love, honor, and
nobility. Arthur established the round table for his knights as an example for man
to follow. How long will it take you to destroy it?! Or could you, as the fabled
Arthur, hold the castle currently under siege from Mordred's evil legions.

>>174 briefing_46-------------
Legend has it that whilst its evil master stands atop the battlements, this castle
is impregnable. See for yourself. This swampy fortress will test both your
defensive and besieging skills to the limit.

>>175 briefing_47-------------
The birth of Arthur. Uther Pendragon, King of England, smolders with desire for
Igraine, the wife of the Duke of Cornwall and summons them both to his court. Upon
their refusal to come he vows to take their castle by force. Can you repeat his
conquest? Of course this time you won't have Merlin to help you!

>>176 briefing_48-------------
An evil witch has placed a fiery curse on the castle. Build up enough resources to
start another settlement elsewhere before the entire city is engulfed in flames.

>>177 briefing_49-------------
One attempt at constructing a settlement on this ancient druidic holy site has
failed. For some reason all attempts at producing food have proven fruitless. The
locals are up in arms saying that you are tampering with powers beyond your
control. Nevertheless the King demands that a large settlement should be built on
this strategically important site.

>>178 briefing_50-------------
You have to make and store the required amount of ale in your stockpile. Be
warned. You can build spearmen to defend yourself from the wolves constant attacks
but it will not be too long before they completely over-run you. Gather the hops
you need quickly then produce and store ale before concentrating on production of

>>179 briefing_51-------------
You took an army to kill the Wolf as a revenge attack for killing your father.
After a long and bloody fight your army was defeated. You managed to escape the
Wolf's clutches. Battered and bruised you return with a small band of men to find
your castle and the surrounding resources overtaken by the greedy Pig. With the
Wolf's army hot on your tail you better move fast. The Pig has also been busy
fortifying his castle and the situation is looking desperate. Capture back the
resources and destroy the Pig and his men and this will make the Wolf think twice
before sending his entire army in.

>>180 briefing_52-------------
The Pig and The Wolf have declared war on each other and you are caught in the
middle. The Pig wants to gain control of one of the Wolf's castles but has to get
through you first. Defend yourself from the Pig's attacks and take control of the
Wolf's castle yourself. The further you progress the lower the enemies moral will
become and the more food and resources you will get access to.

>>181 briefing_53-------------
This is the most important piece of land between the King and the largest army of
the Wolf you have ever seen. The loss of this land would allow the Wolf to send
huge armies into the King's land, so the King has sent you to lend aid to his
General, but you arrive to find the General slain, most of the ground troops
slaughtered and remaining army scattered. You are wondering how they pushed back
the last assault when one of the survivors tells you that the last of the Wolf's
troops were defeated by a few brave archers who stood their ground while others
ran. In order to survive, you will have to take over and hold back the Wolf
yourself. Knowing that you will never be able to hold him off indefinitely, you
decide to negotiate with the Wolf. You ride out to the Wolf who agrees to retreat
in exchange for an amount of gold, sufficient enough to 'compensate' him for the
war. The Wolf, not feeling very patient, refuses to stop attacking until he is
happy with the amount of gold that he has received. You will have to take
desperate measures in order to win the upcoming battle and collect the gold.
Surveying the surrounding lands, you notice the Wolf's men marching towards you so
you quickly construct a wooden wall, which you man with every archer you can find.
Demoralized, the archers line up knowing they are preparing for the hardest battle
of their lives. Defend what is left of the castle against the Wolf's men and
gather enough gold to force the Wolf to retreat. Be warned, we have no resources
available to rebuild the castle.

>>182 briefing_54-------------
User Created Map (Caesar III)

>>183 briefing_55-------------
User Created Map (Théoden). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Quite Easy. The world was
quiet for many years after the Battle of Asgard. Peace was disturbed only by a few
isolated raids. No one posed a threat to Bengladar. Relations between Asgard and
Bengladar remained strained, but they finally ceased to attack one another. Then,
54 years after Laday's death, the news of a new enemy in the far north spread fast:
A king by the name of Gelor, whom people called "Wolf". Little was known of his
realm, the place called Nardon, the Kingdom of the Wolf. His men descended from
the mountains in a wild rush and overran the neighboring lands. Before you know
where you are, he is standing before your own lands. Faced with the overwhelming
power of his forces, you reach an agreement with Bengladar. But you are too late.
No sooner has the treaty been signed than Bengladar himself is overrun and
destroyed, and you find yourself fighting for survival.

>>184 briefing_56-------------
User Created Map (Théoden). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Very Hard. Having
repelled the Wolf in a long, hard battle, you make up your mind to attack him. You
dispatch your troops to the far north to build a castle, but you are waylaid before
you get there, and your people are scattered. Your horsemen are forced to make a
long detour, while the rest of your troops have already erected a keep. But they
are helpless without the horsemen. You must lead your horsemen back to the others,
but the Wolf's castle looms between you. You have no choice but to pass through
the cursed valley, a place that not many have ever proved able to find. The path
that leads to it is concealed, and yet it is your only hope. If you succeed, you
must then set up an army strong enough to defeat the Wolf. But beware! The Wolf is
gathering his forces around him. You must be prepared to face countless attacks.
Good luck! You'll need it...

>>185 briefing_57-------------
User Created Map (Mafio)

>>186 briefing_58-------------
User Created Map (Mafio). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Quite Easy.

>>187 briefing_59-------------
User Created Map (Lanzelot). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Quite Easy. The King is
dead - long live the King! Sadly, your late father was a cruel tyrant who not only
oppressed his own citizens, but also engaged in constant warfare with his
neighbors. The future now lies in your hands: Earn the loyalty of your people
through kindness and generosity, and persuade the outlaws in the woods to fight at
your side. Rebuild the churches your father tore down. But, first of all, find a
way to mine the iron in the mountain by your castle - you will have urgent need of
it for your weapons!

>>188 briefing_60-------------
User Created Map (Lanzelot). Firefly Difficulty Rating: Defending - Quite Easy.
Attacking - Quite Hard. The enemy's forces are far superior to your own, but
Fougeres Castle in France is in an ideal location from a tactical point of view.
Deploy your troops wisely and save the pitch for the knights, and you should be
able to prevail.

>>189 briefing_61-------------
User Created Map (Lanzelot). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Medium. The three rogues
Rat, Pig and Wolf are trying to drive you from Fougeres Castle in France. You must
not let that happen. The King will support you by any possible means, but you
should not depend on him alone.

>>190 briefing_62-------------
User Created Map (Lanzelot). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Medium. The castle is
marvelously strong, but the enemy forces are numerous.

>>191 briefing_63-------------
User Created Map (Mafio). Firefly Difficulty Rating: Defending - Quite Easy.
Attacking - Very Hard. A small castle, a heavy attack. Your task is obvious. SO

>>192 briefing_64-------------
User Created Map (Doenerbraten). Firefly Difficulty Rating: Defending - Quite
Hard. Attacking - Medium. You have ensconced yourself in a fortress on a quiet
mountain, but the peace is of short duration ... The Pig attacks! Defend the
fortress and try to hold it. Or ... Gather your troops and kill the Pig ...

>>193 briefing_65-------------
User Created Map (Lanzelot). Firefly Difficulty Rating: Defending - Quite Easy.
Attacking - Very Hard. The Castillo de Loarre is a real castle on the edge of the
Pyrenees. Since this fortress's geographic location afforded it no great tactical
advantage, it was never attacked or conquered.

>>194 briefing_66-------------
User Created Map (Lanzelot). A three-player map based on the "Drei Gleichen" in
Thuringia. Enjoy playing ...

>>195 briefing_67-------------
User Created Map (Lanzelot). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Quite Easy. It is the
age of the Crusades, and an army of knights from the Occident has been dispatched
to force you to convert to Christianity. Prepare well for the attack - their armor
gives them a technological advantage.

>>196 briefing_68-------------
User Created Map (Caesar III). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Quite Hard. You have
decided to take the Snake's castle. The Snake has left for an audience with the
Wolf. This is an opportunity we must not waste! Some of our troops have penetrated
the hinterland of the castle on a raft to prepare a surprise attack from the rear.
Capture the Snake's fortress before he returns. The Snake will certainly try to
retake his castle, but you must prevent it. Be as kind as possible to the people
in order to win them over to your side.

>>197 briefing_69-------------
User Created Map (Lanzelot). Both sides have the same conditions; the important
thing is what you make of them. Iron, stone and wood are available.

>>198 briefing_70-------------
User Created Map (Andy). Firefly Difficulty Rating: Defending - Quite Easy.
Attacking - Quite Hard. This castle is an exact replica of the Hohensalzburg
castle in Salzburg, Austria, before the addition of it's new outside walls. No
enemy has ever succeeded in taking this fortress. Until now...

>>199 briefing_71-------------
User Created Map (Andy). Firefly Difficulty Rating: Defending - Quite Easy.
Attacking - Quite Hard. Tales of bands of brigands roaming the countryside have
been a heated topic for some time, but the man who erected the woodcutter's camp in
the woods of Westphalia, Lord Forest of Sahgburg, a descendant of the English
conquerors, refuses to believe them. But now, in midsummer, poachers attack the
woodcutters and are coming ever closer to the castle. An attack seems imminent...

>>200 briefing_72-------------
User Created Map (Mafio). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Medium. A handsome castle,
isn't it? Unfortunately, you own the only bridge across the river within about 10
km. And there are others who would love to possess that bridge, even if they have
to destroy you first. But you still have your castle, so man the ramparts!

>>201 briefing_73-------------
User Created Map (Lanzelot). Firefly Difficulty Rating: Defending - Quite Easy.
Attacking - Quite Hard. This map represents Hohenzollern castle, the home of the
German imperial dynasty. This castle really exists in the depth of Swabia, near
Hechingen, and its foundations were reconstructed as precisely as the editor would
allow. This is a siege map, meaning there are no villagers and nothing can be
built. We still hope you enjoy playing it.

>>202 briefing_74-------------
User Created Map (Graf von AAArh). Firefly Difficulty Rating: Defending - Quite
Easy. Attacking - Quite Hard. A feared rebel has fallen into our hands, and the
high court has sentenced him to life imprisonment. He is now locked away in the
dungeon of a small garrison ... But his men are attempting to rescue him.

>>203 briefing_75-------------
User Created Map (Mafio). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Very Hard. The castle is
situated on an island, as you can see, but action is needed to liven it up, don't
you agree? Ready?

>>204 briefing_76-------------
User Created Map (Doenerbraten). Firefly Difficulty Rating: Defending - Quite
Easy. Attacking - Quite Easy. The Crater Castle stands in an extinct volcano.
Its ancient inner walls are surrounded by rocks. The Pig has his eye on this
castle, since it is considered extremely secure. He is determined to capture it!

>>205 briefing_77-------------
User Created Map (Mafio). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Very Hard. The King
requests you to erect a castle on the coast to expand his realm. He also wants you
to store some goods for your successor, who will take over the castle when you
leave, to give him a good start.

>>206 briefing_78-------------
User Created Map (Windteufel). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Easy. Close to the
Carpathians, in the stronghold of the honorable Count of Cugir, the nobleman
becomes caught in a web of intrigue. His nephew four times removed persuades Cugir
to murder his guest, Kardi of Teaca. Her father, Bargokk of Teaca, known as
Bargokk the Body Burner, attacks Cugir's weak fortress with a strong army. Cugir
and his men flee toward the west. Six weeks later, the hunted man reaches the
Adriatic Sea. The Count of Cugir has already lost the majority of his armored
troops through exhaustion, but he still hast most of his light archers. Under
cover of night, he and his followers escape to the connected islands. With failing
strength they erect wooden stockades, and when dawn breaks, Bargokk of Teaca stands
on the sandy shore and yells to his troops that he will erect a post before the sun
sets - a post bearing the burning head of Cugir ...

>>207 briefing_79-------------
User Created Map (Mafio). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Impossible. Removing the
last lose condition might make this map a bit easier. If it weren't for people
like you who like to play Stronghold, I wouldn't have made this map. Oh well: 4
invasions, a castle. Okay?

>>208 briefing_80-------------
User Created Map (Mafio). Firefly Difficulty Rating - Quite Hard. A small castle
on a large fertile area of land. And a little bonus added especially for
strategists. So get ready!

>>209 DUMMY-------------

>>210 DE_DLC0_0-------------
>>211 DE_DLC0_1-------------
More troops to our aid!

>>212 DE_DLC0_2-------------
A relief force arrives!

>>213 DE_DLC0_3-------------
Help is at hand!

>>214 DE_DLC0_4-------------
We have found our friends!

>>215 DE_DLC0_5-------------
We have rescued our troops.

>>216 DE_DLC0_6-------------
These are our men.

>>217 DE_DLC0_7-------------
We have found them.

>>218 DE_DLC0_8-------------
We have made it.

>>219 DE_DLC0_9-------------
Just in time!

>>220 DE_DLC1_M1_0-------------
There's the old fort up ahead, sir. Almost there!

>>221 DE_DLC1_M2_0-------------
Longarm's troops have started their advance. They will drive the Rat's men towards
us. Hold onto your helmets!

>>222 DE_DLC1_M2_1-------------
The Rat's besiegers are starting to throw down their weapons. It's over! The plan

>>223 DE_DLC1_M3_0-------------
The villagers reckon we have about half the goods stored, sir!

>>224 DE_DLC1_M3_1-------------
That's all the winter supplies gathered, sir. The headman is proper pleased.

>>225 DE_DLC1_M4_0-------------
Another village liberated.

>>226 DE_DLC1_M4_1-------------
More willing recruits.

>>227 DE_DLC1_M4_2-------------
More men to our cause.

>>228 DE_DLC1_M4_3-------------
Looks like the last wave, sir

>>229 DE_DLC1_M4_4-------------
I think we escaped, sir.
>>230 DE_DLC1_M4_5-------------
I think we made it, sir.

>>231 DE_DLC1_M5_0-------------
That's one of the stores down.

>>232 DE_DLC1_M5_1-------------
Another of the enemy's stores has been destroyed.

>>233 DE_DLC1_M5_2-------------
They won't be eating well this winter!

>>234 DE_DLC1_M5_3-------------
Just one to go now.

>>235 DE_DLC1_M5_4-------------
That's the last of them, sir.

>>236 DE_DLC1_M5_5-------------
That's the last of the stores destroyed, sir.

>>237 DE_DLC1_M5_6-------------
They seem to be retaliating, sir!

>>238 DE_DLC1_M5_7-------------
I think that's the last of them.

>>239 DE_DLC1_M5_8-------------
We need to hold out just a little longer.

>>240 DE_DLC1_M6_0-------------
This small rise will give us a fighting chance to hold them off.

>>241 DE_DLC1_M7_0-------------
The tower is ours. The Rat's captain is dead!

>>242 DE_DLC2_M1_0-------------
There are enemy scouts on the cliffs, sir.

>>243 DE_DLC2_M1_1-------------
The watch tower is ours.

>>244 DE_DLC2_M2_0-------------
The defenders are looking to you now, sir.

>>245 DE_DLC2_M2_1-------------
Here comes the first lot.

>>246 DE_DLC2_M2_2-------------
Here they come.

>>247 DE_DLC2_M2_3-------------
Here they come again.

>>248 DE_DLC2_M2_4-------------
They are attacking again.

>>249 DE_DLC2_M2_5-------------
They don't give easily, do they?

>>250 DE_DLC2_M2_6-------------
There's more of them coming.

>>251 DE_DLC2_M2_7-------------
There's no end of them.

>>252 DE_DLC2_M2_8-------------
More of the enemy.

>>253 DE_DLC2_M3_0-------------
The fort is ours; now we just have to hold it!

>>254 DE_DLC2_M3_1-------------
There's so little space here, sir; it's going to be tricky.

>>255 DE_DLC2_M3_2-------------
We've bought ourselves some breathing room; shall I make the men ready to head into
the gorge, sir?

>>256 DE_DLC2_M4_0-------------

>>257 DE_DLC2_M4_1-------------
More filthy bandits.

>>258 DE_DLC2_M4_2-------------
Not again!

>>259 DE_DLC2_M4_3-------------
They are all over the place, sir.

>>260 DE_DLC2_M4_4-------------
I think I can see the end of the gorge up ahead, sir.

>>261 DE_DLC2_M5_0-------------
The castle is yours to command, sir. We better get these men in position quickly.

>>262 DE_DLC2_M5_1-------------
The castle is ours.

>>263 DE_DLC2_M6_0-------------
The fort is ours.

>>264 DE_DLC2_M6_1-------------
The road north is open!

>>265 DE_DLC2_M7_0-------------
Sir Longarm's ships have been sighted; they will be here soon.

>>266 DE_DLC2_M7_1-------------
The ships are dropping anchor, sir. It looks like we are getting off this rotten
island after all.

>>267 DE_DLC3_M1_0-------------
Captain, judging from those clouds of dust, there seems to be large numbers of the
enemy heading our way.
>>268 DE_DLC3_M1_1-------------
There are just too many of them; we will never hold.

>>269 DE_DLC3_M1_2-------------
The Captain has ordered a retreat. Fall back to the boats, men; we are getting out
of here.

>>270 DE_DLC3_M2_0-------------
The fort has few defenders, sir, but it's still not an easy prospect.

>>271 DE_DLC3_M2_1-------------
We should make haste, sir. It won't be long before the garrison realize that we
have tricked them.

>>272 DE_DLC3_M2_2-------------
The garrison have returned, sir. They are at the end of the beach.

>>273 DE_DLC3_M3_0-------------
We need to make use of this pitch, Captain. We will never hold otherwise.

>>274 DE_DLC3_M3_1-------------
I almost feel sorry for them.

>>275 DE_DLC3_M3_2-------------
Unless I'm mistaken there were fewer of them in that last attack, sir?

>>276 DE_DLC3_M3_3-------------
I think they have had enough, sir!

>>277 DE_DLC3_M3_4-------------
We've done it!

>>278 DE_DLC3_M4_0-------------
An enemy patrol, sir.

>>279 DE_DLC3_M4_1-------------
Another patrol; we best take care.

>>280 DE_DLC3_M4_2-------------
The area is swarming with them.

>>281 DE_DLC3_M4_3-------------
More of the enemy, sir, are arriving on our flank.

>>282 DE_DLC3_M4_4-------------
We should take our time crossing the plain, Captain; the place is riddled with
enemy troops.

>>283 DE_DLC3_M4_5-------------
The foothills of the mountains. Proper cover at last!

>>284 DE_DLC3_M5_0-------------
Wolves, sir, and lots of them...

>>285 DE_DLC3_M5_1-------------
That's all the goods collected, sir.

>>286 DE_DLC3_M6_0-------------
Here come Hogsfoot's men, sir.
>>287 DE_DLC3_M6_1-------------
More of them, sir. There can't be too many left holding his castle now.

>>288 DE_DLC3_M6_2-------------
We've done it, sir. Hogsfoot's men are retreating back to his stronghold.

>>289 DE_DLC3_M7_0-------------
Sir, the partisans have come to aid us as promised.

>>290 DE_DLC4_M1_0-------------
Captain, there's no way we can take out those flanking towers. We'll just have to
get past them as fast as we can.

>>291 DE_DLC4_M1_1-------------
Well we made it, sir. I guess we should be pleased! But judging by the speed those
scouts set off down the road, it won't be long before we have company.

>>292 DE_DLC4_M2_0-------------
Over half the slaves have stayed with us, sir. We should put them to good use

>>293 DE_DLC4_M2_1-------------
Not sure how long we can hold here, sir, but I've been talking to one of the miners
and it seems there is a mine that leads almost out into the next valley. With a
little time, he feels a few of them can break through and give us an escape route.

>>294 DE_DLC4_M2_2-------------
The miners report that they have finished the tunnel. Now would be a good time to
leave, sir.

>>295 DE_DLC4_M3_0-------------
These woods are teeming with the Wolf's men, sir; we need to move carefully.

>>296 DE_DLC4_M3_1-------------
There's some of the slaves we freed, sir. They seem eager to join us now.

>>297 DE_DLC4_M3_2-------------
We've found some more miners, sir.

>>298 DE_DLC4_M3_3-------------
More escaped slaves, sir.

>>299 DE_DLC4_M3_4-------------
We are almost at the island, sir. Hopefully we can rest the men there.

>>300 DE_DLC4_M4_0-------------
The island is riddled with disease, sir. We will need to counter it somehow.

>>301 DE_DLC4_M4_1-------------
They have found us, sir. Our pickets report the enemy starting to arrive on the
river bank.

>>302 DE_DLC4_M4_2-------------
The island cannot hold, sir; we need to escape.

>>303 DE_DLC4_M4_3-------------
Into the river, boys! The current will carry us down stream.
>>304 DE_DLC4_M5_0-------------
Good riddance! With the town rid of its problem, I suggest that we make tracks,
sir. News of our 'tidying up' here will spread quickly.

>>305 DE_DLC4_M6_0-------------
I see why they call it the Eagle's Nest.

>>306 DE_DLC4_M6_1-------------
The Wolf's forces are spent, sir.

>>307 DE_DLC4_M7_0-------------
We are in, sir! We captured one of the Wolf's guards; the Jewel is indeed here!
She's held in the keep.

>>308 DE_DLC4_M7_1-------------
Just a little further, sir. The keep is up ahead.

>>309 DE_DLC4_M7_2-------------
Congratulations, sir! The castle is ours and if I may, please let me introduce you
to a certain lady, known to us as 'The Jewel of the North'.

>>310 DE_DLC4_M5_1-------------
The Wolf's henchmen are well protected in their fortified manor houses, sir. We
should take out the weakest one first; hopefully by then some more of our men will
have recovered.

>>311 DE_DLC4_M5_2-------------
One down, sir; and the priest reports that a group of our men are now back on their

>>312 DE_DLC4_M5_3-------------
That's another of the Wolf's thugs that won't be bothering the town again. We
should head to the church and collect the last of our troops.

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