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Writing task 1:
The bar graph examines the average proportion of weekly family expenditure
on various categories at two distinct points in time: 1968 and 2018.
Overall, the income that families spent for each industries had changed
significantly by 1968 compared to 2018. It can be observed that food had the largest
expenditure in 1968, while in 2018 families allocated less to food but a greater portion
of their budgets was spent to leisure.
In 1968, the family's average spending on food amounted to 35% of their
weekly income, which accounts for the highest percentage of the total for other fields.
In contrast, the percentage of weekly income spending for housing, clothing and
footwear was about 10%, just lower right after food. The other categories, such as fuel
and power, household goods, personal goods, transport and leisure represented from
5% to 10% of the budget. Among these, fuel and power amounted to the lowest price
at only 6%.
By 2018, the family’s budget consumed in leisure field reached a peak of 22%
which had the highest percentage compared to other industries. Leisure was followed
by housing and food which respectively maked up 19% and 17% value of a family’s
average income in a week. Additionally, transport also showed a noteworthy growth of
14% compared to the lower rate at 8% in the year 1968. The field household goods
remained stable at about 8% of weekly income during 50 years. While the categories
personal goods, clothing and footwear declined considerably as half as the year 1968.
Conversely, the expenditure that hit the lowest point in 2018 was personal goods, fuel
and power, accounting for 4% of the family's average weekly spending.

Writing task 2:
Topic: Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should
be required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they
should be free to work in another country if they wish. Discuss both these views and
give your own opinion.
Around these days, many people hold the conception that particular jobs such
as doctors and engineers must work domestically to serve their countries, while the
opponents argue that these laborers have a chance to work in other contries if they
wish. Working in the country where they did their training may be more applicable
because the job can be more relevant to what they have learned, however working in
another country will open new opportunities to access and learn more knowledge and
the progression in other countries. In my point of view, I agree that workers should
have the right to work in another country because of the following reasons.
On the one hand, some individuals assume that contributing for the
development of the country is a personal responsibility to repay national efforts.
Because governments spend a lot of money and time to invest in the educational
facilities and systems to train students with the hope that in the future, citizens can
succeed and help to improve the country. Furthermore, students benefit greatly from
special support policies for domestic students, especially students in difficult
circumstances. Then, if people decide to work in other countries, their nation will not
gain anything. For instance, many businessmen and famous people in Vietnam studied
at some common universities in Vietnam. After graduating, they had a wide and solid
knowledge but still decided to stay in Vietnam to work and contribute to the strong
growth of the country.
On the other hand, many people believe that working abroad will widen their
knowledge and enhance many important skills. Workers will have a broader
perspective on the problems that occur, also can learn the way individual companies in
different countries handle problems. Moreover, working at a foreign company is also
one of the best ways to accumulate knowledge and experience to return to work for
their country later. For example, President Ho Chi Minh has studied and worked in
various positions in different countries to accumulate experience and knowledge. After
assembling enough necessary experience, Uncle Ho returned to Vietnam and led
people in an uprising to save the country. The resistance war was completely
victorious, leading to the independent Vietnam nation like today.
In conclusion, some persons believe that professionals should work in the
original country they did training, however some argue that they have their rights to
work in another country since it has a lot of benefits, such as gaining knowledge and
enhancing skills. I strongly agree that it's legal to let doctors and engineers choose to
work in another country because of its several benefits for society as well.

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