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P A P A Y I T A”




II. GRAMMAR………………………………………………………………..3
III. VOCABULARY……………………………………………………………5

UNIT 7 – Lesson A………………………………………………………………..6

I. Warm up…………………………………………………………………...7
II. Vocabulary…………………………………………………………………8
III. Speaking…………………………………………………………………...9
IV. Grammar……………………………………………………………………10
V. Communication……………………………………………………………11

UNIT 7 – Lesson B………………………………………………………………...13

I. Vocabulary…………………………………………………………………13
II. Reading…………………………………………………………………….15
III. Grammar…………………………………………………………………...16
IV. Writing………………………………………………………………………17

UNIT 8 – Lesson A…………………………………………………………………18

I. Warm up……………………………………………………………………19
II. Vocabulary…………………………………………………………………20
III. Speaking……………………………………………………………………23
IV. Grammar……………………………………………………………………24
V. Communication……………………………………………………………25

UNIT 8 – Lesson B…………………………………………………………………26

I. Vocabulary………………………………………………………………….26
II. Reading……………………………………………………………………..28
III. Grammar…………………………………………………………………….29
IV. Writing……………………………………………………………………….30

UNIT 9 – Lesson A………………………………………………………………….31

I. Warm up……………………………………………………………………..32
II. Vocabulary…………………………………………………………………..33
III. Speaking…………………………………………………………………….34
IV. Grammar…………………………………………………………………….35
V. Communication……………………………………………………………..37

UNIT 9 – Lesson B………………………………………………………………….38

I. Vocabulary…………………………………………………………………..38
II. Reading………………………………………………………………………39
III. Grammar……………………………………………………………………..40
IV. Writing………………………………………………………………………..41

A. Put in order the next conversation.
___A: Excuse me, could you give me the time please?
___B: What? You have to be respectful with older people.
___A: I lose the bus to the job. I have to ask for the time. Give me the time, old
___B: OK, ask me one more time.
___A: I’m sorry.
___B: Now yes. It’s quarter to eight.
___B: Was a pleasure help you.

___A: Thanks so much, I am feeling better because is early.

A. Describe what are the people wearing.


B. Write the question for each sentence.
i. Bryan play videogames at night. (when)
ii. Dorotea goes out with Martin on Sundays. (Who)
iii. Mateo lives in Lambayeque. (where)
iv. My students have class in the afternoon. (what)
v. Donovan works on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. (when)

C. Listen and repeat the ordinals.


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh

8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th

Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteent Fourteent

h h
15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st

Fifteent Sixteent Seventeent eighteent Nineteent twentieth Twenty

h h h h h First


A. What time is it?

_________________ ________________

__________________ ________________

_________________ _________________

B. Match the words in the box with the images.

waiter waitress Ice cream shop Proud

flight attendant Plumber Parking lot Afraid

___________________ ____________________ __________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

___________________ _____________________

Unit 7

Lesson A – Activties

A. Watch the video. (Team Building Activity Mini Olympics)
B. Watch the video again and answer the questions.
● Where are the people in the video?
● What are they doing?
● Are they enjoying the activities?

C. Now, tell your answers to a partner.

A. Identify the activities that people are doing at the moment. Then, match the
letter with the picture.
a) He is getting up.
b) She is buying a souvenir.
c) He is reading a newspaper.
d) They are eating sushi.
e) She is drinking coffee.
f) They are watching tv.
g) She is running in competition.
h) He is making the breakfast.
i) She is writing a book.

B. Read the next sentences and use the correct form of the verb for actions that
are happening at the moment.
i. He ______________ (smile) at his friend.
ii. They ______________ (sit) in their reserved seats.
iii. I _______________ (point) that car.
iv. Bryan ____________ (talk) with his teacher.
v. People _____________ (shout) in the stadium.


A. Listen to the conversation. (Valeria goes to Robert’s house)

B. Listen it one more time and complete the spaces in blank.

Hana: Hello!
Daniel: Hello, come in.
Hana: Where is everyone?
Daniel: Well, everyone is _______ something right now.
Hana: Oh, really? Where's your mom?
Daniel: My mom? She's at the mall. I think she's _________. I think she's getting
the groceries for the week.
Hana: Oh! How about your dad?
Daniel: Well, every weekend he goes to the country club, so I think he's _______
golf with his friend now.
Hana: Where's your brother and sister?
Daniel: My brother, he's upstairs. I think he's probably _________ or __________
video games as he always does. And my sister, she's at school. She's __________
soccer because she has a game today.
Hana: Oh, really? When does the game start?
Daniel: I think in twenty or thirty minutes.
Hana: Let's ___ watch it.
Daniel: Really, that sounds fun. Let's go.

C. Practice the conversation with a partner.
D. Talk to your partner and give a suggestion. Use the expressions below.
Useful Expressions
Giving suggestions
Making a suggestion.
Let’s go to the cinema.
We could go to the cinema.

Saying yes Saying no politely

(That’s) sounds good I don’t really like soccer
Good / Great idea. games.
I don’t really want to see
the game.

A. Study the tables below.
Wh- Be Subject Verb + - Complement Answers
word Pronoun ing ?
What am I doing right now? You’re working at Only
One Coin.
Where are you studying English? I’m studying English at
Only One Coin.
What is he / she / it eating ? He’s / She’s / It’s eating
What are we / they doing in the living We’re / They’re
room? watching TV.

B. Unscramble each one of the questions and answer them. Also, put the correct
form of the verb.
i. Are / you / study / English / why ?
ii. Your mom / make / is / what / for the lunch ?
iii. You / where / work / are ?
iv. Serie / you / are / what / watching ?
v. Are / you / where / are / live ?
vi. Are / what / wear / today / you ?
Complete the sentences with the verbs from the list in present continuous form.
i. Mary ______________ to the gym. Verbs
ii. I ______________ internet to enter my online game.
iii. They ______________ in the lake. ❑ Run
iv. It’s 6:30 a.m. here. I ______________ up now. ❑ Get
v. The students ______________ down in class. ❑ Drive
❑ Sit
vi. Marcus _____________ his mother’s car.
❑ Study
vii. Her dad _____________ in an office. ❑ Watch
viii. We _____________ Portuguese in Only One Coin. ❑ Swim
ix. Nurvanu and I _____________ TV at the dinner table. ❑ Work
❑ Use


A. Answer the questions in the box

Studying English Survey

1. Why are you studying English?
❑ I want to travel
❑ I am studying English for my job
❑ I am majoring in English.
❑ I’m preparing for an important exam.
❑ I am living in another country.
❑ Other: ____________________________

2. What are you learning in your English class?

3. Is your English improving?
4. Are you practicing after classes?

B. Use the previous questions and interview 2 partners.

Lesson B – How do you feel?

A. Match the feelings in the box with the correct picture.

Upset Motivated
Depressed Thirsty
Hungry Sad
Excited Scared
Angry Tired / Sleepy
Worried / Bored
Nervous Happy
Embarrassed Confused

____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ___________________

___________________ ____________________ ____________________ ___________________

__________________ ___________________ ___________________ ____________________

___________________ ___________________ __________________ __________________

B. Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Use the words of the previous
How do you feel…

● when you lose a game? ● when is Christmas?

● when you come back to your home ● when your teacher asks you a
after work? question?
● when you are arriving late to the ● right now?

A. Look at the pictures of the texts below and infer. Where are the people?
B. Read the texts.

Mr. Joe Noonan

579 7th Ave S.W.
Bernard, Iowa 52032
Dear Grandpa Joe,
Hi from Peru! I’m here with my friend Wendy to see Machu Picchu. It's
a very old, very beautiful place in the mountains. You can take a train there, but
we are walking. It takes three days. The views are great.
We are having a lot of fun, but it's hard work! We are very tired in the
evening. We go to bed at 8:00 p.m.! We are staying in a tent. Our guides are
carrying our bags and making our meals. They are very nice. They're teaching us
words in Spanish and in Quechua - that's another language here.
See you soon!

To: Stuart, Sally; Stuart, Ethel; Lopez, Amy; Tran, Vu; Smythe, Marcus
From: Peter Stewart
Subject: Hi from Dubai

Hi all,
I'm here in Dubai! I'm staying in a five-star hotel. It's very nice, but
very expensive. I'm glad my company is paying for the room!

I'm meeting great people. They are very nice to guests here.
They always give you coffee or tea. Everyone speaks English very well.
That's good because I can't read the signs!
It is very hot - over 35 degrees today - and I'm wearing a suit. That isn't
comfortable. But you can also ski here! A big mall has an indoor ski
area with real snow.
I'm really enjoying my trip. The only bad thing is the jet lag. I go to bed
at 1:00 a.m., then I get up at 5:00 a.m.!
See you all next week!

C. Check the highlight words in a dictionary.

D. Identify if the next sentences describe Lucy, Peter or both.

Lucy Peter Both
1 He/ She is staying in a tent. □ □ □

2 He/ She is traveling for business. □ □ □

3 He/ She is meeting nice people. □ □ □

4 He/ She is learning words in a new language. □ □ □

5 He/ She is going to bed late. □ □ □

6 He/ She is having a good time. □ □ □

7 He/ She is tired □ □ □

8 He/ She is happy on the trip. □ □ □

A. Study the table below.

Simple present Present continuous

Use the simple present to show actions Use the Present Continuous to talk about
or states that are true in general or things that are happening at the moment.
habitual, and for events in a sequence. I am swimming with my friends.
1. General truths.
Use the Present Continuous and Time
2. Habitual actions.
Expressions to talk about actions
3. Events in a sequence.
continuing for a period of time in the
I am swimming with my friends this

Possessive Possessive Objects pronoun

Adjectives Pronouns

It’s my book It’s mine My mother loves me.

Whose book your yours Your father helps you.
is this? her hers Liam knows him / her.
his his Bryan listens it.
our ours Join us.
their theirs I have to pay them.

Belong to

The ball belongs to me.

The cellphone belongs to you.
It belongs to her.
The song belongs to him.
The food belongs to us.
The sites belong to them.

B. Complete the dialogues with simple present or present continuous form.

i. A Hi, can you talk right now?
B Sorry, I can't. I _____________ dinner. (make)
ii. A _____ you ___________ in Rio? (live)
B Yes, I do. It's a big, beautiful city.
iii. A Are you busy right now?
B No, I ______________ (not do) anything special.
iv. A What _____ Tom ___________ today? (wear)
B A suit.
v. A _____ you ___________ the newspaper now? (read)
B No, you can have it.
vi. A How's Tracy's job?
B Busy. She ______________ late every evening. (work)
C. Circle the correct form.
I (1) usually work / am usually working at an office downtown. Today I (2) work /
am working at home.
We usually (3) go / is going to school on Tuesday, but today is different. Our class
(4) visits / is visiting the art museum. We (5) learn / 're learning about Spanish
We (6) study / are studying outside today! We (7) usually do / are usually doing
our homework in the library. But today is different. We (8) enjoy / are enjoying the
sunny weather.

D. Complete with a possessive adjective, possessive pronoun, object pronoun
or belong to.
i. That toy __________ me.
ii. Lya lose _____ cellphone.
iii. We don’t know how to do _____ homework.
iv. He is my best friend. I am going to invite _____ to my party.
v. They bring ______ tools.
vi. We are raising your salary. You have to work with ______ .
vii. This pair of shoes __________ her.
viii. I buy many gifts to my siblings. I love ______ .
ix. Waitress, I ask Lomo Saltado. That dish is ______ .
x. Briana brings a blue cellphone. This cellphone is ______ .
IV. Writing
A. Read the text below. Then answer the questions.
a. How does the author feel before the visit?
b. What things belong to the author?
c. Where is he going?
d. Whose camera is that?
e. Who is accompanying him and his friends?

Dear Grandpa.

I am preparing for the educational journey, I'm worried and excited at the same
time. I carry a camera that belongs to my mom, my pair of shoes and my notebook
to take not about the most important things.

The visit begins, and I feel excited as I enjoy every moment with my partners. Our
history teacher is taking care of us together with the guide. We are in the
Pachacamac Museum. It is an old and big place. I wish you could be here to
experience it with me.

See you soon!

Love, Merry.

B. Write a letter to that person talking about what you are doing.
Dear __________,
See you soon!

Unit 8

Lesson A – Food


A. Watch the video. (At the biggest market of Lima)
B. Watch the video again. Then, answer the questions.
● Where is the man?
● What food does man eat?
● What food do you watch in the video?
C. Choose the best answer and circle it.
i. The man eats healthy / junk food.
ii. The market is one of the biggest / bigger markets in Lima city.
iii. Goat meat belongs to the protein / carbohydrates group.
II. Vocabulary
A. Study the time in the clocks and repeat after your teacher.

Friend chicken Steak and baked potato Bread and butter Green pasta

Vegetables soup Fried fish with onion Tuna salad Beans and rice

French Fries Cheese and Grapes Spaghetti with tomato sauce / red pasta

B. Look at the 5 groups of food. Use the words in A and match them.
● Diary: ________________
● Vegetables: _________________
● Fruits: _______________
● Proteins: ______________
● Grains: _______________

C. Match the words in the box to the drinks.

Milk Coffee Milkshake Hot drink Chamomile tea Soda

________________ _________________

_________________ __________________

__________________ __________________
III. Speaking
A. Listen to the conversation and answer the question.
a. How does Andrews feel when he arrives to the restaurant?
b. What dish is the couple asking?
c. Why is the man apologizing the second time?

Andrews: Oh, I'm really sorry for being late. I didn’t remember where is the

Japanese restaurant.

Nurvanu: Don’t worry. Take your time. Would

you like to see the menu?

Andrews: Yes, please. Can you recommend me

some dish?

Nurvanu: Certainly. I want to ask sushi. It is

more popular than the tempura.

Andrews: Sounds great. So, I am going to ask the same.

Nurvanu: Nice. And for our drink?

Andrews: Just water, I think.

Nurvanu: Um… I don’t want to drink just water.

Andrews: I’m sorry, maybe you want to prove the green tea.

Nurvanu: It sounds better.

B. Listen and repeat after your teacher.


(I’m) sorry
(I’m) sorry about that
(I’m) really sorry

Answering to an apology
Don’t worry (about it)
That’s OK / all right
No problem
Apology accepted

C. Introduce yourself with a partner and apologize. Use the apologizing

IV. Grammar
A. Study the table below.

Comparative form of the adjectives

sweet sweeter Add –er to many one-syllable adjectives.

large larger Add –r if the adjective ends in -e.

big bigger Double the final consonant and add –er if the
adjective ends in a vowel + consonant.
simple simpler Add –r or –er to two-syllable adjectives that end
quiet quieter in an unstressed syllable.
spicy spicier Change the final –y to –ier if the adjective ends
in -y.

Two crowded more crowded Add more to other adjectives, especially those
syllables famous more famous ending in –ing, -ed. –ous, or –ful.
Three relaxing more relaxing Add more to all adjectives with three or more
syllables delicious more delicious syllables.

Use than after the comparative when

the two things being compared are
mentioned in the same sentence.

B. Study the table about preposition of time.

This restaurant is bigger than that Use the comparative form of an adjective to
one. compare two things.

Your cooking is better than my The comparative of good is better.

mom’s. The comparative of bad is worse.
My cold is worse today than it was
I’m tall, but Milo is taller. Sometimes, you can use the comparative
form without than.

C. Write the comparative form of the adjectives.

i. I am (hungry) __________ than my brother.
ii. Lila is (short) _________ than her mother.
iii. Brandon is (fat) _________ than his best friend.
iv. I buy a (cheap) _________ cellphone than my girlfriend.
v. My car is (old) _________ than my brother’s car.
vi. My cat is (small) ________ than yours.
vii. I am good to swim, but my sister is (good) _______ .

D. Read the facts. Then make a sentence using the comparative followed by
i. (sweet)
A can of regular cola has 44 grams of sugar.
A can of diet cola has 0 grams of sugar.
ii. (popular)
Some people like baked chicken.
Everyone loves grilled chicken.
iii. (comfortable)
I feel relaxing in the sofa.
I am upset in a chair.
iv. (bad)
Mathias doesn’t have a good score in the school.
Martin definitely repeats the school year.
V. Communication
A. Look at the pictures. There 4 people who are the guests for the lunch. Read
the food they like or dislike.

Jhon is from Argentina. Riku is from Japan.
He loves the steak and She doesn’t like eat
any meal with meat. fish. She eats noodles
and rice. She likes
He is a nutritionist. vegetables too.

Wilfredo is from Cristel is a singer from

Ecuador, and he likes US. She eats
spicy food. He is a vegetables with
manager chicken, fish or steak.

B. Make a menu with a partner and guess what dish is better for each one of the
C. After that, describe what food do you like. Your partner has to guess what
dish is better for you. Then, change the role.

Lesson B – Let’s eat

A. Look at the picture above. Answer the question.
a. What is the person eating?
b. What does it taste like?
c. Is it delicious for you?

B. Now read the text.
Healthy Eating Habits
Maybe, the junk food taste good for you, but vegetables are better for your health.
You can eat salad with carrots, limon, corn, capsicum, etc. Eat them for the lunch
and dinner.
To get proteins, you have to eat dishes with steak, fish, chicken, eggs, milk, etc. All
of them give you energy. It helps you to think and work better.
Don’t skip the most important meal of your day, the breakfast. The food like fish or
chicken usually taste salty, don’t use a lot of salt. Reduce the sugar in your drinks.

C. Answer the next questions.

● What do you have to do for good health?
● What recommendation is better for you?
D. Match the words in the box with the food.

Vocabulary of food

Eggs Banana Honey

Tomatoes Radish Biscuit
Cucumber Cabbage Salt
Bell pepper Yogurt Cinamon
Oil Ground beef Orange Juiece
Carrots Strawberry Jam

II. Reading
A. Read the title of the text and answer the questions.
● What is the dessert preparing in the text? Guess.
● What is your favorite dessert?
B. Read the following text.

Let’s prepare a dessert

4 eggs
2 cups of cocoa powder
3 cups of sugar
3 cups of flour
2 cups of milk
1 cup of vegetable oil

First of all, you wash your hands. Then, in a large mixing bowl put the
eggs. Bate them and add the flour. An electric beater is better than a
regular beater. Next, pour the milk and the oil in the bowl. After that,
you have to add the sugar and cocoa powder. After you mix all together,
you are going to bake these in the 350-degree oven for 30 minutes.
Finally, your chocolate is ready to eat. You can add some toppings.

Enjoy it!

C. Read the text again. Circle the sequences adverbs and underline the
D. Choose True (T) or False (F) to each sentence.
i. First of all, drink water. T F
ii. The author is preparing a Lemon pie. T F
iii. The author uses a large mixing bowl T F
iv. The electric beater is worse than ones regular. T F
v. Add butter and not oil. T F
vi. Bake the mix in the 350-degree oven. T F
vii. Bake it for 10 minutes. T F

A. Study the tables below.

Superlative Adjectives
One sweet the sweetest Add the and –est or –st to many one-syllable
syllable large the largest adjectives.
Two quiet the quietest Add the and –est or –st to two-syllable
syllables simple the simplest adjectives that end in an unstressed syllable.

spicy the spiciest Add the and change the final –y to –iest if
the adjective ends in -y.
crowded the most crowded Add the most to other adjectives, especially
famous the most famous those ending in –ing, -ed. –ous, or –ful.

Three relaxing the most relaxing Add the most to all adjectives with three or
syllables delicious the most delicious more syllables.
It’s the Use the superlative form of an
oldest adjective to compare something to
restaurant an entire group.
in Paris (=
The other
are not as
It’s one of Use one of … to show that
the oldest something or someone is part of a
restaurants group.
in Paris. (=
It’s one of
many old
in Paris.)
Mario’s The superlative of good is the
has the best.
best pizza The superlative of bad is the
in the city. worst.
It was the
movie of
the year.

B. Complete the questions with the superlative form of the adjectives in
i. Who is _____________________ (healthy) person in your family?
ii. What is _____________________ (expensive) restaurant in your city?
iii. What is _____________________ (good) food to eat when you’re sick?
iv. Who is ______________________ (popular) celebrity chef today?
v. What is ______________________ (bad) tasting food or drink?
vi. What is ______________________ (hard) food or drink to eliminate from
your diet?
vii. Who is _______________________ (friendly) person in your family?

C. Now, answer each question in B with a partner.

D. Complete the text with correct form of the superlative adjectives.

Welcome to Le Petit Château, where dining is an unparalleled experience. Our
European restaurant offers _____________ (delicious) cuisine in town, we have
____________ (good) chefs in the world. Step into our elegant dining room and
immerse yourself in the ______________ (unforgettable) atmosphere. Every dish
on our menu is prepared with the utmost care. Join us at Le Petit Château and
enjoy _______________ (exquisite) feast. This is one of the ________________
(trendy) restaurants around the word.

III. Writing
A. Read the text and answer the questions below.
a. How many tables has the writer?
b. Are there any windows in the room?

c. Find the prepositions of place and circle it.

Let’s do a sandwich. I have some bread, a boil egg and an avocado. First of all, I
wash my hands and the avocado. Second, I cut the avocado with a kitchen knife.
Then, I put the avocado in a bowl. I like the match avocado, so I use a fork to
match it. Next, I slice the boil egg and I put it with match avocado. After that, I cut
the largest piece of bread and I put the avocado and eggs on it. Finally, I add
mayonnaise and cover it with other piece of bread.

B. Write about your favorite sandwich. How do you prepare your sandwich?

Unit 9

Lesson A – In the City

A. Watch the video. (Nice neighborhood)
B. Watch the video again and put in order the sequences. Use the numbers from
1 to 7.
● __ The man finds an amazing guitar in Lexitong Music.
● __ The girl is asking for restaurants and coffee shop.

● __ The couple is looking the apartment.
● __ There were problems 10 years ago.
● __ They see all the stores near the apartment.
● __ The couple go out of the Book Store.
● __ The girl like the jewelry store because her birthday is the next month.

C. Answer the questions.

● Who is the most excited of the couple?
● Where were the restaurants?
● What was the best place in the neighborhood for you?
II. Vocabulary.
A. Read the words in the box. Then, repeat after your teacher.

Places in a neighborhood

1. Health club 7. Gas station

2. Night club 8. Bus station
3. ATM 9. Hair salon
4. Toy store 10. Copy shop
5. Fire station 11. Police station
6. Art Gallery 12. Books store

B. Complete the next places with: store, shop, gallery, club, salon, stand, and
i. I buy pills in a drug _______ .
ii. I am waiting the bus in the bus _________ .
iii. They have a date at the coffee ________ .
iv. I get a manicure in a nail _________ .
v. She likes to go book _________.
vi. I have to take my car to the gas _________ .
C. Answer the questions with a partner.
a) What is your favorite place in your neighborhood?
b) Where is it? Is it near to you house?
c) What do you do in that place?

III. Speaking
A. Listen the conversation.
Bryan: Hello, I am near of your neighborhood.
Diana: Great. This is our first date.
Bryan: Yes. Um-oh. Can you remind me
where is the park?
Diana: Yeah. Where exactly are you?
Bryan: I am in the gas station of Elm Street.
Diana: OK. You have to go straight in Elm
Street. Just one block else.
Bryan: Oh, thanks.
Diana: Wait. The park is across from the
coffee shop.
Bryan: Thanks a lot!

B. Practice the conversation with a partner.

Useful Expressions

Asking for and giving directions

General Specific
Excuse me. Is there a (bank) Excuse me. Where is the coffee
near here? shop?
Yes. Go one block. There’s one It’s on Elm Street.
on the corner of (Elm Street and It is between the bank and a new
Pine Avenue). building.
It’s in the middle of the block.


C. Look at the image. Choose a place on the map and make a short conversation
with a partner. Performance it in class.

Bakery Pet shop Post office Bank Mall Cinema Police station
Stadium Bus Station

IV. Grammar
A. Study the tables below.

Subject Pronoun Be (past) Complement

I late.

He right.

She was cold.

It mad.

You early.

We were funny.

They busy.

Subject Pronoun be not Contraction

I I wasn’t on time.

He He wasn’t wrong.
She She wans’t late.

It It wans’t warm
You You weren’t happy.

We We weren’t boring.
They We weren’t idle.

B. Listen the audio and answer the question: Where was Jason yesterday?
At 6:00, ________________________________
At 8:00, ________________________________
At 9:00, ________________________________
At 11:00, _______________________________
At 3:00, ________________________________
At 4:00, ________________________________
At 7:00, ________________________________
At 10:00, _______________________________

C. Complete the next conversation with the verb be in simple past.

Man: How was the movie?
Woman: It _____ really good.
Man: _____ it scary?
Woman: Yes, ______ really scary.

Man: Nice. _____ it crowded?
Woman: No, _______. There ______ many people there, surprisingly.

D. Rewrite each one of the sentences in the past.

i. I am a younger student.
ii. They are security guards.
iii. We are in Australia for tourism.
iv. He is one of the best workers in the job.
v. She is one of the tallest of her siblings.
vi. You aren’t in your home.
vii. She isn’t the queen of the kingdom.
viii. He isn’t a soccer player.

V. Communication
A. Read the prepositions of place in the box.

Useful Expressions
Preposition of place

Across from
Next to
In front of
Turn left
Turn right
Go straight

B. Imagine that you want to arrive some place of them. What do you

What’s in front of the bakery?


Where is the bakery?


Where is the hospital?

shop ____________________
Bank Cinema
Where is the cinema?

Hair _______________________

C. Practice the conversation

with your partner.

Lesson B – On a trip

C. Match the activities in the box with the correct picture.

Word Bank

1. Take pictures 7. Get a passport

2. Guide 8. Check in to your hotel
3. Pack the suitcase 9. Post photos online
4. Unpack the suitcase 10. Go sightseeing
5. Boarding pass 11. Luggage
6. Map 12. Exchange rate

II. Reading.
A. Read the text.

B. Read the text one more time. Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False).
1. Vincent van Gogh was famous during his life. F T
2. Vincent was from Germany. F T
3. Theo van Gogh was Vincent's father. F T
4. Vincent was a good student. F T
5. Vincent was a happy person. F T
6. Vincent's paintings weren't popular in his life. F T

C. Match the highlight words with their meanings.

a. Village 1. Physically or mentally ill.

b. Artist 2. Many people supported it.
c. Alive 3. Small town in the countryside.
d. Popular 4. You are living.
e. Successful 5. Someone with abilities
f. Sick 6. Make your goal.

III. Grammar
A. Study the table below.

Yes / No Questions
Yes/No Questions with be Short Answers
Be Subject Complement? Affirmative Negative
(Past) Pronoun
I in this class? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
he Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.
she a student? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.
It Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.
you a student? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.

Were we in this class? Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.

they students? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

Wh- Questions with be Answers

Wh- Be (Past) Subject Complement?

Word Pronoun
I I was in Iceland last semester.

he He was in Iceland six days ago.

When was
she in Iceland? She was in Iceland in 1992.

It It was in Iceland last week.

you You were at the restaurant

Where were we yesterday? We were in a party yesterday.

they They were in the zoo yesterday.

B. Complete the conversations with the correct word. You can use the words in
the box.

▣ Was there ▣ Were

▣ I was ▣ Were you
▣ Was ▣ You weren’t

i. Man: Where ______ _____last night?

Woman: ___ _____ at work.
Man: Really? I was at your shop. _____ _______ there.
Woman: No, I _______ in the back working.
Man: You __________?
Woman: Really! I _____ _____.

▣ was ▣ There were
▣ It was ▣ Wasn’t
▣ How was ▣ Was it

ii. Man: _____ ______ the test?

Woman: ___ _____ really hard.
Man: How long _____ ____?
Woman: ______ ______ about 20 problems.
Man: Yeah? What ______ your score?
Woman: Let's just say, it ________ great, but it wasn't bad either.

▣ was ▣ There were

▣ It was ▣ Wasn’t
▣ How was ▣ Was it

iii. Man: Do you know ______ _____ at the party?

Woman: Jason ______ there. So was Sue.
Man: Oh, ______ Tom and Katie there?
Woman: No, they _________ there, but their son was.
Man: Oh, I see. So, ______ ____fun?
Woman: Yeah, ____ _____ a fun evening.

C. Write the correct questions and answer them.

i. Picasso/ a painter (!)

Was Picasso a painter?

Yes, he was.
ii. the Beatles/ from the United States (X)

iii. Princess Diana/ American (X)


iv. Charles Dickens and Jane Austen/ writers (!)


v. Carmen Miranda/ Portuguese (!)

vi. Monet and Matisse / singers (X)
vii. Michael Jackson/ a waiter (X)

viii. Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison/ American (!)

IV. Writing

A. Read the text and answer the questions.

After a few days in Hanoi, I moved to my host family's house. They were a young husband and
wife and their three-year-old son. At our first dinner, I was nervous because my Vietnamese was
terrible and their English wasn't great. But it was fun. We laughed a lot. My host mother cooked a
delicious meal.

I studied Vietnamese every morning, and I usually traveled to school by motorcycle taxi. At first,
the traffic was terrifying. But after a few days, I loved it. After a few months, my Vietnamese was
good. My Vietnamese friends helped me a lot! I also talked to people on the street. I visited a lot of
beautiful places in Vietnam, but my favorite thing was the Vietnamese people. They're nice and
friendly, and family is very important to them.

I sometimes missed my family in the US. I also missed pizza! There were a few pizza restaurants
in Hanoi, but they weren't the same. I loved my host family. I'm in the US now and I miss them a
lot. I want to go back to Hanoi this summer!

B. Now answer the questions

● How did the author feel the first time in the host family’s house?
● Where the author was?
● How were the people in that country?
C. Write 2 paragraph about an experience in a trip that you or how was your


A. Look at the picture above and ask the question.
● What is the name of the food? Guess
● What is the taste of the food in the picture? Guess
● What are the ingredients of that food? Guess
● Were you a cooking student?
● Do you cook in your house?


A. Watch for details. How to prepare a pancake? Put in order the pictures from 1
to 8.

B. Use the numbers of the images in A and match it with their instructions.
a) Put the dough in the frypan. ___
b) Put the egg in the bowl. ___
c) Your first pancake is ready to eat. ___
d) Mix the ingredients. ___
e) Add sugar to the bowl. ___
f) Add the flour to the bowl. ___
g) Pour the milk in the bowl. ___
h) Use the oil in the fry pan. ___


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