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Quality Compensation law with the expectations of MDE

When you think of professional development, what comes to mind? It seems to mean something
different for almost everyone. Many people still envision the “sit n’ git” model, while others look at PD
as training in a specific area. Usually people “getting” PD walk away with no intention of using the new
information, while people involved in PD, work to improve their teaching and student learning. When
St. Louis County Schools’ Q Comp application was accepted by MDE, our professional development
structure was tied to the Quality Compensation law that the state had passed. Our Wednesday team
meetings during early release need to be aligned to the expectations of MDE in order to be in
compliance. Here are the requirements for job-embedded professional according to MDE.

 Occurs during the workday and in the workplace

 Closely connected to the actual work of teachers in classrooms with their current students
 Designed to improve teachers’ instruction
 Intended to improve student learning
 Centered on the academic student needs of the school
 Directly linked to the goals set for students by the team and the school

If you use these requirements as a filter for what you do or want to do in your team meetings, your PD
should not only benefit you and your students, but also meet the expectations of MDE.

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