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ETHICS REVIEWER John Dewey (1859-1952) PHENOMENOLOGY - philosophy of

A systematic pragmatist or instrumentalist experience, main paradigm of thinking

PRAGMATISM – defined what is true, what is Being “philosophical” really meant being
moral, and what works critically intelligent and maintaining a scientific Franz Brentano (1838-1917)
approach to human problem Philosopher and psychologist
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) Dewey’s Educational System is implemented in Proposed a “descriptive or phenomenal
Semiotics – theory of signs the Philippines psychology
Focused on Linguistics Pedagogy – art of teaching
Classified signs as natural, iconic, and “But what is it that we are experiencing when
conventional (agreed upon) “I propose that educationalists should no longer we experience?
Conventional signs are “symbols” conceive of children as passive, empty jam jars
who need to be stuffed with information, but as “I want to know exactly WHAT it is that the
independently-minded problem-solvers who individual knows when presented with
“The word is not the object.” need to be continuously challenged.” something in his consciousness.”
“There are no ultimate truths that philosophy NEO-PRAGMATISM – revival after
can establish about the nature of reality. European imports of analytic philosophy and
Individual ideas must always be tested by the Edmund Husserl (1859-1938)
effects they produce.” Intentionality –whenever you are aware of your
consciousness, something is inside it
John Rawls (b. 1921)
William James (1842-1910) Method of Bracketing – to perform a series of
Book: A Theory of Justice reduction which ignores all metaphysical and
Influenced by Pierce’s Pragmatism
Justice is fairness theoretical distractions
Ideas should not be seen as abstract meta-
It started with a thought experiment by
physical entities but tools with practical uses
imagination “The trick is to suspend or bracket all questions
Functionalism (if you believe it works, go for it)
Veil of Ignorance – everyone is treated as of truth or reality, sot that only the unique pure
Books: equals immediacy of experience remains as content.”
The Principles of Psychology (1980)
The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) John Searle (b. 1932)
Produced work on the philosophy of language
“Mapagkaka-kitaan ba ‘yan? Then go for it” and is critical of all enthusiastic materialist
theories of mind.
“Human evolution is an interactive process in Number-crunching computers are always faster
which consciousness and the environment since they do it mechanically but more stupid
influence each other – consciousness exists in than humans because they have no convincing
order to enable us to survive.” grasp of meaning
Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) Book: The Second Sex Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) and Alfred North
The question of being called “fundamental Whitehead (1861-1947)
ontology” “Hindi ka ipinanganak na babae. Magpaka- Attempted to prove how even the simplest
Humans are Dasein – being there babae ka.” mathematics had logical foundations
Book: Being and Time (1927) Book: Principia Mathematica
Albert Camus (1913-1960)
“Why is there anything rather than nothing?” A journalist, essayist, and novelist Russell’s solutions to linguistic puzzles is to
Book: The Myth of Sisyphus (1943) break the ordinary sentence into its logical
Das Nichts – nothingness, our own oncoming
death “The main question in life is to commit suicide
Our being in this world must be realized by acts or not.” LOGICAL POSITIVISTS
of free choice, giving us authenticity Vienna Circle – social and physical scientists
We are thrown into this world rather than philosophers
Gottlob Frege (1848-1925)
We are waiting to be “nothing” or to die Logic is the foundation of modern philosophy
instead of the “problem of knowledge” Moritz Schlick (1882-1936), Otto Neurath
(1882-1945), and Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970)
“The role we assume makes us inauthentic He thought that he could demonstrate the deep
because it is not owned by us.” connection between logic and mathematics. All philosophy, especially Hegelian idealism, is
metaphysical nonsense
He demystified mathematics by showing that
EXISTENSIALISM – emphasizes the numbers aren’t objects
existence of the individual person as a free and A.J. Ayer (1910-1989)
responsible agent determining their own “Numbers are the properties of concepts or Book: Language, Truth, and Logic
development through acts of the will useful logical fictions- rather like the fiction of Dismissed both religion and ethical language as
the average man.” nonsense which shocked some members of
Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) British establishment
Developed existentialism from Descartes, Founder of modern linguistic philosophy
Hegel, and Husserl A word is a sign, it expresses a sense (meaning)
Book: Being and Nothingness (1943) and denotes a reference
Existence precedes essence (quality of life you
choose) “The word table does not refer to this table.”

“Because there is no god, there is no human

Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) FALSIFICATION THEORY – a counter- A SYSTEM OF SIGNS
Books: example can falsify a general claim Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913)
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1992) Founder of structuralism and semiology
Philosophical Investigations (1953) Karl Popper (1902-1994) Luminary on Language
Language Games – language is a series of Falsification theory would be a more sensible
different games with different purposes and way of thinking about scientific procedure “The relation of language to the world is
goals arbitrary (agreed upon). It does not signify
“Falsification is a reliable gate-keeping test reality.”
“Meaning is in the use, you won’t find it which will distinguish real science from
elsewhere.” pseudo-sciences.” Jacques Derrida (b. 1930)
Deconstruction – not a “method” but more like
Private Thoughts – language is a social product Max Planck (1958-1947) a therapy according to Wittgenstein.
and therefore consciousness cannot be private Quantum physics began when his mathematical It does not seek a true meaning but reveals
discovery which seemed to violate sacrosanct multiple unconsciously at war with each other
“Thinking occurs because of using words. Second Law of Dynamics What are exposed as “unconscious” are the
There are no private thoughts since words are binary polarities which underpin metaphysical
public.” THE THREE BIG “IFS” OF assumptions
POSTMODERNISM One element in any binary opposition is always
Should not be called “ifs”, they are axioms (not “privileged” over the other
J.L. Austin (1911-1960) “You can’t experience the dark without
Performative Speech-Acts – we do not only say 1. Human thoughts can no longer be knowing the light”
something, there is also an action guaranteed as “ours”.
2. The language we think cannot meaningfully
refer to the world outside itself.
3. The meaning of autonomous linguistic signs
INDUCTION METHOD – a scientific method are constantly shifting.
based on observations
Countered by Hume, pointing that induction LANGUAGE AND REALITY
offers only probability and not certainty
Heidegger: as human beings, we can never
separate language and reality
“Any science based on induction will never be Wittgenstein: there are only localized “language
certain” games”.
Derrida: we use language to think and
communicate with
INEXISTENT SELF A WORLD OF HYPER REALITY  All scientific facts are constructed
Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) Jean Baudrillard (b. 1929) through language.
The self is a fiction, a private and unique The world presented to us by postmodern  The observer is the observed – all
identity is only a useful illusion that provides us thinkers are one of fragmented nightmare observations are theory-laden.
with a sense of security and makes some unified “hyper reality”  All human knowledge is a construction
sense of our shifting experiences Augmented Reality of language.
Vedas (Advaita) – a sacred living in extant that
came 1000 years before the Bible “We exist in a world of hyper real simulacra –  Good science is a rigorous and
among signs that bear no relation even to disciplined study of how nature works.
“Where I think – I think therefore I am – that is provisional surface reality.” It is produced by scientists who take
where I am not.” elaborate precautions against self-
deception or prejudice. This is real.
Jean-Francois Lyotard (1924-1998)
Undermined another crucial “foundational”
myth: the idea of progress
Book: The Postmodern Condition (1979)

Michel Foucault (1926-1984)
Power and knowledge are mutually complicit
Philosophy has been an accomplice in this
“power play” of dominating others by
marginalizing them
Borrowed Nietzsche’s concept of “genealogy”
(lineage or bloodline)
Institutionalized Knowledge – in line with
corporate policy; the instrument of power
pathologizes the “mad”, “criminal”, and the
“sexually abnormal”

“Official histories filter, select, prioritize, and

exclude other interpretations.”

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