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Mineral. Deposita (Berl.

) 9, 261--269 (1974)
© by Springer-Verlag 1974

The Michiquillay Porphyry Copper Deposit

Vancouver 1, British Columbia, Canada

Michiquillay is a mineralized intrusive quartz monzonite porphyry displaying

typical porphyry copper alteration zones as found in metallized intrusives of
that composition. From the interior outward these are the phyllic, argillic
and propylitic zones. The potassic zone is not exposed at the surface. The
intrusion and the center of mineralization coincide with the intersection of a
major transverse fault and a cross fault. Mineralization appears dominantly
to occur in fractures which may be related to each of these major structures,
and is ascribed in origin to simultaneous movement on each fault during the
period of hydrothermal activity. The stockwork developed at the fault inter-
section, and which is the locus of the ore body, fades as distance is gained away
from its center. Coincidentally, intensity of mineralization also weakens.

Introduction Geologic Setting

The Michiquillay porphyry copper of Caja- Regional Geology
marca Department, northern Peru (see Fig. 1
for location) well fits the model for such Michiquillay is located east of the continental
deposits, as described by LOWELL and GUlL- divide, in an area of thick, widespread and
BERT (1970). However, Michiquillay contains varied Cretaceous shelf marine sediments. As
features not adequately explained in the older can be inferred from the geologic outline
literature in other descriptions of such deposits, shown in Fig. 1, pre-Mesozoic continental
and for this reason a published technical crust outcrops west, northwest and southwest
summary of it is not a redundancy. of the Cretaceous, and it therefore seems likely
The Michiquillay porphyry is young, having that the Cretaceous was deposited on pre-
been dated at only 20.6 m.y. (LAUGHLIN et aL Mesozoic crystalline crust. The thick combined
1968). Thus time has permitted only minimal Mesozoic plus the pre-Mesozoic sections
erosion to have taken place, but alteration and penetrated by the Michiqnillay stock conceiv-
mineralization mark Michiquillay as a typical ably appear to have simulated a cratonic en-
porphyry copper. The description given here vironment for the intrusion. A section drawn
is based on geological and geophysical surveys normal to the Peru trench would reveal the
completed in 1958--59,including the preliminary speculative possibility that in the area of min-
ten-hole pilot drilling program, plus general eralized intrusion the Benioff zone may have
results of the more extensive drilling completed been 150 to 200 km below the surface. Petrol-
by 1969. Eventually exploration drilling de- ogy and mineralization of the Michiquillay
veloped a reserve of 575 M.T. of .72% Cu porphyry copper deposit are similar to many
(AxON. 1970). SIRvAs and HOSLISTEe, (in porphyry copper deposits in the southern
press) summarized the geology of the deposit Cordilleran orogen of N o r t h America, and in
on the basis of exploration to 1959, but this many of these a grossly similar cratonic crustal
paper will include data based on the more setting may be inferred (Low-ELL and GUIL-
complete exploration to 1969. BERT, 1970). N o r can these southern Cordil-
262 V.F. HOLLIS~r~Rand E, B. SIRVAS

80* 70"

C 0 L 0 M B ,l A
E C U A D0 R

r ./
M .)

\ \,

~ h __ , ~ ~0 •



Tertiary VMcQnics.

Tertiary (Undivided).
0 100 200 400
Coastal Bathollth.
I~ ~ ~ o m e l e*,s

[~ Mesozoic (Undivided).

Pre Mesozoic (Undivided)

Fig. 1

leran porphyries of North America he demon- porphyry stock intruding Lower (?) Cretaceous
strated to have formed at a dissimilar distance quartzite and Middle Cretaceous limestone,
above the Benioff zone. The presence of approximately at the intersection of the
quartz monzonite porphyry associated with a Hualgayoc and Encanada faults. Neither of the
Cu--Mo ore in many southern Cordilleran intruded sedimentary rocks appears to have
orogen porphyry copper deposits (LoweLL an extensive development of skarn, though
and GUILBF~V,T, 1970) matches the petrology sulfide occurs in both to some extent. Lack of
and mineralization at Michiquillay. thermal metamorphism suggests the intrusives
As can be seen in Fig. 2, the Michiquillay present were relatively lacking in heat and were
porphyry copper consists of a quartz monzonite "dry" during injection. Bedding near the Miehi-
Michiquillay Porphyry Copper Deposit 263

[-~ Tertiory Intrus~ves .

~--~ Tertiary Volcanlcs.

Upper Cretaceous.

6"45' ~-~ Middle Cretaceous.

KJ~ Lower Cretaceous.

Tv / Km

;4 Tv
Ti 0 K. /'


":/~--~--'"~'7-~T'4~ K'~-~.~J------z" o o'
~ ~Punfe

0 t5 30
Kilometers "-/<. --, f
Fig. 2
quillay stock strikes nearly east-west and dips The intersection of the Hualgayoc and the
very steeply south. South of this stock this Encanada faults is the locus of not only the
strike persists but the dips flatten as distance Michiquillay stock but of the alteration halo
is gained away from it. Northeast of the associated with the ore deposit and the stock-
Michiquillay stock the dips become contorted work of veinlets that makes up its core. The
in a faulted anticlinal axis, and strong field Hualgayoc fault is a dextral transcurrent fault
evidence exists for the igneous intrusions being having an unknown but significant Tertiary
a genetically causative factor of doming, as in movement. It appears to offset Pliocene (?)
a diapir. The Punre stock is on the anticlinal volcanics between Hualgayoc and Michiquil-
axis itself, and it consists of a megascopically lay, and combined epizonal magmatism and
determined fresh porphyritic granodiorite. pervasive hydrothermal activity occur along
Pleistocene glacial debris masks much of it at both places. This fault roughly parallels
the northern and eastern margins of both the leading edge of the South American plate,
stocks. These lateral and terminal moraines and its sense of movement agrees with HER-
effectively hide the relationship Michiquillay RON'S (1972) northward migration of the
has with the Punre granodiorite stock, but Nasca plate. Mineralization occurred while the
Michiquillay is believed to be younger. The Nasca plate was moving north (20.6 m.y.).
geology shown in Fig. 2 is modified and ex- The conclusion appears justified that the Hual-
panded from BENEWDAS (1956) tO provide the gayoc fault is a structure developed as a
detail necessary to show the regional geology consequence of stress release near the junction
near the ore deposit. of the Nasca and South American plates,
264 V.F. HOLLISTERand E. B. SIRvas

The lZncanada fault is a transverse strike-slip Petrography

fault apparently having only local significance.
Movement on it is inconclusively suggested The hornblende biotite quartz monzonite
to be left lateral. Significant mineralization has porphyry exposed at Michiquillay has under-
not been found on it outside of Michiquillay. gone sufficient post-magmatic alteration that
nowhere are fresh specimens available from
outcrop. Megascopic examination of drill
Local Geology core indicates a probable magmatic orthoclase
Fig. 3 shows the detailed surface geologic to plagioclase ratio of about one to have
setting of the Michiquillay porphyry. The existed, however.
texture and composition of the quartz monzon- The petrogenesis of the intrusive is note-
ire porphyry appears to be typical of this type worthy. As indicated above, the Michiquillay
of rock in other South American commercial and Punre stocks intrude Cretaceous sediments
porphyry copper deposits. When intruded it as relatively cool and dry injections. No
had well defined euhedral to subhedral crystals volcanic field is now identifiable as providing
of quartz, hornblende, feldspar and biotite extrusives which are contemporaneous with
set in a fine grained matrix. Alteration through- the stocks. Volcanics to the northwest appear
out the intrusive has been strong enough to to be younger andesites which are related to a
destroy the original magmatic silicates in source midway between Michiquillay and
varying degrees; and including the compound- Hualgayoc. The close chemical and petro-
ing effect of supergene alteration, now only graphic similarity between the Punre and
presence of quartz phenocrysts can be con- Michiquillay stocks suggest that they have a
sistently used as a field mapping guide to common calc-alkaline parentage. However,
identify the intrusive in outcrop. with the lack of extrusives associated with

N Glacial o/"
~,~ De b r i s ob~
• %,o . .. - . o ' . " " ! ~'5 ,~ ". c °¢" \"

6 ~.~. " ~
N 5:' ~ ~ "

L egend
Stockwork Veinlets Area
Glociol Till. showing trend of Ve~nlet$.

Quartz Monzonlte A'7~

Porphyry. M~chiq~illay Stock.

Middle ~ Outline ~fone.

Cretaceous, Phylllc

Lower Outline of
[ ~ Cretaceous. Argillic Zone. Stole
Fig. 3
Michiquillay Porphyry Copper Deposit 265

either stocks, absence of intrusives other than spaced veinlets, each with its own alteration
the stocks, and mAnimal side effects of dif- halo, provides the basis for the broader
ferentiation discemabte (i. e., lack of heat from development of the phyllic zone. Alteration
a differentiating parent, or paucity of fluids mineral distribution in the phyllic zone is
derived from the intruding magma extensively therefore governed by individual alteration
skamifying the intruded sediments), the ques- zones around each veintet in detail, and the
tion remains if the intrusives are indeed derived phyltie zone as used here refers to the general
from differentiation. Nearly all the copper limit of quartz sericite dominated alteration.
mineralization also occurs in fractures cutting The phyllic zone encompasses the heart of the
the Michiquillay stock or the intruded Creta- intersection of the Hualgayoc and Enca~qada
ceous sediments to the south so that this in- faults. It also would extend into the Cre-
trusive is essentially pre-mineral, and the hydro- taceous quartzites to the south if the chemistry
thermal fluids are even farther removed in time of these rocks would permit the growth of a
from any hypothetical model which derives quartz-sericite-pyrite mat. It also contains the
the mineralization as the end product of a most important copper and molybdenum
differentiated magma. Yet the appearance of the mineralization.
stock, the mineralization, and the alteration The argillic zone contains minor sericite in rock
all centered about the major regional fault dominantly composed of clay minerals, chlorite
intersection suggest that all these phenomena and pyrite. Other hydrated silicates probably
may have a common deap-seated source. occur in the hypogene argillic zone as well,
but surface exposures are masked by the
supergene effects of oxidized pyrite. As in
Alteration the phyllic zone, alteration minerals tend to be
An areal distribution of the bypogene aiteration zoned about each veinlet in the manner SALES
zones is shown in Fig. 3. These fit the classical and MEYERS (1948) describe for Butte. The
porphyry alteration picture of HE~ILEY and mass effect of having the walls of the veinlets
JoN~s (i964) quite wet1. The potassic zone so altered gives rise to the argillic zone.
appears to be missing in outcrop at the surface. What has been described as the potassic zone
Because minerals developed in the phyllic, in other, older porphyries, was not identified
argillic, and prophylitie zones appear to be at the surface at Michiqufllay. The quartz-
typical of the mineralized quartz monzonite serieite, or phyllic zone, is surrounded by an
porphyry model summarized by LOWELL and argillic zone, and both contain a visually
GUILBERT (1970) and others, a detailed min- estimated 7 % average pyrite by volume. This
eralogic description wilt not be presented here. estimate may be in error because it is based on
Within the phyllic zone, sericite, quartz, and interpretation of the leached capping and
pyrite are the dominant alteration products. relatively few drill holes, but it is significant
Minerals which have the megascopic appear- that an estimated 60 ~{~ of this pyrite occurs in
ance of sericite (pyrophyllite, etc.) have not fracture filling while 40 °/o appears as a replace-
been identified but cotfld be present, masked by ment of the ferromagnesiums in the wM1
the sericite. Kaolin occurs as a minor con- rocks, or as simple dissemination. In spite of
stituent. Orthoclase and biotite have been the strength of the sulfide within the phyllic
identified only as rare minerals in the veinlets zone, the pyrite zone covers only about four
and this only from drill holes. Within the square kilometers.
phyllic zone, therefore, the wall rock is largely A prophylitic zone also exists but is too poorly
converted to a mass of sericite (possibly in- exposed at the surface to permit a precise de-
cluding sericite appearing minerals), quartz, scription at this time. Tourmaline rarely and
kaolin and pyrite, and with the stockwork erratically also occurs as a dissemination in the
veintets cutting it. The silicate alteration southern part of the phyllic zone. It occurs as
minerals are arranged zonally about individual occasional rosettes. Fracture filling by tour-
veins and veinlets in the manner described by maline is believed to be very rare, and therefore
SALJas and MEYER (t948) for Butte. The the Michiquillay deposit is set apart from the
cumulative or aggregate effect of many d o s d v major tourmaline breccias of the Andean

t7 /Vlineralium Deposita 9/3


orogen (e.g., Toquepala, Braden). Neither in the phyllic zone, and no biotite or chlorite
topaz nor fluorite were identified. veinlets have been noted which are free of
Supergene alteration of the sulfide bearing, sulfide. The quartz sulfide veinlets are dom-
mineralized igneous and sedimentary rocks inantly of that composition, however, and
provided a widespread superficial argillization veinlets entirely or largely of silicates were
which has masked some of the hypogene not seen.
alteration products. The 7 ~o estimated total
pyrite found in the ore zone provided sufficient
acid, upon weathering, to have destroyed the Zoning of the metallic sulfides is only poorly
more reactive silicates. No orthoclase, mont- developed at Michiquillay. Copper and molyb-
morillonite, biotite or other more easily denum tend to remain within the confines of
weathered silicates survived in the capping the phyllic zone and an area richer in molyb-
now exposed on the surface. In contrast, denum has been developed within this zone,
sericite was emphasized as a megascopically being characterized by greater accompanying
visible, pervasive alteration product in the quartz. However, both zinc and molybdenum
phyllic zone because of its resistance to sulfides may occur erratically within the copper
weathering. Fig. 3 shows the alteration zones zone. Minor, non-commercial concentrations of
as interpreted from the capping visible on the sphalerite occur outside of the argillic zone, in
surface. the intruded sediments, but the volume of such
mineral now known is insignificant. Separation
Mineralization of the metallic sulfides laterally in a typical
Pb--Zn--Cu--Mo pattern appears to be crude
Copper, and to a much lesser extent, molyb- and incipient when compared with such districts
denum and zinc sulfides occur in Michiquillay, as Cerro de Pasco, Morococha and Quiruvilca.
but largely as integral components of a well The conclusion reached from the lack of strong
developed stockwork. It is estimated that less zoning is that the pressure-temperature gradient
than 10% of the hypogene copper occurs as away from the center of mineralization rapidly
dissemination in the walls. The principal dropped to background, a conclusion support-
copper sulfide is chalcopyrite, but bornite and ed by the weakness of exposed metamorphism.
chalcocite were also noted. Molybdenite and
sphalerite also occur sparingly. Where copper
minerals occur in the stockwork veinlets, the
bulk of the vein filling material is quartz and Paragenesis of metallic sulfide minerals based
pyrite. The stockwork is therefore important only on megascopic studies appears to be:
in localizing metallic mineralization. Ore does molybdenite, copper sulfides appearing simul-
not exist outside of the stockwork areas, nor taneously with either molybdenite or sphalerite;
are stockworks of quartz-sulfide veinlets sphalerite and finally rare galena. Pyrite appears
visible outside of ore. In the phyllie zone the to have been deposited early, but its deposition
stockwork is almost entirely of quartz-sulfide continued through the period where sphalerite
veinlets. In the argillic zone sulfide veinlets and galena appeared. Interpretation of the
begin appearing without accompanying structure of the deposit indicates that fractures
quartz, and the change to sulfide from quartz open and filled with molybdenite bearing
sulfide veinlets becomes more marked as veinlets were also simultaneously open and filled
distance is gained away from the phyllic zone. with other metallic sulfides, including sphal-
The sulfide-only veinlets are largely pyrite erite in other parts of the deposit. The paragene-
in hypogene mineralization, lacking significant sis indicated above would therefore be for any
copper metallization. specific locale in the area mineralized. The
Where vein quartz appears, regardless of the recognition of the cognate nature of the two
alteration zone hosting the veinlet, sericite principal faults and the simultaneous opening
may accompany it, though it need not neces- of fractures in the molybdenum section and in
sarily do so. Orthoclase has been identified the other zones suggests that paragenesis may
in drill holes only in those veinlets occurring be primarily a function of spatial pressure-
Michiquillay Porphyry Copper Deposit 267

temperature conditions as well as a time major faults. Mineralization occurred during

sequence of introduction of the elements. The the movements of the faults, and the hydro-
somewhat confused paragenesis of Mo--Cu-- thermal fluids used the openings created as
Zn indicates some dumping or telescoping access to the surface, dropping vein-material
in mineralization. It also suggests that the into the openings as they passed through. The
center of heat dispersion was close to the average veinlet is tess than one cm wide and
assumed intersection of the two major faults. very few show effects of more than two stages
of mineralization. Most have only one stage
Supergene megascopicalIy inferred, with a simple filling
A leached capping has been found to exist of the opening provided. Strike-slipping on
over much of the ore body at IVlichiquillay. the principal faults provided new openings as
Where it is missing, it is believed to have vein material closed and healed the old frac-
been removed by valley glaciation. Subjacent tures created by earlier movements.
to the capping in the area of phyllic alteration In the vicinity of MichiquilIay both the
is an erratic development of supergene copper Hualgayoc and the Encanada faults split into
sulfides, dominantly chalcodte with covellite. a number of strands. Where right lateral
The capping contains on the order of .04% movement on one or more strands of the
Cu, so that leaching was fairly complete. Hualgayoc fault offset the Encanada fault, the
Hypogene grade under the .04% Cu capping fault planes in the Encanada fault were dilated
will average 0.5 % Cu for very large volumes of or opened to permit hydrothermal fluids to
rock. enter.
The supergene blanket below the capping is Similarly, when left latemal movement took
of a variable thickness and grade. Chalcopyrite place on the Encanada fault, the Hualgayoc
tends to be more prone to attack by supergene fault zone was offset and the strands of Hual-
copper bearing waters than is pyrite, so that gayoc fault were opened, allowing vein filling
replacement and coatings by chalcocite and to take place. Repeated simultaneous move-
covdlite are most noticeable on the chalco- ment occurred on both structures, forming
pyrite. repeated openings on the two fault zones, with
the mineralizing process continuing for most
Structure of the time -when cognate movement t o o k
Mineralization and alteration are spatially
Field evidence suggests that movement on
arranged about the intersection of the strike-
the Hualgayoc fault preceded, occurred
slip Hualgayoc and Encanada faults, and
during, and also post dated activity on the
mineralization itsdf consists of fracture fillings
Encanada fault, and the greater development
in the stockwork de eeloped at the intersection.
of veinlets with the Encanada trend supports
The veinlets are fillings of tectonically caused
this interpretation.
voids rather than replacements of host rock.
The development of the stockwork is dia-
The extensional conditions are restricted
gramadcally shown in Fig. 4.
largely to veinlet filling since brecda pipes
and dikes are largely absent from the ore zone.
The veinlet trend in the stockwork is most Conclusion
importantly the trend of the Encanada fault,
and secondarily the trend of the Hualgayoc. The MichiquilIay porphyry copper deposit
Other minor trends exist which appear to be fits well into the model for this type of deposit
the result of fractures conjugate to these two. where the quartz monzonite porphyry is
the host. Moreover, this porphyry deposit
may be shown to occur on a regional fault that
G e n e s i s of t h e S t o c k w o r k may owe its origins to plate tectonics.
The stockwork dearly demonstrates that The intersection of the Hualgayoc and En-
repeated small strike-slip movements took canada faults provided access from deep in the
place, opening and reopening the host rock crust for a quartz monzonite magma to rise to
along the planes of the directions of the t w o or close to the surface. Simultaneous m o v e -


S °*o~o" o"
ooY/. \ /
"~o, / /

STEP 01'4/: - Movement an a strand STEP TWO - Movement an a strand STEP THREE- Repeated movement
of the Hualgayoc Fault d i s p l a c e s of the Enca~ada Fault offsets and an a s t r a n d of the Hualgayoc
a n d d i l a t e s a strand of the Enca'~ada dilates t'ne H u a l g a y a c F a u l t . The Fault offsets the E n c a ' ~ a d a Fault.
Fault. The opening farmed i s t h e n openings formed are filled ~vith Openings formed are filled w i t h
filled with mineral, resulting in o mineral. mineral.
Fig. 4

ments on the faults appear to have continued the ore from differentiation of a cooling magma
during intrusion, allowing rapid release of receives little encouragement from Michi-
magmatic fluids which would have meta- quillay's setting. Nor does the deposit appear
morphosed wall rocks in the continually to he a result of autobrecciation of a water
reopening channelways, and leaving minimal rich magma. On the other hand, no conflict
skarn development typical of "dry" magmas. now seems apparent between the origin of
Hydrothermal fluids closely followed the Michiquillay and that found in convection
• intrusion, using the same fault intersection as cycle hypothesis. The structural setting ef-
the central core from which metallization fectively argues for a tectonic control of in-
and alteration effects migrated laterally. Traces trusion and mineralization.
of sulfide copper in the quartz monzonite
suggests a separate though possibly close
relationship between the intrusion and sulfide
mineralization, which is very largely veinlet Prof. CHARLES MEYER at the University of Cali-
filling. Alteration appears to be genetically fornia at Berkeley reviewed this paper and made
related to veinlet filling, with progressively many helpful comments. It is hoped that his
weaker zones of alteration mineral suites thoughts are adequately expressed in this text.
PEDRO SANCHEZMEJORADAalso provided thought-
occurring concentrically outward from the
ful criticism of the ideas brought forth, as did
fault intersection. The ore deposit is localized Dr. THOMASWALTHIER.
by the intersection of two major strike slip
faults, the transverse Encanada cutting the
transcurrent Hualgayoc, with both moving Bibliography
simultaneously during intrusion, metallization ANON.: Peru's expanding copper role: Mining
and alteration. All of these phenomena are Journal, p. 25, Jan. 9, (1970)
thus part of an interdependent continuing BENAVlDeS,V. : Geologia de Cajamarca: Sac. Geol.
series of events. This intersection is the locus Peru Tomo 30 (1956)
not only for the porphyry stock, but for the HEMLEY, J. J., JoN~s, W. R.: Chemical aspects of
fracturing that permitted its alteration and for hydrothermaI alteration with emphasis on
the ore body that resulted from vein filling hydrogen metasomatism: Econ. Geol. v 59
of the fractures. H~RRO-~, E. M.: Seafloor spreading and the
Within the current problems of genesis for this Cenozoic history of the east central Pacific:
t y p e of deposit the advocate of derivation of Bull. Geol. Sac. America, v 83 (1972)
Michiquillay Porphyry Copper Deposit 269

HOLLISTER, V. F.: Regional Characteristics of SAL~S, R. H., MEYER, C. : Wall rock alteration in
porphyry copper deposits of South America: Butte, Montana: Am. Inst. Min. Engr. Trans.
A I M E TP 73, 1--2 (1973) v 178 p. 9--35 (1948)
Received: March 19, 1974
LAUGHLIN, A. W., DAMAN, P. E., WATSON,B. N. : SIRVAS, E., HOLLISTeR, g . F. : (in press) E1 porfido
Potassium-Argon dates from Toquepala and de cobre Michiquillay: Soc. Geol. Peru
Michiqmllay, Peru: Econ. Geol. v 63 (1968)
LOWELL, J. D., GUILBERT, J. M.: Lateral and Manager, Canadian Exploration Duval Corpora-
vertical alteration-mineralization zoning in tion, 355 Burrard Street, Vancouver 1, British
porphyry ore deposits: Econ. Geol. v 65, (1970) Columbia, Canada

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