Renewable Power

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|Unit |) Renewable Power Introducing the Top jw In our modern world, we use lots of electricity. We use it to make our lights What do you use electricity for? shine at night. We use it to keep our homes: a Where do cool in the summer and warm in the you think your electricity winter. We use it to make our cellphones and computers work. The problem is that Q Warm-Up Hy cung ban hoc tra Idi cdc cau hdi duéi day. comes from? What are some better ways we can producing this energy often creates eke make power? of pollution. This hurts the planet. For this reason, some people think the government needs to help make renewable sources of clean energy. Learning about the Topic Should governments focus on developing renewable energy sources? Ga AEE) hen kee Renewable energy refers to power from the sun, water, and wind, These energy sources will last forever, They make very little pollution, Even so, most of the world’s energy still comes from nonrenewable sources suich as coal and oil. Is it time for governments to invest more in renewable energy? Governments Should Focus on Renewable Power Sources For one, governments need to develop renewable energy infrastructure. There are places such as the U,S, Midwest that can make lots of renewable power. But there are not enough power lines to send the power where people need it. In this case, only governments can afford to invest in enough infrastructure to make this - power usable, Second, renewable power sources are cleaner, Burning coal and oil creates lots of pollution, This affects everyone on the Earth, The government's role is to provide a safe environment for citizens, Investing in renewable energy will . make the Earth cleaner for all, Governments Should Not Focus on Renewable Power Sources For one, renewable power is not efficient, For instance, coal is about 33 percent efficient, But solar panels are only 14 percent efficient. So renewable energy o not make as much power as old sources. This means that countries sources d since they are more efficient. should continue using traditional energy sources Second, private companies can develop more creative renewable energy sources than governments, Small companies are better at developing unique ways to make clean energy. Specifically, the company AltaRock Energy has developed power sources using the heat in the Earth, Governments rarely create such innovative energy solutions, Answers: p 134 98 EES Vocabulary Check | | owe 5 TOOLS errs CT i renewable efficient innovative infrastructure invested My team won the competition with \deas, Rich countries have many highways and other —.. Sources of power have less impact on the Earth, My father 4 lot of money in his restaurant business, soe wy Buses can cary many people, so they are more than cars ae. “hows 94) Comprehension Questions ir Rea enk at ket ay. 1. What do countries need to do to fully use renewable energy? I a. They need to develop their power infrastructure more, b. They need to make renewable energy sources closer to cities, | | 2. How can renewable energy sources provide a safer environment for citizens? | a. Renewable energy sources make more energy than coal and oll, | b. Renewable energy sources make less pollution than other energy forms, 3. Why is it difficult for countries to invest in renewable energy sources? a, Because renewable energy sources create less energy than coal or cil b. Because it is not possible to make renewable energy in most areas 4. Why is it better for private companies to develop renewable energy sources? a, Because small businesses can create more innovative energy solution b. Because governments do nat have enough money to find creative energy solution [newer p 134] 99 oa Building Arguments Khi tranh bign, em can xay dung durgc nhiing 1p luan that 16 rang. Trude tién, em phai chon dugc cdc lap Iuan hé tro tot cho lép luan chinh cia minh, Sau dé, hay tim nhiing dan ching cing c6 cho tig lap lun hd tr dé, Cuéi cng, a can giai thich vi sao lép luan cua déi thi lai khéng duing. Dé goi la phan bién, Ss wrtin, si i a>, CD , aan Main Argument =) caer imples Berea mene tank Which sentence best summarizes the main argument in favor of governments developing renewable energy sources? a. Itis necessary for governments to invest in new sources of power. b, Governments are already investing too much money into renewable energy. ¢. Traditional energy sources will still be used for many years. 2. Which sentence is a supporting argument for the main argument you chose above? a, Some small companies are already investing in renewable energy. b, Renewable energy sources can replace traditional energy sources, c. Current energy sources are still cheaper options for governments, 3. Which sentence gives a good supporting example for the supporting argument you chose above? a. Governments can build millions of solar panels to replace coal factories. b. Coal produces more energy than solar panels can produce, c. Small companies can take more risks and invest in creative energy solutions. Which sentence is the best counterargument against the opposite team? a, Some forms of renewable energy are more efficient than other forms, b. Renewable energy technology is not developed enough to invest in, c, Investing in renewable energy will help make the environment cleaner for all citizens. “Answers: p 194) 100 Opinion Examples CENT uncer nik ok acute un uL uae Cou 7 Nain Argument Anewors:p 195 Governments should focus on developing renewable energy sources. Governments need to make renewable energy our main source of power. Our current energy sources won't last forever. It's time for our governments to take action. They need to develop renewable energy technology. This technology isn't good enough to replace coal and oil yet. But it won't get better unless governments invest in it to develop it. For the future of the planet, governments need to take responsibility by developing renewable energy sources. fa) Summary Kayla argues that renewable energy technology will not get unless governments _ aS ‘Small companies can invest in renewable energy instead of the government. 4 Governments should provide citizens with safe and stable sources of power. This means they should use reliable sources of energy. The problem with renewable energy is that it is not developed enough currently. It can’t make enough energy for most needs. So it’s better for smaller companies to improve renewable energy technology. Once the technology gets better, governments can start using it to make energy for citizens. Summary _ Jackson thinks that governments should use sources of ____ _.. for now. Organizing Supporting Arguments erie ite kek CURR ns PEt ae kr acu erciie Is * Many governments do not have enough money to invest in renewable energy. * Renewable energy sources will not develop until governments invest in them. * Most renewable sources of energy do not produce enough power yet. * These new energy sources will make the environment cleaner for everyone. 102 —s Planning Your Supporting Arguments ATID Governments should focus on developing renewable energy sources. Lap Iugn ciia em la gi? Hay chia thinh hai nhém va cling chun bi cho cudc tranh bign. Xac dinh xem em DONG Y hay KHONG DONG Y véi lap ludn chinh phia tren, Sau 46, hay tién hanh nghién cau dé xdy dung lap Tuén hd tro cho quan diém cia em, Se ns 1. Do you think governments should focus on developing renewable energy sources? 2. What is your supporting argument for your opinion? 3. What is your supporting example? Is it your experience? Or did you find the information in a book or on the Internet? Em cling can tim doc thém cde nghién cttu, bai béo, hose biéu dé dé hé tre cho Jap lun cia minh. Example Supporting Arguments DISAGREE ‘or * Supporting Argument: For AGREE * Supporting Argument: 4 cone, if the government invests in renewable energy now, it willbe | better for the future. i Supporting Example: More specifically, it will take many years to develop infrastructure for renewable energy. Building enough power lines will take years. It is better to invest in them now. So there will be enough energy production when traditional sources run out. one, investing in renewable energy sources is not a good use of tax money. * Supporting Example: More specifically, renewable energy ‘sources are not very efficient. They do not produce enough energy to replace older energy sources. For now, the government should not risk tax money by investing in renewable energy sources. ‘Bung quén ghi chép vao s6 nhung thong tin ma em tim hiéu duge cong rnhu viét ra dan y cho cdc lap Ivan hd tro va dn chung. 103 Making Your Arguments What is your opinion? Do you think governments should focus on developing renewable energy sources? Choose your opinion and then make your arguments. (©) AGREE ( DISAGREE My opinion is that eee eseueeeeceee ange |) governments should focus on developing renewable energy sources: [itis not proper for governments to invest in renewable energy sources First of all, | Tobe specific, | x Suggested answers’ p 135 A ® Write Your Arguments Trinh bay lép ludn ciia em cho cude tranh bién vao phan dong ke bén dudi. Hay vigt that ro rang lap Iuan chinh, lap Iuan hd tro va cae dan chimmg. Sau a, hay Tuan ciia d6i di thu va ly do vi sao em khéng dong ¥ voi lap Iuan A. viet lai 18 Suggested answers: p 138 105

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