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Thu, Jul 20, 2023 9:04PM • 12:41

blueprint, bottoms, sex, gave, xyz, call, dealerships, future pacing, bit, describing, copywriter, system,
mike, grabbing, happen, initiate, girlfriend, disruptive, terms, intimacy

Email right now right? Those of you I got I've got like this guy has tried to sell me coffee set. He's his
name's Chase diamond. He's a copywriter. Okay. He starts with he's a copywriter. Okay. Happy
Thursday. Okay. Yeah, here's what I'm seeing regarding email marketing copywriting this week. Now
granted, I already have a relationship with this guy. I know he's a good copywriter. So it's different.
Okay, it's full ice cold. But still, that's garbage. Right? Like, that's garbage. And so like you're wasting
valuable. I don't need you to you know, it wasn't Senator like, oh my god, this guy agreed and he
properly like, let's get into it. And so, um, and there's so I think it's it's disruptive what you've done to
their inbox. And that's a good thing. We want to be disruptive and we want to we want to be like, they
haven't I put it this way. No, no, nobody you send this to is going to have read something like this ever?
Probably. Okay. And that's a good thing. So I would fiddle with the length that you leave it in that form
the the button article like fictional conversational writing form, I would fill with the length of it and do
some that are all some of them. It's just a couple lines, some of them that it's a paragraph and then a
paragraph something that's one paragraph, but absolutely. Okay. Yeah. You know, I haven't you know,
I think I said something like, I haven't had sex on my birthday in 10 birthdays. Oh, wow. You know, I
think that was stuff or something along the lines. When we were working together. It was like, you
know, our Valentine's Day means I fall asleep. But you know, we got to sleep at night after high fiving
each other but no sex. Right? Like, you know, so but yeah, I think it's obviously is a, you know, I don't
wanna use the word fun, but it's a cool thing to write on. Because you can be kind of risky or something
level. We're a little risque, right. So a little cheeky. Yeah, yeah.

I think

yeah, I think it's good. I think, I don't know the answer for how long they'll read it in this form. Right?
Like, I, I want some people on group calls as if they like, know the answer. I don't know the answer, but
like, experiment is what I would have been.

Okay. So try this way. Try it. I mean, I can just alternate, I can try just a little dialogue, and then more of
the regular stuff, and then a little too and just see some things. 100% Okay, so what, what do you say
at the end? Like when you say,

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how do I swoop in and save my contact? Mike contacted us after refusing to spend another week,
another day, another lonely night. He wanted this tap, you want that to happen? I showed him my XYZ
system. Using this system Mike was able to get his wife to and then you just kind of start future pacing.
See what I mean? Like he comes to you with the, you know, I spoke to him on the day after his
birthday. Okay, so just turning into the phone call and offer them a blueprint. So, did I help you right
there or did I?

Well, yeah, it was kind of so short, like, well spell it out a little bit more like, like,

figure out some way for you to come into it. Right. So I spoke to him the day after his birthday or Mike
signup signed up to speak to me because he was sick and tired of, of, you know, spending sexless
nights, right. And on when we got on the phone, the first thing he said to me was and then just couldn't
continue the conversation a little bit, right. So you don't break with the form, right? And then I explained
to him my XYZ system. It's the system that I've been using my clients to stop this stop this start this
start this Mike had a question was it's just there. You've overcome an objection you're I mean, this is
therapy. This is a system that gets your wife to respond with these ways because women are this
particular way. And you know, now my table this is what's happening with Mike, I want to offer the same
thing to you. What I do is I give my XYZ I have phone calls or offer people an XYZ blueprint XYZ
system blueprint. Here's what you'll find out on the call. Couple lines about that book a call now.

Okay, and when you say the blueprint, I know that that's what Jason advertises so when they buy and
they purchase you're obviously going to send them you know, they're in the program now so they get all
that but if they decide all

is the blueprint, the call is never I did hundreds of calls, and I only have one person asked me about the
blooper. Okay,

so no one has anything to someone who says no, you just don't want anything because they were like,

they were like, they're like, What do I get my boo Print, I was like, Well, I just gave you the blueprint. I
was like I just gave it literally gave you the entire thing. And then I just recap the call, here's what you
need to do. And I said, this is this this assistance assistance. And since that's the blueprint nearby, I
didn't get like, you tricked me. And there was nothing.

But you're not like teaching them on the call. So what are you really giving them? You're just

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saying, These are the things you need to do? Yeah, you know, you need to identify the triggers that are
pushing her away from you on a daily basis. She's not telling you these things. So we need to figure out
a way to get her to start talking about these things, so that this can happen. And this, why didn't tell
them how I just told them what, what has to happen, right. Okay. And so you just stay at a high level
with on the call. And that's a script issue for the call, which we can help you with. Okay, that's a script.
Here's the thing you gotta remember, if I'm like, Hey, I heard you're interested in the car. Why don't you
come down to the Nissan dealership, and I can talk to you a little bit about what you're interested in, in
a car. You're like, I don't want to come down on the Nissan dealership, because you're going to try to
sell me a Nissan. Right? Right. And so instead, we're just like, Hey, I heard you want to buy a car. I'm
headed over to Starbucks, actually, if you want to stop by a by a coffee, and we could talk a little bit
about the different dealerships in town to see if one of those dealerships is probably gonna be able to
offer you the type of car you might be interested in. It's completely different environment, right? We're
not going to the dealership or going to coffee, right? We've deflected all of that. And so because there's
no cars there, were at Starbucks. And so that's all we're doing. We're deflecting from the sales
environment into his blueprint call.

And the future pacing, like, can you flesh that out a little bit. So I understand.

It's just like, it's like, he started out his wife started initiate sass. She was grabbing his butt in target
when he walked by on the toilet paper aisle, you know what I mean? Well, maybe that's the wrong aisle
to pick on the produce aisle. Um, you know, they started to joke and game together, they you know,
that this, they started to have sex and only six but sex, intimate sex or, you know, different types of sex.
You know what I mean? But like, we're talking about future pacing results.

Okay, got it.

And so you're just talking about the outcomes that they want. That's what I'm saying. Okay. You're
giving them a movie scene example. So you see how it can be like, fun, like, they started to be more
intimate together. Right? That's not it. If I said, next thing, you know, he can't walk by the hall without
her grabbing his ass. Right? That is intimacy. Yeah. Okay. But it's such a better way of describing right
spelled out in a concrete way. So yeah, I mean, my so we have a I got a buddy. I won't say his name.
But he had a girlfriend who he did not like. And they were like, on their way out. And they come hang
out with my girlfriend and I and we are ridiculously adorable Hobbit and. And like, we're super cute.
Like, you know, you know, fiddle, you know, flirty and all that kind of stuff. And like it was just like, so
obvious when we didn't do more when they were around was always that way. It was just obvious when
they were around the board that way, right? That we were and it almost made like we could tell if there
were like fight. They were like fighting on the way home from hanging out with us every time. Because
one or the other of them is like I really wish we were like that it was also her right. And so my point is

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like, like describing the way that my girlfriend and I are to each other is such a better way of saying it,
then we're going to be like if I was like my girlfriend and I are very cute and intimate, right? It's like when
I say the buck wrapping and create the movie scenes of it. It just says so much more. Okay, so we
were at a barbecue. We were at a barbecue and she said she sent me a text that said fake like you
have a stomachache and let's go home. Because I got it. I can't get my hands off. Right. Yeah, I mean,
it's stupid, little silly little thing, that probably never really happens. But it's a better example than the
more into,

right. Okay, that's good. And since again, I don't have clients yet, although I have one guy I'm talking to
who wants to do this, we're working out a payment plan, and say,

These are the types of things that will start to happen. Got it. That's good. Okay. So like, these are the
types of things that will start to happen, you'll start to she will start to initiate sex and intimacy. Right.
And, and, you know, in terms of complimenting you, supporting you, right, like, all the things that
healthy sexual relationship gives you that aren't just about sex. You could just keep going. Okay? All
right, do your best. It's good. Try to write that bottom and then send it into me. And I'll take a look at it
and give you some red red ink on it and it was rock solid. I'll tell you that the bottoms are like the
technical least fun part of writing these like yeah, no How like you all, like spend your time but you
probably had a little bit of fun reading that top part, right? It was a little bit of fun. The bottoms are just
kind of like the job part of it, right? You just kind of like tying it all in like, hey, there's a call this is the
stuff getting on the call, and they tend to be a little redundant. That's okay. Okay. So that part I only
had, I think when I had like 100 emails, I had only like five bottoms, or five different bottoms. And they
all kind of figured out a way to make, I would have them all and I had a sheet that was like email
bottoms, and I write the top and then I'd bring up the bottoms. And I would just kind of slide through the
sheet. So I found one that made sense, grabbed it made a connection between the two. And that
shifted. That's awesome. That sounds great. Yeah. Okay. Yep. All right. There's the bottom. Or it could
just be me, but I didn't enjoy reading the bottoms as much as the tops are fun, right? Like,

yeah, tone stores. Yeah. And the bottom, like you said, it's kind of interchangeable. Because it's, it's the
everybody's wearing the basics, but you want to get their attention with the main part of it. Yeah. Okay.
This is very helpful. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't too much story. I didn't know what they stuck in.
That was my question to you. Are they going to stop in the middle and go, this is not what I thought or

maybe some of them. And so I wouldn't write them all like that. I think we're gonna have to, like you've
written kind of the to the maximum that would write story. Yeah. And now you can write one that's a lot
less story that's only got a couple three lines of story, but you're describing stuff in it. And then you can
write a bunch that are in the middle of varying levels, and I think you'll cover it, okay. And just the
creative, the differences in the styles will help break up your emails as well. Okay. Does that make
sense? Like you're writing, you know, the same stuff, right? Like I am that I'm exactly or This sucks?
This sucks. That sucks. But can you better use my system when you do this or that or this all be better,

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this all be better book a call. That's all we're doing. It's nice to break it up in terms of the stories are
different. And then the styles are different. That's okay. It's because another LM

Cool. All right. Thank you very much. This is really helpful. Okay,

I hope that guy and his balls are better off as a result. Don't we all? Don't be All Amen. All right. All
right. Bye. All right.

I wish you all just in terms of the time, we still ran two and a half hours even trying to keep it on 15
minutes, and y'all had a great job that I really appreciate you guys helping me move the call long.
Thank you all very much. And I'll be looking forward to the stuff that you send in to me, everybody.
Have a great day. Thanks so much. Thanks, Tim.

So it's trying to keep everybody fitting this. I think we were a bit longer than that. Maybe. But I think he
enjoys what we do. Yeah.

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