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JADXXX10.1177/10870547221130111Journal of Attention DisordersChan et al.

Journal of Attention Disorders

Are Reading Interventions Effective for

2023, Vol. 27(2) 182­–200
© The Author(s) 2022
Article reuse guidelines:
At-Risk Readers with ADHD?
DOI: 10.1177/10870547221130111

A Meta-Analysis

Elizabeth S.M. Chan1, Jeffrey A. Shero1, Eric D. Hand1,

Alissa M. Cole1, Fatou Gaye1, Jamie A. Spiegel1, and Michael J. Kofler1

Objective: Utilizing a multi-level meta-analytic approach, this review is the first to systematically quantify the efficacy of
reading interventions for school-aged children with ADHD and identify potential factors that may increase the success of
reading-related interventions for these children. Method: 18 studies (15 peer-reviewed articles, 3 dissertations) published
from 1986 to 2020 (N = 564) were meta-analyzed. Results: Findings revealed reading interventions are highly effective
for improving reading skills based on both study-developed/curriculum-based measures (g = 1.91) and standardized/norm-
referenced achievement tests (g = 1.11) in high-quality studies of children with rigorously-diagnosed ADHD. Reading
interventions that include at least 30 hours of intervention targeting decoding/phonemic awareness meet all benchmarks to
be considered a Level 1 (Well-Established) Evidence-Based Practice with Strong Research Support for children with ADHD
based on clinical and special education criteria. Conclusions: Our findings collectively indicate that reading interventions
should be the first-line treatment for reading difficulties among at-risk readers with ADHD. (J. of Att. Dis. 2023; 27(2) 182-200)

ADHD, reading intervention, meta-analysis

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects 5% of difficulties into adolescence (McGee et al., 2002), increased
school-aged children (Polanczyk et al., 2014) and is associ- rates of high school dropout (McGee et al., 2002), and later
ated with clinically significant impairments in the family, job instability (Maughan et al., 1985). Given the preva-
peer, and academic domains (Kofler et al., 2017) at an lence of reading underachievement in ADHD and associ-
annual U.S. cost of illness of over $100 billion (Zhao, Page ated negative outcomes (Loe & Feldman, 2007), it is
et al., 2019). Academic impairment is one of the foremost imperative to evaluate the efficacy of reading interventions
reasons for assessment and intervention for individuals for at-risk readers with ADHD, as well as potential factors
with ADHD. An estimated 33% to 80% of children with that may increase the success of reading-related interven-
ADHD demonstrate academic and learning difficulties tions for these children.
(DuPaul & Langberg, 2015; Mayes & Calhoun, 2006) that
frequently persist into adolescence and adulthood (Ek
et al., 2011; Miranda et al., 2014). Reading difficulties are
ADHD and Reading Interventions
especially prominent in ADHD (for review, see Frazier Presently, empirically supported treatments for ADHD pri-
et al., 2007), with 25% to 40% of children with ADHD marily consist of psychostimulant medication and behav-
presenting with a co-occurring diagnosis of reading dis- ioral interventions (Evans et al., 2018; Pelham et al., 2022;
ability (August & Garfinkel, 1990; DuPaul et al., 2013; Raggi & Chronis, 2006). These interventions demonstrate
Semrud-Clikeman et al., 1992). Notably, reading difficul-
ties are apparent even in children with ADHD who do not 1
Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA
meet formal criteria for reading disability (Ghelani et al., *Jamie A. Spiegel is now affiliated to University of South Alabama,
2004). This is highly concerning given that studies have Mobile, AL, USA
repeatedly demonstrated that early ADHD-related reading
Corresponding Author:
difficulties predict a host of negative outcomes, including Michael J. Kofler, Department of Psychology, Florida State University,
later behavioral and conduct problems (Bennett et al., 1107 W. Call Street, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4301, USA.
2003; Fergusson et al., 1997), continued reading Email:
Chan et al. 183

robust effects for decreasing ADHD symptoms (Fabiano younger ages generally result in larger benefits (Goodwin &
et al., 2015; Swanson et al., 1995; cf. Sonuga-Barke et al., Ahn, 2013; Hall & Burns, 2018)—at least for at-risk readers
2013). In contrast, these first-line interventions demonstrate without ADHD.
minimal to no benefits for academic achievement broadly Nevertheless, by nature of their neurodevelopmental
or reading achievement specifically (Boland et al., 2020; diagnosis, children with ADHD are at an increased risk for
Fabiano et al., 2015; Kortekaas-Rijlaarsdam et al., 2019; attentional, behavioral, and neurocognitive difficulties that
Majewicz-Hefley & Carlson, 2007; MTA Cooperative may impact learning—i.e., it is likely that reading problems
Group, 1999; Rapport et al., 1994; Van der Oord et al., in ADHD are due, at least in part, to interfering behaviors or
2008). This replicated finding may be surprising given that alternate underlying causes rather than solely the skill-
the prevailing clinical model of ADHD (American based deficits targeted by extant reading interventions (e.g.,
Psychological Association, 2013) considers reading/aca- Aduen et al., 2018; Kofler et al., 2018). As such, (a) at-risk
demic underachievement to be a functional outcome of core readers with ADHD may be less responsive to reading inter-
ADHD symptoms (see Rapport et al., 2000). However, ventions than their non-ADHD peers (Rabiner & Malone,
these findings indicate clearly that alternative approaches 2004; Ron Nelson et al., 2003), to the extent that reading
are needed to remediate these children’s reading difficulties difficulties are caused/maintained by different underlying
(Tamm et al., 2017; Tannock et al., 2018). mechanisms for children with ADHD than they are for chil-
To that end, interventions that directly target reading dren without ADHD; and (b) the effectiveness of the core
skills reflect a highly promising option for at-risk readers components of these interventions may vary for children
with ADHD, given decades of replicated evidence for the with and without ADHD. Indeed, the ADHD reading inter-
efficacy of reading interventions within the developmental vention literature is characterized by high levels of variabil-
and educational literatures (e.g., Al Otaiba & Fuchs, 2002; ity in outcomes, with some studies reporting that reading
Ron Nelson et al., 2003; Tran et al., 2011). Reading inter- interventions are highly effective (e.g., g = 2.14; Lane et al.,
ventions provide direct and explicit instruction on core 2001), while other studies report minimal (e.g., g = 0.15–
reading skills (for review, see National Reading Panel (US), 0.23; Gum, 2003) and even iatrogenic (e.g., g = −0.86;
National Institute of Child Health, Human Development Hendricks, 2020) treatment outcomes.
(US), National Reading Excellence Initiative, National This heterogeneity may reflect the wide range of meth-
Institute for Literacy (US), & United States Department of odologies and interventions studied. For example, inter-
Health, 2000). A primary goal of reading is to glean mean- vention dosage—though a nonsignificant predictor of
ing and draw inferences from written text—a skill referred reading intervention efficacy in studies not recruiting
to as reading comprehension (Sideridis et al., 2006). based on ADHD status (Hall & Burns, 2018; Okkinga
According to the influential “simple view of reading,” chil- et al., 2018)—may affect reading intervention outcomes
dren’s reading comprehension can be fully explained by for children with ADHD (e.g., Miller et al., 2013). The
two interrelated components (for review see Lonigan et al., hypothesized benefits of higher intervention dosage for
2018): decoding (i.e., converting written symbols to speech children with ADHD may occur because children with
sounds to form words) and language comprehension (i.e., ADHD are off-task during academic instruction about
comprehension of language when not presented as text, 25% of the time (Kofler et al., 2008), and demonstrate
such as oral language; Gough & Tunmer, 1986). Given chil- more frequent moment-to-moment shifts between atten-
dren with ADHD experience deficits across all components tive and inattentive behavior (Kofler et al., 2008; Rapport
of the simple view of reading (Friedman et al., 2017; Korrel et al., 2009). In that context, it stands to reason that they
et al., 2017; Miller et al., 2013, 2014), it can be hypothe- may need to spend more time in treatment to obtain the
sized that reading interventions specifically targeting same results as their more attentive peers.
component(s) of the simple view of reading will lead to bet- Similarly, it has been hypothesized that adding ADHD
ter reading outcomes. Indeed, within the developmental/ treatment (e.g., behavioral management, psychostimulant
educational literatures reading interventions that target medication) to reading interventions should produce greater
“simple view” component(s) have been found to produce improvements in reading by reducing the interfering effects
robust downstream effects on reading comprehension of ADHD behaviors on learning (Bental & Tirosh, 2008;
(National Reading Panel (US), National Institute of Child Williamson et al., 2014). However, the available evidence
Health, Human Development (US), National Reading suggests that combining psychostimulant medication and/
Excellence Initiative, National Institute for Literacy (US), or behavioral management training with reading interven-
& United States Department of Health, 2000). Moreover, tions yields no incremental benefits on reading outcomes
such benefits have been found for children across socioeco- relative to reading intervention alone (e.g., Denton et al.,
nomic status (Bus et al., 1995) and intellectual abilities 2020; Strong Hilsmier et al., 2016; Tamm et al., 2017;
(Hill, 2016), though reading interventions that intervene at Tannock et al., 2018).
184 Journal of Attention Disorders 27(2)

ADHD reading intervention studies also differ markedly restricted sample size (65 total participants across 16
in terms of how they assess efficacy (e.g., standardized included studies) and exclusion of studies targeting key
achievement tests versus study-developed/curriculum- lower-order reading skills (e.g., decoding; Foorman et al.,
based measures of reading); which component(s) of reading 2016). Similarly, Stewart and Austin’s (2020) conclusion
they target (e.g., phonetic decoding versus reading compre- that reading interventions do not meet criteria as an evi-
hension); the presence and quality of their control group(s); dence-based practice for children with ADHD warrants
as well as the rigor of their ADHD diagnostic method (e.g., scrutiny due to their restrictive inclusion criteria, which
single-informant/method versus gold-standard multi-infor- resulted in the exclusion of all three randomized control tri-
mant/method)—all of which have been shown to affect esti- als (RCT) published during their specified dates of review.
mates of ADHD-related impairments and/or response to In addition, the authors excluded studies that included chil-
intervention in prior meta-analyses (e.g., Alderson et al., dren younger than fourth grade, which may significantly
2007; Kofler et al., 2008). A meta-analysis is clearly needed limit conclusions that can be drawn given (a) evidence from
to determine the extent to which reading interventions non-ADHD samples that earlier reading intervention is
work for at-risk readers with ADHD, as well as examine likely to produce more robust improvements (Goodwin &
intervention-specific, methodological, and child factors Ahn, 2013; Hall & Burns, 2018), and that (b) the majority
that may maximize the efficacy of reading interventions of research on reading interventions for children with
for this population. ADHD has been conducted with samples that include chil-
dren both younger and older than fourth grade (e.g., Tamm
et al., 2017; Tannock et al., 2018).
Prior Meta-Analyses
To our knowledge, no prior meta-analyses have examined
Current Study
reading interventions for school-aged children with ADHD
specifically. However, two recent meta-analyses reported Taken together, reading problems are highly prevalent in
on reading interventions for struggling readers with emo- children with ADHD (Daucourt et al., 2020; Willcutt et al.,
tional and/or behavioral disorders more generally (Benner 2010), and untreated ADHD-related reading difficulties
et al., 2010; Roberts et al., 2020). Both studies found large portend adverse near- and long-term behavioral (Bennett
improvements in word reading and reading comprehension et al., 2003; Fergusson et al., 1997), academic (McGee
(g = 0.90–1.02) but did not directly assess the extent to et al., 2002), and occupational difficulties (Maughan et al.,
which these effects held specifically for children with 1985). However, evidence-based treatments targeting
ADHD. Interestingly, while Benner et al. (2010) did not test ADHD behavioral symptoms generally do not produce
moderators of treatment outcome, Roberts et al. (2020) downstream improvements in reading skills as noted above,
found that combining reading intervention with behavioral and the evidence for reading-specific interventions for this
supports produced significantly smaller improvements in high-risk population is surprisingly mixed.
reading (i.e., g = 0.26 vs. g = 1.29), whereas study quality The current meta-analysis systematically examined both
and design, participant grade, and intervention group size peer-reviewed and unpublished literature to (a) quantify the
did not moderate treatment effects. From these findings, extent to which reading interventions are effective for at-
Roberts et al. (2020) concluded that adding behavioral risk readers with ADHD; (b) investigate participant, study
interventions to reading treatment was unsupported. Taken quality and design, and intervention characteristics associ-
together, both the Benner et al. (2010) and Roberts et al. ated with maximum improvement in reading skills for chil-
(2020) meta-analyses supported the use of reading interven- dren with ADHD; and (c) evaluate the extent to which
tions for children with emotional and/or behavioral disor- reading interventions can be classified as an evidence-based
ders broadly, but neither review specifically examined the treatment for children with ADHD based on both clinical
efficacy of reading interventions for children with ADHD. (Evans et al., 2018) and special education (Cook et al.,
A partial exception to this critique is a recent meta-anal- 2015) standards.
ysis of primarily single case design studies by Stewart and Based upon the attentional, behavioral, and neurocogni-
Austin (2020), who examined the efficacy of reading inter- tive difficulties associated with ADHD that impact reading
ventions that target higher-level reading skills such as com- skill acquisition and performance (Kofler et al., 2019;
prehension, vocabulary, and fluency for older children with Rucklidge & Tannock, 2002), we hypothesized that extant
ADHD in grades 4 to 12. The authors found moderate treat- reading interventions would be effective for children with
ment gains across 16 ADHD reading intervention studies ADHD, but at a smaller magnitude than seen in children
(single-subject Tau-U = 0.33–1.19; between group g = 0.41 without ADHD. To our knowledge, no previous review has
and 2.63). However, while Stewart and Austin’s (2020) examined moderators of reading intervention efficacy for
study represents an important initial step, the conclusions children with ADHD. However, based on prior work dem-
that can be drawn from this study appear limited due to their onstrating minimal/no direct benefits of psychostimulant
Chan et al. 185

medication and behavioral treatment on academic outcomes data were no longer accessible, and one author provided the
(e.g., Van der Oord et al., 2008), we hypothesized that add- requested data). Studies were additionally identified via (a)
ing ADHD treatment to reading intervention would not pro- referral by experts on academic interventions for children
vide additive benefits relative to reading intervention alone. with ADHD as well as (b) from articles cited in prior meta-
Finally, based on the influential “simple view of reading” analyses or systematic reviews on reading interventions for
model (e.g., Lonigan et al., 2018), we hypothesized that children with ADHD and/or emotional/behavioral con-
interventions targeting decoding and/or language compre- cerns. Collectively, these procedures generated an initial
hension skills would be associated with greater reading database of 3,312 items including chapters, peer-reviewed
improvements than interventions targeting other aspects of articles, dissertations, and theses written since 1937. All
reading. search processes and study recruitment were terminated on
June 21, 2021 (Figure 1).
Inclusion Criteria
Transparency and Openness
Inclusion and exclusion criteria are described below with the
We report how we determined our sample size, all data number of studies omitted for each criterion in parentheses.
inclusion/exclusion criteria, all manipulations, and all mea- The initial exclusion process included removing duplicates
sures in the study (Simmons et al., 2012). The meta-analysis (132) and items that were not empirical studies (e.g., book
was not preregistered; we transparently report our a priori chapters, letters to the editor, policy briefs, manuals; 787).
plan and minor changes made after accessing the data Among the remaining studies, several studies failed to meet
below. Data were analyzed using the R statistical program multiple inclusion criteria; the counts below indicate first
“Metafor” package (RStudio Team, 2020; Viechtbauer, failed criteria identified. The following served as inclusion
2010). Study data can be found in Tables 1 and 2. criteria for the review: Studies (a) conducted in English (7)
that included (b) an intervention targeting a reading skill
Literature Searches (2,056) for children and/or adolescents with a diagnosis of
ADHD or related labels (e.g., attention problems, hyperac-
Study selection was conducted following the Preferred tive) and co-occurring reading difficulties (302) that (c) used
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis guidelines performance-based measures of reading achievement (11)
(PRISMA; Moher et al., 2015; see Figure 1). Multiple from which (d) effect sizes could be estimated based on
search methods were applied to include all relevant litera- reported data or test statistics or could be obtained from the
ture, not just published articles (McAuley et al., 2000; study author (6). Exclusion criteria included: (a) participants
Rosenthal, 1994). First, comprehensive literature searches with gross neurological, sensory, or motor impairment, his-
of both peer-reviewed studies as well as unpublished dis- tory of a seizure disorder, psychosis, or intellectual disability
sertations and theses were conducted using PsycINFO, (3); (b) studies of second-language English learners (2); and
ERIC, and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Search terms (c) single case study designs (6). Single-case study designs
included permutations of the ADHD diagnostic label were excluded because single-case effect sizes are incom-
(ADHD, attention, hyperactiv*, inattent*, hyperkinesis, patible with effect sizes derived from between-group studies
impulsivity, minimal brain dysfunction, minimal brain (Rindskopf et al., 2012), and because they have been sum-
damage, MBD), reading intervention, reading treat*, RTI, marized recently by Stewart and Austin (2020).
response to intervention, and reading instruction. An aster- A total of 18 studies (15 peer-reviewed studies, 3 disser-
isk after a root word directs search engines to include any tations) published from 1986 to 2020 met all study criteria
derivative of the word that is followed by the asterisk. To and were included in one or more sets of analyses.1 Nine of
avoid missing studies due to database misclassification, no these 18 studies reported data for two or more independent
search delimiters were selected. Searches were conducted subsamples (defined as ADHD samples with non-overlap-
by the first, second, and third authors (Chan, Shero, Hand). ping participants), resulting in k = 24 independent samples
All included studies were reviewed by at least two of these reporting on N = 564 participants. Several studies reported
authors, and disagreements were resolved via discussion multiple outcome variables, resulting in a total of 57 pre-
after all three authors reviewed the study (100% consen- post intervention effect sizes (1–5 effect sizes per indepen-
sus). After the initial searches, emails were sent to authors dent sample).
of both peer-reviewed studies and unpublished dissertations
that examined reading interventions among children with
ADHD or elevated ADHD symptoms but did not report suf- Coding of Moderators
ficient data for effect size calculation (three of eight authors All potential moderator variables were coded by the first
did not respond, four authors responded and indicated that and second authors according to the characteristics reported
186 Journal of Attention Disorders 27(2)

Table 1. Participant Characteristics.

Mean age Self-contained
Study first-author N years /grade % Male % Med IQ % High SES % White % SLD-RD % ESE (Y/N)

Clarfield and Stoner (2005) 3 0 1.0 0.67 - - 1.0 - 0.67 N

Crabtree et al. (2010) 2 2 1 - - - 1 1 1 N
Denton et al. (2020) 1 72 1 0.67 0 86.2 0.22 0.18 - 0.36 N
Denton et al. (2020) 2 63 1 0.47 1 86.7 0.27 0.23 - 0.42 N
Gum (2003) 8 2 0.88 0.38 - - - 0.38 1 N
Hedin et al. (2011) 2 1 1.0 1.0 - - - - - N
Hendricks 1 (2020) 4 1 - - - - - - - N
Hendricks 2 (2020) 7 1 - - - - - - - N
Johnson et al. (2012) 2 2 1 1 - - 1 0 1 N
Lane et al. (2001) 7 0 0.71 - 87.9 - 0.57 - 0 N
Luckey (2009) 135 1 - - - - - 0 - N
Raffaele Mendez et al. (2016) 2 0 1.0 - - - 1.0 - 0 N
Richardson et al. (1987) 42 - - 1 - - - 1 0 N
Rogevich and Perin (2008) 15 2 1 - 92.4 0 0.47 - 1 Y
Saddler et al. (2017) 2 1 1 0.5 - - 0 - 1 Y
Shimabukuro (1996) 3 2 1 - - - - 1 1 Y
Strong Hilsmier et al. (2016) 2 1 0.5 - - - - - 1 Y
Tamm et al. (2017) 1 66 1 0.47 1 86.7 0.27 0.23 - 0.42 N
Tamm et al. (2017) 2 73 1 0.67 0 86.2 0.22 0.18 - 0.36 N
Tannock et al. (2018) 1 17 0 0.83 1 92.9 - - 1 0 N
Tannock et al. (2018) 2 10 0 0.92 1 90.1 - - 1 0 N
Tannock et al. (2018) 3 11 1 0.7 0 87.1 - - 1 0 N
Tannock et al. (2018) 4 13 0 0.64 0 97.2 - - 1 0 N
Walcott et al. (2014) 3 0 1 - - - 0.67 - 0 N

Note. “-” = not reported; Mean age years/grade: 0 = mean age of ≤8.5 years or grades K-2; 1 = mean age of 8.6 to 11.0 years or grades 3 to 5 or; 2 = mean age 11+ years or
grades 6+; %Male = percentage of the sample male; %Med = percentage of the sample taking psychostimulant medication; IQ = standard scores from standardized/norm-
referenced IQ tests; SES = socioeconomic status; %White = percentage of the sample white; %SLD-RD = percentage of the sample diagnosed with a DSM-V specific learning
disorder in reading; %ESE = percentage of the sample receiving exceptional student education services; Self-contained (Y/N) = whether students in the sample are placed in a
self-contained classroom.

in Tables 1 and 2. Each study was coded on several domains A publication year of 2020 was assigned for studies
(defined below), including subject characteristics, study where unpublished data were provided by authors. For child
design and treatment characteristics, and outcome mea- age/grade, a continuous measure was not feasible due to
sures. Continuous variables were used whenever possible inconsistent reporting across studies. As such, an ordinal
(Hedges & Pigott, 2004). Fifty percent of studies were dou- variable was created by splitting studies into three approxi-
ble-coded by the first and second authors for reliability, mately equal groups (0 = Grades K-2 or mean age of
which was excellent (r = .997); discrepancies were resolved ≤8.5 years; 1 = Grades 3–5 or mean age of 8.6–11.0;
collaboratively. 2 = Grades 6+ or mean age 11+ years). We also initially
coded child IQ (reported in only k = 12 of 24 samples), SES
Study and sample characteristics. Study characteristics were (k = 5 of 24 samples), race/ethnicity (k = 11 of 24 samples),
defined as follows: continuous demographic variables and co-occurring reading disability status (k = 12 of 24 sam-
included publication year and the percentage of each sam- ples) but these factors could not be examined as potential
ple who were (a) taking psychostimulant medication for moderators due to limited reporting across studies/samples.
ADHD and (b) receiving exceptional student education Diagnostic method was coded ordinally as an index of
(ESE) services based on each study’s chosen indicator. study quality based on the recommendations for gold stan-
Most studies defined ESE status in terms of whether chil- dard diagnosis of ADHD in prior meta-analytic reviews
dren had a pre-existing Individualized Education Plan (e.g., Alderson et al., 2007; Kofler et al., 2008, 2016;
(IEP), received additional help from a paraprofessional, or Lipszyc & Schachar, 2010), with higher values reflecting
were diagnosed with a reading disability. In addition, a sub- more rigorous diagnostic procedures: 0 = referral or prior
set of studies included children placed in a self-contained diagnosis only; 1 = single informant rating scale and/or
classroom, which was coded as an additional dichotomous interview; 2 = multiple informants and settings (multiple
variable given that this reflects a more restrictive educa- informant report based on standardized/norm-referenced
tional placement that may reflect more severe learning and/ questionnaires and/or clinical interviews). We also initially
or behavioral difficulties (Fuchs & Fuchs, 2006). coded additional indices of study rigor including (a) use of
Table 2. Study Characteristics.
Treatment Diagnostic Read plus Control Treatment Treatment
Mean effect Intervention Treatment match outcome rigor behavior Treatment RCT group dosage duration
Study first-author (g) target outcome (Y/N/both) Measure (0/1/2) (Y/N/both) format (Y/N) (Y/N) (Min) (Weeks)

Clarfield and Stoner (2005) 2.03 Decoding Decoding Y Standardized 0 N Individual N N 800 6–9
Crabtree et al. (2010) 1.55 Comp Comp Y CBM 1 N Group N N 157.5 -
Denton et al. (2020) 0.36 Multi Both Y Standardized 2 Both Group Y Y 2,475 16
Gum (2003) −0.08 Comp Both Both Standardized 0 N Individual N N 701 9–12
Hedin et al. (2011) 2.19 Comp Comp Y CBM 1 N Individual N N 420 14
Hendricks (2020) 0.53 Comp Both Both Standardized 0 N Group N N 700 14–15
Johnson et al. (2012) 2.54 Comp Comp Y CBM 1 N Group N N 195 -
Lane et al. (2001) 1.82 Decoding Decoding Y Standardized 0 N Group N N 900 10
Luckey (2009) 0.80 Decoding Decoding Y Standardized 1 N Individual N N 6,000 12–20
Raffaele Mendez et al. (2016) 0.67 Decoding Both Both Standardized 0 N Group N N 2,240 16
Richardson et al. (1987) 0.69 Decoding Comp N Standardized 0 N Group N N - -
Rogevich and Perin (2008) 2.74 Comp Comp Y CBM 1 N Group N Y 225 1–2
Saddler et al. (2017) −0.10 Comp Comp Y CBM 1 N Group N N 210 3–4
Shimabukuro (1996) 2.61 Comp Comp Y CBM 1 N Group N N 362.5 10
Strong Hilsmier et al. (2016) 0.22 Decoding Both Both Standardized 1 Both Individual N N 960 12
Tamm et al. (2017) 1.12 Multi Both Y Standardized 1 Both Group Y Y 2,880 16
Tannock et al. (2018) 0.36 Decoding Both Both Standardized 2 N Group Y Y 2,100 10
Walcott et al. (2014) 3.18 Decoding Decoding Y Standardized 0 N Group N N 320 4

Note. “-” = not reported; g = hedge’s g; g = 0.2 is a small effect; g = 0.5 is a medium effect; g = 0.8 or greater is a large effect; Comp = comprehension; Multi = multiple reading skills (e.g., decoding + reading comprehension);
Treatment Match Outcome (Y/N/both) = whether target of intervention matched assessed treatment outcome; Standardized = standardized/norm-referenced assessment; CBM = study-developed/curriculum-based measures;
Diagnostic Rigor = higher values reflect greater diagnostic rigor; 0 = single informant/questionnaire; 1 = referral/prior diagnoses; 2 = gold standard diagnostic practice; Read Plus Behavior (Y/N) = reading intervention with adjunc-
tive behavioral intervention; RCT (Y/N) = whether intervention study was a RCT; Treatment Format = whether treatment delivered in an individual or small group/combined setting; Control Group (Y/N) = whether study had a
control group; Treatment Dosage (Min) = average total minutes of treatment; Treatment Duration (Weeks) = average number of weeks to complete treatment.

188 Journal of Attention Disorders 27(2)

Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram of included studies.

a randomized control trial design, (b) inclusion of any con- to reading interventions: (a) Intervention type was coded as
trol group, and (c) inclusion of a gold-standard active, cred- 0 = “reading intervention only” versus 1 = “reading inter-
ible control group (all 0 = No; 1 = Yes). However, these vention + behavioral treatment” and (b) the percentage of
variables were found to be multicollinear with diagnostic the sample who received psychostimulant medication dur-
method (and each other) and were therefore excluded (i.e., ing treatment as described above.
studies using gold standard ADHD diagnostic practices also All other intervention characteristics were coded
tended to include active, credible control groups, and RCT dichotomously/dummy coded: Intervention target
methods; r > .90, p < .001). Diagnostic method was retained (Decoding/Phonemic Awareness, Multicomponent, or
over these alternate indices of study quality because our pri- Reading Comprehension) was dummy coded as a set of
mary aim was to quantify reading intervention outcomes k−1 variables with Decoding/Phonemic Awareness as the
unique to children with ADHD, and less rigorous diagnostic reference variable. Studies were coded as Multicomponent
practices have been shown to produce “ADHD” groups that if they targeted multiple reading skills (e.g., decoding +
contain a large percentage of children without ADHD (e.g., reading comprehension). Intervention outcome was coded
Alderson et al., 2007; Sciutto & Eisenberg, 2007). as 0 = “simple view of reading component skills” (i.e.,
Nonetheless, given this multicollinearity, we focus our decoding skills) versus 1 = “reading comprehension”.
interpretation of this moderator on both diagnostic and Intervention target and outcome were coded based on the
methodological quality in the Discussion. simple view of reading model as described above (Lonigan
et al., 2018). We had intended to also include language
Intervention and outcome characteristics. Intervention dosage comprehension here, but none of the included studies
was coded as a continuous variable based on the mean (or directly targeted non-print-based understanding of lan-
midpoint for studies only reporting a range) number of min- guage. We also created a dichotomous variable to code
utes of intervention. Two variables were coded to assess the whether the treatment target matched the treatment out-
potential incremental benefits of adding ADHD treatment come (0 = No; 1 = Yes) given the expectation that “near
Chan et al. 189

transfer” gains on skills directly taught in the intervention were instead estimated using multiple imputation as laid out
would be greater than “far transfer” gains on skills not explic- by van Van Buuren (2018) so that these effect sizes could be
itly taught in the intervention (e.g., Simons et al., 2016). used for subsequent analyses. Multiple imputation was done
Finally, we coded whether each study assessed interven- using the “MICE” package in R (Van Buuren & Groothuis-
tion effects using standardized measures of reading achieve- Oudshoorn, 2011), which has been effectively used to
ment (coded as 0) or curriculum-based measures of reading account for missing data in other meta-analytic projects
skills (coded as 1). We expected that curriculum-based mea- (e.g., Jolani, 2012). Missingness was also an issue for sev-
sures would be associated with larger effect sizes given that eral moderators within this project, and as such multiple
they are study-created to match the intervention content, imputation using the same process and package was used to
whereas standard scores from norm-referenced tests would impute missing values on a sample-by-sample basis. To
be associated with smaller effect sizes given that they were limit bias from multiple imputation, a 50% cutoff of miss-
not developed to assess change and may be particularly ingness was used to determine which variables were eligible
insensitive to detecting intervention effects for children for multiple imputation as recommended (Lee & Carlin,
with neurodevelopmental disorders (see Farmer et al., 2012; Mishra & Khare, 2014). As such, variables with miss-
2020). We had intended to also code whether studies ingness of 50% of independent samples or greater were
reported outcomes based on item response theory-based excluded from use as noted above (i.e., IQ, SES, ethnicity,
growth scale values or person ability scores (which are and percentage of the sample with co-occurring reading dis-
based on the same norming samples as standard scores but ability); all other potential moderators were reported in at
were developed explicitly to assess response to interven- least 94% of independent samples and therefore missingness
tion; Farmer et al., 2020; Kaufman & Kaufman, 2014), but was handled via multiple imputation as described above.
no studies used this preferred metric.
Delivery format (individual = 0 vs. group or combined Publication bias: The file drawer problem. To assess for publi-
group + individual = 1) was also coded initially, but was cation bias, three separate analyses were conducted. First,
multicollinear with exceptional student education (ESE) results were visualized using a funnel plot. Next, Egger
status (i.e., studies with higher proportions of children with et al.’s (1997) test was computed for detection of publica-
ESE status tended to deliver the intervention individually, tion bias. Finally, the fail-safe N was computed (Rosenthal,
presumably due to the more impaired nature of the sample; 1979). The fail-safe N represents the number of studies with
r = .80, p < .001). ESE status was retained given prior evi- null effects that would have to be included in the analysis to
dence that ESE status may be associated with smaller aca- significantly reduce the obtained effect size enough that its
demic gains (Bussing et al., 2012). corresponding p-value becomes non-significant.

Computation of Effect Sizes Moderator analyses. Potential moderators were examined via
the R package “Metafor” (RStudio Team, 2020; Viecht-
Means, SDs, and sample sizes for each group were used to bauer, 2010). Several studies produced multiple effect sizes,
compute Hedges’ g effect sizes using the R statistical pro- and thus a three-level (multi-level) modeling approach was
gram “Metafor” package (RStudio Team, 2020; Viechtbauer, selected to account for nesting of effect sizes as recom-
2010). For one study (Richardson et al., 1987), means and mended (Assink & Wibbelink, 2016). The three-level model
SDs were unavailable and thus effect sizes were estimated separates the proportion of variance attributable to the study,
using the reported sample size and p-value (Alderson et al., sample, and individual level for each effect size. The three-
2007). Hedges’ g effect sizes are Cohen’s d effect sizes cor- level model was selected over traditional meta-regression, as
rected for study sample size due to the upward bias in effect (a) the former allows for the inclusion of multiple effect
size magnitude of small N studies (2013). An effect size of sizes from a single study while controlling for dependency
0.20 is considered small, 0.50 is medium, and 0.80 is large between effect sizes and (b) importantly avoids the artificial
(Cohen, 2013). A random effects model was chosen due to decrease in heterogeneity that occurs when averaging effect
the wide variance in reading outcomes and intervention sizes within studies (Cheung, 2014; Hox, 2010).
types. The random effects model weights each effect size by
its inverse variance weight (1/SE2) to correct for study-level
sampling error as recommended (Hunter et al., 2004; Lipsey Results
& Wilson, 2001).
Missingness. For all studies, Hedges’ g values were either Publication bias was assessed, followed by heterogeneity
computed given the data presented within the article (k = 51) tests and then tests of moderators when warranted. Next,
or were provided directly from the article author (k = 6). For “best case” estimates were computed based on the results of
two studies, estimates of variance were not reported, but the moderator meta-regression (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001).
190 Journal of Attention Disorders 27(2)

Table 3. Histogram of Hedges’ g Effect Sizes.

Stem Effect size

4 4.60
2 2.03 2.14 2.19 2.54 2.61 2.74
1 1.24 1.50 1.55 1.76 1.79
0.9 0.97 0.98
0.8 0.80 0.83
0.7 0.70 0.78
0.6 0.61 0.69
0.5 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.58
0.4 0.40 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.47
0.3 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.38 0.39
0.2 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.28
0.1 0.11 0.15 0.15 0.16
−0 −0.02 −0.03 −0.10
−0.2 −0.27
−0.4 −0.43 −0.47
−0.6 −0.61
−0.8 −0.86

Note. Histogram of effect sizes across studies. The left column reflects the ones and tenths digits, and the right columns reflect each obtained effect
size. Each entry indicates one unique effect size. Bold font represents curriculum-based measures and un-bolded font represents standardized mea-
sures. Italic font indicates that the treatment targeted decoding skills. Positive values indicate positive treatment gains.

Finally, the included studies were scrutinized using estab- (g = 0.96, 95% CI [0.56, 1.36]). However, the overall test
lished criteria to determine whether reading interventions of heterogeneity was significant (Q[56] = 152.46, p < .0001),
could be considered evidence-based practice for at-risk with a large proportion of this variability (40.9%) attribut-
readers with ADHD (Cook et al., 2015; Evans et al., 2018). able to between-study differences. This heterogeneity
indicated that the overall effect size was likely not the best
estimate of reading intervention efficacy for children with
Publication Bias
ADHD and supported the examination of potential
Visual inspection of the stem-and-leaf histogram of obtained moderators.
effect sizes (Table 3) indicated clear differences between
studies based on outcome test selection (i.e., standardized/ Tier II: Study, treatment, and demographic moderators of between-
norm-referenced academic achievement tests versus study- study differences
developed/curriculum-based academic skill measures). Outcome test selection. Outcome test selection (i.e.,
Overall, however, the funnel plot indicated a fairly sym- standardized/norm-referenced tests vs. study-developed/
metrical distribution of effect sizes across studies indicating curriculum-based measures) was tested first as a potential
no evidence of publication bias. Similarly, neither the moderator because visual inspection of the data indicated
Egger’s test (z = 1.94, p > .05) nor the fail-safe N = 2,418 clear differences in effect sizes based on this study charac-
provided significant evidence of publication bias. teristic as noted above (Table 2). As expected, test selection
was a significant moderator (p = .001), with curriculum-
Tier I: Overall (moderator independent) estimate of reading based measures (g = 1.91, 95% CI [0.92, 2.89]) associated
intervention efficacy. Reading interventions produced with significantly larger effect sizes than norm-referenced
overall large magnitude benefits for children with ADHD achievement tests (g = 0.66, 95% CI [0.37, 0.95]).
Chan et al. 191

Table 4. Overall Effects and Moderators of Effects.

k Hedges’ g 95% CI
Overall Hedges’ g effect size 57 0.96 0.56–1.36
CBM measures 7 1.91 0.92–2.89
Standardized measures
Overall (moderator independent) effect 50 0.66 0.37–0.95
Moderated (best case) estimate 50 1.11 –

B-weights 95% CI
Moderated Hedges’ g effect sizes for standardized outcome tests
Intercept 3.54
Sample characteristics
Age −0.09 −0.72 to 0.53
Medication status (%) 0.03 −0.41 to 0.47
ESE status (%) −0.30 −1.32 to 0.71
Self-contained classroom (N/Y) −2.03 −3.43 to −0.63**
Study characteristics
Diagnostic rigor −0.89 −1.15 to −0.62***
Intervention target (Dummy Coded)
Reading Comprehension vs. decoding −1.26 −2.20 to −0.32*
Multicomponent vs. decoding 0.15 −0.29 to 0.58
Outcome characteristics
Treatment outcome 0.13 −0.13 to 0.39
Treatment target matches treatment outcome (N/Y) 0.29 −0.12 to 0.69
Intervention characteristics
Added behavioral treatment (N/Y) 0.16 −0.33 to 0.65
Treatment duration (minutes) −0.35 −0.57 to −0.13**

Note. Effect sizes are considered significantly different from 0.0 (statistically significant at p < .05) if their 95% confidence interval does not include
0.0. The best-case estimate reflects expected benefits of reading treatments with 30+ intervention hours targeting decoding skills for children with
rigorously diagnosed ADHD placed in regular education classrooms. k = number of included studies.
**p < .01. ***p < .001.

The overall test of heterogeneity was not significant for that better diagnostic methods (and better study methodol-
studies that used curriculum-based measures (k = 7; n = 30; ogy given the multicollinearity described above; p < .001),
Q[6] = 7.87, p = .25), indicating that g = 1.91 is the best inclusion of students in self-contained classrooms (p = .006),
estimate for reading improvements as assessed by study- and higher intervention dosage (i.e., more minutes; p = .003)
created/curriculum based measures of the specific skills were each associated with significantly smaller estimates
trained during the interventions (i.e., additional moderator of reading intervention efficacy. In contrast, interventions
analyses for these studies were not warranted). In contrast, that targeted decoding/phonemic awareness yielded signifi-
significant heterogeneity remained among studies using cantly larger benefits relative to interventions that targeted
standardized/norm-referenced outcome tests (k = 50; n = 538; reading comprehension (decoding vs. reading comprehen-
Q[49] = 123.04, p < .0001), suggesting that g = 0.66 is sion: p < .01), whereas training additional skills beyond
likely not the best estimate of reading intervention effi- decoding failed to produce incremental benefits relative to
cacy for these outcomes and supporting the examination just training decoding skills (decoding vs. multicomponent:
of additional moderators to provide a more accurate esti- p = .50, ns).
mate of the extent to which the skills gained from reading No other significant moderators were found, suggesting
interventions produce ‘downstream’ improvements on that reading intervention benefits for at-risk readers with
reading achievement. ADHD do not vary according to child age/grade (range
6–18 years/1st–12th grade; p = .77), assessed reading skill
Moderators of reading intervention efficacy as assessed by outcome (p = .31), or whether the skill(s) targeted by the
standardized/norm-referenced outcome tests. As shown in treatment matched the skill(s) assessed by the outcome test
Table 4, results of the 3-level meta-regression where all (p = .16). In addition, adding ADHD treatment failed to pro-
moderators were entered into a single regression indicated duce incremental gains in reading as evidenced by the
192 Journal of Attention Disorders 27(2)

nonsignificant effects for both medication (p = .88) and for evidence-based practice in (a) Clinical Psychology and
behavioral treatment (p = .50). After accounting for all (b) Special Education. In the clinical psychology literature,
tested moderators, no significant variance remained to be the Chambless and Hollon (1998) criteria are used to define
explained at the study, sample, and individual level (p = .07). evidence-based treatments (Evans et al., 2018). Based on
these criteria, of the 18 studies examined in this review only
Tier III: Best case estimation. Next, “best case” estimates three reading interventions (Denton et al., 2020; Tamm et al.,
(Lipsey & Wilson, 2001) were calculated based on the Tier 2017; Tannock et al., 2018) met all five of the Methods cri-
II moderator results. For studies using curriculum-based teria, were randomized controlled trials, were collectively
outcome tests, there was no significant heterogeneity, indi- conducted by at least two independent investigatory teams in
cating that the very large effect size of g = 1.91 is the best independent settings (Denton/Tamm, Tannnock), and all
estimate for improvements in the specific reading skills demonstrated greater effects as compared to already well-
directly trained by these interventions. For studies using established treatments for ADHD. Consistent with our best
standardized/norm-referenced outcome tests, the best case case findings above, all three trials targeted decoding skills
estimate was obtained by solving the Tier II meta-regres- and included at least 30 hours of intervention. Thus, based
sion equation using values for each significant moderator on the Chambless criteria, decoding interventions to improve
corresponding to empirically-supported best practice (e.g., reading outcomes meet all criteria to be considered a Level
Kofler et al., 2008). The best case metric is value neutral— 1: Well-Established Treatment for school-aged, at-risk read-
it does not imply whether lower or higher values are desir- ers with ADHD.
able—and facilitates conclusions concerning overall In the special education literature, the well-established
improvements on standardized tests of reading skills for Council for Exceptional Children Evidence-based Practices
children with ADHD (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). in Special Education two-step criteria for evidence-based
As described above, the current findings indicate that practice is used (CEC EBP; Cook et al., 2015). Based on
reading intervention efficacy varies according to diagnos- these criteria, the same three studies (Denton et al., 2020;
tic rigor/study quality, intervention target, minutes of Tamm et al., 2017; Tannock et al., 2018) were the only
intervention, and whether participants were placed in a interventions that met the necessary Step 1 quality indica-
self-contained classroom. For diagnostic rigor, we selected tors (QIs) for all assessed areas including Context and
the value corresponding to gold-standard/multi-informant Setting, Participants, Intervention Agents, Description of
methods given that this reflects higher study quality and Practice, Implementation Fidelity, Internal Validity,
confidence that children in the ADHD group in fact have Outcome Measures/Dependent Variables, and Data
ADHD (e.g., Sciutto & Eisenberg, 2007). For intervention Analysis. In Step 2, these studies also collectively satisfied
target, we selected studies targeting decoding/phonemic all three evidence-based practice criteria, including (a) at
awareness rather than reading comprehension given that least two methodologically sound randomized controlled
the former is associated with better outcomes and reflects a trials with positive effects, with (b) minimum 60 total par-
recommended treatment target based on the influential ticipants across studies, and (c) no negative effects. As
“simple view of reading” model (e.g., Lonigan et al., 2018). noted above, all three trials (Denton et al., 2020; Tamm
For intervention duration, we selected the mean for this et al., 2017; Tannock et al., 2018) targeted decoding and
variable across included studies (1,800 minutes/30 hours). consisted of at least 30 hours of intervention. As such, based
For classroom type, we selected the value corresponding to on CEC EBP criteria, decoding interventions to improve
general education classroom placement given that most reading outcomes meet all criteria to be considered an
children with ADHD receive services in general education Evidence-Based Practice with Strong Research Support for
classrooms (Fuchs & Fuchs, 2006). school-aged, at-risk readers with ADHD.
Solving the regression equation using these values and
their corresponding B-weights (Table 4) indicates that, on
average, reading interventions are likely to produce large
magnitude improvements on standardized/norm-referenced The present study was the first to systematically quantify
tests of reading achievement for groups of children with rig- the benefits of reading interventions for at-risk readers with
orously diagnosed ADHD in regular education classrooms ADHD and co-occurring reading difficulties. Utilizing a
who receive at least 30 hours of reading intervention that multi-level meta-analytic approach (Assink & Wibbelink,
targets decoding/phonemic awareness skills (g = 1.11). 2016), we obtained a large overall effect size of g = 0.96.
However, significant heterogeneity was detected, such that
Tier V: Critical evaluation of the extent to which reading inter- study-developed/curriculum-based measures (g = 1.91)
ventions meet established criteria for evidence-based practice yielded larger treatment effects than studies that utilized
for children with ADHD. Finally, we evaluated each study standardized outcome measures, rigorous ADHD diagnos-
based on its intervention targets and the established criteria tic standards, and interventions that consisted of at least
Chan et al. 193

30 hours of reading intervention that targets decoding/pho- measures for assessing reading intervention gains (National
nemic awareness (g = 1.11). In contrast to our hypothesis, Reading Panel (US), National Institute of Child Health,
the overall effect of reading interventions for children with Human Development (US), National Reading Excellence
ADHD was generally greater than the overall effect found Initiative, National Institute for Literacy (US), & United
for reading interventions in studies that did not specifically States Department of Health, 2000; Paris & Stahl, 2005).
recruit for children with ADHD (e.g., g = 0.21–0.95; Gersten We strongly recommend that future studies report and ana-
et al., 2020; Hall & Burns, 2018; Scammacca et al., 2007, lyze the preferred growth scale/person-ability scores when
2015; Swanson, 1999), and instead more comparable to the assessing change over time/response to intervention.
large magnitude benefits of reading interventions previ- Whereas studies using curriculum-based measures pro-
ously reported in meta-analyses of children with behavioral/ duced highly consistent results (six of seven effect sizes fell
emotional difficulties more generally (g = 0.90–1.02; between g = 1.5 and 2.7), studies using standardized tests
Benner et al., 2010; Roberts et al., 2020). These results differed widely in terms of the reading intervention efficacy
excitingly suggest that children with ADHD may benefit as (Table 3). The current meta-analysis identified several par-
much, or potentially even more, from extant reading inter- ticipant, treatment, and study characteristics that accounted
ventions as their non-ADHD peers despite the well-known for this between-study variability. First, higher quality stud-
neurocognitive and behavioral risks associated with the dis- ies that used gold-standard, multi-informant assessment
order. Furthermore, critical evaluation of the included stud- procedures and randomization/active control conditions
ies based on established criteria from influential professional produced significantly smaller effect sizes than studies
societies indicates that decoding interventions meet all using less rigorous diagnostic/control methods. These
established criteria to be considered well-established, evi- results are consistent with prior ADHD meta-analyses
dence-based practices based on both clinical and special showing that higher study quality and diagnostic rigor are
education criteria (Cook et al., 2015; Evans et al., 2018). typically associated with smaller effects (Alderson et al.,
Collectively, our findings suggest the provision of at least 2007; Kofler et al., 2008), and also consistent with the inter-
30 hours of targeted decoding/phonemic awareness inter- vention literature more broadly (e.g., Simons et al., 2016).
vention can be highly effective for treating ADHD-related Previous meta-analyses have hypothesized that the larger
reading difficulties. effect sizes associated with less rigorous ADHD diagnostic
In terms of factors that affect the efficacy of reading procedures likely reflect the inadvertent inclusion of chil-
interventions for children with ADHD, aligned with prior dren without ADHD in the “ADHD” groups in these studies
meta-analytic evidence (e.g., Scammacca et al., 2015; (Kofler et al., 2008). However, this explanation seems
Swanson, 1999) our best case estimates indicated that unlikely in the current study given that our overall effect
study-developed/curriculum-based measures (g = 1.91) pro- suggests reading interventions tend to be more effective for
duced larger estimates of reading intervention efficacy than children with ADHD than children without ADHD. A more
standardized/norm-referenced tests (g = 1.11). Our current likely explanation reflects the multicollinearity between
view is that the true magnitude of reading intervention ben- diagnostic rigor and study quality identified in our prelimi-
efits for children with ADHD likely lies somewhere in nary analyses. That is, it is well known that effect sizes are
between these two estimates. That is, the curriculum-based inflated in studies with designs that are unable to control for
estimate is likely inflated by the use of study-created (often expectancies, maturation, and other threats to validity, and
psychometrically unvalidated) measures that may be too as such it is unsurprising that smaller effects are obtained
similar to the training content to accurately assess the trans- when these confounds are removed.
fer of training gains to reading skills more generally (e.g., Next, we found that interventions targeting decoding/
Simons et al., 2016). In turn, the standardized test estimate phonemic awareness yielded significantly larger benefits
is likely deflated because norm-referenced test scores are than interventions directly targeting reading comprehen-
relatively insensitive to change—particularly for children sion, whereas training additional skills beyond decoding
with neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD who do failed to produce incremental benefits relative to training
not make gains at the same rate as the neurotypical children decoding skills only. This pattern of results was consistent
who comprise the test standardization sample (e.g., Farmer regardless of whether the skill targeted in treatment matched
et al., 2020). In contrast, person-ability scores (e.g., growth the skill assessed by the outcome test, and was consistent
scale values; Kaufman & Kaufman, 2014) are based on the with meta-analytic evidence for school-aged children
same normative sample used to construct standard scores, broadly indicating that adding reading comprehension
but are developed using item response theory specifically to instruction does not produce incremental benefits relative to
assess response to intervention. Unfortunately, none of the interventions that specifically target foundational reading
included studies used this preferred metric, despite frequent skills (e.g., decoding/phonological awareness; Denton
calls for increased scrutiny regarding the reliability, valid- et al., 2022). Collectively, our results suggest that interven-
ity, and sensitivity of standardized/norm-referenced tions targeting phonemic decoding are likely to produce
194 Journal of Attention Disorders 27(2)

larger reading gains for at-risk readers with ADHD than not all reading interventions likely include some behavioral
interventions targeting reading comprehension, irrespective components (e.g., redirecting attention back to the training
of whether the treatment goal is to improve decoding or materials, reinforcing reading skill practice). In that con-
reading comprehension skills. These findings are consistent text, these findings suggest that adding ADHD-specific
with predictions from the influential “simple view of read- treatments to target interfering behaviors does not provide
ing” model (e.g., Lonigan et al., 2018), which posits that adjunctive benefits on reading outcomes for children with
children’s reading comprehension skills can be entirely ADHD (Froehlich et al., 2018) over and above the typical
explained by their decoding and language comprehension behavioral management strategies used when working with
skills. Notably, however, no intervention in the current children. Importantly, however, none of the included stud-
study directly targeted language comprehension (i.e., non- ies directly targeted the academic enablers or skills (e.g.,
print-based understanding of language). Future study on organization, task engagement, and study skills) that sup-
reading interventions that target both components of the port academic functioning for children with ADHD (DuPaul
simple view of reading may lead to treatments that provide et al., 2004; Evans et al., 2016; Gallagher et al., 2014).
optimal reading outcomes for children with ADHD. Future reading intervention research may benefit from eval-
Unexpectedly, higher treatment dosages were associated uating the potential additive effects of contingency/behav-
with significantly smaller treatment effects. Interestingly, ior modification plans that provide immediate corrective
this counterintuitive association has also been found in feedback, individualized attention, and frequent reinforce-
prior studies, and has been hypothesized to be a product of ment of these academic enablers during reading interven-
higher quality studies delivering larger dosages of instruc- tion given their association with better academic
tion (e.g., Hall & Burns, 2018; Scammacca et al., 2015; achievement broadly (DuPaul et al., 2004; Evans et al.,
Tran et al., 2011; Wanzek et al., 2010). However, this 2016; Gallagher et al., 2014).
hypothesis was not supported in the current meta-analysis
because the negative effect of higher treatment dosage was
significant over and above the effect of diagnostic rigor/
study quality. Instead, we hypothesize that higher interven- The results of this meta-analysis demonstrate that reading
tion dosage may be a marker for the inclusion of more interventions produce robust improvements in reading
severely reading disabled children (Daniel et al., 2022; skills for at-risk readers with ADHD. Strengths of our study
Vaughn et al., 2003). Unfortunately, however, we were include the use of three-level meta-analytic modeling to
unable to analyze reading disability status or baseline read- deal with dependencies across effect sizes (Assink &
ing level as moderators due to insufficient reporting across Wibbelink, 2016), use of best case estimation, as well as
included studies, as noted above. With that said, it is impor- critical evaluation of included studies relative to established
tant to note that the reading interventions included in the clinical and special education evidence-based practice crite-
present review can be considered highly intensive, with ria. The present study was also the first to examine partici-
treatments including on average 30 hours of intervention pant, study, and treatment moderators of reading intervention
(range = 3.5–100 hours) within the average span of 10 to effects for children with ADHD. Despite these methodolog-
11 weeks (range = 1–20 weeks). It will be important for ical refinements, the following limitations must be consid-
future work to specifically assess optimal treatment dura- ered when interpreting results. First, due to inconsistent
tion (which may be dependent on comorbidities or other reporting across included studies, we were unable to exam-
prognostic indicators) for at-risk readers with ADHD and ine several potentially relevant moderators, including SES,
whether more vs. less intensive treatments are needed. race/ethnicity, IQ, and the extent to which reading interven-
Finally, adding ADHD-specific behavioral treatment or tions produce similar gains for children with ADHD with
medication to reading interventions failed to provide incre- and without a diagnosed reading disability. Children with
mental reading benefits for children with ADHD. These comorbid ADHD and reading disability may present with a
results differed from Roberts et al. (2020), who found that unique set of neurocognitive, affective, and behavioral pro-
adding behavioral supports to reading interventions pro- files compared to children with either diagnosis alone
duced significantly smaller improvements in reading for (DuPaul et al., 2013; Ek et al., 2011; Miranda et al., 2014).
children with emotional/behavioral disorders broadly. In As such, it will be important to examine whether these chil-
contrast, our findings are firmly aligned with the breadth of dren experience significantly different responses to reading
research demonstrating that reductions in the hypothesized intervention than children with ADHD who have less severe
core domains of ADHD (i.e., inattention, hyperactivity- reading difficulties. With that said, meta-analyses of read-
impulsivity) via behavioral management or psychostimu- ing interventions for struggling readers more broadly indi-
lant medication do not lead to, or at best provide minimal, cate that demographic factors including SES and IQ are not
downstream effects on academic achievement (Rapport significant predictors of reading intervention outcomes
et al., 2000; Van der Oord et al., 2008). Of course, most if (Bus et al., 1995; Stuebing et al., 2009; Swanson, 1999;
Chan et al. 195

Wanzek et al., 2016). Nevertheless, continued investigation Declaration of Conflicting Interests

of child, family, and social-community factors (Chan et al., The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
2022) that promote optimal reading outcomes will be to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
important for determining “what works for whom in what
context.” Funding
Finally, several planned moderators were excluded due to
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support
multicollinearity that confounded/qualified our interpretation for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article:
of other moderators (e.g., diagnostic method/study quality; During preparation of this article, Michael Kofler was funded by a
ESE status/individual vs. group treatment format). Studies grant from the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIH R01
examining each of these factors alone and in combination are MH115048). The sponsor had no role in design and conduct of the
needed to disentangle the effects of these factors on reading study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the
outcomes for children with ADHD. Moreover, standardized/ data; or preparation, review, or approval of the article.
norm-referenced tests are important for documenting disabil-
ity but also possess several undesirable characteristics that ORCID iD
limit their ability to detect change—particularly for children Michael J. Kofler
with neurodevelopmental populations such as ADHD as dis-
cussed above (for review, please see Farmer et al., 2020). In Note
contrast, the content of study-created/ curriculum-based
measures is often psychometrically unvalidated and poten- 1. Seven of the 16 studies included in Stewart and Austin (2020)
were included in the present meta-analysis, whereas the other
tially “too close” in content to the training curriculum, limit-
nine studies included in Stewart and Austin (2020) were
ing conclusions that can be drawn regarding transfer of excluded from the current review due to focusing on second-
the trained skills to children’s reading skills in general. language English learners (1), single-case design studies (6),
Therefore, we encourage researchers to analyze and report or not directly targeting reading skills (i.e., spelling, effects of
person-ability scores/growth scale values that are developed color on reading; 2).
based on item response theory specifically for assessing
change and increasingly provided by standardized academic References
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E. L., & Sarver, D. E. (2018). Social problems in ADHD: Is
Clinical Implications it a skills acquisition or performance problem? Journal of
Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 40(3), 440–
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tions meet the most rigorous criteria to be considered well- Alderson, R. M., Rapport, M. D., & Kofler, M. J. (2007). Attention-
established, evidence-based treatments with strong research deficit/hyperactivity disorder and behavioral inhibition: A
support for reading difficulties in children with ADHD meta-analytic review of the stop-signal paradigm. Journal
based on established benchmarks in both clinical psychol- of Abnormal Child Psychology, 35(5), 745–758. https://doi.
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Al Otaiba, S., & Fuchs, D. (2002). Characteristics of children who
2018). Decoding interventions should therefore be the first-
are unresponsive to early literacy intervention: A review of
line treatment for reading difficulties among at-risk readers the literature. Remedial and Special Education, 23(5), 300–
with ADHD. In particular, our results revealed that reading 316.
interventions that provide at least 30 hours of intensive American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statis-
instruction in phonemic decoding are likely to produce tical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). APA.
large magnitude improvements in reading for children with Assink, M., & Wibbelink, C. J. M. (2016). Fitting three-level
ADHD despite the affective, behavioral, and neurocogni- meta-analytic models in R: A step-by-step tutorial. The
tive risks associated with the disorder. In contrast, prior Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 12(3), 154–174.
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ity intervention for ADHD with comorbid reading disorders: Elizabeth S.M. Chan, M.A., M.S. is a doctoral candidate in the
A proof of concept study. Journal of Learning Disabilities, Psychology Department at Florida State University, currently com-
51(1), 55–72. pleting her pre-doctoral Internship at Kennedy Krieger Institute/
Tran, L., Sanchez, T., Arellano, B., & Lee Swanson, H. (2011). Johns Hopkins. Her present research focuses on resilience, aca-
A meta-analysis of the RTI literature for children at risk for demic achievement, and executive functioning in ADHD.
reading disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 44(3), Jeffrey A. Shero, M.P.A., M.S. is a doctoral candidate in the
283–295. Psychology Department at Florida State University. His present
Van Buuren, S. (2018). Flexible imputation of missing data. CRC research focuses on how genes and the environment influence
press. development across educational and behavioral outcomes.
Van Buuren, S., & Groothuis-Oudshoorn, K. (2011). Mice:
Multivariate imputation by chained equations in R. Journal Eric D. Hand, M.S. is a doctoral candidate in the Psychology
of Statistical Software, 45(3), 1–67. Department at Florida State University. His present research
jss.v045.i03 focuses on externalizing behaviors, academic achievement, and
Van der Oord, S., Prins, P. J., Oosterlaan, J., & Emmelkamp, P. M. early intervention of academic and behavioral difficulties.
(2008). Efficacy of methylphenidate, psychosocial treatments Alissa M. Cole, M.S. is a doctoral candidate in the Psychology
and their combination in school-aged children with ADHD: A Department at Florida State University. Her present research
meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 28(5), 783–800. focuses on executive functioning and academic achievement in children with ADHD.
Vaughn, S., Linan-Thompson, S., Kouzekanani, K., Pedrotty
Bryant, D., Dickson, S., & Blozis, S. A. (2003). Reading Fatou Gaye, M.S. is a doctoral candidate in the Psychology
instruction grouping for students with reading difficulties. Department at Florida State University. Her present research
Remedial and Special Education, 24(5), 301–315. https://doi. focuses on executive functioning and mathematics achievement in
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Jamie A. Spiegel, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Psychology
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Department at the University of South Alabama. Her research
Walcott, C. M., Marett, K., & Hessel, A. B. (2014). Effectiveness
focuses on academic achievement amongst children with external-
of a computer-assisted intervention for young children with
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attention and reading problems. Journal of Applied School
demic and behavioral difficulties associated with externalizing
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behavior disorders.
Wanzek, J., Vaughn, S., Scammacca, N., Gatlin, B., Walker, Michael J. Kofler, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the
M. A., & Capin, P. (2016). Meta-analyses of the effects of Psychology Department at Florida State University. His research
tier 2 type reading interventions in grades K-3. Educational focuses on improving outcomes for youth with ADHD through
Psychology Review, 28(3), 551–576. identification and treatment of the interrelations among neurocog-
s10648-015-9321-7 nitive, behavioral, and physiological processes in ADHD.

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