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How Cellular

Cellular Respiration

A process by which living

cells break down glucose
molecules and produce
Oxidation of glucose to pyruvate.
Glyco - Glucose
Lysis - To split
"Glucose Splitting"
Addition of 2 phosphate to the glucose molecule at the
expense of 2 molecules of ATP

Result is 6 carbon sugar diphosphate molecule

and 2 low energy ADP molecule

the 6- carbon sugar diphosphate split into two

3-carbon molecule
Each of 3-carbon molecule converted
through series of steps to Pyruvate

During this process, electrons are

transferred to the coenzymes NAD+ to form
Pyruvate Oxidation
The pyruvate that is in the cytoplasm is
transported to the matrix of the
a carbon is removed from pyruvate which will become
carbon dioxide and it will leave the cell, an electron will
be released and it will be taken by NAD+ which will
become NADH
the two carbons that remain (Acetyl) will join the coenzymes
A or CO A to produce Acetyl CO A.
Krebs Cycle
Acetyl COA combines with a 4-carbon
molecule called oxaloacetate acid to cause
Citrate to form.

Citrate acid will again go through a series of

chemical reactions that will become ACIS
Acenitate, D-Isocitrate, a-Ketoglutarate,
Succinate-COA, Succinate, Fumarate, and
Malate until oxaloacetate is formed again.
(Electron Transport Chain)
Oxidation Phosphorylation
(Electron Transport Chain)

Inner Mitochondrial Membrane

Series of Protein complex (Complex 1, Complex 2,

Coenzymes Q, Complex 3, Cytochrome C, Complex 4,
and ATP Synthase)

NADH will approach Complex 1, it passes its electron

so it becomes NAD+
Oxidation Phosphorylation
(Electron Transport Chain)

Because of the electron from NADH, Complex 1 will be

super charged enough to pull the proton from the matrix
to the Intermembrane Space

Complex 1 will pass the electron to Complex2

Complex 2 will pass the electron to COQ

Oxidation Phosphorylation
(Electron Transport Chain)

COQ will pass the electron to Complex 3 causing it to

be super charged

Because Complex 3 is supercharged it can pull the proton

from the matrix to the Intermembrane space

Complex 3 will pass the electron to Cytochrome C

Oxidation Phosphorylation
(Electron Transport Chain)

Cytochrome C will pass the electron to Complex 4

causing it to be super charged, It can also get a proton
from the matrix into the intermembrane space

Complex 4 will pass the electron to the last acceptor, the

oxygen because this will split the oxygen molecule into 2
water molecules
Create a jingle about the
Cellular Respiration that can
help you to familiarize and
memorize the stages and
how the cellular respiration

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