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mee | a _ © Reports are formal pieces of writing we write for a person in autherity (eg a teacher, a business manager, et) ‘They normally contain a description of something (ea. hovy well a business is performing) and often include our ‘suggestions or recommendations for future action (eg. how sales could be imgroved, how to attract more visitors, etc). The information ina report i presented in separate sections under appropriate headings, We normally use present tenses when writing reports, but past tenses can be used for reports related to past events (eg. a report assessing an event that has already been held). = A report usualy tarts by stating who its addressed to and what their position is, the writers full name and: ition, what itis about and the date. ‘Outline for repor AN W Es SZ 20RGRSD early state the purpose divided into sections. each with its ovinsub- summarise all the points ofthe report and what —_—heading. Each main body paragraph should in the main body; make | itcomtains tris entitled Present 3 separate idea. We should use 2 recommendation Purpose or introduction, appropriate linking words/phrases to join andlor offera personal these ideas and make the information as pinion clear as possible for the reader. EB) Underline the key words in the rubric, Read the report BI} Replace the words/phrases in and write the headings (A-t) in the gaps (1-5). bold In the model report in Ex. 7 — with other appropriate ones ‘Your werk a a secretary in an English enguage primary schoo and have recened en emal fom the headmaster from the Useful Language box. 46 Saecain We need tod sulable places fo bring the students fr fold tips, want you to vist Frankin Science Museum. Wite a ropert about the museum including hformaton about ths 0 see and do theres facilies and how much edmesion costs Virite your report (140-190 words) PES eT Introducing + The purpose of this report is to * As requested, this is my report on ‘sting points ‘Firstly, + In the fist place, Educational exhibits A ‘+ Tobegin with, + Secondly, To: Hary Lamont (Headmaster) B Introduction ‘Furthermore, * Finally, * Lastly, From: Derare Puce (Secretary) © Other features Expressing concession Subjet: Frankin Sione Museum D_ Recommendation + Although/Thouphwile ne ee E Prices & Booking * Despite the fact that ... » However, i | Adding emphasis ‘As requesied, the purpose of this report is to desoribe and assess the suitabit of Frankin Science Museum for educatonal schoo! tgs. 2 4) Frey, there are ov" 200 educational exists in the museum. Many exhibits are interactive allowing students todo actual experiments under the supervision of trained assistants, + especially/particularly # in particular Expressing cause/effect. © By doing this, we could/would * Doing this would ... « In this way * We could ... » Asa result, ‘IF we (did this), Expressing opinion + I believe/fee! (that) ‘Lam convinced/confident thet ... Making 2) Secondly, the museum has excelent facittes, 3) especially for young students. A science-themed play area is avalable for small ‘chidren while there is also 2 large git shop, 4) although many items | reat epee Te noma aca wich eres avr of | ff fungestionsiecommendaton refreshments and sandwiches. + I strongly recommend .. | +. would be a very suttable for .. 5) Lastiy, the entrance e018 £4.50 for acts and £950 per child For large ¢ would suit the needs of (groups, the museum requires two-weeks' notice. Discounts are available Concluding for school groups, depencing onthe rumber of students who vii * In short, * n conclusion + 1 Onthe whole, + To sum up, 6)in conclusion, Franklin Science Museum has a number of “Allinat fascinating educational exhibits and excellent fecities. 7)1 would strongly suggest thatthe schoo! organises a daytrip to this museum. 61 a Repors Be Complete the following sentences with the linkers in the list. Compare with your partner. + on tite whole * furthermore + despite the fact * firstly » in particular 1 The hotel's dining facilities were very impressive. EB the paragraphs below are written in the ‘wrong style. Replace the phrases in bold with phrases in the list to make the paragraphs more formal. * are quite reasonable * there is no option * offer such payment options * in contract to 2 sonal «thatthe hotel nas s - Sxcellot faites, Ks high room charges G@) Membership tees at Pebble Gym 1) arent s0 make it an unsuitable venue fer the ad and there are special offre for student ee and pensioners, However, 2)you aren't allowed to pay for membership on a monthly or 3 | the town halls an excellent place to host the event. 3 . , thie candidate has ten year's experience working in the retail industry, . she has worked in a number of different positions. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to make them have @ formal styla Make any ther necessary changes to the sentences. 1. Visitors should be able to book their tickets. oniine. Visitors should have the option to book/of booking their tickets online (have/option). 2 I wrote this report to check out whether the Tiille is 2 good restaurant. ‘The purpose . (assess/quality). 9 Some people call the National Gallory the artistic highlight of Dubin The National Gallery sraenttt .». (describe). 4 Everything I've learned makes me think a day trip to Lakeside Gardens is a good idea. Taking everything into consideration, (highly/recommended/taking) 5 The museum has got many interactive exhibits The museum ae vow (Fatures/numerous), 6 There are very few vegetarian dishes to choose from. The choice (imited), ‘evan hai-yearly hasis This is 9) different from numerous other gyms in the area which 4) allow you to pay like thi + is easily accessible * a wide selection + excallent value for money « Is located + there Is a lack of options + On weekdays ‘The Kinatisher 1) can be found in the centre of the city and 2) te net difficult to got there by train or bus. The restaurant has 3) lots of ethnic Chinese dishes. although 4) there's not much ‘for vegetarians. ) During the week, there is an all-you-can eat monu, which is 6) 2 great deal. ‘at present * would appeal + for this reason + consists of + furthermore + interior +10 be improved @ Aight now, the shop, which 2)has two floors, mainly sells academic books and adult fiction. 3) Because of this, there are not many books that 4) are interesting to children or teenagers. §) Another thing is the 6) inside of the shop as well as Its window display are quite unattractive. These features certainly need 7) work to bring in more customers. Rewrite the extracts in the correct style. 1. You can find Sunnydale Sports Centre just to get there because there arent any bus stops around. But there arent a lot of parking spaces outside the sports centre so you might have cutside Trenton. You need a to park in the street. 2 | think that Ailwee Caves is a OK for the | school’s end-of-year trip. It's a bit far away, but you've got to say that i's cheap, and the kids will learn a lot from it. 62 a) Read the rubric. Then read the comments and complete the table. ‘You work 2s a tour guide and have recently completed ¢ summer course in a language school in England. The owner of the tour guide company you work for has asked you to write a report to see if the schoo! would be suitable for other employees to attend. Write your report (140-190 words) Commenting on the school's facilites, the teaching staff and the cost. ‘Some teachers are impatient with struggling students, The fers da not include the coot ‘of accommodation and meals. ineach Special deals are available classroom. for groups and families, interactive whiteboards b) Now write your report (140-190 words) using the following headings: Facilities, Staff, Exhibits, Purpose, Recommendation. Underline the key words in the rubrics (A&B) and answer the questions. (outs the heed librarian in a calege library. You | have received an email from the dean of the college ‘Since the library will soon be open on Sundays ‘and for extra hours during the week, we need to promote a member of stafi to be in charge when you are not in the library. Please write a report Suggesting one member of the staff for this role ‘including information on the person's experience, quatifications and qualities, Write your report (140-190 words) You are the assistant coach for a football club in your town, You have received an email from the | chairperson of the club. Laan Menlo eae incor sung ouarar Toe ao vt romatoronkpce sen Severe | ras tt i Seo Write your report (140-190 words). 1 Who are you and who is going to read your report? 2 What is the purpose of the report? 3 How many main body paragraohs will your report have? 4 What headings can you use? 5. What style should you write in? 8 Write your reports. Follow the outline on p61 Checklist ‘When you finish your piece of writing check it for: ‘appropriate introduction of the topic (stating purpose and content clearly), ‘use of subheadings to introduce each part of the report. * appropriate formal style, + appropriate use of forrnal linkers. + spelling/grammar punctuation mistakes. * correct word length. * appropriate conclusion (summarising all the points & including your recommendatior/opinion).. 63

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