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Maintaining life > 4.1 Plants and water | xem vessalg For example, ving things need wawtodaohe chencals 1 | inside their cells, so that chemical reactions (such as respiration) ‘can happen. With a partner, think of as many sentences as you can that start with: | Living things need water Try to include some good scientific information in each of your sentences. When everyone is ready, take turns with other pairs share one of your sentences with the rest ofthe clas. Build up a | collection of all the different ideas on the board. yl 444 Plants and water : A? How root hairs absorb water PED 9 gk pants kal living things remade most of water Prantaneedto BNO ot | absorb water almost all of the time. They do this through their roots. ‘The roots absorb water from the sol ‘ois made up of tiny particles of rock. The particles are usually irregularly shaped, and all sors of diferent sizes. They do not pack together tightly. There are spaces between them, which are filled with di air and water, ‘You may remember that special eels called root hairs grow out of the surface of roots. Root hair cells provide a really big surface through which water and mineral ions can be absorbed into the plant. This photograph of root hairs was taken with a microscope. Root hairs are very tiny, ut you can just see them without using a lens is 2 root hair growing in ss Each root hair ig otha part ofa sin Water moves into th soil. It pa cell mem eytoplasn Minerals arenes SS teint ie FOR : the water. Magnsinm acd nitaiar the form of fone Tope 24), solved i the water bets the sol partes cen welll Que: 4 _ Cell enerdoorte, 1 Roo’ ir cllsare diferent fom how Ry thes) ture of afoot har ell ts need nitrate ions and Scanned with CamScanner = Kenran ae tee | How water moves up the plant > talent | This agra shows what aot looks iif eae Xylem in roots and stems These tn diagrams show the postion of xm nthe root (left) and stems (right) of a plant, They are cross-sections ‘you are looking down on a cut surface across a root and across a stem. The xylem vessels are shown in red = {You cut it across. You can sce the root hairs heptane ‘on the outside of the root. In the centre, there are some very special cells called spe ‘essed, These are the water transport system of the pla ‘After water has been absorbed into root hair cell, it moves from the outside of the root towards the inside. It goes into the xylem vessel in the centre of the root. ‘Xylem vessels are longs tubectike elly They are ead (gelisy all of their contents, such as etaplsmand ‘a nucleus: faveldisappeared. All that islets their sellwallg with atvempty’space inside. Their end ‘walls have completely disappeared too. Many xylem) vessels stack on top of one another, making log empty tubes that reach all the way from the roots UP Qo to the highest parts of the plant “The WO6d/in & tee trunk is ade up of xylem vessels They cary water B Tran ORO anc wa) opel eet i phoograph shows ome ym el bases an with Sarat aS roth fr sso ‘tere miner ‘Annotating @ diagram ‘Work with 2 partner, or in a group of three, for this activity, (On a large sheet of paper, make a big copy of the unlabelled, circular diagram showing the position of xylem vessels in a root. Make sure that you leave enough space around your drawing to add some writing Use the information on the three-dimensional diagram on the previous page, and in the text on this page, to add annotations to your diagram. The annotations should describe what each part does, so that someone looking at your diagram can understand how water is absorbed by the root, and how itis transported upwards from the root. Selt-assessment Put your completed diagram onto the wall, alongside ather learners’ diagrams. How do you think that your diegram and annotations compare with theirs? ‘microscope. The actual diameter of xylem ve although, as you can sce in the photograph, they eome ina range of ‘What featured make onetlaean arene nether diferent sizes Investigating transport in a celery stalk In this experiment, you will try to follow the path of water as it moves up through a stalk 1 the stalk onto a non-slip surface before you try to cut it » you, so that if the blade slips, it does not hit your hand. Scanned with CamScanner 5 When the dye has reached the top ofthe stalk, ake the stalk out 2 Wite down youridea as a hypothesis ofthe container. Rinse the bive dye of he end ofthe tak, using 43 _ Now think about how you could modify the experiment that you did with the stalk, tap water {o test your hypothesis. Discuss your ideas witha partner 6 Put the stalk down onto a cork board or other non-slip surface. 4 Write 2 description of your planned experiment. Make sure that you include: Use a knife to cut across the end of the stalk, about half way up. '* a list, or drawings, of the apparatus that you will need You should see something ike this: + wich variable you wil change (your independent variable) + whatyoy wil measure (your dependent variable), hw you will measure it and whan you wilrmessureit oe + which voiabes you will keep the same ce +a rik assessment for your planned investigation - what rks are there, and how will you contol tem? 1. Make a drawing ofthe cut end of 2. Cut across the lower end of the stalk (not the lef end), making Sure 3. Stand the stalk inthe coloured water Make sure you stand the cut 4 Every five minutes or so, look atthe stalk. You may be able to see yer You need, ut some of the coloured water into your small conta Planning an experiment. no more than 1 to 2em depth, Method Now that you have done the experiment to see how coloured water moves up a stalk, you are going to think about how you could modify this method to test a hypothesis. ‘Kitor you have had your plan checked, you may be able ta do your planned experiment. ‘Questions 41. Think about what effect temperature might have on the speed at which the water moves up a stalk. the temperature increases, do you think the water would move. Upwards faster, or more slowly? Why do you think that? that the cut end is clean and isnot blocked or damaged- ‘end in the water the blue dye moving up through it. This can sometimes happen very quickly, or sometimes very slowly so be prepared! the stalk after thas been in the blue dye. Which kind of cells do you think are found in the places where you can see blue spots? Choose from: palisade cells root hair cells xylem cells Label your drawing withthe name of these call Suggest why it was important to do each ofthese things, as you carried your experiment ‘2 putting no more than 2em of water inthe container atthe start of yc experiment b washing the stalk before cutting across it, atthe end of your exper In your experiment, there were no roots on the plant. Try to imagine h that you used would connect with the rots on a complete plant. Then sentence or two to explain how — in a complete plant - water would Water tow In Toot hake, tan E > Scanned with CamScanner > 4.2 Transpiration * find outhow water vapours lot from plant leaves summarise why plants need water When we think of water, we usually think ofa liquid. But water can also be a solid and a gas. With a partner, make a drawing to show the arrangement of the particles in liquid water. Then make another drawing to show the Of the particles in water when itis @ gas. Write a brief description next to each drawing, to explain what the particles are doing, Now write a sentence to explain what happens when liquid water changes to a gas. How water moves through leaves In the last topic, we saw how water goes into a root, across the oot foits centre, wll Now ve: 4.2 Transpiration ‘and then up through the root and stem towards the eaves. I think about what happens to the water when it reaches shows a section through The arrows show how water xylem vessels and into ata leaf, it moves out and into the leaf cells hloroplasts use some fr peters Bt thy Scanned with CamScanner the stomata. The use through these ae wie wlshat pe ae Cpallisade & Seneca | ACY ye PS = mainh dk into = ce Vstae-cell wall 7 Chergo ratio happens from the underside of vil at ee ¢ pct alr a 1 Investigating transpiration In this experiment, you will investigate water loss from a plant growing in @ pot Method CCheck thatthe soil in both plant pots is moist the same volume of water. Leave the pots for about five minutes, any excess water can dain away. Take the first plant, and completely cover the plant and the pot with a plastic bag. Tie the bag very firmly at the top. Take the second plant, and cover the pot and soil, but not the leaves of the plant, witha plastic bac Tie the bag tightly around the plant stem ~but take care not to damage the stem. If not, give both of them so that 9. Measure the mass of both plants in their pots. Record the masses. Each day for atleast a week, measure the masses ofboth plants, Record of your readings in a results table. (You could put the date inthe ft column and the masses of the two plants in the next two the units in the column headings) ‘columns. Remember to include {6 Use your results to draw a line graph. You can draw two lines on the same greph = one line for each plant. Questions 1. What was the variable that you changed (your independent variable) inthis ‘experiment? 2. What variables did you keep the same? 3. Compare the changes in mass forthe two plants. Use comparative words i anewer, suchas ‘more’ and str. Ty hi cas a ma 4 Explain why one plant lost mass fastBr oa the other, Use in your answer wales vapeur owas laf Prop. Jeeves a ve rant ‘Which side of a leaf loses most water? In this experiment, you will hang a number of leaves up to dry. The leaves will be treated, differently, so that the surfaces that can lase water vapour are not all the same. \When the leaves lose water, they lose mass. You can compare the mass lost from each leaf to find out which treatment is best at helping the leaf to conserve (keep) its water, Method 1 Choose eight leaves that are as similar to each other as possible, 2 Line the leaves up on a piece of paper. Write a letter next to each leaf, in order: A.B, C.D, E,F Gand H, Make sure each leaf stays next to its letter Ce 51> veg ite si Scanned with CamScanner JaUURDSGWeD YIM pauuess Gest pasu siunyd Ay wosvas 240. yoddns paou Ajgomise suey op Syy ang $29e3] 21 ‘quosqe syuryd mou yuse9| axzy nok ‘uo sr JayeMm peau sjue 7 oxnaud 2 are, K "339)[09 nok eauepine ay) yo \36u—Ns eg eroxduy pynom su hy wed ‘suonsa66n= anok yo yea so, -{1UBUARAN Pee 104 seneo| 210u Bulsn Ue JoY}0) jew pjnom nok ‘Squawencidus om yso66ns ‘ureBe wuouedre sii op or payse ave nok ieyp UIBeW ‘samsue snok upidha eiueuesn y>eo 04 sanea) Jou 9671 Ot seneg u2eq aney ¥ PINON 2UBUNEDN 43e2 40, SONea| OM psn nok Ay 15055" s _issew owes ain fdex0 250) yioq ueusAcen owes ain pey ey “hyp 159661 f Sanco} om Uy, IM. -35ep 24240 3881 019 In Seopr NOK axeYs 0% peas 2g juonendsuen yBno.ig 250) Keys 1 812m jo unowe axp 22NP>! os aun woy ejqisod se sorem yar se 106 101 pardepe sued asaya ave MOH +fep ue roy Asan 5 2194 “Lasep e u ony 3219 sed jo Pury exp ynoge AU ajpnis nok 'g 26635 UI ‘unnoe siyy 40} soured e i HM ‘uesep ayy uj oye Buysesuod | ‘Ae wnojonad 126 02 0 q sa2eys 4goq vo peveaus (d 40) seu uy abuey> eau auf aiI72722 no 01 Sy pe PUE Je; \>e0 Jo} seu U| @BEYD 21A BVE/OIe OL okey apap ‘fue aney nok y sypsau snojewoue Aue ARUP] 6 aia "werp anoge op i uy Suiysem aig yo we nok uid pue unop » 214 Appinb ysows sseUs 250) |] ign nok sou ypiyn inoge uowrparde yeu ‘dn BUBUEY 218 Sanco] 219 OIWM 9 ‘uonojpaid Sih 299) soded Mf 9s) soded a vo ses0p “one ain joqeyfyenioe Youu PO} 2 BUYS!EN 30K UO soNeE| sup 2 92% ‘Avo anes 1040 24 Ayo anepns dd suonsenp ‘ager snok 03 sup ppe pue ’san2a| om 25048 Wes alg Pey SaRee] OM WEY bb ui synsai snok jo ye plozey 8B ‘yjeBe sossew sawp aunseow pue 1p ayer veuy ep 20 3809] 32 20) Lp or saree] aX MO|IY (mojaq wes6erp 10 aus 24 f90¥0 w wap d00¥ nok 1 ave ye. puone4 pu a vo paieous n vo paieouls ‘Ayal wnajoned ou: g pue y sencay 29 ap jo 805 01 Addy af waned ewos 99p0) < om SuMEUIEW ¥ 109] ung @:q pue 5 saneay | oT 4 Maintaining life » Plant cells contain a Jot of water, especially inside their vacuoles A plant “| cell that has plenty of water is strong and firm. When al the cls in fer plan ar iz tis they press non another and mak the who lat QO A firm and well supported When a plant cell doesnt contain enough water, it becomes soft and v floppy. When all the cells in a plant are like this, the ae collapses. fegomes sof f We ay that it has wile aA S eared & Si Water for transport Aeon water 3 Asatrnostioud bevie eseade deity Y Vted salts Ths show these mineral salts are transporte the other parts ofthe plant. Vest taken ai sceriereccling 7" an water evaporarte S ‘When water evaporates, it takes heat away with it. So when water evaporates from the cell wall ofa cell ina leaf it coos the cl. This is important for plants that live in very hot places. water £2 2 Water for photosynthesis” peatten Water is one of the reactants in photosynthesis In photosynthesis, plants change water and carbon dioxide to glucose and oxygen. | Lo tean describe how water moves from xlem vessels to the outside of [Lean describe where ina leaf water changes frm igi water to water vapour can explain that ranspraton ithe oss of mater vapour from the surface of leaves LJ Fea explain why plants need water. i areauts char. ean evvate how svong the evidenes ealctin ny export, and suggest improvements to my experiment. {can measure small masses accurately and precisely, and record my measurements } ) 4.3 Excretion in humans ia this topic you wi find out what substances humans excrete study the structure of the human excretory system lam how the kidneys help wth excretion, Inthe previous topic, you looked at why plants need water. Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 2 3 ‘Are any of the reasons why plants need wat as for humans? Can yor are not the same as for plants? the think of any reasons why humans need water that ‘Are there any reasons why plants need water that are not the same as for humans? 4.3 Excretion in humans bladder excretion ‘excretory system kidneys renal urea ureter vrethea [=| Scanned with CamScanner | 7 kidneys Filter blood —premove uren & exces aerte fiom Wood Chloed t> clean’) => urea dissche, 1n. Crores. were = uaine forwrn 7 r Bo 2 Cee’ Be ees ens ‘ood a heey | exoetion => ease A FAIS What is excretion? In Stage 7, you learnt that excretion is one of the ch living things. Excretion means getting rid of waste materi i aracteristis of al als In fact, this does not include all waste material's Excretion realy only t applies to waste materials that have ~ even for only a short whi ve truly inside the body Mey ~ (ety ‘Think about what happens when a person eats food. It travels down, ae along the long tube that takes it from the mouth to the anus. Itis@ onl aeteny travels all the way through this feral en ee strange idea, but actually the food t tube has never really been part of their body. Only things that move out vein Of the digestive system, and into the person's blood or their body cells are really part of their body ‘This means that the waste from the digestive system, which animals Vuass (including humans) get rid of as faeces, dges not count as excretion. , {Asthe blood flows through the kidneys, the kidneys filter the blood. Isa never Ger! parfot the boa fd of Poace8 X exctetor They remove all ofthe ue from it The kidneynaso remove lacus + aefhastvr Soif petting rid of faces snot excretion, wha doe excretion inl? qRecrtiom the blood The rea dislvesintheexcess water The” CAplllwcex* lifRasivn So, if getting rid of foe ¢ preslon ade of wren dissolved i wolea is eslbd wee SranitesD Excretion includes all the waste substances that organisms make in their Exeretion includes all the waste substances that org The urine made in each kidney flows down a tube called a ureter. cells, plus any substances that they have too much of, that have been part te ones s s - 5 This earries itt the bladder, which ean store it fora while The urine of their body. For animals, including humans, these include of can flow out of the bladder to the outside world through another + carbon dioxide, which body cells make in respiration exereiron : tube, called the urethra, + area, waste substance that is made in ver els © oxcess water + excess water that is not needed by the body 5 pera Cae ao cee @ extvn dictide Excretory system words and meanings urea Work in a group of four or five for this activity. Excreting urea You need eighteen identical pieces of card | When we eat food, any protein in the food are broken down to smaller On nine of «ie cards, write one ofthe words in the Key words list at the start of this t molecules inside the digestive system. These small molecules go into the On theo cards, write the meanings of the Key words. Discuss ths in your group blood, The blood transport them tothe ivr. fist, to ms» sure that everyone agrees that the meaning is correct. If we have more protein than we ned, the iver changes the smaller Shuffle the ds, Place them all face down ‘molecules into urea. Urea ia poisonous substance. It buds up inthe One pers: icks up two cards. If they are a word and its meaning, they keep the cards er turn. If they do not match, they replace them face down and the next body, it makes a person ill. ‘As soon as urea is made ina liver ell, its taken away from the iver in the blood, ‘The urea is removed from the blood by the kidneys in the excretory , system, This system is also Known asthe renal system, ‘Renal’ means “to do with kidney protein broken deur. ito srnller epleciies —7 goed fa ir ay weed Aranspert small moleIee 0 liver > cidnerge vio bloed and have person has » turn, Keep goin) until all the cards have been claimed. The winner is the person with the 4 — EEE 157) _— we 4 Maintaining life y = 44 Keeping a fetus healthy | > 4.4 Keeping a fetus healthy eee «think about how the development ofa fetus the health of the mcchere aaa meee + find out how diet, smoking and drugs can affect fetal health. learnt about the different nutrients that a person fetal thy. fetus all of these, and say what each one is needed for? is likely to need the same diet when she iain that the function ofthe keys ist fiter the blood ‘and remove urea é ]_ ean state that urea is excreted in urine Scanned with CamScanner in ing A healthy pregnancy For the first nine months ofits life, a new human being mother. During these nine months it iclled a fens & before itis born. Every pregnant mother hopes that her baby healthy when itis born, inside its 108s us isa baby il be You have learnt a lot about the human body. You know about the rutrients that it needs, how it uses respiration to release useful energy, and how it excretes waste substances. A fetus growing in its mother’s body needs to do all of these things “The fetus relies on its mother to supply it with eveything that it needs and to remove the substances it needs to excrete. Ifthe pregnant mother ‘makes sure that she stays healthy, this helps the fetus to stay healthy too. The substances thatthe fetus needs are brought to iin its mother's blood. But the mother’s blood does not mix with the blod of the fetus The two blood systems come very close together, but donot touch The substances thatthe fetus needs diflse frm the mother’s blood to the fetus’ blood. The substances thatthe fetus needs to excrete diffuse e opposite direction 160 > } Display about diet during pregnancy Work in a group of three or four for ths activity. You are going to make a display about the importance of eating well during pregnaney, First, you need to collect your information. Here are some ideas: Look on the internet for information about advice for pregnant women and what they should eat ‘Talk to people you know who are mothers. were pregnant? Did they find it easy to eat a heal Find pictures that relate to diet during pregnancy. ‘= Ifyou visit a doctor’ surgery or heath centre, ask about how to eat well during pregnancy. Use your information and pictures to produce a bright and interesting display that will catch people's attention and explain why a good det is important during pregnancy, id they eat differently when they ity diet? if they have any leaflets Self-assessment When you have finished your display, look carefull at other people's work oe eay lin en wat emma state ae et cg your owt Seen PnP Gt peonos ple To enoe your ae tee conga Smoking cigarettes In Stage 8, you learnt how smoking can harm bealth Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide nicotine and tar. ‘When a pregnant woman smokes, carbon monoxide and nicotine dfs from her blood ino the fetus blood. It is s though the fetus is smoking too. Carbon monoxide in the blood reduces the amount of oxygen that haemoglobin ean transport, Tis means tht the fetus’ cells gt les oxygen, so they cannot respite as much and they cannot release as much energy as they normally woul. This, tan afect the development of the fetus. Babs born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy tend to be smaller than babies Cran Fat ite dap 3) _yreak dear amine ncid and falchal (epifanton) 1s these recommendations for women during pregnancy: slay takes a prescribed drug for her own health, she show check with her doctor ora pharmacist to see if iis safe keep on taking it, She should not stop taking it without One cot oi born to non-smoking mothers. “wat brow rogein checking first ‘Ulsan adie dug tan soitis bee trsrepatea = 8s a} + She should check with her doctor whether its safe for her to take not good for a developing fetus to have nicotine in its blood ae

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