IMR652 - Assignment 1 - Article Review

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1.0 Title Write down the title of the articles
2.0 Author Bibliographic information about the author
3.0 Citation Begin review with full bibliographic citation. Use APA style
4.0 Keywords Keywords used in the articles
5.0 Main findings What are the major findings and conclusions from the articles
6.0 Title of Journals Journal name?
7.0 Methodology What are the methodologies used in the articles
8.0 Objectives What are the objectives or purpose of the articles
9.0 Conclusion You need to wrap up the main contents and issues discussed in the articles.


NO CRITERIAS Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4
1.0 Title
2.0 Author
3.0 Citation
4.0 Keywords
5.0 Main findings
6.0 Title of Journals
7.0 Methodology
8.0 Objectives
9.0 Conclusion
(Table MUST be in landscape orientation)

Article Summarization:

 Students (pair) are required to choose four (4) journal articles related to the selected topic based on
syllabus. The articles must be from journals or conference proceedings range from year 2016-
2023. Student is encouraged to focus on research article.

 Compare the selected articles using 9 elements through table as follows:

o Title
o Author
o Citation
o Keywords
o Main findings
o Title of journal
o Methodology
o Objectives
o Conclusion.
 Below the table, based on your creativity & idea, please summarize the information from the table, for
example - discuss on the similarities & differences (from the 4 articles) or any statement that you feel
relevant as well as any constructive comment or recommendation.
 For summary page use Potrait orientation. Page number start from here

 Format:
o Font: Arial, Size: 11, Spacing: 1.5, Align: Justify
o Report MUST attach the plagiarism report
o Name your file properly (example: Assignment 1 _ IMR 652 _ 2022972765_2022981155)

 Date of submission:
o Week 7 (8th May 2024 - Wednesday) before 11.59PM.

 Submission mode:
o Softcopy ONLY. Link as below:
o KAC2206C:
o KAC2206D:

 Presentation
o Student can use any platform /application/ media for presentation.
o Presentation duration: 5-10 Minutes
o Upload your video presentation on YouTube and share the link in Group Whatsapp.

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