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Experiment 1

Objective: Diffusion Rate Comparison of Methyln Blue and Potassium Permanganate in Agar Gel

Background: Diffusion is the process by which molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low
concentration, driven by random motion. Molecular weight is known to influence the rate of diffusion, with smaller
molecules typically diffusing faster than larger ones due to their increased kinetic energy and reduced resistance.

In the context of this experiment, the aim is to investigate whether lower molecular weight implies a faster diffusion rate.
Methyln Blue (molecular weight: 319.85 g/mol) and Potassium Permanganate (molecular weight: 158.034 g/mol) are
chosen as substances for comparison in an agar gel matrix.

Hypothesis: If lower molecular weight implies faster diffusion rate, then Methyln Blue (with a higher molecular weight)
will diffuse slower compared to Potassium Permanganate (with a lower molecular weight) in the agar gel medium.


 Agar gel plates

 Methyln Blue solution
 Potassium Permanganate solution
 Two wells/bore holes in each agar plate
 Ruler
 Stopwatch
 Petri dishes

Method: Prepare agar gel plates according to standard protocols. Create two wells/bore holes in each agar plate using a
cork borer. Fill one well with Methyln Blue solution and the other with Potassium Permanganate solution. Start the
stopwatch as soon as the solutions are added to the agar wells. Measure the distance of diffusion from the center of
each well at regular intervals, e.g., every 5 or 10 minutes. Record the measurements until a significant diffusion zone is
observed or for a specified time period (e.g., 45 minutes).

Result: Methyln Blue: 1.2 cm diffusion distance, Potassium Permanganate: 2.5 cm diffusion distance

Conclusion: The experiment's results support the hypothesis that lower molecular weight correlates with a faster
diffusion rate. Potassium Permanganate, with a lower molecular weight, diffused more rapidly than Methyln Blue within
the given time frame. This aligns with the expectation that smaller molecules diffuse faster due to their increased kinetic
energy and reduced resistance. Possible sources of error include variations in solution concentration, temperature
fluctuations, and inconsistencies in agar gel preparation.

Citations: Background information regarding diffusion and molecular weight influence on diffusion rates can be
attributed to standard biology or chemistry textbooks, as well as peer-reviewed scientific articles in relevant fields.
Specific protocols and methodologies for agar gel preparation and diffusion experiments can be found in scientific
literature and laboratory manuals.

References: Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., & Walter, P. (2002). Molecular Biology of the Cell (4th
ed.). Garland Science.
Experiment 2
Objective: Effect of Molecular Size on the Movement of Molecules through the Plasma Membrane

Background: The plasma membrane of cells acts as a semi-permeable barrier, regulating the passage of molecules into
and out of the cell. The size of molecules can significantly impact their ability to traverse the plasma membrane. Larger
molecules may face greater difficulty crossing the membrane compared to smaller ones due to size constraints and the
selective permeability of the membrane (Lodish et al., 2000).

Hypothesis: If the size of molecules affects their ability to travel through the plasma membrane, then larger molecules
such as starch will have limited movement compared to smaller molecules like iodine, which can penetrate the
membrane more readily.


 Dialysis bags
 10% starch solution
 Lugol's iodine solution (leuko iodide)
 Water bath
 Scale
 Beaker

Method: Prepare a 10% starch solution and place it in a dialysis bag. Submerge the dialysis bag containing the starch
solution in a beaker of Lugol's iodine solution. Observe and record the initial appearance of the solution inside the
dialysis bag. After a specified time period, remove the dialysis bag from the Lugol's iodine solution and observe any
changes in color or appearance. Measure the final weight of the dialysis bag and its contents. Record observations
regarding any changes in the color or clarity of the solution inside the dialysis bag after 45 minutes.


Description Measurement

Initial weight of dialysis bag and contents 21.5 grams

Final weight of dialysis bag and contents 23.2 grams
Initial appearance of solution Cloudy
Final appearance of solution Blue-black color
Color of iodine solution No change

Conclusion: The experimental results indicate that the starch molecules, which are larger in size, were unable to pass
through the plasma membrane of the dialysis bag, as evidenced by the lack of color change in the Lugol's iodine solution
outside the bag. However, the iodine molecules, being smaller in size, were able to diffuse into the dialysis bag, resulting
in a blue-black color change inside the bag. This supports the hypothesis that molecular size affects the movement of
molecules through the plasma membrane. The increased weight of the dialysis bag and its contents also suggests that
the iodine molecules entered the bag, while the starch molecules remained confined. Possible sources of error include
variations in solution concentrations and temperature fluctuations during the experiment.

References: Lodish, H., Berk, A., Zipursky, S. L., Matsudaira, P., Baltimore, D., & Darnell, J. (2000). Molecular Cell Biology
(4th ed.). W. H. Freeman.
Experiment 3
Objective: Effect of Solution Concentration on Cell Osmosis and Diffusion Rate

Background: The experiment aims to investigate how changes in the concentration of the surrounding solution affect
cells through osmosis and diffusion. Osmosis refers to the movement of solvent molecules across a semi-permeable
membrane from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration, while diffusion involves
the movement of solute molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration (Campbell et
al., 2020).

Hypothesis: If the molecular weight of solute molecules affects the rate of diffusion, then solutions with higher
molecular weight solutes will exhibit slower diffusion rates. Additionally, higher concentrations of solute solutions will
lead to greater osmotic pressure and changes in the cell's volume.


 Dialysis bags
 10%, 20%, and 30% sucrose solutions
 Water
 Beakers
 Scale

Method: Prepare 10%, 20%, and 30% sucrose solutions. Place each sucrose solution in separate dialysis bags and record
their initial weights (15.5g, 12.6g, 13.5g respectively). Submerge each dialysis bag in a beaker filled with water and allow
them to incubate for 45 minutes. After the incubation period, remove the dialysis bags from the water and record their
final weights (15.9g, 13.6g, 15.0g respectively). Calculate the percentage change in weight for each dialysis bag.


Sucrose Solution Concentration Initial Weight (g) Final Weight (g) Percentage Change in Weight

10% 15.5 15.9 2.58%

20% 12.6 13.6 7.94%
30% 13.5 15.0 11.11%







10% Sucrose Solution 20% Sucrose Solution 30% Sucrose Solution

X axis: It represents solutions with different sucrose solution concentration.

Y axis: It represents percentage Change in Weight of dialysis bags in beaker.
Calculations: Percentage change in weight = ((Final weight - Initial weight) / Initial weight) * 100%

For 10% sucrose: ((15.9g - 15.5g) / 15.5g) * 100% = 2.58%

For 20% sucrose: ((13.6g - 12.6g) / 12.6g) * 100% = 7.94%
For 30% sucrose: ((15.0g - 13.5g) / 13.5g) * 100% = 11.11%

Conclusion: The experiment demonstrates that as the concentration of the sucrose solution increases, there is a
corresponding increase in the percentage change in weight of the dialysis bags. This indicates the movement of water
into the bags due to osmosis, leading to an increase in their weight. The higher concentration solutions exhibit greater
osmotic pressure, causing more water to enter the bags. Additionally, the data suggest that diffusion rates may be
influenced by the molecular weight of solute molecules, with higher concentrations of sucrose exhibiting slower diffusion
rates. These findings support the hypothesis regarding the effects of solution concentration and molecular weight on
osmosis and diffusion processes.


 Campbell, N. A., Urry, L. A., Cain, M. L., Wasserman, S. A., Minorsky, P. V., & Reece, J. B. (2020). Biology (12th ed.).

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