Macbeth Essay

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Thursday's class: Bring outline to class

Friday's class: First draft printed out (Revision with a peer)

Final draft due: Friday @ midnight

Discuss the idea(s) developed by Shakespeare in Macbeth about the conflict between self-
ambition and loyalty.

Possible thesis: When an individual prioritizes their own ambition over their loyalty, then their
relationships will inevitably collapse and the individual will be left with nothing.

Possible thesis: There are times in life when an individual is forced to choose between
loyalty to others and to pursue their own ambitious drive. The play Macbeth teaches us
that when an individual prioritizes their own ambitious pursuit, they lose the closest
relationships in their life.

Is ambition an honourable objective in life? In the play, Macbeth, William Shakespeare

illuminates the conflict that arises when ambition is favoured over the more important value of
loyalty. Shakespeare sets his play in a time when Scotland was ruled over by kings that had to be
great warriors to keep the country safe from invasion; loyalty to one's country was essential.
Even though we live in a very different world today, loyalty is still an important trait because it
acts as the glue that holds relationships together. Macbeth, the hero of the play, compromises his
loyalty to his country when he hears a strange prophecy telling him that he will be the next king.
With this newfound intelligence, Macbeth becomes more and more corrupt by choosing his own
ambitions over and above his loyalty to others. Ultimately, his dark choices lead him to a tragic
fate-- an old age emptied of all trust, love, and respect from others. Shakespeare, in his great
tragic play suggests that there are times in life when an individual is forced to choose between
loyalty to others and pursuing one's ambition. But when an individual prioritizes ambition above
all other objectives, they end up losing the closest relationships in their life.

Possible thesis: Ambition is a double-edged sword, and when an individual has too much of it, it
can cause their relationships with others to suffer.

Body 1: Demonstrate first glimpse of Macbeth's ambition after the prophecy (show how Macbeth
chooses ambition OVER loyalty to king and friend)
Evidence 1: Throwing away loyalty to the King: murder of the king Duncan, "Quote from Act 1
connected to choosing darkness". "I am here in double trust- first as his kinsmen..."
Evidence 2: Throwing away loyalty to his best friend Banquo because of his ambition (hiring
murderers to kill Banquo and his son)

Body 2: The dark, self-destructive path that Macbeth continues to follow, and to continue
choosing his own ambition over loyalty to others. How this begins affecting his relationship with
Lady Macbeth.
Evidence 1: "I am in blood steppd in so far, that should I wade no more, returning were are
tedious as going over". This is a self-relfective moment where Macbeth can decide to turn back,
or to continue his dark path.
Evidence 2: Estrangement from wife. Relationship between Macbeth and his wife is degrading.
Loyalty to wife is fading. Example: doesn’t tell her about the plans to murder Banquo & Fleance/
Macduff's wife

Body 3: Everything that Macbeth has lost: his titles, his respect, his wife. Macbeth's loss of
respect as a man. (he has nothing) all my left has fallen into the sear....
Quote 1: Has no respect as a king: "titles hang loose upon him, like a giant's robe upon a
dwarfish theif"
Quote 2: My life has fallen into the sear, the yellowed leaf....
Quote 3: Lady Macbeth's suicide

Body 4: Macduff as a character foil to Macbeth?

Thesis: There are times in life when an individual is forced to choose between loyalty to others
and to pursue their own ambitious drive. The play Macbeth teaches us that when an individual
prioritizes their own ambitious pursuit, they lose the closest relationships in their life.

Biggest challenges in Macbeth essay:

-Overwhelming evidence to choose from (choosing the RIGHT evidence to support your thesis)
-Organization of 3 BPs
-Avoiding summarization.

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