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+ Contract No. GTC 2421ABI03 & “Third Party Services Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) Project Noe” Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services DOCUMENT TRANSMITTAL Qatar Petroleum Branch Office Doha LAB Complex P.O, Box 3288 P.O. Box 50033 Doha Mesaieed State of Qatar. Qatar Phone +974 466 1909 Att. : Mr, Raad Al Abdi Head of QA/QC Fax +974 466 1969 H E-mail: gl-doha@gl- CC : Mir. Issa Al-Mosimani, DPM & EM seal alc CC : Mr. Ahmed Al-Hitmi, Project Manager ine Aas ore Your reference Your etter of ur ee. (fing sys.) Date 04/08/2008 GLO-A-17-0432 Subject: QA AUDIT REPORT FOR GLOBAL LINE Enclosed please find IT REPORT(GLO-0-2 3.00} BAL LINE. Please Note (7) Review ‘Comment [x] Acknowledge [—] settle [—] clarity SREY Call Return TS ocjas [J Supplement [| Keep for your fites bppsedenaasgtcanES Action X | Forward : to -- GSE&C for 1A) Due Action req. : TEL uz [a egg) [oa Best regards, tos (het Germanischer Lloyd weyal | | dbs Offshore and Industrial Service pat BD 4 7 is Resident chief inspector RECEIVED ABOVE DOCUMENTS PRINTED NAME: ‘SIGNATURE: DATE: ‘CADOCUMIBNTS AND SETTINGSWISERMY DOCUMENTSIGLITRANSMITTALSIGLO-A-I7.0432.D0CRed ‘Managing Director: HartigC. Schoenbach Germanischer Lloyd Ofhore avd Undusrial Services Gmblt» Registered Office Hamburg, HR B 69980 Place of performace and rections ambwrg, Ti lates editon af de General Terms ord Conlon is aplteabe. German av apie | QPALNEAR ALKYL BENZENE (LAB) PROJECT CONTRACT NO. GTC 242A A803 ‘THIRD PARTY GNOG (INSPECTION) SERVICES (GL Orde No 0at208-05550-30 Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services GLRel. No: GLO-0-2.3.0011 Report of Quality Assurance Audit 4. General ‘Name of firm: GLOBAL LINE CO, W.LL "GL" Address: QP LAB PROJECT- MESAIEED ~STATE OF QATAR, Tel. No: +974 - 5506473 Date of application 30/4/05.. 2, Details on aut Standard, specifications andlor regulations. © GLIGP Contract © GLauditplan, © QP/LG Contract, © Project Quality Plan. © 180 9001-2000 quality systems requirement ISO 14000. © GLOBAL quality manual. Kind of audit 2 party audit (compound audit) Current No. 1 Place and date: Mesaieed facilities 30/4/6.. GL experts involved in the audit: Namo(s) Department / function A.Nassef Resident chief inspector Mohamed A. El Ganzory QA Engineer / Lead Auditor ‘Hesham El Khady QA Engineer "GL Doha” QP experts involved in the aucit. Name(s) Department / function Abd E-Hameed Abo Ameera Senior QA8 QC Engineer Cites of Saline Doesnt GLAUDITION ADT 1 GLORA INDIA suse #1GLOBAL LE doz Plas of performance ond juredeton i Hambar. The ltt don of the “Ganerl Terms ancl Cenctions™ ae applicable 7 GermanlcherLayd” Offlore ond hnasral Services Goh agltned Office Hanbrg, HB 69980, Form 3.03 2040608 + OP-LINEAR ALKYL BENZENE (.A8) PROJECT CONTRACT NO, Gro 242148103 ‘THIRD PARTY GA/OC (INSPECTION) SERVICES {GL Odor io. 0942.04 0888080 Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services LG Attendees : Name(s) Department function SS.Lee QARQC Mgr. D.C.Bantisla CAS Inspector... GLOBAL LINE Auditee's involved in the audit Name(s) Department function Y.G PARK Site Manager. JK, SEO Admin, & planning Mag. PN Castillo QA8QC supervisor.... 3, Details on firm Size of enterprise: Total number ofemployees: 154 Site Manager 1 Construction Manager 1 Total QAQC 5 Planning Manager 1 ‘Administration Manager 1 Total HSE 3 Total technical (Direct) 109 Indirect Labour 33 4, Employees interviewed Name(s) Department / function/position PN. Castillo QA&QC inspector R Mecetangay Safety officer R Natividad PC operator Scope of Work: Global ine provides all construction services required forthe fabrication and installation of Above & Underground piping, steel structures installation, plumping and grouting. , Equipment erection and completion. Construction services include but not limited to provision of manpower, plant and equipment tools temporary facilities, qualty assurance and quality contol, and HSE. ‘C:ADocuments and Settings\User\My Documents\GLAUDITIQA AUDIT 11 GLOBAL LINE\GA audit report 11GLOBAL LINE. doc 6 | QPAINEAR ALK BENZENE (LAB) PROJECT CONTRACT NO. GTC 2421803 "THIRD PARTY QOS (INSPECTION) SERVICES {GL One Ho 0542.94 05850-90 Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services Overall Assessment 5.1. Documentation submitted Quality Assurance Manual No: 4 Description of sub-contraotor. yes Organization chart yes Quality management system yes Method statement yes 5.2 Audit performance: The Audit was performed according to the attached quality plan & audit matrix. The concemed personnel have been interviewed end the related quality documents were checked at specified locations in two days. © 4 day audit start at 08:30 AM to02:30 PM © 2%! day audit start at 01:00 PM to 02:45 PM 5.21 OPENING MEETING Quality audit star at 08:30 AM in GLOBAL LINE office at site, with presence of the above auditors, attendees and auditee's introducing the scope of the audit activities (audit plan matrix) and the reason of this audit 5.2.2 Audit results : Although GLOBAL LINE have not an ISO Certification but they submit their quality assurance manual, Project Inspection & Test plan, quality procedures and method statements GLOBAL LINE did not submit offictally their quality management procedure which covers the Fequirements of ISO 9001 to QP/GL . The following are the audit results for each audited item: Quality management systems requirements & management responsibilities. © Although GLOBAL LINE has no ISO 9001-2000 certificate as required by the Contract, but it is under processing (the Sub-contractor submit thelr evidence ). © Although GLOBAL LINE presented their quality management procedures during the audit activities but these procedures sill not completed or approved . NCR No.GLO-Q-2.4-0014 © GLOBAL LINE has an updated organization chart and mobilization chart © GLOBAL LINE management & key personnel responsibliies & duties were clear to their staff and their files ware recognized and indexes were complete. © The sub-contractor managers & key personal hold a weekly meeting to discuss the project QC activities, and they review their intemal audit and self check findings © Although GLOBAL LINE have a Quality Policy and their staff was aware about its requirements but the company policy is not signed by the executive director and need to be revised to reflect ISO 900'- 2000 warding See Obs.GLO-Q.2.4-0026 C:ADocuments and Settings\User\My Documents\GLIAUDITIGA AUDIT 11 GLOBAL LINE\QA audit report 11GLOBAL LINE doc ws (OP-LINEAR ALKYL BENZENE (LAB) PROJECT (CONTRACT NO. GTC 242188103 THIRD PARTY QNOC (INSPECTION) SERVICES GL Order No 0542.4.05850.90 Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services management GLOBAL LINE has no clear training plan for their staff but they hrave @ record forall training done to their staff including safety matters. © GLOBAL LINE keeps its staff CV's and certificates filed. This found reflecting their qualification to cover the Project activities. realization GLOBAL LINE kept all the latest revision of the method statements and procedures in organized fles © Welding MIC and ovens were maintained in Good, calibrated & certified Condition. ‘© Allliting equipments were maintained in Good, calibrated & certified Condition Process control (fabrication, erection, installation & welding) ‘Al drawings were latest edition and they comply with the document approval procedure ( the old revision stamped superseded ) Workshops and erection site use the approved welding procedure, using the proper tools, and equipment (calibrated and verified) ‘All welders have an approved ID cards and weld certificates, end found using proper welding electrodes ‘The welding supervisor and QC inspectors control the Welding electrode drying cycles, and transfer the heat No, for each plece of material. ‘Although Global line has 2 good control system on physical workshop and site on the material traceability, but during the audit activity to check a sample of underground hydro test packages ., the auditors found a wrong heat no. in the history sheet compared to the daily welding report and QC welding maps which need high care and precision corrective action ‘See NCR No.GLO-Q-2.4-0015 Monitoring & corrective action GLOBAL LINE conduct intemal audits on their site activities. Self Check & Auditing GLOBAL LINE has a procedure for auditing , audit schedule and they conduct internat audits, On their project activities System Improvement GLOBAL LINE has a procedure availabe for project improvement and they do their best to correct and prevent any deficiencies in their systems. Filing , Storage & Handling All method statements are up to date ‘CADocuments and Settings\Use/\My Dooumenis\GLIAUDITIQA AUDIT 11 GLOBAL LINE\QA audit report 11GLOBAL LINE.doc M6 ‘OP-LINEAR ALKYL BENZENE (LAB) PROJET CONTRACT HO. GTC 242LAB1S ‘THIRD PARTY GNC (INSPECTION) SERVICES (GL Orie No 054204-08550-90 Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services ‘Work environment was satisfactory and suitable ‘The project Codes and standerus in hard copy were available Maintenance of Documentation Filing system was aveitable forthe project fles and most indexes were completed, Environmental , safety & emergency ‘Atthough GLOBAL LINE has a safety manual but they have no safety policy or emergency procedure. See NCR GLO-0-2.4-0016, GLOBAL LINE has enough safety personnel who can cover all the project activities 5.22.11 Close Mecting Aer review all the findings by the Auditors, Attendees & Auditees with all the findings were explained to GLOBAL LINE Auditors have found that the sub-contractor (GLOBAL LINE) comply with the project spectfication and epproved procedures on the project activites, and they are considered good example in project management whichis reflected in their good performance in controling the project The finding as mentioned above was minor excapt the Non conformance in material traceability which need high attention and accurate corrective action ‘The finding ists attached to this report A. Nassef (GL/ Resident chief Inspector) a4 NOUSTRIAL SERVICES Lee SERVES Place, Date 20347 20352 OP LAB PROJECT - MESAIEED e4jo a des Jeses C:\Documents and Settings\UseriMy Documents\GLIAUDITIQA AUDIT 11 GLOBAL LINE\QA audit report 11GLOBAL LINE.doc ws . OPANEAR ALKYL BENZENE (LAB) PROJECT CONTRACT NO. GTo2A2/LABD3 THIRD PARTY GNC (INSPECTION SERVICES Oster to, op42-0¢- 0565080, Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services 5.N.O DEFICIENCES DESCRIPTION CLASS OF DEFICIENCIES Although GLOBAL LINE presented their quality management procedures during the audit activities but their procedure stil not complete or approved. GLOBAL LINE has no ISO 9001-2000 certificate. NCR .GLO-Q-2.4-0014| ‘Alihough GLOBAL LINE have @ Quality Policy and their staff was aware about is requirements but the policy is not signed by the executive director and need to be revised to reflect {SO 9001-2000 warding Obs.GLO--2.5-0026) Although Global line has a good control system on workshop and site for material traceability, but during the audit activity to check sample of underground hydro lest packages ., the auditors found @ wrong heal no. in the history sheet compared with the dally welding report and QC welding maps which need high care and precision corrective action NOR GLO-0-24-0015 GLOBAL LINE has no safety policy or emergency plan. NCR GLO-0-24.0016 Als BE C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\GLIAUDITIQA AUDIT 11 GLOBAL LINE\QA audit report 11GLOBAL LINE.doc ‘QP-LINEAR ALKYL BENZENE (LAB) PROJECT ‘CONTRACT HO. GTC 2421ABI3 THIRD PARTY AC (INSPECTION) SERVICES GL Ordor No. 0842-08-0565050, Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services GL Site Office | Mesiset ote! QA AUDIT NCR | No. GLO-G2.4-014 ‘ATT. Mr. Read AlAbdi, QA&QC MGR : CCl Issa Al-Mosimani, DPM & EM FROM : Ae Masse atnspector | DATE: 04.05.2005 Mr. Ahmed ALHitmi, Project MGR Pe DEFICIENCY DETAILS: During GL audit activities which were conducted to GLOBALLINE on 30™ of April 2005, it was found that GLOBALLINE has no ISO 9001-2000 Certificate, Although GLOBALLINE presented their Quality Management Procedures but their procedure was not approved. Based on the above deficiency contractor is requested to take corrective action, ae ‘aS aa 4ffe M.ELGANZORY A. NASSEF gspesior 0 GL Sinopec RESPONSE REQUIRED WITHIN 72_| HOURS ‘OP-LIVEAR ALKYL BENZENE (LAB) PROJECT ‘CONTRACT NO. GTC 2¢2LABIN3 THIRD PARTY QA (INSPECTION) SERVICES GGL Order No, 0942.04.95680:90, Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services DATE: 04.05.2005 QA AUDIT NCR No: GLO-Q-2.4- 014 ACTION PROPOSED {TO BE COMPLETED BY LG RESPONSIBLE PERSON) CONCESSION REQUEST YES | No CONTRACTOR A/C MANAGER GLAPPROVED NOT APPROVED SIGNATURE SIGNATURE: NAME: NAME: DATE: DATE: CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLETION DATE SIGNATURE COMPLETED: RESPONSIBLE PERSON (LG) ACTION APPROVAL (GL) SIGNATURE NO FURTHER ACTION o POSITION Resident Chief Inspector FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED DATE CC: GL Doha Office CC: Gl Head Office 2a erste pacreay “GP-LINEAR ALKYL BENZENE (LAB) PROJECT CONTRACT NO. GTC 242. ABI03 ‘THIRD PARTY GQA/QG (INSPECTION) SERVICES GL Order No, eoe2 8 o6850-99 Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services GL Site Office Mesaieed, Qatar. QA AUDIT NCR No. GLO-Q-2.4+ 045 ATT. Mr. Read AlAbdi, GABQC MGR : CC.Mr. Issa AL-Mosimani, DPM & EM FROM tee yaset afinspector | DATE: 04.05.2008 Mr. Ahmed AL-Hitmi, Project MGR P DEFICIENCY DETAILS: During GL audit activities which were conducted to GLOBALLINE on 30™ of April 2005, it was found that GLOBALLINE Traceability system is suffering a deficiencies in the way that the Traceability data is transferred through different fabrication stages, ultimately the history sheet is not matching the actual data of material installed. Contractor is requested to propose the corrective measures for system integrity. ‘fe A. NASSEF Surveyor e-Gt RESPONSE REQUIRED WITHIN 2 HOURS COP-LIEAR ALKYL BENZENE (LAB) PROJECT (CONTRACT No. GTC 242/LABI0G JTARD PARTY GA/QC (WSPECTION) SERVICES GL Onder Mo. 00420896580-90 Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services DATE: 04.05.2005 QA AUDIT NCR No: GLO-0.24-015 ACTION PROPOSED (TO BE COMPLETED BY LG RESPONSIBLE PERSON) CONCESSION REQUEST YES CONTRACTOR QA / QC MANAGER GLAPPROVED ] NOT APPROVED SIGNATURE: ‘SIGNATURE: NAME: NAME: DATE: DATE: CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLETION DATE SIGNATURE COMPLETED: RESPONSIBLE PERSON (LG) ‘ACTION APPROVAL (GL) SIGNATURE NO FURTHER ACTION oO POSITION Resident Chief Inspector FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED 1 DATE CC: GL Doha Office CC: GL Head Office enarsp0cmesy + QP-LINEAR ALKYL BENZENE (LAB) PROJECT CONTRACT NO, GTC 2421. THRO PARTY GNOC (NSPECTION SERVICES GL.OnderWo.o342.0¢. 0565080 Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services GL Site Office Mesaieed, Qatar. QA AUDIT NCR No, GLO-.2.4- 016 ATT. Mr, Raad Al Abdi, QA&QC MGR iq CC.Mr. Issa A-Mosimani, DPM & EM Fae eee geet afinspector | DATE: 04.05.2005 Mr, Ahmed Al-Hitmi, Project MGR Pe I DEFICIENCY DETAILS: During GL audit activities which were conducted to GLOBALLINE on 30™ of April 2005, it was found that GLOBALLINE has no Safety Policy or Emergency plan. Based on the above deficiency contractor is required to take corrective action. Gow Ly MEL! Seagony q RESPONSE REQUIRED WITHIN + GP-LINEAR ALKYL BENZENE (LAB) PROJECT CONTRACT WO. GTC 242. ABN THIRD PARTY GNQC (NSPECTION SERVICES GL Onis No-0042.04-06580-90 Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services DATE: 04.05.2005 QA AUDIT NCR No: GLO-Q-24-016 ACTION PROPOSED (TO BE COMPLETED BY LG RESPONSIBLE PERSON) “CONCESSION REQUEST YES | NO CONTRACTOR QA / QC MANAGER GL APPROVED NOT APPROVED SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: NAME: NAME: DATE: DATE: CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLETION DATE SIGNATURE COMPLETED: RESPONSIBLE PERSON (LG) ‘ACTION APPROVAL (GL) SIGNATURE NO FURTHER ACTION o POSITION Resident Chief Inspector FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED 0 DATE CC: GL Doha Office | CC: GL Head Office net nexorepocrele + P-UINEAR ALKYL BENZENE (LAB) PROJECT (CONTRACT HO. GTC 24a/.ABIOG ‘HIRD PARTY QNQC (INSPECTION SERVICES BL Order No: 042-08 0555090, Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services GL Site Office Mesaieed, Qatar. QA AUDIT OBSERVATION No. GLO-0-2.5- 026 ‘ATT. Mr. Raad AI Abdi, QABQC MGR : CC.Mr. Issa A-Mosimani, DPM & EM Fao ae ae iefinspector | DATE: 04.05.2008 Mr. Ahmed Al-Hitmi, Project MGR Ps DEFICIENCY DETAILS: During GL audit activities which were conducted to GLOBALLINE on 30™ of APRIL 2005. GL auditors found that GLOBAL LINE has @ Quality policy and their staff were aware of its requirements, but the policy is not signed by its Executive director and it is to be revised to reflect 180 9001-2000. Based on the above deficiency Contractor is requested to take both Corrective Action. coy EL Gi ir to GL RESPONSE REQUIRED WITHIN 72 | HOURS ous. 000Reter (PLN ALKYL BENZENE (8) PROJECT ComRACT NO. GTC 2z2LABItS Hl PARTY GAIQC (INSPECTION) SERVICES 0 (GL Order No, 0942062665 Germanischer Lloyd Offshore and Industrial Services DATE: 04.05.2005 QA AUDIT OBSERVATION No: GLO-Q-2.5 - 026 | ACTION PROPOSED (TO BE COMPLETED BY LG RESPONSIBLE PERSON): CC: GL Doha Office CC: GL Head Office “CONCESSION REQUEST YES No CONTRACTOR QA QC MANAGER GLAPPROVED NOT APPROVED SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: NAME: NAME: DATE: DATE CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLETION DATE SIGNATURE COMPLETED: RESPONSIBLE PERSON (LG) "ACTION APPROVAL (GL) SIGNATURE NO FURTHER ACTION oO POSITION __ Resident Chief Inspector FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED © DATE awa consouocnatty

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