T.F.G.I.G Dec Edition

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--Dec edition

Greetings from The Full Gospel Invasion

Group, and welcome to the December
Bulletin Edition!

Editor's Note - 01
TFGIG Bible Study Summary - 02
True Revelation Section - 03
T.F.G.I.G Article Section - 04
World Wide Event Section - 05-08
Closing Remarks - 09

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Grace and peace be unto you in the name of our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ. With immense joy and gratitude, I welcome you to
the December edition of The Full Gospel Invasion Group

We apologise for the delay in this month's bulletin edition. We

are restructuring the release of our bulletin editions. The
monthly bulletin edition will be released at the beginning of
each month. This is to ensure consistency in delivering our
messages and update you on the recent happenings in the group.
With each bulletin edition, you will find a wealth of articles,
inspirations and stories that highlight the incredible work of
The Full Gospel Invasion Group. From campus crusades to
secondary school outreach, each page reflects the dedication and
passion of our members.
As we progress, I want to thank each of you for your unwavering
support, prayers, and participation. Together, we are making a
difference in countless souls' lives, and our work's impact is felt
far and wide.
May the Lord continue to bless and guide us as we spread His
gospel and prepare for His glorious return. Let us remain
steadfast in our faith, knowing our labour in the Lord is not in

In His service and with love.

Page 01

Topic: Study from Genesis 9: 20

The Account of Genesis 9:20 occurred right after the flood when God established
Noah and his family on earth.
Verse 20-21 tells us that Noah became a husband-man and planted a vineyard
from which he got drunk and was uncovered in his tent. Before we go any further,
there is a lesson to learn here: the danger of drunkenness. Noah was in a state of
intoxication and was ignorant of the fact that he was laid uncovered in his tent.
The aftermath of this mistake became a burden to the generation of Ham.
Remember, Proverbs 20:1 tells us, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and
whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise."

A similar example was that of Lot, who was also caught in the snare of
drunkenness; Genesis 19:32.
Furthermore, verses 24-25 speak of how after he had awoken and realised that his
son Ham had dishonoured him. Noah pronounced a curse upon the Canaan, the
son of Ham.

A puzzling question is... why was the curse laid upon Canaan and not Ham, who
dishonoured the father, having left him uncovered?
As a prophet of God, God had revealed to Noah, just like He does with all true
prophets, the nature of the seed that Canaan belongs to. It is possible that
Canaan was an offspring from an incident before the flood. The Bible spoke of
Giants in the days before that flood, but the surprising thing is that even after the
flood, giants were still encountered. An example is Goliath of the Philistines and
Og king of Bashan (Duet 3:10).

So it is clear that the only way they could exist after the flood was if they had
offspring through one of the Women who survived the incident of the flood. And
from the lineage of the sons of Noah, Ham's line produced the seed that rebelled
against the government of God, just like Cain did.
But the question remains: why? A very salient answer would be because Noah, as a
prophet, already knew of what seed Canaan was; pronouncing a curse upon him
was not outside the will of God. As we see the plight of the descendant of Ham in
chapter 11, rebelling against God (nimrod).

Alelume Mishael

Page 02

Holy Spirit (II)

"The Holy Spirit shall give power to witness, even to the utmost
parts of the earth!" (Acts 1:8) – "And one more thing that
sometimes people overlook. The Holy Spirit is sent in the name
of the Lord Jesus! (John 14:26) –, the fullness of the Godhead
dwelleth in Him bodily!" (Col. 2:9) – Verse 10 says, "He is the head
of all principality and power!" – He will give the believer boldness
to believe, and faith to work signs, wonders and miracles! And as
it says, He shall give you power over all power of the enemy! And
Jesus gave this promise, "The works that I do ye shall do and
even greater works when the Holy Spirit is sent back in my
name!" (John 14:12) – "As scores of Scriptures bear out, Jesus was
God in the flesh!" St. John 1:1, 10, read verse 14, complete answer,
Isa. 9:6!

"At the end of the age in the Thunders, Rev. 10:1-4, the Holy Spirit
will be moving among His people. As we see, it is associated with
the calling of time!" Rev. 4:3, "And the seven thunders come out
of the seven lightning's of God, wherein seven lamps of fire will
give us light in these perilous times! (Rev. 4:5) – And changing
and translating us! – These lightning and lamps are God's seven
spirits, meaning God's seven revelations, but all are of one Holy
Spirit light manifesting seven different ways, like the rainbow!"
(Verse 3) "It's like looking into the heavens and seeing one bolt of
lightning forking out in 7 directions, still of the same bolt of
lightning! Also, verses 1 and 2 typify the translation!"

"Behold saith the Lord, I will restore all before My return, move
with the wind of My spirit for it is all around you! – I
will pour water upon him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry
ground: I will pour My spirit upon thy seed!" (Isa.
44:3) – "Notice it says, to him that is thirsty (desiring)…it says, dry
ground (meaning, where it has not been poured out in a long
time will be floods of His spirit!)." Isa. 41:18.

T F.G.I.G.
Fadipe Ayoyemi Ruth
Page 03

God's Commendation

"For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the

Lord commendeth." II Corinthians 10: 18.
We live in a world where approval is hyped, especially among young
people. The majority of us desire to be appreciated and celebrated
for remarkable feats. This is not bad, but I show you a more
excellent way- God's Commendation.
God's Commendation means God's recognition and approval of a
man. That is, the Lord Himself vouching for His child(ren). Some
biblical characters, including Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Job, Moses,
David, Daniel, Mary, Paul, Stephen, the Lord Jesus Christ (in the
flesh), and a host of others received God's endorsement at one point
or the other (Gen 6:9; 5:24; 22:12; Job 1:8; 2:3; Num. 12:3; Act 13:22; Mat
3: 17; Heb 11). A profound meditation on their lives shows that
getting to the point of being divinely commended is not a leap but
a reward of a consistent walk with God in genuine intimacy,
obedience and faith (Heb 11:39).
Considering the life of Abraham in more detail, one can see a man who
was entirely sold out to God in total submission. He believed so much in
God to the point of forsaking all and meeting the supreme test of
obedience without questions, even if it costs him everything (Gen 12: 1&4;
22:18; 15: 6; Scroll #96, topics 8 & 9). Another attribute that stood out in His
life is that he was a true worshipper (Gen 12:8; 13:18). He was conscious of
God's presence everywhere he went and revered God wholeheartedly.
Abraham maintained an active altar unto God! He was also a giver (Gen
14:20; Scroll #96, topic 10). Likewise, Abraham showed God to his
household. That was why God could trust him with His promises.
In return, the Lord blessed Abraham exceedingly without sharp practices
(Gen 13:2; 14:23; S.P.W. 73) and made a perpetual covenant with him,
swearing by Himself (Gen 22:16). He became so relevant that God revealed
both His present and plans to him (Gen 18:17; 15:13-16; Scroll #126, topic 1).
Above all, God commended him, "For I know him…" (Gen 18:19; Neh 9:8).
The Bible referred to us as the spiritual seed of Abraham. So, we are to
take a cue from him. Can God depend on you?
Beloved, the essence of this piece is to stir us up to seek the applause of
God over that of men in all that we do, especially in our service to Him.
Remember, He is the one who works in us to will and to do of His good
pleasure. We will be on our way to attaining perfection if the report of God
concerning us is what matters. God bless you!

Adeola Adeagbo.

Page 04
(Prophecy Fulfilling)

In this December edition, we will be looking at origin and significance of

middle-east crisis and Israel.

Firstly, let's look at the Abraham factor in the middle-east crisis. Abraham
was called out by God from the Ur of the Chaldees, Mesopotamia, in
between the present day Iran and Iraq. Abraham was a Shemite and
according to Genesis 9:17-19, we were made to know that Noah had three
children and Abraham was a descendant of one of them, Shem. This is
where the name, Shemite, originates from.

Consequently, anyone that is against the Israelites are now also referred to
as anti-Semitic, derived from the word, Shemite. Having said that, going
down through the book of Genesis up to Genesis 12, you begin to see the
story of Abraham.

The story of Abraham began in Genesis 12 and we can see how God called
him out from Ur, Mesopotamia and when Stephen was brought before the
council, he was able to narrate the story of how God called out Abraham
and also expatiate to make us know that he was from Mesopotamia, from
the Chaldeans before God called him out.

Having said that, we can see that in that story, Abraham had issues with
childbearing and eventually, Sarah gave her maid called Haggai to
Abraham. Haggai gave birth to Ishmael and Ishmael became the firstborn
of Abraham. But when you look at the promises of God to Abraham
critically, you'll know that, though Ishmael was the firstborn, he was not
the seed of promise. Even though God also blessed Ishmael. We can see
that in Genesis 25:9-10.

But prior to that, concerning the promises of God to Abraham, you can
look at Genesis 16:17-18. We can also see that in Genesis 17:17-18, when
Abraham even brought Ishmael before the Lord and was telling the Lord
that Ishmael should be blessed and God should choose Ishmael.

In verse 18; Abraham said unto God, 'O that Ishmael might live before thee.
And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed and thou shalt
call his name Isaac and I will establish my covenant with him for an
everlasting covenant'. We can see that though Ishmael was Abraham's son,
Isaac was the seed of promise, the covenant child and when you look at it,
you'll discover that the genealogy of Abraham through Isaac, is where the
Israelites emanated from. They are the generation of Abraham through
Isaac. We can also see the story of where Abraham came from in Acts 7:1-8
as narrated by Stephen.
Page 05
Where exactly are we going with all these? We want to let people have the
understanding of the origin of the crisis in the middle-east and the
significance of it because many people that lack understanding, including
Christians, tend to mix things up and make comments that can even make
them to be at odds with the promises of God or what God is doing.

They don't understand why those things are happening and because they
lack understanding, they analyse it one way or the other and at the end of
the day, you'll discover that their analysis will make them to wrongly align
themselves. What is happening in the middle-east is telling us something
and that is where this write-up is going.

As previously stated, this will be the part one of this Worldwide Event
Fulfilling Prophecy. The event that is happening in the middle-east is
fulfilling a significant prophecy and we that are the Gentiles, need to pay
attention and understand the why behind what is happening, so that we can
align ourselves with the word of God.

Now, we'll discover that Abraham presented Ishmael before God, but the
Lord told him that Isaac will be the covenant child and not only that, in
Genesis 25, God blessed Ishmael too. Ishmael too had twelve sons and from
these twelve sons, the Arabs descended. The Arabs descended from the
twelve sons of Ishmael while the Israelites descended from Isaac, so the
lineage or genealogy of Isaac are the Israelites. Arabs are from Ishmael while
Israelites are from Isaac.

Now, concerning the issue in the middle-east and what is happening there,
let's refer to Luke 21:24, before bringing this write-up to an end to be
continued in the second part.
Luke 21:24 made us to understand that Israel, (the nation of Israel has the fig
tree as it's symbol) has suffered so many things, so many invasions in the
past because of disobedience to the word of God and after the Lord brought
forth the twelve tribes and took them out of the land of Egypt into the
promise land, the Lord blessed them as he had promised Abraham and they
began to multiply. Later they went into sin and the Lord will rebuke them
but it came to a time that they were invaded by the Babylonians and
Jerusalem was destroyed. Northern Israel was first taken captive by the
Assyrian and later Southern Israel was also taken captive.

They later returned from the captivity through the decree of Cyrus the Great
and after that, Jerusalem was rebuilt and the Israelites came back to their
land and they began to flourish again till the time of the Roman empire.
Jesus prophecied that no stone will remain on another that won't be thrown
down. The prophecy of Jesus came to pass after he was crucified and
resurrected, exactly as he said it, in 70AD.

Page 06
Jerusalem was invaded again, this time by the Romans and the Jews were
banned from ever stepping their feet in that land, the land of Canaan. Going
back to the story of Abraham in Genesis 12, that land was called the land of
Canaan and it was promised to Abraham and also to Isaac and the lineage of

It was promised to the genealogy of Abraham through the lineage of Isaac.

So, the Arabs are from the lineage of Ishmael. They were also blessed but the
Canaan land was not promised to them. Fasttrack to the present day and
time, we discover that the Arabians have so many lands and are very rich in
oil, gold and other natural resources, just as God has promised to bless them
in Genesis 15, when the angel of the Lord met the mother of Ishmael.

We discover that, there, the Lord told Haggai through the angel, that Ishmael
too would be blessed. Verse 11 says, 'And the angel of the Lord said unto her,
Behold, thou art with a child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name
Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild
man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him;
and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. And she called the
name of the Lord that spake unto her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Have I
also here looked after him that seeth me?'

In Genesis 17:20 God said, 'And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I
have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him
exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great
let us know and understand one of the importance of what is happening in
the middle-east. According to the book of Luke 21, the Lord said that the
generation that witnessed the budding of the fig tree shall not pass, till all
these things be fulfilled.

So, the nation of Israel was formed again by the Jews in 1948 and it is in this
generation, from 1948 downwards, that Jesus Christ will come. When Jesus
came the first time, he made us understand that he came for the salvation of
the whole world. But, the religious entity among the Arabs, the
Mohammedans, after many years- 600 years after the death and resurrection
of Jesus Christ- came up and started selling another narrative to them.

They are telling them that Ishmael is actually the covenant child and that
Ishmael was in fact the one that Abraham attempted to kill, which is false.
The covenant child was Isaac and the descendant of Abraham through Isaac
and Jacob are the chosen people, the Israelites. Though they've passed
through many afflictions, the Lord promised to being them back to their land
again and particularly in this generation, the importance of them coming
back to their land for the Gentiles is that, it is in that generation that Jesus
Christ will return and all the prophecies associated with that will be fulfilled.

Page 07
Therefore, the Arabs themselves are also part of the Gentiles and are
supposed to align themselves with what God is doing but instead, they
became religious, followed a wrong narrative, wrongly aligned themselves
and are pursuing things that are against God. They are pursuing things God
is not in. God had promised the seed of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob,
the land of Canaan. The seed of Abraham through Ishmael was not promised
the land of Canaan, God blessed them and promised that they will become a
great nation.

Now, what is happening to the Israelites presently, should not make us think
or reason that why are the Israelites being difficult. They are not difficult, in
fact, God allowed some things to happen to them for the benefit of the
Gentiles. We can see that, in Romans 11:25, 'For I will not, brethren, that ye
should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own
conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the
Gentiles be come in and so all Israel shall be saved: and as it is written, there
shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from
Jacob.' It says, blindness in part is happened to the Israelites until the
fullness of the Gentiles be come in.

One of the reasons why blindness in part came upon the Israelites is for the
fullness of the Gentiles to come in. It is for salvation to be preached to the
Gentiles and for the Gentiles to surrender their heart to Jesus, including the
Arabs too. All people are to accept Jesus as their Lord and personal Savior
because Jesus Christ came to die for the sins of mankind (humanity).

So, while people are looking at different narratives, the Bible is telling us the
wholesome truth because the word of God is the truth. What is happening in
Israel, is for the fullness of the Gentiles to come in. What is happening in
Israel is happening for the benefit of the Gentiles so that the Gentiles will
receive salvation.

Be that as it may, Salvation has been preached to the Gentiles now for over
2000 years. When we read on, it does not mean that God has abandoned the
Israelites because the Gospel too will still go back to them. The Gospel they
rejected, they must also accept it. So all the crises going on now, the
importance of it is that, the time of the Gentiles is coming to an end
gradually. God is moving to the Jews.

The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the move of the Lord, God wants to visit
the Jews again and before that time, so many crises will occur and that is
what we're seeing. We will continue from there in our January bulletin. God
bless you all.

Gbenga Elias.
Page 08
• Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

If you have any prayer requests, know that our God is a

prayer-answering God. Bring your needs before Him,
send us your prayers via email, WhatsApp or SMS, and
we shall join our hearts in faith, believing in His divine
intervention. And when the answers come, remember to
share your praise reports, for they testify to His

• Get Involved

As we embark on this glorious journey to fulfil The Full

Gospel Invasion Group's divine mission and vision, we
encourage each of you to get involved wholeheartedly.
The next University Invasion is upon us. Whether
volunteering your time, contributing your resources, or
simply spreading the word, your participation is crucial
to our success. Remember, in God's service, there is no
small role; every effort counts in advancing His kingdom.

• Closing Remarks

As we close this bulletin, I want to express my deep

appreciation for your unwavering commitment and
support. Your dedication to the cause of Christ and
the work of this group is a source of immense joy
and inspiration to the group.
Let us walk in faith, knowing our labour in the Lord
is not in vain. As we go forth from this moment, may
the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship
of the Holy Spirit abide with us all, now and forever.

Keep watch on this space for the date of the next

University Invasion.

With prayers and love,

Page 09

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