Lab Report Writing Template PDF

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(Cover Page)

PHYS -105
Introduction to Physics –I Lab

Experiment No. #

Experiment Title
Submitted by

Students’ Name(s)

Group No.

Submitted to

(Lipika Ghosh)

Lab Section
(e.g. T 11.00 – 12.50 PM)

Experiment Performed on

Report submitted on

1. Introduction

The report introduction serves, literally, to introduce the reader to the report that follows. It
needs to draw the reader in, to make her/him interested, to ensure that the relevance of the
report is apparent. Thus the introduction offers more kinds of information than the abstract
did (the abstract simply describes the report). So, to write an effective introduction, try to
include the following information:
 any background information that will help orient the reader (the context of the
experiment, the need for the information). Do not go on at length, but a brief statement
that covers this information can be very useful to readers, especially as reports get filed
away and read again months or years hence;
 a statement of the purpose of the experiment/results being reported on;
 a statement of the scope of the report, including any limitations of what it does and
does not offer to the reader;
 a roadmap (overview, preview) of what information is provided subsequently in the
individual report sections.

1.1 Objectives
Objectives given on lab sheet, but interpreted in your own words in paragraph form.
1.2 Apparatus/ Equipment
Brief description of the apparatus, materials used (MODEL, Figure, etc) and some
information about them in paragraph form.

1.3 Experimental procedure

The goal in this section is to explain the experiment well enough that someone else could
repeat the procedure. When the set-up will be prepared by you for your lab, you should
describe what equipment and materials are used, how the equipment is set up, and how the
data are collected completely in details. A schematic diagram may be necessary to fully
explain the setup – remember – a picture is worth a thousand words. Remember your
reports have a more professional character when you take the time to properly format the

2. Results & Calculations

Describe the results. Remember to refer your reader to specific Figures, Tables and to show
your calculations and data manipulation. (Note that it is preferable to have Figures and Tables
close to the text where they are discussed.) The goal here is to report the results - NOT to
discuss whether they are good or bad results. Usually the trends in a graph are pointed out,
but not fully explained. You should point out how your results compare with theory or
experiment, and suggest and explain reasons for deviations.

3. Conclusions

Summarize the project goals and major findings in this paragraph.

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