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TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN Môn thi: Anh văn - Khối: 11
LÊ HỒNG PHONG Ngày thi: 06/04/2019
Thời gian làm bài : 180 phút
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Đề này có 08 trang.

 Thí sinh làm phần trắc nghiệm (MULTIPLE CHOICE) trên phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm
và phần tự luận (WRITTEN TEST) trên phiếu trả lời tự luận.
 Trên phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm, thí sinh tô thêm 2 số 00 vào trước số báo danh
(bằng bút chì).
Phần mã đề thi trên phiếu trắc nghiệm, thí sinh tô vào ô 002.


I. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURES (5PTS): Choose the best options to complete the
following sentences.

1. He has done things he ought not to have done and undone things he ought to have done.
A. leaving B. will leave C. left D. leave
2. The team be the same without ( -> dấu hiệu If loại 2,3) him.
A. mustn’t B. wouldn’t/ couldn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t
3. Suppose ( Assuming that .../ Presuming that.../ On condition that.../ Providing that.../ Provided that.../
If....) she that outrageous story circulating around the office, she'd be furious!
A. has heard B. heard C. would hear D. had heard
4. I'd rather you ( + V lùi thì) a noise last night; I couldn't get to sleep.
A. wouldn't make B. didn't make C. hadn't made D. haven't made
5. The teacher has gone home, so you her at the library.
A. can’t have seen B. mustn't have seen C. weren't able to see D. couldn’t see
6. I didn’t get home until well after midnight last night. Otherwise ( dấu hiệu vế Clause của If) , I your
A. returned B. had returned C. would return D. would have returned
7. –“Did the kids enjoy the circus?”
–“Absolutely! The clown got them all the time.” ( Get/ See SB doing STH)
A. laugh B. to be laughing C. to laugh D. laughing
8. –“Have you heard, Samuel has just been awarded his PhD?"
–“Yes, but intelligent he is, he has no basic common sense." ( ADJ + as/ though SB be, Clause)
A. although B. though C. however D. while
9. My sister is left-handed ( sự việc này), no one else in our family is.
A. which B. who C. that D. for which
10. they couldn’t have told us all that we were likely to lose our jobs because the business was
failing ( cả cụm này là N) is beyond me.
A. When B. Why C. How D. Whether

II. PHRASAL VERBS AND PREPOSITIONS (5 PTS) Choose the best options to complete
the following sentences.

11. I was prepared to back her story because I knew it was the truth.
A. up ( Support) B. down ( Thừa nhận sai/ thua) C. on D. for
12. My brother has a flair languages and can speak more than six. ( Có tài bẩm sinh for STH)
A. about B. with C. on D. for
13. A local hotel has been found guilty of incidents of food poisoning.
A. holing up ( Trốn ở nơi nào đó an toàn) B. shutting off ( Stop operating/ speaking/ being involved)
C. covering up ( Bao che, che đậy) D. tucking away ( Cất dự phòng)
14. How would you set teaching a dog to perform tricks?
A. about ( Deal with/ start) B. on ( Attack) C. for D. up ( Cài đặt, chuẩn bị)
15. He was led by her flattery but soon discovered how insincere she was.
A. away B. on ( be persuaded/ bị dắt mũi) C. out D. up ( Dẫn đến)
16. We had to queue before we could get into the cinema last night.
A. up ( Line up) B. on C. along D. in
17. The meeting didn’t until late.
A. end up ( Rốt cuộc, cuối cùng thì... ) B. break up ( End, say goodbye, chia tay) C. come
about ( Happen/ Occur) D. fall through ( Not happen/ occur)
18. Would you like to try this new electric cooker?
A. out ( Thử nghiệm/ dùng thử) B. by
C. with D. for ( cố gắng do STH)
19. Although they tried, they couldn't hold their laughter.
A. up ( Delay) B. in ( Cưỡng lại, nén lại)
C. off ( Not do) D. over ( Làm thêm)
20. The student was eligible a full grant to study at university. ( ~ to do sth/ ~ for sth)
A. for B. to
C. with D. on

III. VOCABULARY (10 PTS): Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.

21. Having a broken ankle her movements considerably.

A. barred ( Ban, prevent) B. hindered ( = Hamper, gây trở ngại)
C. intervened ( Can thiệp) D. blocked ( Chặn)
22. When I came in, I found a great surprise me.
A. expecting B. celebrating C. awaiting D. disregarding
23. You were really when you paid $100 for those shoes. They're not even leather!
A. swiped ( Vụt, đập, cướp giật) B. pinched ( Câu, véo, cưỡng đoạt)
C. ripped off ( Chặt chém giá cả) D. pilfered ( Ăn cắp vặt)
24. To be well-prepared for studies at a university, you should take courses in school.
A. rigorous ( Strict; thorough) B. feeble ( Very weak)
C. porous ( Xốp, nhiều lỗ rõng) D. extravagant ( Xa xỉ)
25. The government is making little in its fight to beat inflation. ( Make progress, begin to succeed)
A. headway B. advance C. improvement D. forward
26. We don’t know him very well. He’s just a casual of ours.
A. relative ( Họ hàng) B. fraternity ( Tình ae)
C. acquaintance ( Người quen) D. occupant ( Người sở hữu, chiếm giữ)
27. Greg has, to/ for all intents and , finished his degree course, with the exception of his final
dissertation. ( C2_ In all the most important ways)
A. reasons B. aims
C. purposes D. proposals
28. They disagreed at first, but after some discussion, they reached . ( Reach a consensus about STH)
A. a consensus ( Sự đồng thuận) B. a majority C. an acquiescence D. a persuasion
29. We were all on a -edge until the very end of the Hitchcock film. ( Be in a difficult or worrying situation of
which the result is very uncertain
A. razor B. cliff
C. knife D. chair
30. The thought of going to the dentist gives me nightmares. ( A mere thought of STH)
A. worthy B. ripe C. frank D. mere
31. We giggled at the sight of Mrs. Brown down the road in her six-inch stiletto heels.
A. staggering ( Đi lảo đảo do mang đồ nặng) B. tottering ( Đi lảo đạo do ốm, xỉn)
C. reeling ( Đi loạng choạng do xỉn, vừa bị ăn đấm) D. stumbling ( Vấp vào STH)
32. Peter had a difficult time his car into the small parking spot.
A. mobilizing ( Huy động) B. maneuvering ( Di chuyển, lật STH khéo léo)
C. manipulating D. motoring ( Travel by car)
33. Jane about the surprise party for Sheila and now the whole idea is ruined.
A. blabbed ( Nói ba hoa, tiết lộ bí mật ) B. prattled ( Nói bi bô, nói tầm phào)
C. gossiped D. chatted
34. He the papers in a neat pile.
A. stacked ( arrange objects neatly in a pile) B. clustered ( Gộp lại thành nhóm nhỏ)
C. bunched ( Bó lại) D. heaped ( Put things in an untidy way)
35. Thousands of refugees are camping at the between the two countries, hoping to find asylum ( Sự tị
nạn, nhà thương điên) .
A. boundary ( Biên giới- đường tưởng tượng) B. brim ( Vành ly, mũ)
C. border ( Biên giới- vị trí địa lý) D. rim ( Vành đai)
36. Joe’s health has gotten worse over the last few months.
A. chronologically ( Theo trình tự tgian) B. consecutively ( Liên tiếp, dồn dập)
C. serially ( Theo serie) D. progressively ( Steadily and continuously)
37. Jenny was so unhappy as she was under the of her husband. ( Informal_ be completely controlled by
A. finger B. skin
C. nose D. thumb
38. The team had to of the competition because of injuries.
A. pull out ( ~ of STH: rút lui) B. extract ( Trích, chiết)
C. renounce ( Từ bỏ) D. retract ( Nuốt lời, co/rụt vào)
39. We had a of a time at Jason's party yesterday. ( Enjoy yourself very much, have a very good time)
A. whale B. whole C. period D. week
40. Investors were caught by the sharp drop in share prices. ( were not expecting)
A. undecided B. unawares ( suddenly & unexpectedly without any warning)
C. unsuspecting D. unconscious

IV. GUIDED CLOZE (10 PTS): Read the texts below and decide which answer best fits each
Passage A:

The BBC, in the form of the language-teaching arm of the World Service, and Harper Collins have (41)
forces ( Tham gia lực lượng) to publish the BBC English Dictionary, "A Dictionary for the World". It is
(42) _______ at ( Nhắm đến)the 120 million listeners to the World Service who cannot find the expressions in
(43) dictionaries. (44)
on ( Rút ra từ) 70 million words broadcast at least ten times a year on the World Service, the compilers,
(45) ______by Prof. John Sinclair, have included (46) expressions and word usage, without judging
whether they are being used (47) . Elizabeth Smith, the BBC's Controller of English Services, said: “Our
language is (48) on statements by real people, like politicians and (49) which the BBC has accurately
recorded. As broadcasters, we try to use a few idioms and metaphors but only to show that we (50) in the real

41. A. connected B. joined C. attached D. fixed

42. A. pointed B. directed C. trained D. aimed
43. A. functional B. traditional C. conventional D. partial
( Đương đại, thông
thường, truyền thống)
44. A. Counting B. Trying C. Drawing D. Bearing
45. A. headed ( Đứng B. chaired ( Chủ trì) C. dictated D. treated
đầu bởi)
46. A. recent B. current C. nowadays D. late
47. A. correctly B. truly C. sincerely D. finely
48. A. designed B. made C. formed D. based
49. A. so many B. thus far C. as to D. so on
50. A. inhabit B. live C. stay D. exist

Passage B:

Researchers have been perplexed ( = baffle, puzzle) by the increasing prevalence of allergies in children. While
many (51) ______appear to contribute to the (52) ______ of allergies, sensitization ( Sự gây ra nhạy cảm) to
common allergens ( Chất gây ra dị ứng) has been shown to reduce the risk of allergies persisting ( Kéo dài dai
dẳng, kiên trì) from childhood into adulthood. For example, one recent study shows that exposure early in life to
cats and dogs may protect children against allergies (53) __ pets, dust mites, ragweed ( Cỏ phấn hương), and
grass, among other things. Some allergists had (54) ____ thought that repeated exposure to pets in infancy
( Thời kì sơ sinh) would (55) _____ the likelihood of developing pet allergies. (56) , it is now believed
that endotoxins ( Một loại pyrogen gây sốt), substances (57) in the mouths of cats and dogs, may (58)
help to prevent allergies. When a pet licks ( Liếm) a child during play, endotoxins are transferred from
the animal’s tongue to the child. Endotoxins are (59) to help the human immune system (60)
______resistance towards some allergens in the environment. The bottom line is that living too clean a life may
contribute to the increasing number of children with allergies.
51. A. ideas B. factors C. issues D. concerns
52. A. development B. sickness C. resistance D. evolution
53. A. of B. by C. with D. towards
54. A. previously B. already C. usually D. later
55. A. improve B. increase C. enrich D. assist
56. A. However B. Furthermore C. Moreover D. Nevertheless
57. A. placed B. developed C. introduced D. found
58. A. also B. actually C. not D. finally
59. A. determined B. analyzed C. assumed D. thought
60. A. destroy B. maintain C. produce D. contribute
V. READING COMPREHENSION (10 PTS): Read the texts below and choose the best answer to
each question.
Passage A

It is well known that adequate sleep is important in the formation of memories. Two recent studies indicate that
performance of motor skills tasks was greatly enhanced if subjects were allowed to sleep immediately following
training. In one study students were taught a series of finger-tapping sequences and then tested for their memory
of the tasks. Performances were 34% faster for the first group of students, who slept for eight hours immediately
after learning the sequences, as compared to the second group, who were kept awake during that time.
Furthermore, error rates were 30% lower for the group that slept after learning. Performance on the tasks was
shown to be unaffected by sleep deprivation prior to the training. Differences in performance persisted two days
later, after the second group of students had also had a full night’s sleep. This indicates that a window of
opportunity exists for sleep to be effective in aiding the memory of motor skills.
In the other study, a group of people who were taught keyboarding sequences in the morning, and then tested 12
hours later without a period of sleep, improved their typing ability by 2%. Another group, who were taught the
sequences in the evening, and then tested 12 hours later after a night’s sleep, improved their typing ability by
20%. This study found that performance improvement is linked to Stage 2 sleep, or non-rapid eye movement
(NREM) sleep, typically experienced late at night or in the early morning hours. According to this study, those who
get up earlier than usual, thus interrupting their Stage 2 sleep, may have difficulty remembering motor skills tasks
they had learned the day before.
61. According to the studies, what improves motor skills performance?
A. Waiting two days before continuing instruction
B. Learning tasks in the correct sequence
C. Learning a skill and then sleeping
D. Getting a good night’s sleep before learning a skill
62. The findings of the first study indicate that .
A. sleep deprivation before learning a task has a negative effect on performance
B. sleeping immediately after learning a task has a positive effect on performance
C. sleep deprivation immediately after learning a task has no effect on performance
D. sleeping immediately before learning a task has a positive effect on performance
63. The results of the second study .
A. are unrelated to the first study
B. contradict the results of the first study
C. confirm the results of the first study
D. explain the results of the first study
64. According to the passage, what is the importance of NREM sleep?
A. A decrease in NREM improves the formation of memories.
B. Too much NREM slows down the formation of memories.
C. There is no relationship between NREM and the formation of memories.
D. Lack of NREM inhibits the formation of memories.
65. According to the studies, which strategy would be best for learning to play the piano?
A. Learning in the evening, and then getting a good night’s sleep
B. Learning immediately after getting up very early
C. Learning in the morning, and then doing something else
D. Learning late in the evening and then taking a short nap

Passage B

Scientists at a Texas university have successfully cloned a cat for the first time. DNA obtained from a female
donor cat named Rainbow was transplanted ( chuyển cấy) into an egg cell whose nucleus and chromosomes
( nhân và nhiễm sắc thể) had been previously removed. The egg cell was then implanted ( cấy) into a surrogate
mother, Allie. Sixty-six days later, a kitten, later named Copy Cat, was born. The breakthrough ( bước đột phá) in
cloning a household pet was greeted with excitement by pet lovers, many of whom have already “banked” their
pets’ DNA and even made financial contributions to the university in the hope of one day obtaining a clone. The
news was also welcomed by scientists interested in the preservation of endangered species.
Although scientists now have the technology to clone animals, Copy Cat’s birth came only after several
unsuccessful attempts at cloning a cat. Researchers first tried using skin cells from a donor cat to create a clone,
but only one pregnancy resulted out of 188 embryos ( phôi) , and this ended in a miscarriage. Scientists then tried
using cells from cats’ ovarian ( thuộc buồng trứng, bầu nhụy hoa) tissue. Out of 87 such embryos, only Copy Cat
survived. Although comparable to the success rate in sheep, cows, goats and pigs, these odds must be reduced to
make pet cloning feasible ( khả thi) .
Animal rights activists claim that pet cloning is dangerous for the animals involved, and that it could needlessly
increase the pet population of the country. Also, activists say that believing cloning will bring the same animal
back is a fallacy ( sai lầm, ngụy biện) .
Although Copy Cat’s coat color is similar to Rainbow’s and a genetic match confirms that she is indeed a clone, her
behavior and personality are very different. Rainbow is reserved ( kín đáo, dè dặt, kín tiếng) , while Copy Cat is
playful and curious. In reality, social environment and upbringing are more likely to determine the personality of
an animal than genetic material and blood type.
66. The main purpose of this passage is to .
A. advocate ( tán thành, ủng hộ) further research into pet cloning
B. encourage pet lovers to bank their pets’ DNA
C. generate (tạo ra, sản sinh) funds for the university’s pet cloning project
D. present the pros and cons associated with cloning pets
67. What is Allie’s relationship to Copy Cat?
A. She gave birth to ( sinh ra) Copy Cat.
B. She was cloned from Copy Cat’s DNA.
C. She has the same personality as Copy Cat.
D. She provided the donor cells ( tế bào của người cho, tặng, quyên góp) used to create Copy Cat.
68. According to the passage, what important fact should pet lovers keep in mind before cloning their pet?
A. Banking a pet’s DNA is expensive.
B. Cloning will bring back the same animal.
C. The clone could be different from the original animal.
D. Cloning sheep, cows and pigs is easier than cloning a cat.
69. What beneficial/ advantageous effect might cloning have in the future?
A. It could be used to prevent miscarriages ( sự sảy thai).
B. It could be used to ( prevent the extinction = preservation) of ( rare animals =endangered species). -> dòng
cuối đoạn 1
C. It could reduce the number of unwanted pets in the country.
D. It could reduce the impact of upbringing ( sự nuôi dạy) on a pet’s behavior.
70. According to the passage, which factor is most important in determining a pet’s behavior?
A. Its DNA
B. Its donor tissue ( mô, khăn giấy, giấy ăn)
C. Its environment ( surrogate: có tính thay thế)
D. Its surrogate mother

Passage C

Brood parasitism ( Ký sinh nuôi dưỡng), an unusual practice ( Tập tính, tập quán) among birds, involves one
species laying its eggs in another species’ nest, leaving the host to raise the intruder’s ( Khách không mời mà đến,
kẻ xâm nhập) young. For instance, female European Cuckoos lay their eggs only in the nests of other birds. A
cuckoo egg usually closely mimics the eggs of the host, one of whose eggs is often removed by the cuckoo. The
host may recognize the intruder’s egg and abandon the nest, or she may stay and raise the young. Soon after the
cuckoo hatches ( Ấp trứng, nở ra), if there are any host bird’s young in the nest, the cuckoo will toss them out
( Get rid of) , using a scooplike depression in its back. The host parents are then left to raise the young
Brown-headed cowbirds are another brood parasitic species. They have been known to parasitize over 200 other
species of birds. Their eggs do not closely mimic host eggs, and they do not oust ( Đuổi, lật đổ) host eggs and
young from their nests. Instead, cowbirds tend to hatch earlier than hosts and grow faster, thus crowding out
( Chiếm chỗ) chỗ không cho lớn lên, phát triển) and reducing the food intake of the host’s young.
Some host species have learned, however, to reject invader eggs. Scientists do not fully understand how these
rejector species have developed, or why some species still accept invader eggs even when the eggs look different.
Some scientists believe that acceptors are birds that do not want to risk damaging or accidentally removing one of
their own eggs when trying to eject an invader. Others believe that beak size influences rejection, allowing birds
with large beaks to eject invader eggs more easily. Still other scientists claim that chance plays a big role in
deciding which birds will be acceptors and which will be rejectors.

71. What do European Cuckoos and brown-headed cowbirds have in common?

A. They are both rejector species.
B. Their eggs do not closely mimic host eggs.
C. They lay their eggs in the nests of other birds.
D. They have been known to parasitize over ( sống ký sinh trên) 200 other species. -> chỉ có brown-headed
72. What is the “scooplike depression” mentioned at the end of paragraph one used for?
A. to remove host birds’ young
B. to remove host birds’ eggs
C. to remove a parasite’s young
D. to remove a parasite’s egg
73. What is one difference between European Cuckoos and brown-headed cowbirds?
A. Cuckoos raise their own young.
B. The baby cuckoo eats the host birds’ eggs.
C. The baby cuckoo crowds out ( lấn át) host bird babies.
D. The baby cuckoo ejects ( đẩy ra, tống ra) host birds’ young from nests.
74. What advantage do young cowbirds have in another bird’s nest?
A. They toss out the host birds’ young.
B. They develop faster than the host birds’ young.
C. They are very similar to the host birds’ young.
D. The mother cowbird removes one of the host birds’ eggs.
75. According to the passage, birds with large beaks ( Mỏ) .
A. tend to accept invader eggs
B. are able to remove invader eggs
C. tend to damage their own eggs
D. are rejected by birds with small beaks

Parasite ( C1-N) loài ký sinh, kẻ ăn bám

-> parasitize ( TV) sống ký sinh
-> parasitic ( A) do vật ký sinh gây ra, ký sinh, ăn bám
> parasitism ( N) sự ký sinh

Passage D
There are more than 500 carnivorous plant species growing naturally in the world, ranging in size from a fraction (
phần nhỏ, phân số) of an inch to vines ( Cây thân leo) that are over 60 feet tall. While often biologically quite
different from each other, these plants all share a common trait ( Nét tiêu biểu, đặc điểm), carnivorousness. This
is the ability to capture animals and digest them. Why have some plant species developed this extraordinary
property ( Đặc tính, tính chất/ đặc tính, đất đai) ? Most carnivorous plants grow in acid soils or water that is poor
in mineral salts. In order to survive, these plants have devised ( Devise, invent) ingenious ( Khéo léo, tài tình,
mưu trí) traps over several thousands of years of evolution. Some use pools of water to drown unlucky visitors,
others have sticky surfaces that work like flypaper ( Giấy bẫy ruồi), and some have “snap traps” that clamp down
on ( Hạn chế, kiểm soát) insects in a matter of milliseconds. The prey ( Con mồi, nạn nhân, làm hao mòn, dày vò)
captured by these traps supply the vitamins and minerals that other plants would normally absorb through their
Even though these plants may have diverse appearances and grow in different environments, they are often
closely related to each other. In the 19th Century, Charles Darwin believed that landbased ( Located on or living
on the land) Venus flytraps, found in North and South Carolina, and aquatic ( sống/ phát triển dưới/ gần nước, liên
quan tới nước) waterwheels, which grow in Europe, Asia and Australia, were closely related because they both
depend on snap traps to catch their prey. A century later, British researchers looking more closely at the form and
structure of the waterwheel, decided that its closest kin ( Họ hàng gia đình) was not the Venus flytrap but the
terrestrial ( Trên cạn) sundew ( Cây gọng vó). The sundew consumes insects caught with its flypaper trap.
However, it has recently been proved that Darwin’s hunch ( Linh cảm/ dự cảm/ suy nghĩ cảm tính, khom/ gập
xuống), was right after all. Scientists at the New York Botanical Garden studied the DNA of about a dozen
carnivorous plants. They concluded that the world’s only two snap-trapping plants really are sibling species,
whereas the sundew is no closer than a cousin, sharing a more distant common ancestor.
76. How does a snap trap [ Bẫy kẹp ( thực vật)] work?
A. It drowns ( Dìm chết, làm ngập nước) an insect.
B. It encloses ( Rào chung quanh, đính/ gửi kèm) an insect.
C. It traps an insect on its sticky surface.
D. It digests an insect through its roots.
77. Why did Darwin think the Venus flytrap and the waterwheel were related?
A. They live in similar environments.
B. They have similar DNA.
C. Both are siblings of the sundew.
D. Both have snap traps.
78. British researchers decided that the two species most closely related to each other are .
A. waterwheels and sundews
B. flytraps and snap traps
C. Venus flytraps and sundews
D. Venus flytraps and waterwheels
79. How are non-carnivorous plants different from carnivorous ( Liên quan đến ăn thịt) plants?
A. Non-carnivorous plants get nutrients through their roots.
B. Non-carnivorous plants can live in acid soils.
C. Non-carnivorous plants are less biologically diverse than carnivorous plants.
D. Non-carnivorous plants evolved more slowly than carnivorous plants.
80. What are the two snap-trapping plants mentioned in the last sentence?
A. The aquatic waterwheel and the terrestrial sundew
B. The Venus flytraps from North and South Carolina
C. Venus flytraps and the aquatic waterwheel
D. Venus flytraps and the terrestrial sundew

I. CLOZE TEST (20 PTS): Read the texts below and complete each space with ONE
suitable word.
Passage A
It is common knowledge that rainfall in the mountains directly influences nearby river levels. Yet recent research
has revealed that some efforts are not seen (1) fifty years after the rain has fallen. A study by a civil
( Thuộc dân sự) engineering professor investigated the (2) it takes for precipitation ( Mưa, mưa
tuyết, lượng mưa, sự/ chất kết tủa) to travel from mountains to valleys (3)______ underground aquifers
( Tầng ngậm/ chứa nước), or water passages ( Dòng chảy của nước). Using a computer model, this scientist (4)
on the water levels of a major river in the Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico. His model showed that a drought
that occurred fifty years ago could be partly to (5) for current low water levels. The model assumed a
fifty-year wet climate cycle followed by an abrupt ( Bất ngờ, đột ngột, cộc lốc) change in which precipitation was
cut in half. For decades, there was no change in the base flow of the Rio Grande, (6) after fifty years that
dry cycle (7) up in the river. Previously, (8) such as how much water to store and (9)
from reservoirs ( Bể chứa, hồ chứa nước, nguồn cung cấp lớn của STH) have been based on a conservative ( Bảo
thủ) view, because it has been hard to predict streamflows years (10) . However, if additional research
supports this study, the much-delayed impact of droughts on underground water levels would have significant
implications ( Hệ lụy, sự ngụ ý, hàm ý) for water management.

Passage B
Over one hundred brightly colored and diverse frog species have recently been identified on the tropical island of
Sri Lanka. The new species were identified by noticeable (11) in physical features, habitat, development, and
genetic make-up ( Cấu tạo gen) . Some are tiny and dwell on ( Sống trên) the ground, whereas (12) are
large and inhabit trees. Five of the new (13) lay eggs in homespun baskets ( Túi treo lủng lẳng)
suspended above ( Nổi lên trên) water, so that when the eggs (14) the tadpoles ( Những con nòng nọc)
have no difficulty taking their first (15) . The remaining new frog species give birth to their young by
producing eggs on the forest floor. These frogs (16) the tadpole stage and emerge as miniature ( Nhỏ, thu
nhỏ) (17) of their parents.
Frogs and other amphibians ( Loài lưỡng cư) are important indicators ( Chỉ số, dụng cụ chỉ thị) of ecological
balance; therefore a decline in their numbers would be considered a warning that (18) of the natural
environment for a particular area is needed. (19) that Sri Lanka has already lost 95% of its forests,
measures to protect the remaining forest fragments ( Mảnh rừng) are crucial. Since many frogs produce chemicals
that could have practical applications in health care and medical treatment, they are a potential source of new
drugs. Thus, ensuring that frogs are protected by preserving and restoring their (20) is very important.


PART 1: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. Another nuclear accident in the same place is virtually ( = almost) . (CONCEIVE)
2. Though she had spent hours fixing the computer, he her efforts. (LITTLE)
3. Smoking has caused damage to his lungs. (REVERSE)
4. –“Was it a good read?" –“Oh, totally ! I finished it in two days." (PUT)
5. The police file was because of new evidence. (ACT)
6. The war has nearly two-thirds of the country's population. (ROOT)
7. Premature disclosure ( Việc tiết lộ, công khai sớm hơn dự định) of the test sites might lead to of the
experiment. (VALID)
8. Their ten-point lead puts the team in an almost position. (ASSAIL)
9. The poet fell in love with her and her in his verse. (MORTAL)
10. He was able to pass through several military checkpoints. (HINDER)

PART 2: Complete the passage with the appropriate forms from the words given in the box.


Mime and pantomime [ Kịch( câm)] was a Greek and Roman dramatic entertainment representing scenes from
life, often in a (11) ridiculous manner. Currently, the art has evolved into the (12) portrayal of a character or the
narration ( Sự kể chuyện) of a story solely ( =only) by means of body movement. The Greco-Roman mime
was a farce ( Trò hề, kịch vui) that stressed (13) mimetic action but which included song and spoken dialogue.
In Roman pantomime, unlike the mime actor, the players wore (14) facial masks, which identified their
characters but deprived ( Lấy đi, tước đi thứ quan trọng của SB) them of speech and of the use of (15)
numerous gestures. Thus hand movements were particularly expressive and important. Pantomimus ( Người diễn
kịch câm) , dressed like a tragic ( Bi thảm/ thảm kịch)actor in a cloak ( Áo choàng, sự che phủ, choàng) and long
tunic ( một loại trang phục) , usually performed solo, (16) accompanied by an orchestra. In the theatre of China
and Japan, mime acquired ( Đạt được, có được) a role unknown in the West, becoming a(n) (17) indispensable
(= integral) part of the major dramatic genres. In Chinese drama the conventions ( Quy ước, hiệp định, sự thỏa
thuận) of gesticulation ( Điệu bộ, sự khua tay múa chân), as well as the (18) symbolism of the stage properties,
are immense in scope and (19) incomprehensible to those unfamiliar with the traditional forms. The high art of
modern mime was (20) ennobled philosophically ( Một cách triết học/ bình thản) by such artists as Marcel
Marceau, who defined mime as lithe ( Uyển chuyển, mềm mại) art of expressing feelings by attitudes and not a
means of expressing words through gestures.
III. ERROR CORRECTION: (10PTS) The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and
correct them.


1 Football is traditionally, a man's sport, but now the women are muscling in on their act, or so
it seems. Because many top male footballers have been transferred for astronomical sums of
money that the game has become more a highly-powered business than a sport. This is
where the women come in, more motivated, more interested in the game more than in
5 promoting themselves and generally better behaved both on and in the pitch, making a strong
contrast to their male counterparts' greed and cynicism. Indeed, as to FIFA, the world football
governing body, the future of football belongs to women, and the organization has put out to
actively promote women's football. Perhaps, in view of the fact that women are half the
world's population, this is how it should be. In the USA, many members of national women's
10 football teams are well known than male footballers, and some professional female players in
both North America and Europe have attracted lucrative sponsor deals. Generally, two
problems beset women's football: the need to be taken more serious and for more funding to
be made available. Once these have already achieved along with the blessing of FIFA, we
should see footballers who are accessible, cooperative, decent and sporting in place of the
15 spoiled mercenary star boys of sport.

IV. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION: (20 PTS) Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

1. He realised how much he cared for her only when she had been away for a long time. (HOME) Her
prolonged .
2. So that she would be able to leave the room quickly, Kathy stood by the door. (POSITIONED)
Kathy .
3. This essay shows a slight improvement on the last. (MARGINALLY) This
essay is .
4. If they discover your role in the incident, you will go to prison. (LIGHT) If
your role in the incident .
5. No one could stand in for Bob when the proposal was drafted. (INSTRUMENTAL) Bob
6. My boss says I can use his car whenever I want to, so long as I'm careful. (DISPOSAL) My
boss says his car .
7. If she hadn’t interfered, there would have been no problems. (SMOOTHLY)
Without her .
8. She didn't understand the situation and so made a terrible mistake. (STICK) She
got .
9. I tried as hard as I could to make sure that this problem would not arise. (POWER) I did
10. Karen's bad mood is totally unconnected with the matter in hand. (BEARING) The
matter .


Họ và tên thí sinh: ................................................................................................................................
Số báo danh: ........................................................................................................................................

Đáp án OLYMPIC 11 (2019)

5. A. can't have seen 11. A. up
6. D. would have returned 12. D. for
1. C. left 7. D. laughing 13. C. covering up
2. B. wouldn’t 8. B. though 14. A. about
3. D. had heard 9. A. which 15. B. on
4. C. hadn't made 10. B. Why 16. A. up
17. B. break up Phần trắc nghiệm (0.5 pt each)
18. A. out
19. B. in 22. C. awaiting 42. D. aimed
20. A. for 23. C. ripped off 43. C. conventional
21. B. hindered 24. A. rigorous 44. C. Drawing
25. A. headway 45. A. headed
26. C. acquaintance 46. B. current
27. C. purposes 47. A. correctly
28. A. a consensus 48. D. based
29. C. knife 49. D. so on
30. D. mere 50. B. live
31. B. tottering 51. B. factors
32. B. maneuvering 52. A. development
33. A. blabbed 53. D. towards
34. A. stacked 54. A. previously
35. C. border 55. B. increase
36. D. progressively 56. A. However
37. D. thumb 57. D. found
38. A. pull out 58. B. actually
39. A. whale 59. D. thought
40. B. unawares 60. B. maintain
41. B. joined
61. C. learning a skill and then sleeping
62. B. sleeping immediately after learning a task has a positive effect on performance.
63. C. confirm the results of the first study
64. D. Lack of NREM inhibits the formation of memories.
65. A. learning in the evening, and then getting a good night’s sleep
66. D. present the pros and cons associated with cloning pets.
67. A. She gave birth to Copy Cat.
68. C. The clone could be different from the original animal.
69. B. It could be used to prevent the extinction of rare animals.
70. C. Its environment
71. C. They lay their eggs in the nests of other birds.
72. A. to remove host birds’ young
73. D. The baby cuckoo ejects host birds’ young from nests.
74. B. They develop faster than the host birds’ young.
75. B. are able to remove invader eggs.
76. B. It encloses an insect.
77. D. Both have snap traps.
78. A. waterwheels and sundews
79. A. get nutrients through their roots
80. C. Venus flytraps and the aquatic waterwheel

Phần tự luận:
OPEN CLOZE (1 pt each)
1. until 7. showed 13. species
2. time 8. decisions 14. hatch
3. through 9. release 15. swim
4. focused 10. ahead 16. bypass
5. blame 11. differences 17. versions
6. but 12. others
18. preservation/conservation 19. Given
20. habitat

WORD FORMATION (1 pt each)

1. inconceivable 8. unassailable 15. facial
2. belittled 9. immortalized 16. accompanied
3. irreversible 10. unhindered 17. indispensable
4. Unputdownable 11. ridiculous 18. symbolism
5. reactivated 12. portrayal 19. incomprehensible
6. uprooted 13. mimetic 20. ennobled
7. invalidation 14. numerous
1. line 2: Because  So 7. line 10: well  better
2. line 3: highly-powered  high-powered 8. line 11: sponsor  sponsorship
3. line 4: more (than) rather (than) 9. line 12: serious  seriously
4. line 5: in  off 10. line 13: have already achieved have
5. line 6: as  according already been achieved
6. line 7: put  set
1. Her prolonged absence brought it home to him how much he cared for her.
2. Kathy positioned herself by the door so that she would be able to leave the room quickly.
3. This essay is marginally better than the last.
4. If your role in the incident comes to light, you will go to prison. (If your role in the accident
is brought to light, …)
5. Bob was instrumental in the drafting of the proposal. (… in drafting the proposal)
6. My boss says his car is at my disposal so long as I'm careful.
7. Without her interference, everything would have gone smoothly.
8. She got the wrong end of the stick and made a terrible mistake.
9. I did everything in my power to make sure that this problem would not arise.
10. The matter in hand has no bearing on Karen's bad mood.

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