501 550 The Contemporary World

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General Education Questions

C. Practical Skills Development

1. The Contemporary World

1.1. Illustrate ways of relating global issues and concerns with local and global realities. Identify
ways by which the Philippines may participate in efforts to mitigate global problems.

501. Globalization as a condition is called____________________.

a. Globalism c. Globalization
b. Globality d. Globalist

502. The following statements are correct about globalization except:

a. Globalization can be seen as a process, a condition, a system, a force, an ideology, and
an age.
b. Globalization is inevitable and in irreversible.
c. Global north countries are in charge of globalization.
d. Globalization has varied and contending meanings.

503. It entails homogenization of culture, politics, economy, and laws by western dominance.
a. Americanization c. Westernization
b. Internalization d. Liberalization

504. The cross-border relations between or among countries, especially on trade and capital
investment is called_________________.
a. globalization c. liberalization
b. internalization d. McDonaldization

505. Which is a multi-dimensional phenomenon involving politics, economics, culture, ideology,

environment, and technology that denotes the expansion and intensification of social relations and
consciousness across world time and world-space?
a. Globalization c. Liberalization
b. Internalization d. Universalization

506. China’s vaccine diplomacy with the Philippines and Thailand illustrates_________.
a. economic globalization c. cultural globalization
b. political globalization d. technological globalization

507. A foreign car manufacturing industry can add to the economic development of a struggling
country, bringing much needed jobs. This is an example of_______________.
a. economic globalization c. cultural globalization
b. political globalization d. technological globalization

508. The Philippine is a/an_____________________.

a. developed country c. least developed country
b. developing country d. underdeveloped country

509. Which global scholars contend that the world economy is not truly global since it is still centered
in Europe, Eastern Asia, and Northern America?
a. sceptics c. rejectionists
b. modifiers d. globaloneys

510. The evolution and development of international and regional trading blocs account for the growing
global interdependence. This is an indication of globalization as a/an __________ process.
a. political c. cultural
b. economic d. alternating

511. The following international organizations are products of the Bretton Wood System
a. International Monetary Fund c. World Bank
b. World Trade Organization d. United Nations

512. A tax levied by a government on imports or occasionally exports for purposes of protection,
support of the balance of payments, or the raising of revenue is called _____________.
a. tariff c. revenue
b. capital d. interest

513. The United Nations Charter is concerned with mainly what issues?
a. Economic issues c. Sustainable development issues
b. International cooperation issues d. Democracy and human rights issues
514. International trade left to its natural course without tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions is
a. trade liberalization c. privatization
b. protectionism d. Keynesianism

515. The practice of shielding a country’s domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing
imports is called_________________.
a. trade liberalization c. privatization
b. protectionism d. Keynesianism

516. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an example of________________.

a. Open regionalism c. Mixed regionalism
b. Closed regionalism d. Interstate regionalism

517. Which regionalism is exclusive and imposes protectionist measures that result in restricted
relations and limited access to members states’ markets?
a. Open regionalism c. Alternative regionalism
b. Closed regionalism d. Asian regionalism

518. Who among the following China’s leader was responsible for opening the Chinese economy to
world capitalism- the reason for current China’s economic rise?
a. Hu Jintao c. Deng Xiaoping
b. Xi Jinping d. Jiang Zemin

519. Trump administration’s America First policies on trade, immigration and taxes reflect which type of
economic behavior?
a. privatization c. protectionism
b. deregulation d. liberalization

520. The following are Asian traits except________________________.

a. Respect for authority c. Individualism
b. Hand work d. Group solidarity

521. The “Lord’s Prayer” translated in various Philippine local languages is an example
a. Indigenization c. Transnationalism
b. Vernacularization d. Universalism

522. The term use to identify a massive increase in births following World War 2.
a. Generation Z c. Generation X
b. Millennials d. Baby bloomers

523. Which is considered as the new missionaries of global capitalism?

a. Radio and television c. Internet
b. Global media d. Print media

524. The presence of Filipino fans of the Korean K-pop band BTS is an example
a. economic globalization c. ecological globalization
b. political globalization d. cultural globalization

525. Which ushered in the “information revolution,” which altered markets, corporations, nations
schools, churches, governments, militaries, and other institutions?
a. Printing Press c. Language
b. Script d. Electronic Media

526. Due to frequent changes in oil prices and exchange rates, the government stops intervening in
controlling oil price management to allow market forces to be flexible and efficient. This practice
illustrates .
a. privatization c. protectionism
b. deregulation d. liberalization

527. The transfer of ownership and responsibilities of Philippine Airlines, Inc, from thePhilippine
government to the PAL Holdings, Inc. is an example of .
a. liberalization c. protectionism
b. privatization d. Keynesianism

528. Lack of jobs, natural disaster, war, or persecution are examples of which migration
a. Pull factors c. Economic factors
b. Push factors d. Political factors

529. Which term refers to someone who has fled from his/her home country and sought
protection in another country?
a. Labor migrants c. Refugee
b. Emigrants d. Immigrants

530. Cosmopolitanism is now a feature of modern life. Which of the following speaks about
a. "I am a Filipino" c. "Country first before others."
b. "I am a Citizen of the world." d. "Modernity is urban living."

531. The case of the European Union illustrates .

a. Economic and political integration
b. The rise of international law
c. Economic and cultural integration
d. Cultural and political integration

532. All the following statements are correct about the United Nations except .
a. It was formed after World War II.
b. It never transcended the state system.
c. It is currently composed of 195-member countries.
d. It operates mainly as a forum.

533. In the context of global development, who were seen as needy, passive, unruly, and/or
a. Global North c. First World
b. BRICS d. Global South

534. Which country is most associated with the saying, "If you want to get rich, first build aroad"?
a. Japan c. South Korea
b. China d. United Kingdom

535. If Global North is to World Bank, the Global South, represented by the BRICS countriesis to
a. Asian Monetary Fund
b. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
c. New Development Bank
d. Asia Development Bank

536. The following countries belong to the Global South except .

a. Africa c. South America
b. Australia d. Developing Asia

537. Japan had the economic capacity to play a prominent role in the East Asian region butfailed to
do so because of .
a. political instability c. weak military
b. lack of social cohesion d. subordination to USA

538. The telegraph, telephone, radio, film and television are examples of what media?
a. Printing Press c. Wireless Media
b. Digital Media d. Electronic Media

539. Which electronic media rely on digital codes - the long-hidden combinations of 0s and1s that
represent information?
a. Television c. Digital Media
b. Computer d. Radio

540. Filipinos in the United Kingdom celebrating the Sinulog Festival is an example what
particular form of globalization?
a. indigenization c. nationalization
b. transnationalization d. particularization
541. Which is the most overlooked medium in histories of globalization, the enduring of allmedia?
a. oral communication c. television
b. newspaper d. electronic media

542. Which development fulfills the requirements of the present without jeopardizing future
generations’ ability to meet their own needs?
a. Sustainable development
b. Global development goals
c. Millennium development goals
d. UN development goals

543. How many global goals does The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have?
a. 15 c. 18
b. 17 d. 10

544. Which are the three pillars of sustainability?

a. Social, economic, political
b. Social, economic, environmental
c. Social, technological, economic
d. Political, social, technological

545. Which is number one in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?
a. Zero hunger
b. Good health and well being
c. No poverty
d. Gender equality
546. The international body responsible for ensuring the SDGs are achieved is .
a. International Monetary Fund
b. World Economic Forum
c. United Nations
d. Food and Agriculture Organization

547. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will expire by .

a. 2025 c. 2035
b. 2030 d. 2040

548. When having small talk, which of the following topics is considered forbidden?
a. Religion c. Cultural Events
b. Travels d. Weather

549. The following statements are correct about Deng Xiaoping except .
a. Called the “architect of modern China."
b. Improved relations with the outside world.
c. Initiated China's export-led economy.
d. Initiated import-led economy in China.

550. Which contributed significantly to the ongoing reduction of world-time and world space?
a. Cultural innovations
b. Economic innovations
c. Technological innovations
d. Ideological innovations

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