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Quarter 2 – Module
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module
First Edition, 2021

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
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Published by the Department of Education

Assistant Secretary:

Development Team of the Module

Authors: Michelle Bermudez, Christopher Celiz, Enrico Zara
Editors: Mavil B. Murillo, Jeffaersan A. Mondia
Reviewers: Annabelle H. Nava, Joemar L. Furigay

Layout Artist:
Management Team: Dr. Joel T. Torrecampo, CESO VI
Mr. Juan C. Obierna
Mrs. Annabelle H. Nava

Printed in the Philippines by Schools Division of Las Piñas City

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Quarter 2 – Module

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

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We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

Welcome to the Media and Information Literacy 12 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM).

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners in guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st-century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

To the parents:
As parents, you play a vital role in educating your child’s life; hence, you may also help
provide the support and stimuli that your child needs to make sense of the world. Since we are
currently facing the corona virus pandemic, now is the perfect time for you to make your home
a school and act as a teacher to your child.

For the learner:

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process
the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
The module is divided into four lessons:
 Lesson 1 – The Power of Media and Information Technology
 Lesson 2 – Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
 Lesson 3 – Implication of Media and Information Technology
 Lesson 4 – Text and Visual Information
 Lesson 5 – Audio and Motion Information
 Lesson 6 – Manipulative and Multimedia
 Lesson 7 – Dimensions of Media
 Lesson 8 – Creating and Evaluating Media Forms
In this module, you are expected to:
 Explain the power of media and its implication on society.
 Explain the role of MOOCs in the modern world.
 Enumerate the different dimensions of media and its elements.
 Show understanding of the dimensions of media.
 Create and check effective media outputs.

Lesson The Power of Media and
1 Information Technology


Media is considered one of the most powerful tools in providing

information to people or in society. Media is a part of our daily lives. It informs,
influences, and entertains us. Not only do they inform us, but they have also the capability in
shaping our lives. Our main source to get information is the media. Without media, we will
never be updated on the day-to-day events that are happening in our surroundings.

After this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Realize opportunities and challenges in media and information.
2. Cite examples of the power of media and information to affect change.


In Media and Information Literary, People Media is very important, it refers to

persons that are involved in the use, analysis, evaluation, and production of
media and information. It is categorized into two: PIN or people in media which refers are
practitioners who provide information coming from their expert knowledge or first-hand
experience of the event (print journalists, broadcast journalists, photojournalists, etc.) and PAS
or people as media refers to people who are well-oriented to media sources and messages
and able to provide information as accurate and reliable as possible (opinion leaders, citizen
journalism, crowd sourcing, etc.) In Addition, Media has two sides, the positive and the
negative. It can help us, but it can destroy us. But it all depends on us. If we let them continue
to do those negative things, we are only letting them play our lives. But if we become vigilant,
we can truly avoid or stop those things. Responsibility is a big word. But it is one of the
inevitable things. Every individual plays a role in society and a responsibility to take.

Moreover, aside from being responsible media users, we should also learn the concept
of computer literacy or the understanding of the concepts, terminology, and operations that
relate to general computer use. It is the essential knowledge needed to function independently
with a computer. This functionality includes being able to solve and avoid problems, adapt to

new situations, keep information organized, and communicate effectively with other computer
literate people.

To sum it up, we need to be wise when using the media and we should be responsible
for using media and remember one of the netiquettes "think before you click".


Now, that you already know the factors to be considered in using media
technology, fill in the missing letter to complete the media and information
opportunities depicted in each image and explain them on a separate sheet of





In the given question below, carefully identify the media opportunities employed in each
of the given statements.

1. What opportunities are open for computer literate individuals in the business industry?
2. How can a teacher be a better teacher if she/he is computer literate?

3. As a high school graduate, what are the job opportunities open for you?
4. How will you acquaint yourself with possible job opportunities?
5. As a member of your barangay, in what ways are you involved in the activities in your


Activity 1
Directions: Look at each picture and think of the possible opportunities that
can be offered by the following sectors. Write your thoughts on a separate
sheet of paper.

economy politics

health social interactions


Activity 2
Directions: Prepare a thorough analysis of the influences of media and information on the
improvement of student’s lives and societal conditions through:
 A PowerPoint presentation
 A blog
 Conceptualizing a political campaign

Activity 3
Directions: Make a visual presentation of the following conditions in your community based
on the description you get from media information:
 Peace and crime prevention
 Health provisions
 Employment
 Quality of Education
 Socialized Housing

Massive Open Online Course


A massive open online course (MOOC /muːk/) is an online course aimed at

unlimited participation and open access via the web. It is a free online course
that supports learning in a variety of different subjects and is open to anyone with access to a
computer and the internet.
After this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Identify the impact of massive open online.
2. Explain the effect of massive open online.


MOOCs aim to connect learners from across the globe with

educators and with each other. The three main purposes on why MOOCs
develop are for higher education, workplace connection, and lifelong learning.

MOOCs are regarded by many as an important tool to widen access to higher education
(HE) for millions of people, including those in the developing world, and ultimately enhance
their quality of life. MOOCs may be regarded as contributing to the democratization of HE, not
only locally or regionally but globally as well. MOOCs can help democratize content and make
knowledge reachable for everyone. Students can access complete courses offered by
universities all over the world, something previously unattainable. With the availability of
affordable technologies, MOOCs increase access to an extraordinary number of courses
offered by world-renowned institutions and teachers.

Also, the learning environments of MOOCs make it easier for learners across the globe
to work together on common goals. Instead of having to physically meet one another, online
collaboration creates partnerships among learners. While time zones may influence the hours
that learners communicate, projects, assignments, and more can be completed to incorporate
the skills and resources that different learners offer no matter where they are located.

Nevertheless, one of the biggest innovations of distance education is the Massive Open Online
Course or MOOC.


Considering the so-called "new normal" platform in the educational setting.

Write your insight on the following.
1. Online class
2. Distance education
3. Lifelong learning
After sharing your insights go to and navigate the site. List down all your
observations below.


Activity 1
Directions: Make an infographic about the effect of a massive open online course on a short
bond paper. Be guided by the given example.

Activity 2
Directions: Answer the following questions regarding the impact of MOOCs as
comprehensively as possible.

1. What are the effects of distance education?


2. What is the role of Massive Online Open Course in enhancing students’ knowledge?

3. What are the uses of MOOCs in providing quality education?
4. How are MOOCs beneficial to modern learning?

Activity 3
Directions: Create a short video presentation that will showcase the purpose of the Massive
Open Online Course. Be guided by the following rubric.

 Content/Organization- 50%
 Production Quality- 30%
 Video Captioning- 20%

Lesson The implication of Media and
3 Information Technology


Media and information have an unparalleled influence on all aspects of human

life in modern times. It is logical to state the Media and information has become
a basic need of human. It has been playing an important role in our lives.

After this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Identify and discuss the overall impact of media and information on an individual and
2. Synthesize the overall implication of media and information to an individual and society
as a whole.

The role of media in our lives and society is difficult to overestimate. It is
a matter that touches all our lives. Media provides us a piece of information,
and because of media the information that we gathered can spread widely.

Media influence is the actual force exerted by a media message, resulting in either a
change or reinforcement in audience or individual beliefs. Media effects are measurable effects
that result from media influence or a media message. Whether that media message influences
any of its audience members is contingent on many factors, including audience demographics
and psychological characteristics. These effects can be positive or negative, abrupt, or gradual,
short-term, or long-lasting. Not all effects result in change: some media messages reinforce an
existing belief. Researchers examine an audience after media exposure for changes in
cognition, belief systems, and attitudes, as well as emotional, physiological, and behavioral

Nevertheless, the media performs three functions to inform, influence, and entertain.
But the effects of these functions are multidimensional in modern times. It has provided
awareness about the world. Media contributed a lot. For us to work easier and more
conveniently, for communicating, for spreading the news, facts, data, information even sharing
knowledge, but it is our responsibility to use it right, most of the people is becoming an
excessive user. They tend to depend their lives on media, media has the power to control our
lives, and does we let ourselves be just controlled? Using media is not bad if you are not going
beyond what’s usual of using it.

To sum it up, using media can help us improve our daily lives, makes everything easy
and convenient, but also can destroy us. Sometimes media can make us lazy, idle, slothful,
etc. we must be aware of how to use media properly.


Now that you know all about the implication of media and information
technology try to answer the activities below. Write T if the statement is true,
or F if the statement is false.
___1. Asia Foundation supported civil society organizations to leverage this technology to
reach outto the general public – in this case as part of human rights advocacy work in
the Philippines.
___2. A media literate person can decode, evaluate, analyze, and prank.
___3. Many technologies that people use for their businesses, commerce, and
___4. "Boto Mo Ipatrol Mo" is an example of social networking used in the election.
___5. "Digital Activism" is great training on the use of social networking sites (Facebook),
blogging (WordPress), microblogging (Twitter), web tools and applications (Google
documents), live streaming, and mobile activism.

Teach one elder in your family on how to text a message or create Facebook Account.
Name Cell number (text message)/ Facebook


Activity 1:
Directions: Flow Chart Completion
1. Choose a social media network such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like.
2. Explain the benefits of the social media network that you have chosen. (2 pts)
3. Enumerate the challenges that can be encountered in using social media networks.
4. Write your answers on the flow chart below.

Uses of (Specific Social Networking

Media) in the ____ Sector

Benefits Challenges

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Activity 2:
Directions: Pick one topic each from Individual and Society and elaborate the implication of
overall media and information (positive and negative) on each chosen subject.

Activity 3:
Directions: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Which is categorized as society as a whole?

A. Preferential C. Professional
B. Educational D. Personal
2. Which is a character of a media and information literate?
A. Create C. Bash
B. Cyberbully D. Debase
3. Which sector focuses on facilitating learning, teaching, researching, and training?
A. News company C. Tourism
B. Fisheries D. Education
4. What can you benefit from when you are trained in media and information literacy?
A. Scamming C. Bashing
B. Cyberbullying D. Informed Citizen

5. Which is included in the application of technologies?

A. Basketball C. Communication
B. Human Growth D. Expression

Text and Visual information


Media plays a very significant role in keeping everyone updated about

the various events around the world. The dimension of media and other
forms of communication technology have an enormous influence in helping to shape public
opinion and underlying sentiment. In this lesson, you will be learning the dimensions of media
such as text information and visual information.
After this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Differentiate text information and visual information in the context of media.
2. Describe the different dimensions of visual information and media.


The Text Information or Text is a simple and flexible format of presenting

information or conveying ideas whether hand-written, printed, or displayed on-screen (Source:
MIL TG by CHED). Text according to Rouse, 2015 is any ''human-readable sequence of
characters'' that can form intelligible words. The following are the Principles and Elements of
Text Design.
1. EMPHASIS - importance or value is given to a part of the text-based content.
2. APPROPRIATENESS - how fitting or suitable the text is used for a specific audience,
purpose, or event.
3. PROXIMITY - how near or how far the text elements are from each other - when two things
are closely related, bring them close together.
4. ALIGNMENT - how the text is positioned on the page (left, center, right, or justified).
5. ORGANIZATION - conscious effort to organize the different text elements in a page.
6. REPETITION - consistency of elements and unity of the entire design - repeating some
typefaces within the page.
7. CONTRAST - creates visual interest where two elements are different from each other. It is
already given that indeed, there are a lot of information sources available. However, it is
important to know how to classify them according to their purpose.
 Formal Information - information that is socially shared and objective.
 Examples: birth certificates, government records, business documents, etc.…

 Informal Information - is basically unsocial, highly opinionated, and subjective.
 Examples: opinions from tabloids and social media, posts, and comments, etc.

On the other hand, Visual Information or Visual media is the use of imagery, color,
shapes, typography, and form to enhance usability and improve the user experience. Visual
design as a field has grown out of both UI design and graphic design. The following are the
Elements of Visual Design.
1. LINES - can be used for a wide range of purposes: stressing a word or phrase, connecting
content, creating patterns, and more.
2. COLOUR - is used to generate emotions, define importance, create visual interest, and unify
branding. See our post on Color Psychology for more detail.
3. TEXTURE - relates to the surface of an object. Using texture in graphic design adds depth
and visual interest. This can be applied graphically in the form of a pattern or through the choice
of printable surface.
4. SIZE - is used to convey importance, attract attention, and create contrast.
5. SHAPES - there are three basic shape types are Geometric (Circles, Squares, Triangles,
etc.), Natural (leaves, trees, people, etc.), and abstract (icons, stylizations, and graphic
representations). Use carefully to create a visually pleasing design and eye-catching design.
6. SPACE - is the area around the elements in a design. It can be used to separate or group
information. Use it effectively to give the eye a rest, define importance and lead the eye to
where you want it to travel.
7. VALUE - is how light or dark an area looks in a design. It is everything from the darkest of
blacks through to the brightest of whites. Used correctly it will create depth, contrast, and


After learning the difference between text information and visual

information. Do the following activities.
Identify the following whether they are classified as text or visual information.
______________1. Newspaper
______________2. Poster
______________3. Comics
______________4. E-mails
______________5. Memes

List down examples of text and visual information that can be found in social media.
Text information Visual information

Activity 1
Directions: Analogy. Think and comprehend the right word/s for the following
terms given.
1. Text Information: _____________: Visual Information: Poster
2. Books: Text: __________: Visual
3. ______________: a native format for storing documents created by MS Word package
4. JPEG: ____________________ PDF: Portable Document Format
5. PDF: Portable Document Format: PNG: _________________

Activity 2
Directions: Applying the Principles and Elements of Design, create a simple slogan about
COVID-19 awareness.

Activity 3
Directions: Write a 200-word essay explaining how to TEXT INFORMATION and VISUAL
INFORMATION are important to the context of media. Use another sheet of paper and attach it to
this module.
Audio and Motion Information


In this module, you will be learning the other dimensions of media such
as audio and media information. Audio media is important because it helps recall
memories, enhances brain activity, and stimulates the brain. It is very useful in developing the
listening skills of students, especially for language learning.
After this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Identify audio and motion information in the context of media.
2. Determine the different dimensions of audio and motion information and media.


Audio media supports distance learning and helps in memorization using music,
mnemonics, and the like. While motion information and media are a form of
media that has the appearance of moving text and graphics on a display. Its purpose is to
communicate information in multiple ways.
Audio Information is the Media communication that uses audio or recordings to deliver and
transfer information through the means of sound. May refer to audio formats. may refer to
analog tape cassettes and digital CDs, computer files containing audio, in any number of digital
Hearing vs. Listening
Hearing - the process, function, or power of perceiving sound; specifically: the special sense by
which noises and tones are received as stimuli. (Merriam-Webster)
Listening - the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication
10 Principles of Listening
1. Stop talking 10. Wait and watch for nonverbal
2. Prepare yourself to listen communication
3. Put the speaker at ease
4. Remove distractions
5. Empathize
6. Be patient
7. Avoid personal prejudice
8. Listen to the tone
9. Listen for ideas
Motion Information is a form of media that has the appearance of moving text and graphics
on display its purpose is to communicate information in multiple ways (Roblyer, 2006). It is also
an integrated sight-and-sound kinetic media (Shelton, 2004).
There are different ways to get the elements in producing videos. It may be through the
Film Recording - a recording used to provide images using film negatives; one of the
pioneers of recording, which has been improved and is used until now.
Digital Recording - converts the signal into discrete numbers that produce quality video
outputs; done using digital Cam cording devices.
Common File Formats Description
FILM - also called a movie picture, is a series of still or moving
ANIMATION - a scene from the animated film.
SHORT FILM - a trailer of a short film, ninety seconds of a surveillance
expert taking on an assignment that might be his
DOCUMENTARY FILM - telling where do commercialized and fast food comes
MOTION PICTURE IN - television is a telecommunication medium for
TELEVISION transmitting and receiving moving images that can be
monochrome (black and white) or colored, with or
without accompanying sounds.

To check your understanding of audio and motion information try to
answer the following activities.
A. Identify the following whether they are classified as audio or motion
______________1. Record player
______________2. Movie films
______________3. MP3
______________4. MP4
______________5. Music Albums

B.Fill in the blanks with the corresponding word/s that you encounter in the lesson.
1. _______________ may refer to analog tape cassettes and digital cd's, computer files
containing audio, in any number of digital formats.
2. _______________ a recording used to provide images through the use of film negatives.

3. Motion Media is a form of media that has the appearance of ____________ text and graphics
on a display its purpose is to communicate information in multiple ways.
4. _________________ is assisted by kinds of software programs that can combine these
5. __________________ is a scene from the animated film.

Activity 1
Directions: Compare and contrast hearing from listening using a Venn diagram.

Hearing Listening

Activity 2
Directions: Match the word/s from set A to set B.
1. Listening a. the process, function, or power of perceiving
sound; specifically: the special sense by which
noises and tones are received as stimuli.
2. Documentary b. also called a movie picture, is a series of still or
moving images.
3. Film c. the ability to accurately receive and interpret
messages in the communication process.
4. WAV d. telling where do commercialized and fast food
comes from.
5. Hearing e. the standard format in which all CDs are

Activity 3
Directions: Movie Review. Watch any movie with a genre of comedy, horror, musical, or
action. Write a review about its story, audio, motion, and moral. Use another sheet of paper
and follow the format below.

Movie Title: _____________________ Genre: __________________

Date watched: ___________________ Released year: ___________


1. Story:

2. Audio:

3. Motion:

4. Moral:

Manipulative and Multimedia


In this module, you will be learning the other dimensions of media such as
manipulative media and multimedia information. Manipulative media refers to
items or tools used to aid in hands-on learning. On the other hand, Multimedia
is media and content that uses a combination of different formats.
After this lesson, you are expected to:
1. define manipulative and multimedia in the context of media.
2. distinguish the manipulative and multimedia information; their sources using
selection criteria.


The Manipulative media uses models in which learners can

manipulate to gain understanding and/or mastery of a concept. Manipulative
assists students to advance from concrete novice knowledge to an expert
understanding of abstract ideas through visual and esthetic senses. There are
two types of Manipulative Media:
Type Description
Traditional Manipulative Media - is being used in certain schools, wherein they use
different materials that the students can use to have a
hands-on experience regarding the lesson.
Virtual and Digital Manipulative - With the dawn of the digital age, education should
Media keep up with the interests of 21st-century learners. And
to do so, education has been merged with technology
in such a way that students can learn more with the aid
of these devices.

Multimedia uses various mass media such as print, audio, and video. The development
of computer-based hardware and software packages produced on a mass scale and yet allow
individualized use and learning. The following are the common elements of multimedia.
"Video" — video content as a video object
"Audio" — audio content as an audio object
"Duration" — duration of the whole file
"Image List" — list of frames as images
"Rules" — rules for all elements
"Elements" — all available elements

We should remember that Multimedia means that computer information can be represented
through audio, video, and animation in addition to traditional media (i.e., text, graphics
drawings, images). The combination of the different dimensions.
In addition, Multimedia Application is an application that uses a collection of multiple media
sources e.g., text, graphics, images, sound/audio, animation, and/or video. Also, Hypermedia
can be considered as one of the applications of multimedia.
Nonetheless, both manipulative and multimedia media play a vital role in the success of
media information. It has a positive and negative impact on cognitive achievement, academic
achievement, comprehension, and application of every individual.

Identify the following whether they are classified as manipulative or
multimedia information.

______________1. Shopee
______________2. Online classroom
______________3. K-drama
______________4. Online games
______________5. Music video

Enumerate what is being asked and explain each briefly.

Elements of Multimedia 2 Types of Manipulative Media

1. 1.
2. 2.

Activity 1
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the corresponding word/s that you encounter
in the lesson.

1. __________________refers to items or tools used to aid in hands-on learning. The

models in which learners can manipulate to gain understanding and/or mastery of a concept.
2. __________________ is media and content that uses a combination of different
formats. It is a wise mix of various mass media such as print, audio and video.
3. MPEG is developed by the ________________________. The first popular video format
on the web. Not supported anymore in HTML.
4. _________________ is an application which uses a collection of multiple media
5. _________________ is an application which uses a collection of multiple media sources
e.g., text, graphics, images, sound/audio, animation and/or video.

Activity 2
Directions: Let’s create an Ad Kite!
Being at home in this time of pandemic is somehow boring and unproductive. You
probably just lying around using your mobile browsing social media, watching videos, or doing
Tiktok. So, let’s make your usual day interesting.
You are tasked to make an ADVERTISEMENT KITE. You can advertise everything like
Covid-19 awareness, products you sell, a picture of your idol, or anything you want to. In
coordination with your PE4 making a simple kite, you have to document/video the process of
creating your kite.

Activity 3
Directions: Let's make a purchase. Make a purchase online by using an application (Lazada,
Shopee, Food Panda, Grab food, etc.) Write your experience on another sheet of paper and
follow the simple format below.

Application used: __________________

Product purchased: ________________
Date purchased: __________________
Date received: ____________________
Experience & Reviews:

Dimensions of Media


We live in a world dominated by various kinds of media. Every day, people
engage with and consume information from many different mediums using
various devices, sometimes at the same time. For instance, they may listen
to a podcast or the radio
while checking social media on their phone or watch TV while looking for recipes on their tablet.

After this lesson, you are expected to:

1. explain how text, visual, audio, motion, manipulatives, and multimedia are
formally and informally produced, organized, and disseminated.
2. distinguish how text, visual, audio, motion, manipulatives, and multimedia are used
in our community by actual to virtual products.


Media refers to any kind of communication whose purpose is to inform,

educate or entertain a wide audience. It can be anything from web content to
social media to TV, video, and radio content. Hence, the concepts below will help you learn
how media is formally and informally produced, organized, and disseminated.

 Text is available in different sources whether it is formal (news articles, published books,
newspapers, magazines, advertisements, research works, etc.) or informal (blogs,
personal e-mails, SMS or text messages, online messengers, social media platforms,
o Formal text-based materials are created and distributed by established
institutions (such as publishing companies, news agencies, etc.) and go through
a rigorous process of editing or evaluation and are usually governed by
censorship of the state.
o Informal text-based materials, on the other hand, come from personal opinions
or views on different issues, processes, etc.

 Visual media produced by formal organizations such as schools, government, and

established media/publishing outfits are considered formally produced. Other visual
media are considered informally produced.

 Audio media is produced through sound and audio and its purposes are to give
instruction or information, to provide feedback, and to personalize or customize.
 Motion media can be produced formally and informally. Informally produced motion
media are created by individuals often for personal use. Formally produced motion
media are created by professionals who follow industry standards in creating, editing,
and producing motion media. Formal production of animations involves the following
steps: writing the story - writers and directors create the storyboard, the script is written
and dialogue is recorded, animators sketch major scenes; inbetweeners fill in the gaps,
background music, and background details are added and drawings are rendered

 Manipulatives or Interactive media relate to the audience by their experiences in

using interactive media by identifying the software or media used and how they
interacted. a. Example 1: social media (Facebook) - sent friend request; responded to
friend request; liked a post; followed a site; commented on a friend's post; uploaded a
file; chat with a friend; sent a private message. b. Example 2: Online booking - search
for flights; booked a flight and paid through credit card; web-check-in.

 Multimedia according to Savage and Vogel (2009) asserts that the contemporary
definition of multimedia is mostly in the digital form. Moreover, both trending and
emerging forms of multimedia are described as ubiquitous, interactive, massive, and
immersive. People used the human voice as a type of medium until writing was
discovered, now we turn to digital form to create immersive outputs.
(Source: Media and Information Literacy Teaching Guide by CHED)

Directions: Identify the media employed in each of the given statements.

_________________1. Which media focuses on using combination of audio, motion, sounds

and texts.
_________________2. Which media uses clapping motion to produce applause sounds.
_________________3. Which media uses movements of images.
_________________4. Which media uses script as means of creating a school slogan.
_________________5. Which media uses images to create meaning and retention to

Enumerate examples of formally produced text and informally produced text.

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Activity 1
Directions: Arrange the process of creating motion media. Put numbers 1 to 5.
Create your motion media and write the details on a separate paper.

__________ Background music and background details

__________ Script

__________ Sketch major scenes

__________ Dialogue is recorded

__________ Writing the story

Activity 2
Directions: Encircle which media composes multimedia and give a short description of the
space provided below.

Immersive Text Dialogue Motion

Film Event Audio Render
Visual School Interactive People


Activity 3
Directions: Write Manipulative or Not. Then choose 5 manipulative actions to be performed,
take a screenshot, and send it to your teacher as part of this task.

______________1. Web-check-in

______________2. Commented on a friend’s post

______________3. Sketch on a notebook

______________4. Online booking

______________5. Uploaded a file

______________6. Sent private message

______________7. Followed a site

______________8. Sent friend request

______________9. Liked a post

______________10. Press keypad

Lesson Creating and Evaluating Media
8 Forms


Art plays a vital role in expressing ones' creativity and uniqueness. In this
connection, Art history spans the entire history of humankind, from prehistoric
times to the twenty-first century. It has emerged as a discipline that
specializes in teaching people how to evaluate and interpret works of art based on their
perspectives. Also, frequently been criticized for its subjectivity because the definition of what
is beautiful varies from individual to individual. The main purpose of art is the expression of
boundless ideas and concepts. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations,
and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and

After this lesson, you are expected to:

1. evaluate a creative multimedia form (living museum, electronic portfolio, others).
2. produce a creative text-based, visual-based, audio-based, motion-based, and
manipulative-based presentation using design principles and elements.
community by actual to virtual products.


The term creative is the ability to generate innovative ideas and

manifest them from thought into reality. On the other hand, multimedia is a
transmission that combines media of communication such as text, graphics, audio, animation,
and video. These terms were combined to come up with the so-called creative multimedia
which represents design, social media, tools, innovation, and art.
The importance of creative multimedia in education is it can improve the student's attitude
toward content and learning. The different multimedia applications also enable learners to
increase their memory of content and to foster deeper learning when compared to traditional
teaching ways.
The following are the Six Stages of Production in Multimedia:
Multimedia projects are complex; they often involve the skills and efforts of multiple
teams or people. During the development process, a project moves through the specialized
parts of the team, from story creation to technical editing, with regular collective review
sessions Each stage is designed to refine the project with attention to the client's needs,
technical requirements, and audience preferences.
1. Planning Meeting to Start the Process
A planning meeting creates a shared vision for everyone working on the project. The
meeting usually kicks off a project, bringing together the team.
2. Creative Brief and Script Writing
The people in charge of the background story write a script, creative brief, or outline.
3. Story Boarding to Tie the Elements Together
Storyboarding ties everything together; a storyboard panel for a scene includes a sketch
of the visual elements, the voiceover or title text, and any production notes.
4. Designing the Visual Aspects
During the design stage, designers take over the visual aspects of the project to determine
how it looks and feels.
5. Review and Editing
Editing is one of the most involved and complex stages of the multimedia development
6. Production and User Testing
The production stage is when all the parts of a multimedia project come together. The
production staff gathers all of the edited.

Fill in the blanks with the corresponding word/s that you encounter in the
1. Multimedia projects are __________; they often involve the skills and efforts of multiple
teams or people.
2. The term of ____________ is the ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them
from thought into reality.
3. ________________ is a transmission that combines media of communication such as text,
graphics, audio, animation and video.
4. ________________ is one of the most involved and complex stages of the multimedia
development process.
5. ________________ has emerged as a discipline that specializes in teaching people how to
evaluate and interpret works of art based on their perspective.

Make a flowchart of the production of multimedia.


Activity 1
Directions: Explain why we need to evaluate multimedia as a form of art expression.

Activity 2
Directions: Recreate your version of the painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch. Use
another sheet of paper to create your painting/drawing.

The Scream, 1893 by Edvard Munch (Insert Title), 2021 by (Insert name)

Activity 3
Directions: With your drawing, explain briefly what you have drawn and the process of making
your artwork. You can use the back part of your drawing to explain your work.

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