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1. Let’s talk about your hometown.

Từ vựng: Run down neighbourhood> < upscale neighborhood ( khu xập xệ >< khu nhà giàu)
I was born and raised in HCMC and I’ve been living here all of my life
This is one of the biggest city in VN, and there are many people come here for their better life and job
I’ve got access to pretty much any amenity that you can possible think of. All the amenities are within
walking distance. So it’s very convenient to live here
Where I’m from there are still many people living in run down neighborhoods
Citizens are friendly and helpful, willing to give a hand and keep an eye on …
2. Let’s talk about your family.
Come from a nuclear family, where I live with my grandma. We are living in a HCMC
I’m very admire my grandma because she did everything to raise me up and ensure my education. She is
a person who I could confide in.
I have to admit that I can’t spend a lot time with my grandma since the most of time I hadda go to
university and my grandma do her job.
However, we often hang out to release our stress or watching TV, sing a song together at the weekend.
(Trường hợp ba mẹ ở nơi khác, mình ở TP HCM)
I have a nuclear family with … members: kể ra người….we are living in (tên địa điểm) province
However, recently I am not living with them because I moved to Ho Chi Minh to study. So I
can’t spend a lot time with them. Nevertheless, I try to arrange my time and go home a few times
a month.
Tự nói thời gian làm những gì cũng với gia đình.
3. Let’s talk about your free time activities.
In my spare time/ lesure time, I…

Genre / gron rờ/: thể loại

Catch a flick: xem phim

1.. reding book, my favorite genre is horror books.

2.. go to the movies with …, my favorite genre is …, catch a …. flick .

3.. listen to my favorite tunes on …., my favorite genre is …

4.. hit the gym or workout, to keep fit and stay healthy, in the future, I will take up … tên thể thao

In my spare time, I’m really keen on reading book, one of my favorite genre is horror books, which are so
super scare and excited. When I got up set, I will listen to my favorite tunes on YT or hang out with my
buddies to gossip or play game. Sometimes, I hit the gym or do workout to keep fit and stay healthy, and
in the future, maybe I will take up playing badminton or soccer.

4. Let’s talk about your learning English.

Nowadays, E is becoming popular over the world, and it is one of the job’s requirements for
everyone because E is the most used and spoken language. So learning E will increase your
chances of getting job and improving your communication skill.
If it serve me right, I’ve been learning E for more than ten years. Actually, I’m not really like E
much. Since I find it is difficult subject, and I’m bad at listening and speaking skills, but because
of work, for a future, I’ll try to learn and improve E by many ways.
5. Let’s talk about your traveling experiences.
I would say that I’m an avid traveller. I often go traveling on monthly basic as this way helps me
to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Trip to VT with buddies. went by motorbike, went to the beach and ate seafood. On top of that,
went to cafe to enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere when the sun set
We had enjoyed every minute in VT and I had a whale of the time with my friends, so It was an
unforgettable experience I have ever had
Situation 1: You and your classmates are having a discussion about the role of technology in the
modern world. In your opinion, which is the most important digital device: a computer, a
smartphone or a satnav? Give reasons to support your ideas.
In my opinion, I firmly believe that smartphones are the most important digital device compared
to computers and satnav because of 2 main reasons.
Firstly, it is suitable in a price, a smartphone with a multi functions like … is very useful for
Secondly, smartphone is convenient and flexible, since it is pretty small so people can bring it to
everywhere and it may show off their personality or fashion.
For the remaining 2 devices, the computer is quite large so it is difficult to carry, a satellite
navigation is not very common for ordinary people.
In conclusion, from a personal point of view smartphones are the most important in modern life
Situation 2:
The nursing home where you are working is looking for some disability support workers. You
are writing a job advertisement. Which do you think is the most important quality that a person
doing this job must have: cheerfulness, patience, or sympathy? Why do you think so?
In my opinion, to work in a place like a nursing home the most important quality is patience
because of two main factors.
Firstly, the main job in a nursing home is to take care of the elder who may be strict, so nurses
need to practice patience in their work to always satisfy the people they serve.
The second reason is that patience not only helps you overcome temporary difficulties, but also
brings more benefits in the future like job opportunities, improve relationships, thereby making
work more favorable.
regarding cheerfulness, it can be found in other things and sympathy can be obtained through a
period of work, but without patience you cannot start work.
In conclusion, after pros and cons, I think patience is most important when working in a nursing
Situation 3: You are on a 3-day trip to Hanoi. You would like to learn about cultural features of
this city. Which activity would you like to do most: going to the theater, going to a museum or
visiting an art gallery? Why do you want to do this activitiy?
Well, I find it is a tough decision, but I’ll opt for going to the museum to learn about the cultural
features of Hanoi for 2 main of reasons.
Firstly, at the museum, you can learn about the history of Hanoi through works or architectures
which have existed for a long time and showed formidable feats of forefathers.
Secondly, its cost is also pretty cheap and it is possible to take pictures of great treasures here.
In terms of going to the theater, it is difficult for you to communicate to learn about the culture
and visiting an art gallery is quite expensive for a trip up to 3 days long.
From those reasons I think the museum is the best choice to find out about Hanoi crane culture.
Situation 4: You and your friends are talking about forms of street art including graffiti, chalk
drawings on pavements and street music. Which of these art forms do you like most? Give
reasons for your answer.
Among the types of street art, for me, street music is the best thing compared to the rest of the
The reason I find street music the best is because Street music is an open space which anyone
can enjoy it without barriers.
The next reason, Street Music is a public entertainment activity serving residents and visitors in
the city that has existed for the longest time so far with a very small organization cost.
The last reason, street music can bring people from all walks of life together to create a
community among the people.
( lấy 2 ý thôi, 2 trong 3 cái nào cũng đc nếu nhớ)
As for street art such as graffiti and chalk drawings on pavements, some people will consider it
an act of dirtying the street.
In conclusion, after pros and cons I think street music is the best of all kinds of street art.
Situation 5: You and your friends are talking about reading habits. Tell them which you prefer
reading: paper novels, e-novels or cellphone novels. Give reasons to support your ideas.
There are many ways to read novels but for me paper novels are still the best choice because of
two main reasons.
The first reason is that Reading a paper novel helps us to remember the content as well as its
sequence and position in the book more easily.
The second reason is reading paper novel helps us to limit being nearsighted / short-sighted (2
cái đều là cận thị) thanks to avoid blue light from smartphones or electronic reader.
For e-novels or cellphone novels, it requires that things like wifi, mobile data, computer screens
and most of them are also harmful to eyes.
From those reasons, I think the paper novel is the best choice.
Situation 6: You are planning to make a trip to a moutain for a few days with your penfriend
while he or she is visiting you this summer. Which type of accommodation do you like most:
self-catering apartments, hotels or campsites? Explain your choice.
In my personal opinion, I will opt for a camping site when traveling to the mountains because of
two main factors
Firstly, the campsites with a tranquil space and fresh air will give you mental relaxation, helps
you let your hair down after a working or studying hectic.
Secondly, the campsite also saves you money because the cost of the campsite is pretty cheap.
Finally, you can immue the nature and do a lot of outdoor activities with your buddies like
cooking, pitching the tents or campfires, this helps you build and strengthen your relationships.
(3 ý trên chọn 2 trong 3, nào cũng đc)
Regarding apartments and hotels, they may cost you an arm and a leg and there are some
regulations that make it uncomfortable.
In short, the campsite is the best choice for your trip to the mountains as it has everything you
need for your vacation.

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