English Q4 W3 LAS 3

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Name: _____________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

Subject: English 10 Teacher: __________________________

Lesson: Quarter 4 Week 3 LAS 3
Activity Title: Write Up!
Learning Target (s): Construct a paragraph using the three ways to expand a definition.
Reference(s): English LM 10 Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, Meriam Webster
LAS Writer: Annie Rose L. Arevalo & Kimberly Joy M. Jarder

There are three ways to expand a definition into a paragraph:

1. Expanding by giving examples- write an example or supporting sentences for reference.

2. Expanding by Comparing and Contrasting- comparison in writing discusses elements that are
similar, while contrast in writing discusses elements that are different. The purpose of
conducting comparison or contrast is not to state the obvious but rather to illuminate subtle
differences or unexpected similarities.
Source: courses.lumenlearning.com
3. Expanding by Describing a Process-Paragraphs are building blocks of paper. It will make your
paragraph broader when you put some process. Example is the process of photosynthesis.

Activity: Write it Up!

Instructions: Write a paragraph using at least 1 way to expand a definition into a paragraph.








Grammar 3
Proper use of punctuation marks 2
Idea/ Concept 5

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