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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume :04/Issue :05/May -2022 Impact Factor- 5.354
Srushti Anil Kulkarni*1, Vinod Agrawal*2
*1,2Dept of Software Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Cartoonizing an image with transform an image into its cartoon form [1]. Today we found many numbers of
application on internet to convert images to cartoon effect.[1] Cartoon style have unique style identification with
high level signification, abstraction and carton image tends to clear edges, smooth color and relatively simple
textures which exhibits signification for texture description based on loss function used in existing method [4].
There are multiple properties in image processing. Each picture of the element together viewed as 2-D matrix
[5]. In this field of research processing an image consisting of an identifying an object in image, identifying an
image, number of objects, changing the images to blur edges and such effects are highly appreciated [5].
The main aim of the project is to detect objects or convert a real-life image into cartoon effect or a cartoon
effect to real image [1]. The cartoon is the most popular, famous and entertaining art. Image to Image conversion
is a task to establish a visual mapping between output and Input images [4].
The Conversion of real-world images into cartoons with some tools, soft wares and materials of some products
is known as image cartooned [1]. Cartoons are many times in the form of 2D or 3D art formats.[2]
The research of conversion of image to cartoon consists of identifying objects in images, the number of objects,
the number of dimensions, the image to blur effects are appreciated in media and communication. Each image is
viewed in 2D matrix [1]. To obtain a cartoon image as the same in real image it needs to obtain every line along
with each shade and colour in an image. Several methods have been used on the basis of Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN).[3] The framework which is utilize to single trained model to multiple cartoon styles is “Cartoon
Renderer”.[4] Turning various photos into its cartoon effect such problem studied in this paper.[3]
Cartoons are artistic forms used in day-to-day life. Like other forms of arts, many arts created cartoon effects
using real world image.[5]. Our method takes a set of photos and a set of images for training data.[5]. Our method
is also much more efficient to train than the existing model.[5]. Advanced technology has now part of our life.
The real images processing appears in many real-life applications i.e., home security, banking system, education
sector and railway [6]. The basic concept of this algorithm is to convert RGB into its accurate, cartoon image with
multiple filtrations or blurred image with proper edge detection [6].
[1]MD. Salar mohammad, Bollipalli Pranitha , Shivani Gaud Pandula , Pulakanti Teja Saree – Object detection
with voice sensor and cartoonizing the image : Non max suppression , YOLO and cartoonizing an Image this
methods are used in this paper. Performance measurement is The model was built to detect image accurately,
fast and to differentiate between real image and carton image. [2] Yugang Chen, Muchun Chen, Chaoyue Song,
and Bingbing Ni – CartoonRenderer- An Instance-Based Multi-style Carton Image Translator: The methodology
are used is Modeling, Coordinating and Renderer.[3] Pranjal Singh Rajput, Kanya Satis Sonnya, Dellarosa
Wenxuan Haung, Obinna Agba – cGANs, Pix2Pix and Training the model are the methods of this. In the case of
grayscale images only one channel is available and in the case of images with low face-to-image size
ration.[4]Yang Chen, Tsighual , Yu-Kun Lai , Yong Jin Liu – CartoonGAN-Generative Adversarail Networks for
Photo Cartoonization : Stylization with Neural Networks methodology.[5]Vaishali Sudarshan , Amrithesh Singh
– Cartooning and Image Using An Open CV and Python : The methodologies are used in this paper are The
Algorithms , Identifing The Edges and Colour to the RGB Image. Accuracy is To provide the high accuracy model
as compare with existing models. [6] Pureti Anusha, Ch .Saravani, Y. Pavankumar , T. venkateshwarlu , G. Jahnvi
, A. Hemasari – Cartooning Of An Image : Method for this is To install the Libraries.
The task of instance-based photo cartoonization is generate carton style version of given user input image,
according to user some specified style attributes [2]. The style attributes are provided by the reference carton
image [2]. The process to create a cartoon effect image can initially branched into 2 division – @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume :04/Issue :05/May -2022 Impact Factor- 5.354
1 - To detect blur and bold edges of the actual RGB image .
2 - To smooth, quantize and conversion of RGB image to Grayscale image[5].
To run this project, you need the 64bit system and you need to install python 3.7 software. After installing the
software, you need to install following libraries
i- Pip install NumPy.
ii - Pip install SciPy.
iii - Pip install open cv2.

For executing the project, we need above libraries [6].

Following is procedure to execute the real image to cartoon style image
1) To Identify the Edges -
All edges processing tasks are
a) MEDIAN FILTER- This filter helps in reducing the noice created during the downscaling the image and later
converting the original image to carton image by applying the bilateral filter.

b) EDGE DETECTION - At first the noise of the image is removed within the image.
c) EDGE FILTERING - Two division of the constitute regions, any region that below a threshold removed.
2) Colour to the RGB Image - The most important aspect to eliminate the color region and apply carton effect

In Bilateral filtering the important role is of this filter is to smooth the image to crating any sort of noise also
while preserving the edges.
3) The final task is to overlay to edges onto the colour images is when both the colour and edge image
processing are complete[5]. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume :04/Issue :05/May -2022 Impact Factor- 5.354

Fig 1: - The actual implementation for the project

Fig 2:- The output of the Project

It includes origin and history of image processing , different types of uncertain environment , existing methos for
cartoon imaging. An an example image processing is helpful to issue in signature recognisition , Digital video
Processing , Remote sensing and finance . This paper is presented for an efficient method for extracted cartoon
effects. The test result shows that the developed method could extract meaningful object will in different
characters and backgrounds. This application aims to enables people with visual impartment to live more
independently. Cartoonizing an image will transform an image into its cartoon image. It makes an image looks
vicious and like water paint , removing the roughness in colours.
[1] MD.Salar Mohammad, Bollepalli Pranitha , Shivani Goud Pandula , Pulakanti Teja Sree : Object Detection
with Voice Sensor and Cartoonizing the Image. (August 2021)
[2] Yugang Chen, Muchun Chen, Chaoyue Song, and Bingbing Ni : CartoonRenderer: An Instance-based Multi-
Style Cartoon Image Translator.
[3] Pranjal Singh Rajput, Kanya Satis, Sonnya Dellarosa, Wenxuan Huang, Obinna Agba : cGANs for Cartoon to
Real-life Images.
[4] Yang Chen Yu-Kun Lai Yong-Jin Liu : CartoonGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Photo
[5] Vaishali Sudarshan , Amritesh Singh :- Cartooning an Image Using Opencv and Python.(2020)
[6] Pureti Anusha, Ch.Sravani , Y.Pavankumar , T.Venkateswarlu , G.Jahnavi , A.Hemasri :- Cartooning of an
Image. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


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