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Found out the story was about the 390 SAF commandos who gone on their way to

unfamiliar territory to carry out classified mission on the night of Jan. 25, 2015. The mission
was called “OPLAN EXODUS”, a mission assigned to the PNP Special Action Force (SAF),
an elite group with an advanced equipment and trained by the US Navy Seals.

So while the 55 SAC are heading back they encountered some armed groups which was the
BIFF and they gradually back-out and they was trapped at the corned fields by BIFF and
MILF They ask for reinforcement but the back-up reinforcement cannot penetrate to came
near at them for there are several armed groups scattered along the terrain. Gen. Napeñas
admit that he was informed late on the ongoing mission and actually did not informed that
they need reinforcement on that time. Hours past and many SAF commandos died on the
firing field and still no reinforcement arrived. There are several factors/ problems
encountered by the SAF operations during the encounter. First was, long much distance
from every team so reinforcement was unattainable. Secondly, No prior coordination to the
military on foot and to the MILF as well as BIFF. Third problem was, no immediate action for
reinforcement to 55 SAC who was trapped on the confields. Another problem was SAF are
on defenseless position and reinforcement cannot penetrate to the area to extend help for
there are several armed groups and snipers around the area And the big problem is there
was no Chief in Command who monitor the mission personally to extend solutions on
whatever problems the mission will encounter. Lastly lack of coordination to officials who
handled the mission.

If I was a military and expert on tactical operation, I would suggest the President to please
give attention personally on the mission itself. He needs further and thorough intelligence
reports on the matter. He must coordinate to the officials who are connected on the mission
and make a detailed plan with them so that it can produce several and elaborated plans and
he must also make a routine update on the mission in order to extend some help in case of
some problems and obstacles that they may encountered. Everything must be plan ahead of
time with several options and don’t ever put risk or danger to the people who are serving the
nation with all their hearts. My advice to Gen. Napeñas being the director of the SAF he
must also have personal knowledge on the mission and produce plans ahead of time. All the
possible scenario must be planned in detail and have corresponding twist to upgrade the
outcome. He must also give more attention to the safety of his commandos and not risk their
lives in every mission they encountered. He must not wait for every instruction of his
superior but must see the reality for every situation in the battlefield. Indeed he will suggest
or give advice to his superior the necessary actions to be taken if danger occurs. To Gen.
Benjamin Magalog, I salute his bravery in defending the truthfulness of every inquiries he
had during the investigation. He chose his conscience over his dream career.

I therefore conclude that every uniform men must chose the right thing over ambitions for
Success of every missions they have. Every official must put priority to the lives of his men
Than to risk them and make hand-wash for every fault he encountered.

Borongan City 6800

Eastern Samar, Philippines
I think president Aquino can also be blame of what happened to the SAF 44. He acted with
inexcusable negligence, which was the direct proximate cause in the massacre of SAF 44.
And instead of giving tribute to the victims of the SAF massacre, he blamed Pabalinas. He
almost forget how hard to be in the battlefield fighting to the terrorist just to serve our nation.
As a president of this country, it is your obligation/responsibility to force the military and air
force to send reinforcement to the SAF 44. The suspended PNP Chief Purisima and
Napeñas kept the information to themselves and deliberately failed to inform Espina and
Department of the Interior and Local Government Secretary Mar Roxas II. The chain of
command should be observed in running mission operations. And those are the mistakes of
Napeñas and Purisima. In part of Napeñas, as a commander of Philippine National Police
Special Action Force, Insubordination of Napeñas lead to the death of SAF 44. Napeñas as
a commander of PNP SAF he should follow the chain of command. And he should do his
best to ask for help and reinforcement for his men during the massacre. Napeñas should be
mindful in giving command to his men, he is aware that there was an on going peace
process between the government and muslim rebels.

As a student that dreaming to become part of PNP in the near future, the movie
Mamasapano taught me a lot of lesson in relation to what I want to become in the future. It
taught the importance of proper communication in an organization to avoid any conflict.And
the movie Mamasapano awaken our minds that there are higher authorities who violates
their duties.

And to the heroes who sacrifice their lives to serve our nation, their legacy continue inspiring

Borongan City 6800

Eastern Samar, Philippines
Mamasapano: Now It
Can Be Told


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Borongan City 6800

Eastern Samar, Philippines
Borongan City 6800
Eastern Samar, Philippines

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