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1. What was the movie all about?

For my observation that according to me, the movie is all about a tragedy that happened on
January 25 2015 in Maguindanao, this event marked the history of the Philippines, one of
the biggest tragedies in our troops is the SAF 44, our troops were killed in his operation
against the high profile terrorist Maruan. The SAF 44 incident refers to the tragic events that
unfolded during a police operation on January 25, 2015, in Mamasapano, Maguindanao,
Philippines. The operation was conducted by the Philippine National Police Special Action
Force (SAF) with the aim of capturing or neutralizing high-profile terrorists in the area.
Unfortunately, the mission encountered heavy resistance from various rebel groups,
including the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom
Fighters (BIFF). The clash resulted in the deaths of 44 SAF members, leading to widespread
public outcry and controversy. Originally a mission to serve arrest warrants for high-ranking
terrorists, it led to the deaths of 44 members of the SAF, 18 from the MILF and the BIFF,
five civilians, and the death of Zulkifli Abdhir confirmed by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) and the PNP at 6:30 p.m. on February 4, 2015, through a matching DNA
result. He was one of FBI’s most wanted terrorists. Getulio Napeñas, the relieved SAF
commander, estimates about 250 deaths from his assumption that each SAF sniper may
have taken down at least 20 opponents from the combined MILF, BIFF, and private militias
during the encounter although this was not confirmed and was met with skepticism since
aside from the fact that there was no actual body count, there is no acceptable level of
evidence to prove his claim. Napenas’ estimate was also debunked by the MILF and by the
local government of Mamasapano. Tragically, 44 SAF members lost their lives during the
operation, leading to public outcry and controversy. The incident complicated peace
negotiations between the Philippine government and MILF, as the SAF operation was
conducted without coordination with the MILF forces, despite an existing ceasefire

The incident had significant repercussions, affecting peace negotiations between the
Philippine government and MILF. It also prompted investigations to determine responsibility
and accountability for the operation’s planning and execution. The SAF 44 incident remains
a somber and sensitive chapter in Philippine history. In all the movie is all about the failure
and give advice to our government for their next operation being have a enough knowledge
to the operation for not being again the SAF 44.

2. What were the problems meets the operatives during encounter?

The encounter during the SAF 44 operation faced several challenges such as the lack of
coordination to the other troops one of the critical issues was the failure to coordinate
effectively with other armed groups in the area, particularly the Moro Islamic Liberation Front
(MILF). This lack of coordination violated a ceasefire agreement and led to the
misunderstanding that escalated the conflict. The operation took place in a complex and
hostile terrain, making it difficult for the Special Action Force (SAF) operatives to maneuver
and navigate the area. The SAF operatives encountered strong resistance from various
rebel groups, including the MILF and the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF). The
unexpected intensity of the opposition contributed to the high number of casualties.

Borongan City 6800

Eastern Samar, Philippines
There were reported issues with logistics and support during the operation, including
challenges in communication and reinforcement, which impacted the SAF operatives’ ability
to manage the situation. The combination of these factors contributed to the tragic outcome,
resulting in the loss of 44 SAF members’ lives and sparking controversy and investigations
into the circumstances surrounding the incident.

3. What will be the recommendation to the President, Chief PNP, and to General

I will be recommend and suggest to the president that will be enhanced intelligence
gathering processes to ensure accurate and up-to-date information before executing
sensitive operations. Strengthen coordination among different branches of the security
forces and ensure proper communication with relevant stakeholders, including the military
and local authorities. Assess and enhance the training of special forces operatives,
considering the specific challenges of the operational environment. Ensure they are
adequately prepared for complex and high-risk missions. For the Chief PNP also will be
have big impact when that may suggestions is conduct an internal review of the PNP’s
involvement in the operation, Identifying any lapses in planning, execution, and decision-
making. Ensure accountability for those responsible for shortcomings. Allocate resources for
modern technology and equipment that can aid in intelligence gathering, communication,
and overall operational effectiveness. Prioritize the well-being of PNP personnel by
providing adequate support, counseling services, and resources to address the physical and
mental health challenges that may arise from high-stress operations. These
recommendations are aimed at strengthening the PNP’s capabilities, improving its
operational effectiveness, and fostering a culture of accountability and continuous
improvement within the organization. Also to the investigator fold this big incident I will
suggest that continue collaborative efforts with relevant agencies to thoroughly investigate
the SAF 44 incident, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the events leading to the
tragedy. Advocate for transparency in the investigation process, keeping the public informed
about the progress and findings while respecting the sensitivity of certain information.
Emphasize and uphold the highest standards of ethics and professionalism within the PNP,
promoting a culture of integrity and public service. These recommendations aim to leverage
General Magalong’s position and experience to contribute positively to the investigation
process, organizational reforms, and the overall improvement of law enforcement practices.
As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Benjamin Magalong is a retired police
general and was serving as the Chief of the Philippine National Police – Criminal
Investigation and Detection Group (PNP-CIDG) during the SAF 44 incident. Those
recommendation and suggestions is will be it my self opinion and observation that help to
the victim the incident and never it again to our troops because it is a big tragedy in our
Philippines history.

Borongan City 6800

Eastern Samar, Philippines
Borongan City 6800
Eastern Samar, Philippines

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