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Despite Parliament and judges being mindful of the right of differently-abled persons to
lead a normal life, bureaucracy- the Delhi High Court’s administrative wing, in this case –
often kills aspirations. High court officials argued that a bipolar disordered candidate
made him unfit for the job and also that if his disability was reduced, it would disqualify him
for job reservation.

● Despite: In spite of; notwithstanding. It indicates contrast or opposition between two

ideas or circumstances.
● Mindful: Being aware or conscious of something; attentive or careful. It involves
paying close attention to one's thoughts, feelings, or surroundings.
● Bureaucracy: A system of government or organization characterized by hierarchical
authority, standardized procedures, and a rigid adherence to rules and regulations. It
often involves complex administrative procedures and formalities.
● Aspirations: Strong desires or ambitions; goals or objectives that one aims to achieve.
Aspirations represent what someone hopes to accomplish or attain in the future.
● Argued: Presented reasons or evidence in support of a position, typically in a debate
or discussion. It involves making a case or presenting a point of view through logical
reasoning or persuasion.
● Bipolar disorder: A mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings
that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). It is also
known as manic-depressive illness.
● Disqualify: To declare ineligible or unfit; to render someone or something unsuitable
for a particular purpose or position. It involves removing someone from consideration
or preventing them from participating due to a lack of qualification or meeting certain

According to the lexicon, ‘heuristic’ means, ‘enabling someone to discover or learn

something for themselves.’ This is the perfect way of learning as well as teaching unlike the
spoon feeding method of mollycoddling that doesn’t help a learner learn on his own.
You may have noticed that animals and birds teach their young ones to hunt and fend for
themselves. The heuristic approach nullifies any kind of dependency and enables a
holistic as well as comprehensive understanding of a subject or issue.
● Lexicon: The vocabulary of a language or a specific group of people. It refers to the
entire set of words and phrases that are used and understood by individuals within a
particular linguistic community.
● Enabling: Making it possible or easier for something to happen or for someone to do
something. It involves providing the necessary conditions, resources, or support for a
particular activity or outcome.
● Spoon-feeding method: A teaching or learning approach characterized by providing
excessive or overly simplified information, often without encouraging independent
thinking or problem-solving skills. It involves giving information in a way that requires
minimal effort from the learner, similar to feeding someone with a spoon.
● Mollycoddling: Overprotecting or excessively pampering someone, especially to the
extent that it hinders their personal growth or development. It involves treating
someone with excessive care or indulgence, often preventing them from facing
challenges or difficulties.
● Fend: To defend or protect oneself from something unpleasant or difficult. It can also
mean to provide for one's own needs or to manage in difficult circumstances.
● Nullifies: To make something legally void or ineffective; to invalidate or cancel. It
involves rendering something without legal force or effect, typically through official
action or declaration.
● Holistic: Characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected
and explicable only by reference to the whole. It refers to an approach or perspective
that considers the entirety of a system, concept, or phenomenon, rather than focusing
on individual parts in isolation.

The Indian farmer is poor because there are too many people working on a farm. Our only
hope is a large-scale expansion of low-tech manufacturing to absorb this surplus labor.
The farm laws would have provided breathing time for the economy to create these jobs. If
this had been explained to farmers, it would have given credibility to the reforms.

● Expansion: The act or process of becoming larger or more extensive. It can refer to
growth, enlargement, or increase in size, scope, or scale.
● Surplus: An amount of something left over when requirements have been met;
excess. It refers to the quantity or portion of something that exceeds what is needed
or used.
● Credibility: The quality of being trusted, reliable, or believable. It refers to the degree to
which something or someone is considered to be trustworthy or credible.
● Reforms: Changes made to improve a system, organization, law, practice, or
procedure. Reforms typically aim to correct perceived flaws, inefficiencies, or
injustices and to bring about positive change or progress.
Variolation was a historic inoculation process practiced in India, China, the Ottoman
Empire and Liberia. It refers to collecting scrapings or pustules from smallpox victims and
then introducing that infective material into someone else, typically via a small cut or by
snorting a powdered preparation to produce a mid-case of disease that would provoke
immunity. In developing the first modern vaccine, English physician Edward Jenner built on
this idea.

● Variolation: An early method of immunization against smallpox in which a person is

deliberately infected with material taken from a smallpox pustule. It was practiced
before the development of modern vaccines.
● Inoculation: The act or process of introducing a vaccine, antigen, or other biological
substance into a person or animal to stimulate the immune system and protect
against a specific disease.
● Scrapings: Small pieces or fragments that have been scraped off a surface. This term
often refers to the act of scraping or the material obtained by scraping.
● Pustules: Small, elevated lesions on the skin filled with pus, typically a symptom of an
infection or inflammatory condition such as acne or chickenpox.
● Typically: In a manner that is characteristic or usual; normally; commonly. It refers to
something that happens in the usual or expected way.
● Snorting: Inhaling something, typically a drug, through the nostrils audibly and
forcefully. It can also refer to the act of making a noise similar to that of snorting, such
as in derision or amusement.
● Provoke: To stimulate or incite a reaction, response, or emotion in someone. It
involves deliberately causing a particular behavior, feeling, or state in another person.

CET will be conducted by the National Testing Agency, which already helms JEE and
NEET exams. This multiplechoice, computer-based exam will likely have one general
aptitude test to gauge language proficiency, numerical ability etc and a second
subject-specific test for assessing domain knowledge. Critics are right to ask how such a
centrally set paper would be fair to children from diverse regions and socio-economic

● Conducted: Carried out; performed; executed. It refers to the act of managing or

organizing an activity or event.
● Helms: To steer or guide (a ship or boat). Figuratively, it can mean to be in charge or
take leadership of an organization, project, or activity.
● Gauge: To estimate or determine the magnitude, amount, or extent of something. It
can also refer to an instrument or device used for measuring or evaluating something.
● Assessing: To evaluate or judge the nature, quality, or significance of something. It
involves analyzing and forming an opinion about the characteristics or value of a
particular situation, person, or thing.
● Domain knowledge: Specialized knowledge or expertise within a particular field or
subject area. It refers to understanding and proficiency in a specific domain or
● Critics: People who express opinions or judgments about something, often in a
critical or evaluative manner. Critics typically assess the merits or flaws of works of
art, literature, performances, policies, etc.
● Diverse: Characterized by a variety of different elements or qualities; showing a range
of differences or variations. It refers to the presence of a wide range of different types
or forms within a particular group, setting, or context.
Course of action: Repeal of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) law would be
the greatest confidence-building measure that the Government of India can
implement for the Northeast.
Situation I: AFSPA violates the Constitution of India as well as the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Situation II: The imposition of AFSPA martial law on the people of Manipur and the
Northeast has led to at least 20,000 being killed besides numerous incidences of rape,
arrests, torture and extrajudicial executions.
Situation III: The task of the armed forces is to protect the boundaries of a nation from
external aggression and Northeast India is an area of immense geo-strategic importance
which shares boundaries with five countries including Myanmar and China.

● Repeal: To revoke or annul (a law, regulation, or decision). It means to officially

abolish or cancel something that was previously enacted.
● Implement: To put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect or action. It involves
carrying out or executing a particular course of action or policy.
● Violates: To break or fail to comply with (a rule or formal agreement). It means to
infringe upon or act contrary to a law, rule, principle, or right.
● Indigenous: Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native. It refers to
people, plants, or animals that are native to a specific region or environment.
● Imposition: The action or process of imposing something or the condition of being
imposed. It involves the forceful introduction or enforcement of something, often
unwelcome or burdensome.
● Martial law: The law temporarily imposed upon an area by state or national military
forces when civil authority has broken down or during times of emergency. It involves
the suspension of ordinary law and the imposition of military authority.
● Besides: In addition to; apart from; other than. It indicates something being added or
considered along with something already mentioned.
● Extrajudicial: Carried out or performed without legal authority or due process; outside
the regular judicial system. It refers to actions, particularly legal or punitive ones, that
occur outside the official legal framework.
● Executions: The act or instance of carrying out a sentence of death upon a
condemned person. It involves the implementation of capital punishment as a form of
legal punishment for serious crimes.
● Aggression: Hostile or violent behavior or attitudes toward another; readiness to
attack or confront. It refers to actions or attitudes characterized by hostility, often
involving force or threat of force.

At first sight, Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan looks like any other rural district in India. The
society is patriarchal with a preference for male children. The older population is
primarily engaged in agriculture and the young population aspires to get good
government jobs within the district. But there is a difference. In Jhunjhunu district, even as
the child sex ratio (number of females per thousand males) has dipped very low, female
literacy indicators have remained relatively high. That is, the district has been doing well in
girls’ education even as it lagged behind in curbing female foeticide.

● Patriarchal: Relating to or characteristic of a system of society or government

controlled by men. It often implies the dominance of men in roles of leadership,
authority, and power within a family or society.
● Preference: A greater liking for one alternative over another or others. It's a subjective
choice based on personal inclination or taste.
● Primarily: Mainly; principally; essentially. It indicates that something is chiefly or
predominantly true or applicable.
● Aspires: To have a strong desire or ambition to achieve something. It refers to striving
towards a particular goal or aspiration.
● Indicators: Signs, clues, or signals that suggest or reveal something. In various
contexts, it could refer to measures, statistics, or factors that indicate the state or
condition of a particular situation.
● Lagged behind: To be slower in progress or development compared to others. It
means falling behind or not keeping pace with advancements or expectations.
● Curbing: Restraining, controlling, or limiting something. It involves taking actions to
reduce or prevent the occurrence or extent of something, often negative or
● Foeticide: The act of intentionally causing the death of a fetus, typically through
abortion. It specifically refers to the deliberate killing of an unborn human being.

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