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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary PDF - JANUARY 2024

Word Meaning Synonym Antonym
Editorial Title: Sign of the future: On ISRO’s PSLV C58 mission
Make biased or distorted in a way that is
regarded as inaccurate, unfair, or
Skewed (V) misleading. - -
The basketball game was skewed in favour of the taller team, granting them an
advantage in scoring rebounds.
Make or become spread out from a
rolled or folded state, especially in order
Unfurled (V) to be open to the wind. - -
The flag was unfurled at the top of the mountain to mark the successful ascent.
Involving or limited to basic principles. Basic; Elementary Advanced
Rudimentary (Adj) The village school had a rudimentary library, with a small collection of essential
books for the students.
A piece of equipment used for testing
new machinery, especially aircraft
Testbed (N) engines. - -
The aerospace company established a test bed to evaluate the performance of its
new aircraft engine.
A brief evocative description, account, or
episode. - -
Vignette (N)
In her diary, she wrote a heartwarming vignette about a random act of kindness
she witnessed at the grocery store.
The action or activity of travelling in
space. - -
Spacefaring (N)
The astronaut's dream was to become part of a spacefaring mission, exploring
distant planets and galaxies.
Editorial Title: Widening war: On the Gaza war going beyond Israel-Palestine
(Of a route or journey) longer than the
most direct way. Indirect; Winding Direct; Straight
Circuitous (Adj)
The tour guide led the group on a circuitous exploration of the historic city,
highlighting hidden gems off the beaten path.
Bring down an aircraft or missile by
shooting at it. - -
Shot down (P)
The military successfully shot down the enemy aircraft, preventing it from
reaching its target.
Give more substance or strength to Strengthen;
something. Reinforce Weaken
Beefing up (P)
The company decided to beef up its security measures after a series of cyber
Pretend not to notice. Neglect; Ignore -
Turns a blind eye
(Phrase) She couldn't turn a blind eye to the suffering of stray animals and started feeding
Take (someone) to or from a place or
Dragged (V) event, despite their reluctance. Draw -
He wanted to stay neutral, but his strong opinions often dragged him into political

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A singular or independent. - -
Stand-alone (Adj) The teacher treated each student's struggle with a particular concept as a stand-
alone challenge.
Editorial Title: Faulty compulsion: On the issue of MGNREGS and Aadhaar seeding
A thing that has a restraining or
Dampener (N) subduing effect. - -
The unexpected rain was a dampener on our outdoor picnic plans.
Assert something as a position in an
argument. Assert; Argue -
Contends (V)
Reshma contends that regular exercise and a balanced diet are crucial for
maintaining good health.
In a mistaken way; incorrectly. Mistakenly Rightly
Erroneously (Adv)
The cashier erroneously charged me twice for the same item, and I had to bring it
to their notice for a correction.
A situation which creates a sudden
increase in wealth, good fortune, or
Bonanza (N) profits. Benefit; Advantage -
The holiday season brought a bonanza of sales for the retail industry.
Editorial Title: Growth signals: On GST revenues
Attain or register (a specified time,
distance, or speed). Register; Record -
Clocked (V)
She clocked her fastest running time in the marathon, surprising everyone with
her remarkable speed.
Confer or present an honour, right, or
gift. Confer on; Give -
Bestowing (V)
The professor is bestowing his wisdom upon the eager students during the
A person or thing that reduces a shock
or that forms a barrier between
incompatible or antagonistic people or
Buffer (N)
things. Barrier; Guard -
The company decided to provide comprehensive training and support programs
as a buffer for its employees.
To become gradually smaller or weaker,
Taper off (Phrasal or happen less often. - -
verb) As the storm began to taper off, the rain transformed into a mild drizzle, and the
wind gradually subsided.
Promote the development of; stimulate. Stimulate -
Spurred (V) The successful completion of the project spurred the team to take on more
challenging tasks in the future.
Insipid (Adj) Lacking vigour or interest. Uninteresting Interesting
The lecture was so insipid that many students struggled to stay awake.
Confirm or give support to (a statement,
theory, or finding). Support; Confirm Contradict
Corroborated (V)
The witness provided additional details that helped to corroborate the accuracy
of the victim's testimony.

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Increase the strength of or justification Reinforce;

for; reinforce. Strengthen -
Buttress (V)
The UN’s research findings buttress the urgent need for global action to address
climate change.
Editorial Title: Striking fear: On hit-and-run accident cases and Section 106 of the Bharatiya
Nyaya Sanhita
Denoting or relating to a motor accident
in which the vehicle involved does not
Hit-and-run (Adj) stop. - -
The driver was arrested for a hit-and-run incident after colliding with a person
and fleeing the scene.
(Of regulations, requirements, or
conditions) strict, precise, and exacting. Strict; Rigid Lenient; Flexible
Stringent (Adj)
The new regulations imposed stringent requirements on food safety standards,
aiming to ensure consumer protection.
Having or showing skill and sensitivity
in dealing with others or with difficult
Tactful (Adj) issues. Careful; Diplomatic Tactless
Even in the midst of a heated debate, Sarah managed to offer a tactful response
that diffused tension.
An occurrence of death by accident, in
war, or from disease. Death; Mortality -
Fatalities (N)
The train crash resulted in multiple fatalities, prompting a thorough investigation
into the causes of the tragic incident.
Failure to take proper care over Carelessness;
something. Neglectfulness Conscientiousness
Negligence (N)
The investigation revealed that the accident occurred due to the driver's
negligence, leading to severe consequences for those involved.
Editorial Title: Blow to Netanyahu: On Israeli Supreme Court’s verdict and limiting the
judiciary’s powers
Abolish or cancel (a plan, policy, or law). Drop; Eliminate Keep; Restore
Scrapped (V) The old car was no longer roadworthy, so the owner decided to sell it for parts,
and the mechanic scrapped the remaining metal.
A punitive ban on relations with other
bodies, cooperation with a policy, or the
Boycott (N) handling of goods. Rejection; Refusal Approval
The citizens decided to initiate a boycott of the company's textile products to
protest its unethical business practices.
A temporary alliance for combined
action, especially of political parties Alliance;
Coalition (N) forming a government. Partnership -
The political parties formed a coalition to work together on key issues and
address the concerns of their respective constituencies.
A person who dissents. Objector; Protestor -
Dissenters (N) Despite the majority’s support, a group of dissenters within the conference
vehemently expressed their disagreement.
To slow or stop the progress of
Put the brakes on something or someone. - -
(Idiom) When the company realised the project was going out of control, they decided to
put the brakes on further investments.

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A comprehensive and significant

restructuring or reform plan. - -
Overhaul (N)
After a series of disappointing performances, the sports team underwent a
complete overhaul, changing coaching staff and player roster.
Arise or become evident again. - -
Resurfacing (V) The investigative team was surprised when previously overlooked evidence
resurfaced, prompting a reevaluation of the case.
Editorial Title: Shielding SEBI: On Supreme Court’s ruling and SEBI probe
Wrongdoing, especially by a public
official. - -
Malfeasance (N)
The police officer was suspended pending an inquiry into possible malfeasance
during a high-profile investigation.
Cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to
do something. Cautious; Careful Heedless
Chariness (N)
Sarah approached the delicate flower with chariness, making sure not to disturb
its petals.
Expressing something forcibly and
clearly. Forcible Hesitant; Tentative
Emphatic (Adj)
The manager was emphatic in expressing gratitude to the employees for their
hard work and dedication.
In a way that attracts attention by
reason of being unusual, extreme, or
Strikingly (Adv) prominent. Noticeably Imperceptibly
His talent for playing the piano was strikingly evident, captivating everyone in
the room.
Changing according to no discernible Unpredictable;
rules; unpredictable. Inconsistent Stable; Consistent
Capricious (Adj)
The weather in the mountains can be capricious, shifting from clear skies to
heavy snowfall in a matter of hours.
Make (an unpleasant feeling) less
intense. Ease; Alleviate Aggravate
Assuage (V)
Mini's apology did little to assuage her brother's anger, as he remained visibly
upset and frustrated.
In an uninteresting manner that lacks
strong emotion, features, or Uninteresting; Interesting;
Blandly (Adv) characteristics. Unexciting Stimulating
The comedian's jokes fell blandly on the audience, eliciting only a few polite
The practice of restraining oneself from Refraining;
indulging in something. Desisting Promiscuity
Abstinence (N)
Maria found strength in her abstinence from gossip, choosing to speak only
positively about others.
Editorial Title: Shielding SEBI: On Supreme Court’s ruling and SEBI probe
(Of a person) beset by problems or
difficulties. - -
Embattled (Adj)
The embattled candidate faced tough questions during the debate but remained
resilient in defending their policies.
Precarious (Adj)
Dependent on chance; uncertain. Risky Safe; Secure

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The firefighter entered the burning building, aware of the precarious conditions
Editorial Title: Drug war: On use of antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance
Darken or cover with or as if with a
cloud; obscure. - -
Obnubilate (V)
She began to obnubilate his explanation so that everyone was confused about his
Prophylactic (Adj) Intended to prevent disease. Precautionary -
The dentist suggested a prophylactic fluoride treatment to prevent tooth decay.
Very surprising, astonishing, or Unexpected; Predictable;
remarkable. Unforeseen Ordinary
Startling (Adj)
The sudden appearance of the rare bird species in the local park was a startling
event for birdwatchers.
The small, precise, or trivial details of
something. Details; Niceties -
Minutiae (N)
As a detective, her ability to notice the minutiae of crime scenes allowed her to
solve cases with precision.
The condition of suffering from a Diseased;
disease or medical condition. Pathological Healthy
Morbidity (N)
Researchers are conducting a study to understand the morbidity patterns of
mental health disorders.
Editorial Title: Unkept promise: On India’s quest for a Test series win in South Africa
Be full of a particular quality, feeling, etc. Fill -
Brimmed (V)
Her eyes brimmed with tears when she heard the heartwarming story.
Used to emphasise how embarrassing,
Excruciatingly awkward, or tedious something is. - -
(Adv) The hiker found the climb up the steep mountain path excruciatingly difficult,
testing both his physical and mental endurance.
Gradually diminishing in size, amount,
Dwindling (Adj) or strength. Diminish; Decrease Increase; Flourish
Despite efforts to conserve water, the household's water supply was dwindling.
Making one feel very happy, animated,
or elated; thrilling. Thrilling; Exciting Boring; Depressing
Exhilarating (Adj)
The roller coaster ride was exhilarating, with twists and turns that left us
Remain at or near a particular level. Stay nearby -
Hovering (V) The coach is about to retire as he and his contemporaries are hovering around
the mid to late fifties.
Disconcerting Causing one to feel unsettled. Concerning Reassuring
(Adj) His disconcerting health report had everyone in the family worried about his
Editorial Title: A new high: On the Aditya-L1 mission and ISRO outreach
Kick, hit, or throw (a ball or missile)
Lofting (V) high up. - -
The missile launch involved lofting it at a steep angle for strategic purposes.
A step or stage in progress towards an
Strides (N)
aim. Progress; Move -

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Education in the region has seen great strides with increased access to quality
A carefully planned or cunning scheme
or action. Plan; Operation -
Manoeuvres (N)
In business negotiations, skillful manoeuvres are essential to secure favourable
Unconstrained; Restricted;
Unrestrained or uninhibited. Free Fettered
Unfettered (Adj)
His passion for exploration led to an unfettered pursuit of knowledge and
Cause (someone) to realise that a belief
they hold is false. Disappoint -
Disillusioned (V)
The citizens became disillusioned with the political system after a series of
corruption scandals.
The way in which something is Insight;
regarded, understood, or interpreted. Perceptiveness -
Perception (N)
Media plays a significant role in shaping public perception of political events and
Editorial Title: Turmoil in Jharkhand: On Jharkhand Chief Minister’s troubles
Make a tour of (an area). Visit; Go round -
Touring (V)
During their summer break, the family enjoyed touring famous beaches in Europe
Take action in order to prevent (an
Preempt (V) anticipated event) happening; forestall. Forestall; Prevent -
The athlete took a break to preempt potential injuries and ensure a longer career.
Belief in or acceptance of something as
true. Acceptance; Belief -
Credence (N)
The historical documents provide credence to the authenticity of the ancient
Editorial Title: Unlawful remission: On the Bilkis Bano case
Reject as invalid, especially by legal
procedure. Cancel; Nullify Validate
Quashing (V)
The court considers the quashing of charges against the accused due to lack of
An organised massacre of a particular
ethnic group. Massacre; Slaughter -
Pogrom (N)
Government forces committed a brutal pogrom, resulting in the killing of
innocent civilians belonging to the targeted ethnic group.
No longer existing or functioning. Unused; Expired Working; Extant
Defunct (Adj)
The old factory became defunct after years of economic decline in the region.
(Of a person or wrongful act, especially a
Heinous (Adj) crime) utterly odious or wicked. Wicked; Horrible Admirable
The police arrested the criminal after he committed a heinous act of violence.
In coordination or partnership with
each other. - -
Tandem (N)
The musicians played their instruments in tandem, creating a harmonious
Involved with others in an activity that
Complicit (Adj) is unlawful or morally wrong. - -
Residents accused the factory for being complicit in spoiling the water quality

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Wrongful or illegal seizure of power,

authority, or property. Seize; Take over -
Usurpation (N)
Legal experts were consulted to address the complex issue of the usurpation of
Comprising several items. - --
Omnibus (Adj)
Local vendors offered an omnibus of vegetables on the street.
Editorial Title: Sibling rivalry: On Y.S. Sharmila emerging from Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy’s
A person, organisation or system that is
Fledgling (N) new and without experience. - -
The fledgling artist showcased her paintings at a local gallery for the first time.
Established or launched, often referring
to the initiation of a political party or
Floated (V) organisation. - -
The government floated the idea of establishing a task force to address
cybersecurity challenges.
To create or establish, especially in the
Carve out (Phrasal formation of a separate entity or region. - -
verb) The explorers managed to carve out a new settlement in the uncharted
wilderness, establishing a thriving community amidst the untamed forests.
A serious break in friendly relations. Split; Quarrel -
Rift (N) The heated argument caused a rift between the two friends, leading to a
prolonged period of silence and estrangement in their relationship.
Editorial Title: Good growth, low demand: On the NSO projection
Unexpected changes in a situation or a
person’s behaviour that cannot be Unpredictability;
Vagaries (N) controlled or predicted. Quirk -
The town experienced the vagaries of stormy weather as relentless rain.
The areas of a country that are away
from the coast, from the banks of a large
Hinterland (N) river or from the main cities. Remote areas -
The coastal town relied on the hinterland for tourism, attracting visitors with its
scenic landscapes and outdoor activities.
To describe the control of spending. - -
Spigot (N) Recognizing market volatility, the financial advisor recommended adjusting the
investment spigot to manage risk effectively.
Provide support or assistance for a
Prop up (Phrasal person or thing that would otherwise
Verb) fail or decline. Support; Help -
The wife provided crucial support to prop up her husband's career growth
Unenviable (Adj) Difficult, undesirable, or unpleasant. Difficult Enviable; Desirable
The firefighters had the unenviable task of battling a large forest fire.
Put forward as fact or as a basis for
argument. Assert; Propose -
Posit (V)
The scientist chose to posit a hypothesis about the coronavirus's transmission
Editorial Title: Investor confidence: On the two-day Tamil Nadu Global Investors Meet, GIM

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To something existing or happening at a

Deep down profound or fundamental level. - -
(Phrase) Deep down, they all shared a love for running, creating a supportive community
within their local running club.
A private meeting. Assembly -
Conclave (N)
Company board members held a conclave to meditate on critical decisions
affecting the organisation.
A person or group that enters or takes New arrival;
part in something. Fresher Veteran
Entrants (N)
The talent show had a variety of entrants, showcasing diverse skills and
A feeling or state of intense excitement
Euphoria (N) and happiness. Happiness; Joy Misery; Depression
Fans clapped in joy as their favourite team scored, creating a wave of euphoria.
The buying or obtaining of assets or Obtaining;
Acquisition (N) objects. Acquiring -
She beamed with joy after the successful acquisition of her new car.
Nothing other than; unmitigated (used
Sheer (Adj) for emphasis). Absolute; Perfect -
The sheer brilliance of the sun's rays illuminated the entire beach.
Editorial Title: A change for the worse: On the rapid decline in India-Maldives ties
A temporary stay. Stay; Visit -
Sojourn (N)
During summer vacation, he planned a short sojourn to the mountains.
Accumulate or receive (payments or Accumulate; Build
Accruing (V) benefits) over time. up -
His dedication to excellence is accruing positive feedback from satisfied clients.
To become close or friendly with
someone, often implying a cozy or
Cozied up (Phrasal
comfortable relationship. - -
The company cozied up to its competitors, forming alliances and partnerships to
navigate the challenging market conditions.
Consider or assess again, in the light of
Reassess (V) new or different factors. - -
The student reassessed their writing style to better the intended readership.
To be unable to bear the negative
consequences or costs of something; to
Ill-afford (V) be unable to tolerate. - -
During the busy season, John ill-affords inefficiencies in the workflow.
To depend or trust in; to count on for
Relied on (Phrasal support or assistance. - -
Verb) The customer care executive relied on their training and experience to address
the customer's inquiry promptly.
Worthlessness; Usefulness;
Pointlessness or uselessness. Uselessness Fruitfulness
Futility (N)
Pursuing the ambitious project with poor funding proved to be an exercise in
Egregious (Adj) Outstandingly bad; shocking. Horrible; Terrible Marvellous

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During the crucial match, the player committed an egregious foul.

A sudden attack or incursion into enemy
territory, especially to obtain something;
Forays (N) a raid. Assault; Incursion -
The archaeologist led a thrilling foray into the ancient burial site.
Editorial Title: Predictably comfortable: On Sheikh Hasina’s electoral win in Bangladesh
A period of great prosperity or rapid
economic growth. - -
Boom (N)
The agricultural sector experienced a boom with the implementation of modern
farming techniques.
o try harder to prevent an illegal activity
Cracked down and deal more severely with those who
(Phrasal Verb) are caught doing it. - -
The police are going to crack down on speeding drivers to make the roads safer.
Intended or likely to placate or pacify. Pacifying Antagonistic
Conciliatory (Adj)
The team's conciliatory approach helped boost morale after a disappointing
Editorial Title: The Speaker’s court: On the Maharashtra Assembly Speaker’s ruling
A small organised dissenting group
within a larger one, especially in politics. Group; Division -
Factions (N)
The political party experienced internal conflicts, leading to the emergence of new
factions with differing views on key policies.
Admit or agree that something is true
after first denying or resisting it. Admit; Agree Deny
Conceded (V)
She conceded defeat graciously, acknowledging her opponent's victory in the
spirit of fair competition.
Editorial Title: Show of fairness: On the formula for selection of Republic Day tableau
A group of models or motionless figures
representing a scene from a story or Portrayal;
Tableaux (N) from history; a tableau vivant. Representation -
The art gallery featured a stunning collection of tableaux, each telling a unique
and captivating story.
Something that supplements or Supplement;
Accompaniment complements something else. Complement -
(N) The pianist played a beautiful melody with a delicate accompaniment of strings
in the background.
To say that something that has
happened is unfair or illegal. - -
Cried Foul (Idiom)
When the rival team scored a last-minute goal, the coach cried foul, arguing that it
was an unfair play.
Enlist or enrol (a jury). - -
Empanelled (V) The hospital empanelled a group of experienced surgeons to provide specialised
medical services to its patients.
Not interested or involved in politics. - -
Apolitical (Adj) The selection of the committee members was deliberately apolitical to ensure
impartiality in decision-making.
A body of troops or police sent to join a
Contingents (N)
larger force. Group; Unit -

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The military deployed additional contingents along the border to strengthen its
response to the escalating tensions.
The setting or background for a scene,
event, or situation. - -
Backdrop (N)
Against the backdrop of a vibrant city skyline, the new art installation added a
touch of elegance to the urban landscape.
Argue about petty and trivial matters. Quarrel; Squabble -
Bickering (N) The siblings spent the entire car ride bickering over who got to control the music
Editorial Title: Robust revenues: On direct tax collection target and fiscal consolidation
Showing little enthusiasm. Apathetic Enthusiastic
Tepid (Adj)
Despite the highly anticipated online product launch, the people's response was
tepid, rather than the enthusiastic reception.
Think about (a fact, proposal, or
request) deeply and at length. Ponder; Think over -
Mull (V)
After facing a series of challenges, she took some time to mull over her life choices
and determine the path forward.
Involve (something) as a necessary or
inevitable part or consequence. Involve -
Entails (V)
The process of constitution-making entails careful consideration of members
from diverse areas.
Organise (something) differently;
rearrange. - -
Rejigged (V)
The construction company decided to rejig its project plan after encountering
unexpected delay due to the weather.
Make (someone) interested and eagerly
appreciative. Inspire; Encourage -
Enthuse (V)
The impressive performance of the band during the concert will undoubtedly
enthuse the fans for the upcoming event.
Editorial Title: Historic hearing: On the preliminary hearing at the Hague on Israel
Gather or collect (something, especially
information or approval). Gather; Collect -
Garnered (V)
The magician's mesmerising performance garnered thunderous applause from
the audience.
Created or done for a particular purpose
as necessary. Improvised -
Ad hoc (Adj)
In the aftermath of the earthquake, an ad hoc committee was formed to address
immediate relief efforts.
A published false statement that is
damaging to a person's reputation; a Defamation;
Libel (N) written defamation. Misrepresentation -
The newspaper published a false and damaging article about the politician,
leading to a lawsuit for libel.
Language designed to have a persuasive
or impressive effect, but which is often
regarded as lacking in sincerity or Boastfulness;
Rhetoric (N)
meaningful content. Bragging -
The politician's speech was full of empty rhetoric, lacking concrete solutions to
address the issues of the nation.

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Represent something as being less Underestimate;

Played down important than it in fact is. Undervalue Exaggerate
(Phrasal Verb)
The students played down the results of the exam then they felt bad.
Accept or act in accordance with (a rule,
decision, or recommendation). Obey; Adhere to Reject
Abide (V)
The soldiers swore to abide by the code of conduct, demonstrating their
commitment to discipline.
Arranged or existing for the present, Permanent;
possibly to be changed later. Temporary; Interim Definite
Provisional (Adj)
Due to the ongoing negotiations, a provisional agreement was signed by the
cabinet of ministers to finalise the deal.
Cause (something) to be less good or
Cast a shadow on enjoyable. -
(Idiom) The controversy surrounding the clinical trial results has cast a shadow on the
credibility of the new medicine, raising concerns among doctors.
Editorial Title: Vote for continuity: On Taiwan’s presidential elections
(Especially in international affairs) An
establishment or resumption of
harmonious relations. Reconciliation -
The summit between the leaders of the two nations was seen as a crucial
opportunity for rapprochement.
Severely restricted in scope, extent, or
activity. Restrict; Limit Relaxed
Constrained (V)
Despite the challenging weather conditions, the group's adventurous spirit was
not constrained.
The quality of being particularly
noticeable or important; prominence. - -
Salience (N)
The salience of pedestrian-friendly features has become increasingly evident as
cities strive to create safer roads for all residents.
Manage (an organisation). - -
Helming (V) The experienced leader is capable of helming the organisation even during
challenging times.
Editorial Title: Regional turmoil: On the West Asia situation
The fundamental principles on which
something is based. Root; Basis -
Bedrock (N)
The principle of non-discrimination stood as the bedrock at the human rights
Existing in something as a permanent,
essential, or characteristic attribute. Intrinsic Acquired; Alien
Inherent (Adj)
The towering oak tree displayed inherent strength, with its deeply rooted
branches and resilient trunk.
Destroyed; ruined. Ruined; Shattered -
In tatters (Phrase) The economist's predictions were in tatters after unexpected changes in the
A state in which opposing forces or
influences are balanced. Balance; Stability Imbalance
Equilibrium (N)
The diplomats reached an equilibrium in the peace talks, finding a delicate
balance that satisfied the concerns of all parties involved.
Springboard (N) A thing that lends impetus or assistance - -

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to a particular action, enterprise, or

Her proficiency on the ice served as a springboard for advanced skating classes.
A person authorised to act on behalf of
another. - -
Proxies (N)
Due to network restrictions, the employees used proxies to access blocked
websites in the office.
Editorial Title: Early lead: On Donald Trump’s big win in Iowa caucuses
(In some US states) A meeting at which
local members of a political party
register their preference among
Caucuses (N) candidates running for office or select
delegates to attend a convention. Meeting; Assembly -
The political candidates campaigned extensively in preparation for the upcoming
caucuses hoping to secure a good majority.
A person sent or authorised to represent
others, in particular an elected
Delegates (N) representative sent to a conference. Representative -
At the climate summit, delegates from around the world engaged in constructive
discussions to address the challenges.
A leading or dominant position. - -
Pole position (N) The skilled driver secured the pole position for the upcoming Grand Prix, poised
to lead the race from the front of the grid.
To start to be successful again after a
Bounced back difficult period. - -
(Phrasal Verb) Despite facing a series of setbacks, the determined athlete bounced back with
An awkward, complex, or hazardous
situation. Mess; Difficulty -
Quagmires (N)
The explosive industry found itself navigating through complex regulatory
quagmires, ensuring sustainable practices.
A group of people with a shared
characteristic. Group; Category -
Cohorts (N)
In the research study, the scientists carefully analysed the behaviour of different
cohorts; within distinct demographic groups.
Editorial Title: Smaller citizens: On the gaps in India’s education system
A slight knowledge or suspicion; a hint. Idea; Indication -
Inkling (N)
The girl had an inkling that her aunt made the mistake.
Trouble or afflict (someone) in mind or
body. Distress; Bother -
Ails (V)
His headache ails him, causing discomfort and affecting his ability to concentrate
on his work.
Succeed in reaching a person who is
Catching up ahead of one. Gain; Reach -
(Phrasal Verb) Tom decided to spend extra time at the gym this week, determined to catch up on
his fitness goals.
Promising or suggesting good fortune or Optimistic;
Rosy (Adj) happiness; hopeful. Favourable Bleak; Depressing
As we face uncertainties, our rosy group of friends supports each other.

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Editorial Title: Motivated litigation: On a Supreme Court stay in the Krishna Janmabhoomi-
Shahi Idgah dispute case
A previous case or legal decision that
may be or ( binding precedent ) must be
Precedent (N) followed in subsequent similar cases. Previous case -
The lawyers cited a precedent to support the argument in the current legal
In or for the intervening period; Provisional;
provisional Temporary Permanent
Interim (Adj)
The road crew applied interim fixes such as filling cracks and smoothing uneven
The place of origin or earliest known
Provenance (N) history of something. Origin; Source -
The museum documented the provenance of the dinosaur fossils.
Jointly arranged or carried out; Coordinated; Separate;
Concerted (Adj) coordinated. Combined Individual
The exercise session in the park showcased a concerted effort by the community.
The process of taking legal action. Legal action -
Litigation (N) The traffic police initiated litigation against the individual involved in the
drunken drive.
Required, permitted, or enacted by
Statutory (Adj) statute. - -
The prohibition of outside foods in the theatre is a statutory rule.
Editorial Title: Gearing up for change: On IMD and weather analyses having contemporary
A strong and fast-moving stream of
Torrents (N) water or other liquid. Flow; Flood Trickle; Drop
Torrents of water rushing through the street, causing local flooding.
Enormous. Massive; Huge Tiny
Gargantuan (Adj) The birthday cake was a gargantuan masterpiece, adorned with layers of frosting,
towering high enough to impress everyone at the celebration.
An administrative area in parts of India. - -
Tehsils (N) The local authorities conducted a health awareness campaign across multiple
tehsils to improve community well-being.
Interrupt or intersperse something with. Break up; Interrupt -
Punctuated (V) The marathon experience was punctuated by the enthusiastic cheers and support
of the audience.
(Of rain) Falling rapidly and in copious
Torrential (Adj) quantities. Copious; Severe -
The cricket match had to be cancelled due to torrential rain.
Editorial Title: Distant goal: On Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra
Divided by violent conflict or dissent. - -
Strife-torn (Adj) The journalist reported from the strife-torn region, documenting the impact of
ongoing conflicts on the local population.
Try to obtain support or business by
Drum up (Phrasal means of vigorous persuasion. Get; Collect -
Verb) The bakery is using social media to drum up business by showcasing their latest
pastry creations and special offers.

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Depend entirely on. Depend -

Hinges (V)
The success of the startup companies in India largely hinges on investments.
A fundamental point of a political or
other programme. - -
Plank (N)
The company's strategic plan includes a new technology plank aimed at
advancing digital capabilities.
(Of an event regarded as threatening or
Impending (Adj) significant) Be about to happen. Imminent; Nearing -
The impending deadline for the project made him work tirelessly.
Editorial Title: Democratic backsliding: On the state wielding the FCRA as a weapon
Relating to or resembling farce,
especially because of absurd or Ridiculous;
Farcical (Adj) ridiculous aspects. Preposterous -
The audience found the exaggerated comedy sketches farcical, bursting into
laughter throughout the performance.
A body of experts providing advice and
ideas on specific political or economic
Think tank (N) problems. - -
The think tank's experts were invited to a television debate.
Cause severe and disabling damage to;
deprive of the ability to function
Crippling (V) normally. Ruin; Destroy Boost
The earthquake had the potential to cripple the region's infrastructure, leaving
communities without essential services.
Hold and use. Use; Operate -
Wielding (V) The chef demonstrated expertise in wielding kitchen knives, effortlessly chopping
ingredients with precision.
Unreasonably or obsessively anxious,
Paranoid (Adj) suspicious, or mistrustful. Fearful; Insecure -
The paranoid employee believed that colleagues were plotting against them.
(Of a pretext or account) Weak and
unconvincing. Weak; Feeble Sound
Flimsy (Adj)
The construction of the flimsy building was hastily done, lacking proper
The action of relapsing into bad ways or Persevere;
error. Relapse; Lapse Progress
Backsliding (N)
The athlete's backsliding in performance was attributed to a lack of consistent
Editorial Title: Asia ascendant: On the new Space Race
Base one's hopes or confidence on
Bank on (Phrasal something. Rely on; Depend on -
Verb) Cars bank on the tires for stability and performance, as these crucial components
directly influence traction.
Situated or relating to travel between
Interplanetary planets. - -
(Adj) Interplanetary travel from Earth to Mars requires sophisticated spacecraft and
precise navigation.
Base one's hopes or confidence on
Roving (V)
something. Wander; Roam -

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Engineers designed the lunar explorer to rove efficiently over the rough and
challenging terrain near the moon's south pole.
Editorial Title: From fear to hope: On Ram temple consecration
Tending to be different or develop in
different directions. Different; Varying Similar
Divergents (Adj)
The two political parties had divergent views on economic policies, making it
challenging to find a common ground.
A person who advocates a theory, Supporter;
proposal, or course of action. Promoter -
Proponents (N)
The proponents of a positive office culture emphasise the well-being and
satisfaction of employees as essential factors for productivity.
Call on (a deity or spirit) in prayer, as a
witness, or for inspiration. Pray to; Call on -
Invoked (V)
The mayor invoked a sense of unity and community spirit as he addressed the
crowd during the office inaugural ceremony.
Include comprehensively. Cover; Include -
Encompasses (V) The urban planning project encompasses a vivid approach to sustainable
development, incorporating green spaces.
Excessive exultation over one's success
or achievements (used especially in a
Triumphalism (N) political context). - -
The team celebrated their victory with humility, avoiding any sense of
triumphalism to show respect for their opponents.
Easily influenced; pliable. Adaptable Intractable
Malleable (Adj)
The skilled salesperson recognised that the customer's preferences were
malleable, and convinced her to make the purchase.
Create (something) strong, enduring, or
successful. Build; Create -
Forging (V)
The team is currently forging a new strategy to enhance the efficiency of our
business operations.
Make more noticeable or prominent. Emphasise Mask
Accentuating (V)
The professor emphasised the importance of research methodologies,
accentuating the need for data analysis to his scholars.
Editorial Title: Spiking tensions: On peace in Korean Peninsula
Come together from different directions
so as to eventually meet. Meeting Separate
Convergence (N)
The summit provided a convergence of world leaders, discussing global
challenges and cooperation.
Advocating an aggressive or warlike
policy, especially in foreign affairs. - -
Hawkish (Adj)
The administration's hawkish stance on international affairs prioritises assertive
diplomacy and military strength.
A thing that motivates or encourages Motivation; Deterrent;
someone to do something. Encouragement Disincentive
Incentive (N)
The attractive bonus scheme serves as a powerful incentive for employees to
exceed their performance targets.
Dialling down Lessen the amount, intensity, or degree
(Phrasal verb) of a quality, factor, etc. - -

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Diplomats from both nations aimed at dialling down hostilities and peace treaties
that can ensure stability in the region.
Editorial Title: Narrowing field: On 2024 U.S. presidential election’s Republican primaries race
(In the US) a preliminary election to
appoint delegates to a party conference
or to select the candidates for a
Primaries (N) principal, especially presidential,
election. - -
During the primaries, voters cast their votes in specially designated ballot boxes
to choose their party's candidate.
Begin. Start; Begin End
Kicked off
(Phrasal Verb) The car launch event kicked off with a splendid reveal, marking the beginning of
the celebration.
The general meaning, sense, or content
of something. - -
Tenor (N)
The tenor of their remarks on the topic during the debate became increasingly
A situation of intense competitive
activity. Conflict; Battle -
Fray (N)
The heated exchange in the fray between the contesting politicians highlighted
the intensity of the political competition.
With one side lower or smaller than the Uneven;
other. Unbalanced. Even; Balanced.
Lopsided (Adj)
The allocation of resources between the city and the slums appeared lopsided,
heavily favouring the city people.
A formal charge or accusation of a
serious crime. Charge; Accusation. Acquittal
Indictments (N)
After a thorough investigation, the grand jury issued an indictment against the
suspect for the crime.
A person or thing that acts as a defence. Protection; Guard -
Bulwark (N) Community preparedness programs by volunteers serve as a bulwark against
disasters helping residents in times of crisis.
Character or aspect. Aspect; Character -
Hues (N) The workshop delved into the diverse hues of innovation, examining
technological, organisational, and cultural aspects.
Persistent; Short-lived;
Unceasingly intense. Continuous. Intermittent.
Relentless (Adj)
The athlete's relentless training and dedication to his sport paid off with
remarkable success on the field.
Editorial Title: Limits and borders: On the territorial jurisdiction of the Border Security Force
Intrude on (a person's territory, rights,
personal life, etc.). Intrude; Invade -
Encroaching (V)
The site workers were worried as they faced severe criticism for encroaching on
neighbouring lands.
Goods that have been imported or Smuggling;
exported illegally. Trafficking -
Contraband (N)
The Border Security Force is tasked with preventing the illegal movement of
contraband across the border.
Seizures (N) The action of confiscating or Confiscation Restitution

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impounding property by warrant of

legal right.
The Police has the authority to make seizures by confiscating illegal items within
its jurisdiction along the border.
Editorial Title: Dangerous status quo: On continuing hostilities in Manipur
Continue to exist; be prolonged. Continue; Remain Stop
Persisted (V)
The rain persisted throughout the night, causing flooding in several areas.
A form of written command in the name
of a court or other legal authority to act,
or abstain from acting, in a particular
Writ (N)
way. Summons; Warrant -
The judge issued a writ demanding the immediate release of the detained
(Especially of an unwelcome influence
or physical effect) Spreading widely Prevalent;
Pervasive (Adj) throughout an area or a group of people. Widespread -
The pervasive use of plastic has resulted in environmental pollution across the
Wave or flourish (something, especially
a weapon) as a threat or in anger or
Brandishing (Adj) excitement. Wave; Flourish -
The suspect was arrested for brandishing a weapon in a public place.
Full of danger or risk. Dangerous Safe; Secure
Perilous (Adj)
Driving through the rain with low visibility and slippery roads was a perilous
Spoil or impair the quality or efficiency
Vitiate (V) of. - -
Adding too much salt to the recipe may vitiate the taste of the dish.
Run away from a place or situation of
danger. Abscond; Run away -
Fleeing (V)
Animals are frantically fleeing the imminent and fast-approaching wildfire in the
dense and sprawling forest.
Editorial Title: Choppy waters: On India-Maldives ties
An abrupt or ungracious rejection of an
Rebuff (N) offer, request, or friendly gesture. Rejection; Refusal -
The hiring manager delivered a clear rebuff to the rejected candidate.
The easing of hostility or strained
relations, especially between countries. - -
Détente (N)
The protracted diplomatic negotiations between the two nations have resulted in
a notable détente.
(Of a person or movement) Awkward;
clumsy. Awkward; Clumsy Graceful; Elegant
Ungainly (Adj)
Shifting the sofa through the narrow staircase proved to be an ungainly task
consuming a lot of time.
Impose an unwelcome or unnecessary
Foisting (V) person or thing on. Impose; Force -
The school foisted a new rule on the students, causing them to worry.
Choppy (Adj) Having a disjointed or jerky quality. Rough; Uneven Calm; Smooth

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The software update resulted in a choppy user experience, with frequent glitches
and delays.
Editorial Title: Exchange of opportunity: on science, the Vaibhav and VAJRA programmes
People who have spread or been
dispersed from their homeland. - -
Diaspora (N)
African diasporas have dispersed to various corners of the world in search of
work opportunities and new experiences.
Corresponding in size, degree, or Equivalent;
Commensurate proportion; in proportion. Proportionate Disproportionate
(Adj) The rewards for completing the challenging task were commensurate with the
effort and dedication put into it.
A tendency to choose or do something
regularly; an inclination or
predisposition towards a particular Inclination;
Proclivities (N)
thing. Tendency -
The chef's proclivity for experimenting with flavours resulted in unique and
innovative dishes.
Prepare (someone) for a situation,
typically by supplying them with
Priming (V) relevant information. Prepare; Instruct -
The boxing coach spent hours priming his student, providing detailed insights
into the opponent's style.
Very great in amount, scale, or intensity. Enormous; Vast Small; Slight
Tremendous (Adj)
Embroidery skills have tremendous opportunities within the textile industry.
Editorial Title: Opposition block: On the INDIA bloc staring at a crisis
An abrupt and complete reversal of
attitude, opinion, or position. - -
Volte-face (N)
The company's unexpected volte-face on remote work policies delighted
(Of a proposal or plan) Having failed to
develop or be realised. - -
Stillborn (Adj)
The proposal for a new public transportation system remained stillborn due to
logistical challenges and lack of public support.
The act of bestowing an honour or title. - -
Conferment (N) The conferment of the Bharat Ratna on Sachin Tendulkar was a momentous
occasion in Indian sports history.
Not in a direct way; indirectly. Sideways Directly
Obliquely (Adv)
The manager obliquely communicated the need for improved performance
during the team meeting.
Excessive speed or urgency of
Haste (N) movement or action; hurry. Hurry; Rush Slowness; Delay
The traveller's haste to catch the connecting flight made him nervous.
Ramped up To increase or intensify. - -
(Phrasal Verb) The cookies factory ramped up production by installing additional machinery.
Put an end to; destroy. End; Finish off Start up
Extinguish (V) Educational programs are essential to extinguish ignorance and promote

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Editorial Title: Endless war: On the Russia-Ukraine war

Bombard with shells. Bombard; Attack -
Shelling (V) The continuous shelling created a chaotic and tense atmosphere with people
running for their safety.
Criticise severely. Criticise; Condemn Praise; Approve of
Slammed (V) The controversial decision to increase taxes in the budget was slammed by
opposition party leaders.
Continue a course of action. Continue; Maintain Cease from
Keep up (Phrasal
verb) Grandma found it challenging to keep up with the fast-paced changes in
Relating to or denoting an increase or
addition, especially one of a series on a
Incremental (Adj) fixed scale. - -
In happy families, the incremental growth of kindness contributes to the
enduring joy they share.
An attack made in response to one from
an enemy, typically on a large scale or
for a prolonged period. -
In response to the rising guerrilla warfare by the rebel forces, the soldiers
executed a victorious counteroffensive plan.
Editorial Title: Ceremony and substance: On the Macron visit, India-France ties
A series of workers and machines in a
factory by which a succession of
identical items is progressively
Assembly-line (N)
assembled. - -
The half-finished cars were arranged along the assembly line, each one awaiting
to be tested for efficiency.
Highly advanced; innovative or
pioneering. - -
Cutting-edge (Adj)
Researchers in microbial technology are exploring cutting-edge techniques to
enhance the efficiency of biofuel production.
Form a theory or conjecture about a
subject without firm evidence. Hypothesise; Guess -
Speculated (V)
People speculated with all possible reasons about the grocery store as it was
unexpectedly closed for over a week.
Editorial Title: Momentous ruling: On Israel and the International Court of Justice order
Of great importance or significance,
especially in having a bearing on future Important; Unimportant;
Momentous (Adj) events. Significant Insignificant
Attending my college graduation ceremony was a momentous occasion, marking
the years of hard work and personal growth
Show or prove to be right, reasonable, or
justified. Justify; Confirm Disprove
Vindicated (V)
The successful implementation of his project vindicated his unique techniques
deployed during the laboratory testing sessions.
Able to be maintained or defended Defendable; Indefensible;
against attack or objection. Maintainable Untenable
Tenable (Adj)
Mary presented a tenable argument for choosing a destination for our next
vacation that was liked by everyone in the group.

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A general agreement. Harmony Disagreement
Consensus (N)
There is a consensus among our family members to have dinner together every
night to foster a sense of unity.
Encourage or stir up (violent or
unlawful behaviour). Encourage; Provoke Dissuade; Suppress
Inciting (V)
The professor stressed on creating a positive college environment and
discouraged acts of inciting conflict among students.
The quality of bringing one into direct
and instant involvement with
something, giving rise to a sense of
Immediacy (N)
urgency or excitement. - -
During exam days, students often feel the immediacy of deadlines and the
urgency to complete their portions efficiently.
A gradual lessening of activity, intensity,
Wind down or scale as something comes to an end. Lessen; Diminish Escalate
(Phrasal Verb) After a long day at work, she likes to wind down the pressure by listening to
soothing music.
Editorial Title: Changing partners: On Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and his recurrent
political somersaults
Unfaithfulness; Fidelity;
The action or state of being unfaithful. Disloyalty Faithfulness
Infidelity (N)
The manager’s case of infidelity regarding hidden financial transactions became
the talk of the office.
Explore or experience fully or to
extremes. Explore; Delve into -
Plumbing (V)
The team of researchers were plumbing into the depths of the ocean using
advanced technology to study the waves.
Make a solemn statement or promise
undertaking to do something or
Sworn-in (V) affirming that something is the case. Take an oath -
After winning the election, the new president was sworn in during the
inauguration ceremony at the Capitol.
A person or thing allied or closely
connected with another. - -
Bedfellows (N)
In politics, it is often said that strange bedfellows from different nations join
hands for interesting alliances.
Make (something) harmless or
ineffectual. - -
Defanged (V)
The employees felt extremely happy on having defanged some of the most
controversial rules from the rules handbook.
Damage (someone's reputation). Damage; Spoil Honour; Enhance
Besmirched (V) Jenny's reputation was besmirched by her colleagues to an extent that it made
her feel depressed.
Editorial Title: The best of Tests: On Hyderabad, Brisbane and some cricketing magic
A competitor thought to have little Weaker party;
chance of winning a fight or contest. Loser -
Underdog (N)
West Indies, which was perceived as an underdog team in test cricket, managed
to win the series.
Mojo (N) Influence, especially magic power. - -

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He had a cup of coffee with his friend at the office, to help him find his work mojo
Strike (a ball, puck, etc.) very hard. Strike; Hit
Hammered (V)
The tennis player hammered a powerful shot earning applause from the crowd.
Causing excitement or strong emotion;
rousing. Exciting; Thrilling Boring
Stirring (Adj)
Sustainable shopping choices announced by the government is a stirring move
towards environmental conservation.
Deceive or trick. Deceive; Trick -
Hoodwink (V) The online shopping sites hoodwink the young working population by offering
unimaginable discounts, creating a trap for them.
Struggle mentally; show or feel great Make good
confusion. Struggle progress
Floundered (V)
The earthquake left the people floundering until they got their habitats restored
by the government.
Editorial Title: Economic encomium: On the Finance Ministry’s 10-year review of the economy
(Especially of an argument, story, or
sentence) extremely complex and Complicated; Simple;
Convoluted (Adj) difficult to follow. Complex Straightforward
The instructions for assembling the furniture were so convoluted that even
experienced builders found themselves confused.
Restrict the activity or development of. - -
Hobbled (V) The broken swing in the playground hobbled the children’s options for
amusement, creating an obstacle in their play time.
Delaying or delayed beyond the right or
expected time; late. Late; Delayed Early; Punctual
Tardy (Adj)
The class teacher marked the student tardy for arriving at the class 10 minutes
after the bell had rung.
Break the connection between
(something) and something else. - -
Delinked (V)
The team realised that the computer systems were delinked, causing some
confusion in accessing shared files.
Remove regulations or restrictions from. - -
Deregulated (Adj) The government decided to implement deregulated pricing in the agricultural
sector, allowing market forces to determine the vegetable prices.
Editorial Title: Vetting for vendetta: On Supreme Court’s suggestion
A prolonged bitter quarrel with or
campaign against someone. Quarrel; Dispute -
Vendetta (N)
There was a vendetta between the neighbours over a disputed parking spot by
creating an uncomfortable atmosphere for everyone living there.
One's opponent in a contest, conflict, or
dispute. Opponent; Rival Ally; Supporter
Adversaries (N)
In the competitive world of business, companies constantly strive to maintain
good terms with their adversaries.
(Of an action) Characterised by a desire
for revenge. - -
Retaliatory (Adj)
The military action was seen as a retaliatory response to the earlier aggression
by the opposing forces..
Salutary (Adj) (Especially with reference to something Beneficial; Irrelevant

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unwelcome or unpleasant) producing Advantageous

good effects; beneficial.
Stricter penalties for environmental violations by the court had a salutary effect
prompting people to adopt more eco-friendly practices.
Disagreeable and unpleasant because Unpleasant;
morally disreputable. Disagreeable Reputable
Unsavoury (Adj)
The investigation into the digital fraud revealed an unsavoury network of
cybercriminals engaging in different ways to deceive people.
Damage the purity or integrity of. Tarnish; Damage Purify
Sully (V) The CEO's unethical practices have the potential to sully the brand image of the
Willingness to obey others
unquestioningly. - -
Subservience (N)
The teacher emphasised the importance of fostering an educational environment
that promotes intellectual growth over subservience.

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