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Part 1: BCLTE Review Notes taken from Group Chat

1. Amusement. it is synonymous to relaxation, avocation, pastime, or fun.

2. Debt. In every case, a bond represents.
3. Toll Fee. is paid for the use of a road, bridge, or the like of a public nature.
4. 5%. The Special Economic Zone Act of 1995 states that no taxes, local and national, shall be imposed on
business establishments operating within the ECOZONE. In lieu of paying taxes % of the gross income
earned by all businesses and enterprises within the ECOZONE shall be remitted to the National Government.
5. Ten Million Pesos. All real properties owned by cooperatives duly registered with the CDA, with
minimum accumulated reserves and undivided net savings of pesos are exempt in view of R.A. 6938.
6. Payment of Real Property taxes in installments, what specific dates?
1st -March 31
2nd- June 30
3rd- September 30
4th-December 31
7. 35%. Proceeds of the Basic Real. Property Tax: In the case of Provinces: Province: % shall accrue to
the Gen.Fund of the province.
8. 40%. Municipality: % shall accrue to the Gen. Fund of the municipality where the property is
9. 25%. Barangay: % shall accrue to the barangay where the property is located.
10. Mayor's Permit. shall be issued by the City/Municipal Mayor's Office upon submission of Official
Receipt issued by the City/Municipal Treasurer for the payment of the business tax.
11. SRE. was formerly known as the Statement of Income and Expenditures.
12. 20th. The eSRE cash basis reports shall be uploaded to the eSRE web information system by all local
treasurers on or before the following dates: For the first 3 quarterly reports: On or before the of
the month following the end of the quarter.
13. March 31. For the year-end report: On or before of the subsequent calendar year.

Practice Tests: Enumerations

14. What are the 3 Types of Audit?

 Compliance Audit
 Management Audit
 Operations Audit
Reference: Phil. Government Internal Audit Manual
15. What are the 8 norms of conduct of Public Officials and Employees?
 Commitment to public interest
 Professionalism
 Justness and Sincerity
 Political Neutrality
 Responsiveness’ to the Public
 Nationalism and Patriotism
 Commitment to Democracy
 Simple Living
Reference: RA6713
16. What are the 6 Accountable Form without specific money value printed on the face of each?
 Accountable Form 51. Official Receipt
 AF # 56. Real Property Tax Receipt
 AF #57. Slaughter Permit Fee Receipt
 AF# 58. City/Municipal Burial Permit Fee Receipt
 Checks

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 BIR Form No. 0016 and 0017. Community Tax Certificate
Reference: Updated LTOM Book 2 page 31
17. What are the 4 Accountable Form with specific money value printed on the face of each?
 AF# 52. Certificate of Transfer of Large Cattle.
 AF # 53. Certificate of Ownership of Large Cattle.
 AF# 54. Marriage License Certificate
 AF # 55. Cash Tickets.
Reference: Updated LTOM Book 2 page 30
18. What are the 5 Local Revenue Tool Kit for the Phil. LGUs?
 Land based Tools
 Community Activity based Tools
 Infrastructure based Tools
 Debt- based Tool
 Revenue sharing Tools
Reference: Updated LTOM Book 2 page 67

Practice Questions: Specialized/ Technical

19. Public Financial Management. It is a reform program that aims to improve efficiency, accountability and
transparency of public fund use.
20. Budget and Treasury Management System. Is an integrated, web-based information management system
that will replace the existing budget management, execution, accounting, and reporting systems?
21. DOF. What department is the government's steward of sound fiscal policy.
22. Bureau of Treasury. What bureau or office acts as principal custodian of the financial assets of the
national government?
23. Credit Line (Line of Credit). It is a special arrangement in which a bank allows an LGU to borrow a
maximum amount of money at any one time.
24. ICO. What do you call an employee designate in a temporary capacity in a Caretaker capability?
25. Local Credit Financing. Refers to the power of the LGU to created indebtedness and to enter into credit
and other financial transactions.
26. Loan. Refers to a debt for a specific period, repaid with interest, usually by regular periodic payments.
27. Tax. If the primary purpose of the imposition is generation of revenue and that regulation is merely
incidental, the imposition is called?
28. Province. It permits to extract sand, gravel and other quarry resources

Sample Verbal Ability Tests:


a. Cellini
b. Rembrandt
c. Wagner
d. Petrarch
-Cellini is an artist best known for his works of sculpture as Puccini is a composer best known for opera.
a. acorn
b. smoke
c. chair
d. splinter
-A shard is a fragment of pottery; a splinter is a fragment of wood.
a. sustenance
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b. infirmity
c. illness
d. care
-Penury is a result of having no money; starvation is a result of having no sustenance. (Penury = poverty;
sustenance = food, support; infirmity = weakness, illness)
a. impenetrable
b. navigable
c. fertile
d. shallow
Arable land is land suitable for cultivation; a navigable waterway is suitable for sailing.
a. exacerbate
b. modify
c. dampen
d. elongate
-To attenuate a signal is to make the signal grow weaker; to dampen enthusiasm is to make the enthusiasm
weaker (less). (exacerbate = make worse)
a. Ceylon
b. Malaysia
c. Burma
d. Colombo
-Sri Lanka was formerly known as Ceylon; Thailand was formerly known as Siam.
a. sound
b. timbre
c. loudness
d. color
-The pitch of a sound is determined by the wavelength of the sound wave; the loudness of a sound is
determined by the amplitude of the sound wave.

Practice Test No. 2

36. True. One other function of a local treasurer is to attend sessions of the sanggunian only when invited or
37. False. One of the other functions of a local treasurer is to register in the Book of All Branded and Un- American
Branded Animal.
38. True. The BLGF Regional Office shall perform administrative and technical functions like coordinate plans,
programs, and activities of local treasury and assessment offices on the conduct of tax collection drives and tax
information and education campaigns.
39. Before or on July 15 of each year. When is the deadline for submission of certified statements covering
income and expenditures to the LCE?
40. local treasurer. Who certifies the availability of funds?
41. Fidelity Bond. It is a form of insurance protection that covers policyholders for losses that they incur as a
result of fraudulent acts by specified individuals.
42. One year only. When is the validity of a Fidelity Bond?
43. 3 days. On pre-publication or posting of a valid revenue ordinance, how many days it should be
published in local newspaper?
44. Complete the Allocation of LGU's IRA:
 23% - Province
 23% - City
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 34% - Municipality
 20% - Barangay
45. budget deficit. It means a shortfall of revenues against disbursements.
46. no less than 20%. What is the mandatory percentage of appropriation for local development projects?
47. interest income. It is the earnings of an LGU from bank deposits and loans and interest-bearing
48. Mandatory. The appointment of the local treasurer to province and city is:
49. Not exceeding 1% of the assessed value . What is the basic tax rate of a real property located in
50. 1 year. How many years (s) a taxpayer has to redeem his real property which was forfeited by the LGU
for tax delinquency.

Practice Test No. 6

51. Highly urbanized cities. Cities with a minimum population of two hundred thousand (200,000)
inhabitants, as certified by the National Statistics Office, and with the latest annual income of at least
Fifty Million Pesos (P50,000,000.00) based on 1991 constant prices, as certified by the city treasurer,
shall be classified as,
52. Province. May be created if it has an average annual income, as certified by the Department of Finance,
of not less than Twenty million pesos (P20,000,000.00) based on 1991 constant prices.
53. Requisites for creation of province are;
 contiguous territory of at least two thousand (2,000) square kilometers, as certified by the Lands
Management Bureau; or,
 a population of not less than two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) inhabitants as certified by the
National Statistics Office
54. Income. Refers to all revenues and receipts collected or received forming the gross accretions of funds
of the local government unit.
55. Fund. Refers to a sum of money, or other assets convertible to cash, set aside for the purpose of
carrying out specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations,
restrictions, or limitations, and constitutes an independent fiscal and accounting entity.
56. True. The proceeds of the additional real property tax on idle lands shall accrue to the respective general fund of
the province or city where the land is located.
57. True. The proceeds from the additional one percent (1%) tax on real property accruing to the Special Education
Fund (SEF) shall be automatically released to the local school boards.
58. The proceeds of SEF shall be allocated for the following;
a. Operation and maintenance of public schools,
b. Construction and repair of school buildings, facilities and equipment,
c. Educational research, purchase of books and periodicals, and
d. Sports development as determined and approved by the Local School Board.

Practice Test No. 5

59. Not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of one percent (1%). The province may impose a tax on the business of
persons engaged in the printing and/or publication of books, cards, posters, leaflets, handbills,
certificates, receipts, pamphlets, and others of similar nature, at a rate of the gross annual
receipts for the preceding calendar year. In the case of a newly started business, the tax shall not
exceed one-twentieth (1/20) of one percent (1%) of the capital investment.
60. Province. May levy and collect not more than ten percent (10%) of fair market value in the locality per
cubic meter of ordinary stones, sand, gravel, earth, and other quarry resources, as defined under the
National Internal Revenue Code.
61. Shared equally by the Province and the Municipality. The proceeds from the amusement tax shall be

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where such amusement places are located.
62. DOST. The municipality may levy fees for the sealing and licensing of weights and measures at such
reasonable rates as shall be prescribed by the sangguniang bayan. The sangguniang bayan shall
prescribe the necessary regulations for the use of such weights and measures, subject to such guidelines as shall
be prescribed by the.
63. Barangay Clearance. No city or municipality may issue any license or permit for any business or activity
unless a is first obtained from the barangay where such business or activity is located or conducted.
64. The barangay may levy reasonable fees and charges:
 On commercial breeding of fighting cocks, cockfights and cockpits
 On places of recreation which charge admission fees
 On billboards, signboards, neon signs, and outdoor advertisements
65. True. No such toll fees or charges shall be collected from officers and enlisted men of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines and members of the Philippine National Police on mission, post office personnel delivering mail,
physically handicapped, and disabled citizens who are sixty-five (65) years or older.
66. Community Tax Certificate. It shall be issued to every person or corporation upon payment of the
community tax.
67. BIR. Shall cause the printing of community tax certificates and distribute the same to the cities and
municipalities through the city and municipal treasurers in accordance with prescribed regulations.
68. Thirty-six (36) months. The sanggunian may impose a surcharge not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%)
of the amount of taxes, fees, or charges not paid on time and interest at the rate not exceeding two
percent (2%) per month of the unpaid taxes, fees or charges including surcharges until such amount is
fully paid but in no case shall the total interest on the unpaid amount or portion thereof exceed.

BCLTE Review 001 eSRE and SRE

69. Statement of Receipts Expenditures (SRE) . It is the official reporting system of the DOF for monitoring
LGU Financial Performance
70. SRE. This report provides financial information to the Local Chief Executive for the purpose of policy
formulation and fiscal management.
71. The SRE is divided into 3 major segments:
 current operating segment
 non operating receipts and expenditures
 fund balance
72. Cash Programming. The statement of receipts and expenditures consists of the following four
purposes, except,
73. Forecasting and Planning. Based on question no. 72, it is looking for the exception, state what is the
correct one.
74. BIR. The statement of receipts and expenditures consists of the following users, except,
75. MDFO. A user of statements of receipts and expenditures that serve as the source of data for the
application of loans and grants.
76. Senate/Congress. A user of statements of receipts and expenditures that serve as interim financial
reports in aid of legislation.
77. For the first 3 quarter reports: on or before the 20th day of the month following the end of the quarter. The
eSRE cash basis report shall be uploaded to the eSRE web information system by all local treasurers on
or before the date:
78. Less grave offense. The submission of inaccurate reports is considered a . Inaccurate report shall
mean a report containing data that materially affects the integrity of the report which may
consequently mislead end users.

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