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Tugas : TMK 1

Mata Kuliah : MKWI4201/Bahasa Inggris

1. Bacalah percakapan di bawah ini. / Please read the conversation below.

Travel Agent : Good morning, Underground Tour and Travel, how may I help you?
Philippa : Good morning, I am calling about one of your trips advertised online, the
Discover England trip. I would like some information please.
Travel Agent : The Discover England trip is one of our most popular, so it is a good
choice. There are two options with this trip. You could do a 3-day history
trip to Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Bath, or a 3-day trip exploring the
Greater London.

Philippa : How about the price? Your ad says it costs $5,000 dollars per person,

on two sharing, but I would be travelling alone. Would I have to pay a


Travel Agent : In this case, you would need to add $500 to the cost, giving you a total of

$5,500 for the total trip, which includes air fare and transport to and from
the airport, as well as all accommodation and meals.

Phillippa : Okay, thank you. I think I would be interested in the history trip. Can I

book it now over the phone?

Travel Agent : Of course. Can I take your name and phone number please?

Phillippa : It’s Philippa Philips, and my phone number is 123-456.


a. Identifikasi ragam bahasa apakah yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut dan
jelaskan alasannya. Identify what style of language used in the conversation and
explain your answer
That conversation uses a consultative style. They talk about a business
Percakapan di atas menggunakan gaya bahasa konsultatif. Gaya bahasa ini
digunakan untuk dialog dengan bahasa yang cukup formal biasanya ditemukan
dalam transaksi bisnis atau konsultasi dokter dengan pasien.
b. Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut. Identify the topic of the conversation
Philippa wants to use Underground Tour and Travel hospitality to travel to
England. But Phillippa would like to ask for some information about The
Discover England Trip.
Dalam percakapan di atas Phillippa menghubungi Underground Tour and Travel
karena tertarik untuk mengikuti program tour yang bernama The Discover
England Trip. Maka Phillippa menanyakan informasi mengenai harga dan cara
2. Pertanyaan / Questions
Anggaplah gambar di atas adalah tempat kerja Anda. Buatlah sebuah paragraf deskripsi
singkat mengenai tempat kerja tersebut sebanyak kurang lebih 100-200 kata. / Imagine it
is a picture of your office. Write a descriptive paragraph about the place in 100-200
Gunakan poin-poin berikut sebagai acuan Anda dalam menulis. / Use these points as your
guidelines when writing.
 Kalimat utama / pengantar / introduction
 Lokasi kantor / location of the office
 Hal menarik yang ada di ruang kerja / interesting features of the office
 Perasaan atau kesan Anda terhadap ruang kerja / what you feel about the office
I'll talk to you about my workplace. At the moment, I am employed by the Polres
Pagerageung, Tasikmalaya, which is situated at Pagerageung street Number 2 Kec.
Pagerageung Kab. Tasikmalaya.
Kab. Tasikmalaya, more specifically in the Uluan Ughik complex. to pass via a
somewhat dusty route to get to my business. My office has a lovely outlook to the north.
Why do I say lovely? We can see the sky very well from here, so that is why.
My office has two floors. The Police Chief's room, the Staff Room, the Criminal
Investigation Unit, the Drug Unit, the Intelligence Unit, and many other rooms are all
present. In the criminal unit, my room is specifically on the first floor. I work as an
assistant to an investigator.
My room gives off the intriguing idea that I can socialise and have fun with coworkers. In
addition, I can assist those who have been the victims of crime. My room is unique in that
I can take advantage of the morning sun while sipping steaming tea.
3. Pertanyaan / Questions
Identifikasi: Please identify:
a. Dari siapa memo tersebut dikirim? Who is the sender of the memo?
From the memo, we can conclude that The memo's sender is John Smith, Manager
from HR Department.
b. Untuk siapa memo tersebut dikirim? To whom the memo is addressed?
From the memo, we can conclude that The memo is adressed to all staff.
c. Apa yang dibicarakan oleh pengirim memo kepada penerima memo? What is the
memo about?
From the memo, we can conclude that The memo is about announcement of a new
team member, Marie Jacob
4. Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti kursus musik tetapi tidak dapat menemukan informasi
tentang durasi dan jadwal sesi kursusnya di situs web. / You are interested in joining a
music course but you could not find the information about the course duration and
sessions on the website.
Tulislah sebuah email untuk meminta informasi sebanyak 50-100 kata berdasarkan situasi
tersebut yang meliputi: / Write an email asking for information in 50-100 words based on
the situation above that includes:
 salutation
 pembuka / introduction / opening
 isi / content / body email
 penutup / closing / sign of


To whom it may concern,

Your website informed me about the music course, which I found to be quite intriguing.
I'm interested in taking the music course, however the website doesn't provide any
information regarding the number of sessions or course length.

Please provide me with the details I require. Additionally, I would be grateful if you could
give me more details.

Thank you for your attention. Stay safe and healthy.

Best regards,



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