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1. What are the four readings in Philippine history?
2. Who wrote the excerpt from Las Custombres de las indios Tagalos?
3. When did he die?
4. Give 4 sillient points of his biography.
5. Give 5 sillient points of the Ancient Religious beliefs and Practices
6. Why did our ancestors offered sacrifices to their anitos? Give 5 points.

1. What is the book about the events in the Philippine Islands? Talks about the
ignorance and stubbornness.
2. Who wrote this book?
3. When as this book published?
4. Who critiqued this book in 1890?
5. Give me 4 sellient points of the book.
Other content of the book that is critiqued by Rizal.
6. Ingredients of betel nut chewing. Give 4
7. The bunga of a tree that is kulay yellow?
8. Ancient chewing gum is Ma.Ma
9. A shell that is cooked or burned.
10. Ginabulad and used as a cigarette.
11. Who use these ingredients?
12. Rizal critiqued the benefits or
13. Give 3 benefits of
14. Is a compilation of manuscripts written in Spanish dealing with the
culture, traditions, and government system of the communities living in South
East Asian Region and China.
15. Who transcribed and translated The Boxer Codex in English? JBS&JN.T
16. Who won the bidding?
17. When did the bidding took place? 1947
18. How many illustrations are there?
19. Who is the author of Boxer Codex?
20. Bisayan Pintados – Pintados people are not monopoly in Visayan
21. Describe the traditional clothing of the early Filipinos.
22. Give 4 ancient cultural practice of the early Filipinos. –Tattoo-
23. What are the other types of clothing/attire? Give 4
25. When Nobles and Timawa leave their homes for visiting friends/relatives,
women wore crown, garlands made from china, and walked slowly with thousand
moves w/ one sleeved arm upraised as if dancing. They found it fashionable.

1. Who wrote Relacion de las Islas Filipinas?

2. When was this book published?
3. When did the Jesuit (Society of Jesus)came in the Philippines? 1581
4. When and where was Fr. Chirino born? 57
5. He graduated in what?
6. What did he ordain to the priests?
7. When was he assigned as a Jesuit missionary in the Philippines? Where? 1595
8. Relacion is an excerpt from what chapter?
9. Relacion became part of of a what 2 volume book?
10. Give 5 silient points of Relacion de las islas Filipinas

1. Who wrote Labor Evangelica?

2. When was he born and died? 92-60
3. When was this published?
4. Give 4 sellient points about Labor Evangelica:
5. Barangay is a malay word that comes from;
6. Baroto or sailboat
7. Where can you see barangays?
8. Who rule a barangay?
9. Give me 5 sillient points about a barangay.
10. What are the social groupings in the early barangays.
11. Wealthier, Datu or chieftains, wise, leaders
12. Common people
13. Dept dependents
14. Give me 4 reasons how a chieftain attained his positions.
15. Give 5 functions of a datu.
16. What is Judicial Process?
17. Who said, “Those who cannot remember the past is condemned to repeat it”.
-George Santayana

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