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Accredited Level IV– ACSCU-ACI
Roxas Avenue, Roxas City Capiz 5800




Write an essay in five to ten sentences, discuss and elaborate the

following topics.
1. The centrality of barangay in the lives of early Filipinos. (10
A barangay is the earliest and oldest society and had been a
crucial part in the lives of early Filipinos because it is where their
lives revolve from their first engagement to the world of politics,
economy to improve their state of living and social status, as well as
socio-cultural institution that changed and influenced their beliefs
and practices. The patriarchy and social stratification that today’s
generation experience were already present and observed by our
The nobilities that include the ruling class or Datu, Timauas or
common people, and the Alipin or slaves were the stratified ranks of
early Filipinos. But hold no prejudice hence, these balance the ruling
and peace in a barangay. A barangay is a name of a boat and the Datu
as the captain, ruling and leading his passengers to achieve peace and
giving them a sense of security. Early Filipinos had been a part of a
barangay not just to be included in a group but also to get the
advantages of it.
A barangay is led by a strong, wealthy, and respectable Datu or
Chieftain that ensures protection, peace, and good leadership to its
people in times of war and problems. Members of a barangay also make
and share practices from tattoos, clothing, eating patterns, as well
as beliefs of gods and goddesses and supernatural entities that shaped
their social identities.
Moreover, being a member of a strong barangay with a strong Datu
will make you safe against other barangay in times of invasion that is
why a Datu is paid a lot of respect for looking after its people. In
conclusion, as a member of a growing society, choose a wise and strong
leader to rule, who is in that position to fulfil its duties to the
society and to its people.
2. Based on the account of Antonio De Mora entitled, Sucesos de las
Islas Filipinas, discuss the role or function of nganga or betel chew
in the lives of the early Filipinos. (5 points)
Nganga or betel nut chewing was outdated but a well-known
tradition to early Filipinos during the pre-colonial and colonial
periods. Its ingredients are buyo or betel leaves, bonga or betel nut,
apog or lime and tabako or tobacco.
The bonga is cut lengthwise in strips and each strip is thrown in
a powder of lime and put into the buyo to cover it and placed in the
mouth and chewed. The saliva of people chewing nganga; nobles, timawa,
alipin, young people and children is as red as blood as well as their
teeth and tongue. They look like vampires but it provides health
benefits such as preserving and strengthening the teeth and gums and
prevents inflammation, decay, and ache, prevents various diseases, and
induces sleep and intoxication. This practice is customary during its
prime that is why our ancestors have strong teeth but did not
completely stop the natural aging of the mouth. Aside from its health
benefits, betel nut chewing made a significant function in the welcome
greeting nature of early Filipinos. If today’s generation offer juice
and bread to visitors, ancient Filipinos offer nganga as refreshments
and luxuries served in heavily – gilded plates and trays for visitors
to enjoy. Nganga as an offering is already special and it is also sold
In conclusion, betel nut chewing was a tradition of early Filipinos
and can be considered as an ancient snack with a lot of benefits and
functions that made their era unique and meaningful.
3. Discuss the ancient religious beliefs and practices developed by
our ancestors. (5 points)
The Philippines has a rich culture and tradition that makes the
country and its people unique. It has a lot of historical evidences of
the rich beliefs and practices of Filipinos when it comes to religion
even before the Spanish colonial period introduced the faith and
The religion of ancient Filipinos believe in Badhala or Bathala
in Tagalog that signifies “all powerful and creator of all things” and
they call it and Laon in Bisaya, Gods and Goddesses; Idianale and
Lacapati - patrons or cultivated lands, farming, and husbandry, and
Dian Masalanta – goddess of love and creation. Moreover, prerequisite
to belief is their religious practices such as; the whole barangay is
nag-aaanito (worship) their anitos, worship and paid reverence to
crocodiles and yellow-colored birds in exchange of wishes, they carve
larauan or laruan as their idol, and they go to a simbahan - their
place of worship and adoration.
The nature of religion of ancient Filipinos are now different
compared today. Most belief and practices were not observed and was
changed because of modernization and openness to other religion. But,
it is good to know the ancient narrative of your race and land to be
aware of your country’s history.

Provide five (5) specific examples for each source of historical
1. Primary Sources
1. Diary
2. Receipts
3. Business Ledgers
4. Government records
5. School records
2. Secondary Sources
1. Artifacts: Jars, Pots weapons, jewery
2. Edifices: Colonial Churches, old or ancient houses and buildings
3. Photographs
4. Audio-video recordings
5. Artworks: paintings, murals

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