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Life and Death

Keanneth Ace

Life and death, a tale so old,

A dance of shadows, a story told.
One brings us joy, the other pain,
Yet both are needed, like the sun and rain.

Life, a canvas, vibrant and bright,

Where dreams and hopes take flight.
A journey full of twists and turns,
Where every step we take, we learn.

Death, a mystery, dark and deep,

A final rest, a peaceful sleep.
An end to pain, a new begin,
A journey to the unknown within.

But life and death, they're not so far,

For in death, life's
spark lives on.
In every end, a new
A cycle that never ends.

So let us cherish
life's fleeting breath,
And honor death's eternal death.
For in their dance, we find our truth,
And the beauty of life and death.

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