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The idea behind mono is to provide individuals, organizations and small businesses with a top professional web publishing tool
to easily build their own website without needing any design or technical skills and without paying a lot of money for it. We hope
that mono will inspire you to start creating your own website.

This manual gives you an introduction to mono and will hopefully help you getting started. Note that you may also find the get-
ting started videos helpful.

Be aware that this manual contains a description of all functionalities of mono. Whether you have access to these functionalities
depends on your mono subscription.

Best regards,

The mono team


Gives you an introduction on how to build your website. How to decide on a menu structure, create new pages, copy pages and
edit content. A list of all the content modules to help you get an overview of the various building blocks. How to delete, copy
and publish pages. This chapter also explains how to change the design by selecting one of the many skins from the skin library.

General settings for your website, including changing the top bar image, advanced statistics and search settings. You also get an
introduction to the dashboard and a technical description of mono.

This chapter gives you some knowledge about the different kinds of accounts, file types, the editing mode in your mono account
and how to delete your website.


In mono there are numbers of ways to get more help, if you have any questions or troubles. In this chapter you can see a list of
the many ways to get more help.




structuring the content of your website

Site tree....................................................................................................................................................................................................................5

Menu structure....................................................................................................................................................................................................5

Create, copy or delete pages

Create a new page............................................................................................................................................................................................6

Pagetypes - an overview................................................................................................................................................................................7

Copy page..............................................................................................................................................................................................................8

Delete page...........................................................................................................................................................................................................8

Page settings..........................................................................................................................................................................................................8

create content for your website

Content modules - an overview...............................................................................................................................................................9

Editing content modules..............................................................................................................................................................................10

Editing photo album.......................................................................................................................................................................................13

change the Design of your website

Skin library...........................................................................................................................................................................................................16

publish your website

Publishing site.....................................................................................................................................................................................................17

Publish site and notify users......................................................................................................................................................................17



2 General

general Settings
General settings................................................................................................................................................................................................18




Nice to know
Nice to know.....................................................................................................................................................................................................21


Need more help

Need more help..............................................................................................................................................................................................22


Structuring the content of your website

All pages of your website are created, copied, moved and deleted in a folder structure that you know from your own computer.
Part of the flexibility of mono is that you can move pages or even groups of pages using drag-and-drop. This allows you to easily
change the order of the pages. Also the site tree allows you to create a complex navigation so that you can have a main menu
and up to five submenus depending on which menu structure you choose.

The top page in your menu structure will always be the front page of your site. If a page contains subpages, you will see a small
arrow on the left side of the icon. To view the sub pages you have to click the small arrow on the left side of the icon.

Move around pages

You can easily move a page in the site tree by dragging the
page into the new position. A pink line shows where the
page will be moved to. Be aware that the length of the pink
line indicates in which level the page will appear in the new
position. You may also choose to move a group of pages (a
whole menu including submenus) by dragging the whole
group into its new position.

The first level menu will always be horizontal. This limits the number of first level menus to approxemately 8 menu points de-
pending on the lenght of the page names.

In the second level navigation you can choose between a horizontal or a vertical menu structure. If you choose a vertical menu
it will automatically be shown in the left side column. You define your second level menu structure for each page in the page
settings. Choose one of the two buttons and click ‘save settings’. You may differentiate the menu structure for each of your pages
in the second level.

Horisontal second level

If you choose a horizontal second level menu you can have up to 5 menu levels in total.

Vertical second level

If you choose a vertical second level menu you are limited to a total of 4 menu levels in total.


Create, copy or delete pages


To create a new page you first need to select in
which menu level you want the new page to be
placed in the site tree structure.

You can choose between four different page

types: Front pages, Content pages, Photo album
and a Redirect page.

If you want to create a front page you must

select the site root and then click ‘Create Page’.
Then you can choose between four different
front page designs. The page which lies directly
under the site root will always be shown as the
front page of the website.

Except from the front page all page types are

available no matter where in your site tree you
want to create a new page. The new page will
automatically appear as the first page in the
menu level you have chosen. However, you can
easily drag it in to the right position or move it
to another level. When you have created a new
page you can rename the page under ‘Page Set-
tings’. Remember to click ‘Save settings’.

1 Select where to place the new page

You have to select an existing page or the site root in the site
tree in order to create a new page

1 2 Click ‘Create Page’

When you have selected an existing page or the site root
you click ‘Create Page’

3 New page created

The new page will automatically appear as the first page in
the menu level you have chosen. However, you can easily
drag it in to the right position or move it to another level.

4 Rename page
When you have created a new page you can rename the
page under ‘Page Settings’ and click ‘Save settings’.


Create, copy or delete pages


Below you will find an overview of the various page types contained in mono. You can easily combine the page types according
to your needs.

Front pages
Front pages are only available at the root level, since there
can be only one front page. You may choose between four
different layouts regarding to your needs and preferences.

Front page, 2 column Front page, 3 column – small

columns placed left

Front page, 3 column Front page, 3 column – small

columns placed right

Content pages
The content pages are available at all menu levels and you
may choose to mix 2- and 3-column pages according to your

Content page, 2 column Content page, 3 column

Photo albums
The photo album includes a multiple upload function, so that
you can upload many pictures at the same time. A small ver-
sion of the picture (thumbnails) is automatically generated so
it is possible to navigate between the various pictures using
the thumbnails.
Photo album, 2 column

Redirect page
A redirect page is not a real page. The redirect page will be
shown as a point in your menu, and by clicking it, your users
will see the first page in the next level under the redirect
page. A redirect page links to the page thus lying directly
underneath it in the menu structure.


Create, copy or delete pages

Copy page
You may easily copy a page including the content by choosing
the page you want to copy in the site tree and then click
‘Copy Page’. If the page includes subpages these will auto-
matically be copied including the content on each page.

If your website consists of similar pages including the same

content modules you can easily copy the page structure and
content modules by building the first page template and then
copying this page.

You can delete a page or a group of pages by dragging
the page to the trash can. If a page contains subpages, all
subpages will be deleted along with the main page when you
drag the top level page into the trash can below the site tree.

Note that it is not possible to recover deleted pages and

you can not undo the move once the page has been deleted.
The deleted pages will not be deleted from your live website,
until you click publish.

To edit page settings click on one of the arrows Name, De-
fine menu structure or Lock page.

1 Edit names in the menu

In the ‘Page Settings’ it is possible to edit the page name
which is shown in the menu of your website. Choose the
page you want to rename. Click ‘Name’ and type the name
you want for the page you have chosen. Remember to click
‘Save settings’.

2 Define menu structure

You can also define the menu structure for the second level menu. Click on a page in the first level menu and choose ‘Define
menu structure’ in the page settings. Choose whether you want your second level menu to be horisontal or vertical and click
‘Save settings’. If you choose your second level menu to be horisontal, you can have up to five menu levels in total. If you choose
a vertical second level menu you can have four menu levels in total.

3 Lock pages
You can also choose to password protect your website by clicking ‘Lock Page’. If a user tries to enter a locked page, he will have
to type in a user name and password to enter your site. You can give a user access to your locked pages by adding them in your
dashboard. A user can also request access to your locked pages. Then you will recieve an email saying that the user want access
to your locked pages, and you can grand the user access in your dashboard.


Create content for your website

CONTENT MODULES - an overview

mono is a completely modular system. All web pages consist of a number of content modules to be compared with building
bricks that can be combined in various ways. The wide variety of content modules have been defined allowing you to build your
own web pages with drag-and-drop functionality. The modules cover everything from text, images, video, Flash, etc.

Add a new content module

Select a content module from the list and drag it into the
content areas defined in the web page. A pink line indicates
where the module fits on the page. If a module doesn’t fit in
a specific content area you will get a message saying ’Module
doesn’t fit here’ and you have to drag in a different module.

Edit, copy, delete and move a content module

You select a module by placing your mouse on the module.
A pink box indicates that you can start editing the content of
the module by clicking it. When you have selected a module
you may also delete or copy the module by clicking the trash
or copy icon.
When you have selected a module you can move it by drag-
ging it into its new position. You can freely move a module
in the same column (up or down) but note that not all
modules fit if you move them across the columns, because of
the different widths of the columns.

Content modules overwiev

Note that we are continiously developing new modules. Check mono updates on new features and functionalities.

· Headline large size text

· Preamble introduction text
· Body text body copy
· Spot box caption, image, headline and body text
· Top image full width image picture
· Image picture
· I mage and text picture with text placed to the right
 mall image and text small picture with text placed to the right
 ar bar with text
 ivider choose between solid, dashed or blank spacer in the dropdown
· Download use this module to upload PDF, Word or Excel files and pictures that can be downloaded from your site
· YouTube upload your videos on and include the film on your site by inserting the YouTube URL
· Flash use this module to upload your flash movies (.swf)
· Notify notify your users by e-mail when your website is updated
· HTML add HTML functionalities to personalize your website
· RSS get updates from your favorite websites
· Comment get comments from your users


Create content for your website

Editing content modules

To edit a content module, you click on the module. A pop up window will open giving you editing options depending on the
specific module. Click save when you have finished editing a module. The design fonts, sizes and colours of the modules vary
depending on the skin you have chosen.

Text editor
The text editor includes all the common features you know
from Word such as bold, italics, underline, left-, right, and
middle-justified margin, numbering, bullets, left and right
indent, cut, copy, paste, undo and redo.
The text editor automatically strips undesirable HTML tags
from the text you copy-paste from other text editors. You
may choose to manually strip the text by clicking the strip
icon to remove text formatting from the previous editor-
tool if you have copy-pasted your text into mono.

The text editor also includes a link editor that allows you
to create internal and external links. Select the text where
you want to create a link and click the link icon. A pop up
window will appear where you first have to choose whether
you want to link to an external page (external link) or link to
another page on your site (internal link).
If you choose to link to an external page you enter the url of
the page and choose whether the link should open in a new
window. If you choose to link to an internal page, you can
choose the page via a dropdown menu.
A maillink is made by choosing external link, deleting http://
and then typing

Image editor
mono includes an image editor that allows you to rotate
and crop your images. It automatically optimises images
and saves them in the correct format and size ready to put
straight onto the site. There are no fixed hights for pictures.
However, to ensure an optimal screen display of the pictures
a minimum width is required depending on the module you
have selected. If the selected image is too small, you will get
an error message saying ‘Image too small’.
You can crop the picture by clicking crop .A cropping
tool will appear indicating the minimum width of the picture
required. You can move the mask with the mouse to cut out
a selection of the picture, or drag the mask in the lower right
corner to make the selection smaller or bigger. The pixel size
of the picture is indicated in the cropping tool.Note that you
can only upload pictures in the following formats gif, jpg and
png. and the maximum filesize is 8mb.
It is possible to create internal or external links from your
pictures. To create an external link type the webaddress (e.g. or choose a page in the drop down
menu to create an internal link.


Create content for your website

Editing content modules - continued

Bar module
The bar module enables you to insert a bar and write text
in the bar.

Divider module
The divider module enables you to divide modules. You can
choose between a solid, dashed or a blank divider to create
space between the modules. This helps you create a user
friendly and good layout to your website.

Download module
The download module allows you to upload your Word,
Excel, PDF files and pictures that can be downloaded from
your site by your users.
Instead of pasting the content from a big word document
on to your website, you can upload the entire document
with the download module. Then your user can download
the document directly from your website. Note that the
maximum file size is 8mb.

YouTube module
If you do not have your movies in a .swf (flash) format, you
can upload them at and create a link using the
YouTube module. Insert either the URL or the embed tag in
the YouTube module. The YouTube movies can be viewed full
screen from your website. You can make your movies private
in YouTube to make them unavailable to the public.

Flash module
If you have a flash movie (.swf) you can upload it directly
using the flash module. Browse your harddisk for the video
file and click save. Note that the maximum file size is 8mb.

Notify module
You can notify your users by e-mail when your website is
updated. Place the notify module on your website, to allow
your users to sign up to your mailing list.


Create content for your website

Editing content modules - continued

HTML module
With the HTML module you can insert different function-
alities on your mono website. The HTML module can be
used to insert functionalities like a digital watch, quick polls,
baby tickers and many more. If you like to do some of the
coding, you can add your own personal touch to your mono

RSS module
With the RSS module, you can get updated with the news
from your favorite websites. You can get the latest news from
the newschannel or the latest weather forecast by collecting
the RSS-feeds from the different websites.

Comment module
You can use the comment module to create a guestbook,
so that you can recieve comments from your users. Create
a new content page and drag the comment module on to
the page. You can also freely place the comment module
anywhere at your website. Remember to publish your web-
site after adding the module. You may always edit or delete
a comment by clicking the comment module in your editing


Create content for your website


When you access your photo album for the first time, you will note that you do not get WYSIWYG view. Instead you can see
the result of your photo album by clicking the ‘Preview’ tab at the top of the photo album.

1 Select photo album

2 To edit a photo album you first need to select the photo

album in the site tree. In the middle column you can edit
your photo album.
2 Editing photo album
The photo album is edited differently than a normal web
page because it contains structured data. Therefore you do
not get the WYSIWYG editing interface but a module inter-
face listing the pictures contained in your photo album.

3 Preview
You may easily see how your photo album will look on your
website by clicking the preview tab. Note that you cannot
navigate in the preview mode.

4 Upload pictures
The photo album allows you to do multiple uploads of your
4 pictures and will automatically create a thumbnail of the
original picture. All pictures will be resized to fit the design of
the photo album.


Create content for your website

editing photo album - continued

5 Rotate image
If the picture you have selected needs to be rotated you can
rotate the picture by clicking either rotate left or rotate

6 Crop image
You can crop the picture by clicking crop . A cropping
tool will appear indicating the minimum width of the picture
required. You can move the mask with the mouse to cut out
a selection of the picture or drag the mask in the lower right
corner to make the selection smaller or bigger. The pixel size
of the picture is indicated in the cropping tool which makes it
easier to make all of your pictures the exact same size.

7 Add text
You may add title and body text by opening a specific picture
in the list. Click the arrow and you can edit the picture info.
Add a headline to your picture to get a quicker overview
of the content of your photo album in your mono interface.
Add a describing text to your picture, to give your users a
short story with the picture.
If you copy and paste the text from another text editing
program, remember to click strip before publishing your


Create content for your website

Editing photo album - continued

8 Arrange order of pictures

You can arrange the order of the pictures by dragging the
modules. Click a module, hold down the mouse buttom
and release the module in the wanted position. A pink line
indicates when you can release the module.

9 Page settings
8 It is possible to view the pictures in large scale by clicking
‘Show large image’ in ‘Page settings’ in the photo album.


Change the design of your website

mono contains a skin library with more than 150 pre-designed skins. These can be used free of charge without any copyright
violations. When you sign up for mono you will choose a skin for your site. You can easily change the design in the Skin library
any time.

The skins are optimised for 800x600 (screen resolution).

To change your design, click the ’Skin library’ tab. Flip through
the library and choose a design by clicking ’Activate skin’. The
content of your website will not disappear or be changed
when you change your skin design. The design skin also con-
tains informations about the font, font size and font colours.
These settings cannot be changed. Remember to publish
your site to change the design for your live site.


Publish your website


Your site will not be live until you have published it. You have to publish your site every time you have made changes to it.


You can also choose to notify your users when you publish your website. Type in the email addresses of your users either in the
dashboard or in the box to the left of the ‘Publish and notify’ botton before you publish. When you click ‘Publish and notify’ your
users will recieve an email telling them, that your website has been updated.
Once your website has been published you can enter it by typing It is possible to get your own domain
with a mono basic+ domain subscription.


General settings

It is possible to edit the title tag, the top bar, the address bar and set search settings for your site. Remember to click save and
publish your site when you have made changes in the site settings. To edit your site settings you have to select the root in the
site tree.

Edit site settings

Click site root to edit site settings.

Edit title tag

The title tag is the title of your website that will be shown in
the top of the browser window. Here you can give your site
a name relevant to the content.

Edit top bar

In the top bar you may write a title for your website or any
other text that will appear on all your pages depending on
which skin you have chosen.
You may also change the top picture of your website. Click
browse and choose the picture on your computer that you
want as your top bar. You can also upload a flashmovie (.swf)
to the topbar.
Note that you may have more than one top bar depending
on which skin you have chosen for your website.

Edit address bar

Here you can include an address, contact information or
any other text you want to appear in the buttom of all your
To make a mail address clickable in the address bar type in:
<a href=””>mailaddress</a>

Edit search settings

To help index your site you may include keywords that
describes the content of your website (metatags) and write a
description of your website.
When you have created your mono site the first step for
others being able to find it through the search engines is to
index your site in search engines. Most search engines have
”spiders” that crawl the web in search of new and updated
pages and index them automatically. Some search engines al-
low you to speed up the process by allowing you to manually
add your site via a form on their site.
Add your URL to Google
To read more about search engine optimisation (SEO), visit



Everytime you log on to your mono account, you will automatically enter the dashboard. The dashboard is the place of the
general settings for your website. In the dashboard you can administrate the users of your locked pages, change your personal
settings such as password and email address and finally the dashboard is the place to keep updated.

In your dashboard you can see statistics for your website.
Page views indicates the number of times one of your pages
has been shown. Everytime a user makes a click on your
website, this can be seen in the page views statistics.
Visits is the number of times your website has been entered,
no matter how many pages was shown.
Unique visitors tells you how many unique IP-addresses has
seen your website. If the same user visits your website from
two different computers, he will count twice in the unique
visitors statistic.

Change Password
If you want to change the password for your mono account,
you can do so in the dashboard under ‘Personal Settings’.

Change mail address

If you get a new email address you must also change it in
your mono account settings in the dashboard, so that we can
contact you regarding your mono account.

Change language
You can easily change back and forth between the selected
language in your mono account. In the ‘Change language’-box
you can choose between Danish and English.

User management
In the user management you can edit the users who can
access protected pages on your site. You can add new users
or change the user name or password of existing users.

Notify management
In the notify management you can add users who should
be notified when your website is updated. These users will
recieve an email whenever you publish your website.

Your dashboard is also an important place to keep updated
about your mono account. When changes have been made
in mono, we will send you a newsletter, but you can also see
important news and changes in your dashboard.


Technical Info GENERAL

TECHNICAL Specifications
mono is an online application accessible from the following browsers:

- Internet Explorer 7.0 PC

- Internet Explorer 8.0 PC
- Mozilla Firefox 1.0+ PC/LINUX/Mac
- Safari Mac

mono runs on all platforms:

- Unix
- Linux
- Mac OSX
- Windows

All websites generated by mono are viewable in the following browsers:

- Internet Explorer 5.0 PC

- Internet Explorer 5.5 PC
- Internet Explorer 6.0 PC
- Internet Explorer 7.0 PC
- Internet Explorer 8.0 PC
- Mozilla Firefox 1.0+ PC/LINUX/Mac
- Safari MAC.

The HTML is W3C validated HTML 4.01 transitional which combined with CSS and the tool itself automatically implies search
engine optimisation. The tool is developed in PHP and is entirely object-oriented. The data storage is based on XML/MySQL.

mono offers extremely high performance because of the optimised hierarchical structure. The backend caching function implies
high speed since all the data is kept in the cache and need not be generated every time a call is made in the database.

All sites created with mono are HTML W3C validated. This means that no matter what operating system or browser your users
view your site in, they will be able to view your website’s content. You don’t need to worry about making your website work in
different browsers.


Nice to know

Nice to know

When you have created a mono account, the name of your
mono website will be unless you have a
mono basic+ domain subscription.

Change user name

If you are a mono basic or a mono basic+ user, you can have
your user name changed by writing a mail to the support by
using the support formula at

Cancel an account
If you want to cancel your mono account, you should write
a mail to the support by using the support formula at mono.
net to get your account closed and your website deleted.

If you started as a mono free user, and want to upgrade to
mono basic or mono basic+ domain, you do not have to
start all over creating a new website. You simply upgrade
your existing account, and keep your existing mono site with
all its content. Upgrade from your dashboard or via

Number of accounts
There are no limits to the number of accounts for one user.
Simply just create a new website at

It is possible to adjust the layout of the interface of the tool
by opening and closing the curtains. For example you may
choose to minimize the site tree structure and/or the con-
tent module list having full focus on the editing area. This way
you may avoid horisontal scrollbars if your computer screen
is set up with a low resolution. You open or close the side
curtains by clicking the little handle with two vertical lines at
the site of the curtain.

File sizes and file types

When you upload pictures or other files to your mono
website, the files must be less than 8 mb. You can upload
pictures of the following file types: jpeg, gif or png. If you want
to upload a video to the flash module you can use swf files.
The download module can be used for Word, Excel, PDF
files and pictures.


Need more help GENERAL


A number of different help systems are available to give you the best starting point for your new mono site.
You may find help using one of the following help functions available at the mono portal.

Quick start videos

The quick start videos with speak give you a brief
introduction on how to get started creating your own web-
site or photo album. The videos show you how to change the
order in the menu, how to create, copy or delete a page, and
how to get your website online among other themes.

You may also chose to browse all help systems by entering
one or more key words and you will get the search results
including your key word in a contextual relation.

With the forum on mono you can get help from other
mono users or help the other mono users yourself. You can
also share your tips and tricks with the others. There will be
no support for mono free users. The forum will be the place
to get help and answers about your mono website. You can
also see some examples of other mono websites in different

If you have a mono basic or a mono bais+ domain
subscription you may write an e-mail to the support by using
the support formula at We will do our best to get
back to you within 48 working hours.


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