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(Two hours separately
Answers to this paper must be Writtan on the paporprovided
15 minutes,
TOu will not he allowed tn weia durina the flrst
This time Is to be pent in vaadlng the quastion pape
time allowed for
writing the answers
given at the head of thit dha
e panow i,

e paperhasfourSection
Section A must be answerea
Is Compulsory All auostians in
Dection A -

other question Jrom

C and D and one
attempt one question from each ofthe Cactions B,
Section ofyour bracKets I y
are glven in the
Tne ntended marks ofthequestions or natu afthe questions
this section)
(Attempt all questions from
response from
the choices given below.
Read the following questions and choose the most
appropriate word or
serial order the appropriate
the questions- simply write out in correct [16]
(Please do not copy
The crocodile rests itself on sandbanks because a wide view
(d) the sandbanks givecrocodile
(a) food is plenty
(b) they are good places for sunning
(c) they can slip off into water if

(i) What is 'timber boom'?

c) a barrier in a river
(a) a collection of logs landing
(d) logs of wood forming a

(b) timber being floated down the river

and scratched, it
out the first match stick
(il) When the litle match girl pulled
(C) spattered and burmt
(a) splittered and burnt (d) sputtered and burmt
(b) splintered and burnt

(iv) It was a strange light (c) the litle girl could wam herself in the light
(a) the little match girl could see (d) the light fulflled the girf's desire
to be weird
(b) the match ginl found the light
walked over to Luz Long's room because
(v) That night Jesse Owens
(c) he wanted to thank Luz Long
(a) he wanted to greet Luz Long (d) he wanted to appreciate Luz Long's gesture
(b) he wanted to praise Luz Long

(vi) I think the sun is a flower,

That-forjust one hour.
Fill in the blank. (C)smiles
(a) blossoms (d) shines
(b) blooms
of Venus?
when the sun shone in the sky
following the children did not do
(vil) Which of the (c) They ran among trees, slipped and fell.
The children rushed out,
yelling. (d) They leapt around excitedly
(b) They lay out, laughing
(Vil) All round the field spectators were gathered because
- (a)
people were cheering on all the young athletes (c) the last race was about to begin
(b) the loud speakers had called out the names of (0the youngest athlete had stumbled and staggered
the athletes

(ix) A free bird

leaps the back
of the wind and ---
(a) dares to claim the sky
(b) floats downstream (c) sings of freedom
(d) names the sky his own
(x) What does the
caged bird sing of?
(a) Of the trade winds that blow softly
(b) Of the distant hill through the trees
(c) Of things unknown
(d) Of nightmarish dream

(xi) "Iam a
tainted wether." Here tainted wether means
a stained cock
a colourful sheep
(c) a diseased sheep
(xil) Shylock does (d) a smeared sheep
not want to
yield to
(a) the Duke
(b) Portia's request
(c) Antonio's request
xii) Ornament is but ------- (d) Christian intercessors
the shore that -----
times put on.
(a) guiled, cunning
attractive, crafty
(d) hidden, clever
(xiv) Medea gathered the
enchanted herbs to renew
(a) Jason
(b) Aeson
(c) Aeneas
(xv) In (d) Aries
response to Lorenzo's query on who is
(a) a holy hermit and Portia's accompanying Portia, Stephano says
(b) a saintly person and Portia's
(c) Nerissa and a maid
(d) a godly man and some maids
(xvi) What made Bassanio
give away the ning?
(a) The lawyer had rendered a
great service.
(b) Bassanio's noble friend, Antonio
was saved from
(c) The lawyer had asked Shylock's clutches.
for it.
(d) Bassanio's sense of honour
will not allow
ungratefuiness to stain it

Thou shalt
To be so have nothing but
Shylock: taken the
Why then the at thy peril Jew. forfeiture
T'll stay no devil give him
Portia: good of
Tarry Jew.longer question. it:
The law
hath yet
() What does another hold on
Portia mean when she you.
at this
juncture of the play.
(i) What does says 'the law nath
aW hath another hold on you'? Mention any two legal 'holds' Shylock is caught in
another hold on
in) Soon after, the advise Shylock to do now? 3
duke oshaltnow? What
What isis Gratiano's advice response
in to Portia's ? 13
justice meted out to says That thou see the
difference ofof oour spirit Why does the Duke say so ? Do you think the
(IV Comment on Portia'sShylock is biased ? Give a reason diference
) ideology on job satisfaction. to justity you answer
level aSacton. does Why does she refuse
she relus the three thousand ducats offered to her? [31
How do Portia and Noci gainst
and Nerissa plan to Bassanio towards the end of the scene (from which the given extract is taken)
'outface' their husbands? 14
Lorenzo: How sweet the
Here will we sit,moonlight
sleeps upon this bank:
let the sounds
Creep in our ears of musiC
Become the touches

soft stillness and the night

of sweet harmony
touches Dank
of sweet
here? Of which music is Lorenzo sDeakina? Give the meaning of: 'soft stillness and the nignt/ ne
(i) What does Lorenzo Beo
say about the sweet power of music ?
Gii) wny are human beings unable to hear the music of the [3
spheres ? What is Orpheus credited of doing with musiC 13]
(v) What does Lorenzo
compare the deed of gift to ? What does Portia
husbands ? propose they should do to satisfy the curiosity of their
(V) Give any two examples of Jessica's wit from the
iast three Acts of the play Merchant of Venice. Of 13
characters of Merchant of Venice, whom do the three female
like the most and
you why ? (Give one reason.) 41
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out did the sparkling waves in glee:
In such a jocund company:
Igazed and gazed but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
Who are 'they in the given extract ? In what did 'they out do the sparkling waves ? Why do you think the poet has used the
expression'sparkling 'for waves? 3
(i) 'A poet could not but be gay,'What is the significance of 'but here in thisline? Whydoes the poet say this line?
(il) Why has the poet compared the daffodils to stars ? Where did the daffodils stretch 7 What were the daffodis doingwhenthe 3
poet saw them at a glance?
(v) The poetcompares himself to a 'lonelycloud . What does this speak of the poe! ? How does he express the suddenness of

experience ? Why does he use the word 'host for daffodils?

is the tone of the poet here ? In what way is the wealth a great treasiunn a
(vi) What wealth the show to me has brought- what 141
at thesu
Alack, it was I who leaped
To give it my loving friends to keep
man could do,
have I left undone
NOught what I reap
Andyou see my harvest is run.
This very day, now a year

Wno leaped at the sun ! What does this attempt for leaping
What does the speaker imply when he savs Alack, it was
towards the sun say of the speaker ?
(Gi) Wnat two word pictures has the patriot used to say that there
was a
cascading crowd? Why has he repeated the word
Ve the meaning of the expressions:i. Shambles' Gate i. my harvest what I reap Why the scaffold's foot should
provide the best of the sight today?
(iv) Where the speaker now ? What is his condition?
is 3
(v) for my year's misdeeds' Do you think the speaker's actions were misdeeds' ? Give a reason to justily your
S the poem relevant to modem times or is it anachronistic? Give reasons to support your answers. 41



Oh,for strings and strings ofglass and beads--- anklets, earrings, nose-rings,
bangles-- all the gorgeous dazzle of the bazaar -- all her little golden body
() Give the meaning of gorgeous dazzle ofthe bazaar Mention any four other things that have dazzled Sibia at the bazaar.
(i) Girls like Sibia are destined to toil hard. In the light of this staternent enlist the various chores lite Sibia was supposedto
carry out 13]
i) Norah Burke portrays the socio-- economic condition of rural India with the indifference of a third person narrator. Give two
examples from the text to prove so. Also mention one characteristic trait of the Gujars. [3]
(V) While cutting grass, where would Sibia's imagination takeherto often ? Why? 3]
(v) What happened when Sibia drove the hayíork at the eyes of the crocodile ? ls Sibia's story a triumph of humanity or is it a
victory of human desire? Justify your view in one sentence. [4)

Get away ! 'The boy gave her another push. "What're you waiting for ?"
Then, for the first time, she turned and looked at him. And what she was
waiting for was in her eyes.

What the children were waiting for ? Why was there an eageness among children ? the sun came out for an hour and
showed its face to the stunned world' Explain the phrase stunned world'

How was Margot different from the other children? 3
() The sun came out.' What changes had the coming ouoneSunefected 7Thoughthe story happens to challenge
Certain geographical facts, we don't seem toquestione taomal ot the story teller. Why? (Give one reason)
on the planet Venus?
(iv) What impact did the stopping of the rain have 3
The writer Ray Douglas Bradbury has explored chid psy y n he story All Summer in a Day. Which aspect of child
mind has the writer dwelt on in the story
? Do you think
iago Siould also be blamed for what the children did to har2

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