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Hyponatremia as a marker of complicated

appendicitis: A systematic review

Dimitrios Giannis a, Evangelia Matenoglou b, Dimitrios Moris c,*

Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, 41110, Greece
Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 54124, Greece
Duke Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, 27710, NC, USA

article info abstract

Article history: Background: Acute appendicitis, the most common cause of acute surgical abdomen, is
Received 6 August 2019 associated with intra-abdominal complications, such as perforation, that increase
Received in revised form morbidity and mortality. Early and accurate preoperative diagnosis of complicated
30 December 2019 appendicitis mandates the identification of new diagnostic markers. This systematic re-
Accepted 6 January 2020 view summarizes current literature on the adoption of hyponatremia as an early diagnostic
Available online 5 February 2020 and predictive marker of complicated appendicitis.
Methods: Pubmed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Google Scholar, WHO Global Health Library,
Keywords: System for Information on Grey Literature, ISI Web of Science, EBSCOHost and Virtual
Hyponatremia Health Library were searched in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines in order to identify
Appendicitis original human studies investigating the association between hyponatremia and the
Perforation presence or development of complicated appendicitis.
Complication Results: A total of 7 studies conducted in 6 different countries were identified. A prospective
Diagnostic marker diagnostic accuracy study reported a strong association between hyponatremia and
complicated appendicitis in children. The largest sample size study performed in adults
reported a significant association between hyponatremia and perforated or gangrenous
Conclusions: The admission serum sodium level measurement, a routinely performed, low-
cost test, should be taken into account in patients with clinical presentation compatible
with acute appendicitis and suspicion of underlying complications. Future well-designed
prospective diagnostic accuracy studies are required to further establish the association
between hyponatremia and perforated appendicitis.
© 2020 Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (Scottish charity number SC005317) and
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

pathophysiological process involves appendiceal luminal

Introduction obstruction, mainly due to appendicoliths, foreign bodies or
lymphoid hyperplasia, and mucus accumulation-induced
Appendicitis is the most common cause of acute surgical luminal distention and bacterial overgrowth.4,5 Subse-
abdomen, with an estimated lifetime prevalence of 7e8%.1,2 quently, venous and lymphatic vessels impaired drainage
Despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, it is still asso- results in arterial supply impairment and ischemic tissue
ciated with significant morbidity (10%) and mortality (1e5%).3 necrosis.4,5 Eventually, in some patients, necrotic tissue
Acute appendicitis severity ranges between mild inflam- perforation occurs resulting in local (abscess) or extensive
mation to severe gangrene with perforation and local or (peritonitis) complications.4,5
widespread intra-abdominal contamination.4 The underlying

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Giannis), (E. Matenoglou),
(D. Moris).
1479-666X/© 2020 Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (Scottish charity number SC005317) and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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296 t h e s u r g e o n 1 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 0 4

By definition, complicated appendicitis includes perfora-

tion of the appendix, empyema or abscess formation, and Materials and methods
finally fecal peritonitis.6 Perforation is an important factor of
patient morbidity and is associated with increased frequency Search strategy and articles selection process
of postsurgical complications.7e10 Appendiceal rupture is
associated with increased risk of developing postoperative This systematic review was conducted in accordance with the
complications, such as ileus, intra-abdominal abscess or PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
wound infection as well as prolonged hospitalization.7,9 and Meta-Analyses) guidelines and in compliance with the
Bonadio et al. reported significantly shorter length of stay, protocol agreed and approved by all authors.22 A compre-
lower post-admission complications (wound infection, intra- hensive literature search was performed independently by
abdominal abscess) rate and fewer unscheduled read- two authors (DG and EM) in Pubmed (Medline), Cochrane Li-
missions in surgically treated perforated appendicitis patients brary, Scopus, Google Scholar, WHO Global Health Library
versus those who received medical management.11 Thus, (GHL), System for Information on Grey Literature (SIGLE), ISI
early preoperative identification and surgical intervention in Web of Science, EBSCOHost and Virtual Health Library to
patients with perforated appendicitis has important clinical identify relevant articles. Except for Google Scholar and EBS-
implications. COHost, all of the databases were searched by using the
Previous studies have identified advanced age, male following search algorithm: (hyponatremia OR hypona-
gender, presence of comorbidities, fever (>37.5  C), tachy- traemia OR sodium) AND (appendi*) AND (complic* OR sever*
cardia (>100 bpm), markedly elevated CRP (>50 mg/L), leuko- OR prognos* OR diagnosis OR diagnostic OR predict* OR
cytosis (>10/nL), neutrophil count > 85%, symptom duration marker). Google Scholar was searched by using the following
>24 h, duration of abdominal pain >48 h to be associated with conditions in the advanced search method: (‛‛Find articles
complicated appendicitis.12e14 Gosain et al. in their prospec- with all the words: appendicitis, with at least one of the words:
tive study in 247 children, including 53 patients with hyponatremia hyponatraemia, where my words appear:
ruptured appendicitis, reported African American race, anywhere in the article’’). EBSCOhost was searched by using
duration of symptoms > 48 h, presence of fecal on comput- the algorithms “Hyponatremia AND appendicitis'’, “Hypona-
erized tomography (CT) and WBC> 19,400 cells/ml to be traemia AND appendicitis”, “Appendicitis AND sodium’’ in
significantly associated predictors of ruptured appendicitis.5 title and abstract search mode. In addition, a manual search
Utilization and combination of these diagnostic markers using snowball methodology was executed, by searching
resulted in the development of scoring systems, but many of through the references of the included articles, relevant re-
them appear unreliable when applied in the populations views and articles in PubMed to avoid missing any important
other than the initial study population.5 The accurate and data.
early preoperative diagnosis of perforated appendicitis Original human studies investigating the association be-
mandates the identification of new diagnostic modalities. tween hyponatremia and the presence or development of
Recently, hyponatremia has been investigated as a potential complicated appendicitis were considered eligible. There was
diagnostic marker of complicated appendicitis presence as no restriction regarding to publication date, age, sex,
well as a predictive marker of postoperative intra-abdominal ethnicity, sample size, race, country or language. Exclusion
complications after management of gangrenous (compli- criteria were: (1) any study without full-text availability, (2)
cated) appendicitis.12e18 Preoperative hyponatremia, a com- non-primary studies such as reviews, systematic reviews and
mon electrolyte disorder, is associated with increased 30-day meta-analyses, (3) non-peer reviewed publications (theses,
morbidity and mortality and should be considered as a book chapters, conference posters), (4) animal studies, (5)
marker of prognostic value for perioperative complications in studies without extractable data and (6) duplicated or over-
the surgical population.19 The underlying pathogenesis in- lapping datasets.
volves proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukins IL-1b
and IL-6, milestone mediators of severe inflammatory
Data extraction
response, in the development of hyponatremia through an-
A standardized data extraction template was developed and
tidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion.20,21 Despite the presence
modified according to an initial pilot testing. Two authors (DG
of previous literature investigating the association between
and EM) independently extracted the appropriate and avail-
hyponatremia and severe forms of inflammatory reactions,
able data parameters in the corresponding extraction sheet
their exact pathophysiologic correlation remains to be
columns. The following data were extracted for each included
study: Basic information about the articles (names of authors,
In order to identify and summarize all available data
publication year, country of first author, journal, study design,
regarding to the importance of hyponatremia as an early
inclusion and exclusion criteria), important patient charac-
diagnostic and predictive marker of complicated appendicitis,
teristics (age, gender, sample size, condition), laboratory
we performed a systematic literature search of the available
findings (serum sodium levels, definition of hyponatremia)
bibliography. Our study provides additional information to
and outcomes associated data (definition of complicated
emergency department physicians and surgeons who
appendicitis by the study, cases and controls subgroups
frequently are in diagnostic dilemma in cases of suspected
sample sizes and number of patients with hyponatremia for
complicated appendicitis.

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t h e s u r g e o n 1 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 0 4 297

Figure 1 e Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flowchart process.

each subgroup). Studies for which we could not obtain Any differences or discrepancies throughout the process were
missing information (after at least two contact attempts via e- discussed and if needed the senior reviewer (DM) was con-
mail) are classified as “no data available (NA)”. Any incon- sulted in order to achieve consensus among the reviewers.
gruence in the results of extraction was discussed thoroughly
until a consensus was achieved and a third reviewer (DM) was Statistical method
consulted if needed.
Categorical data on outcome of interest were tabulated and
Quality assessment tools statistical measures reported by the studies’ authors (uni-
variate analysis odds ratio, multivariate analysis odds ratio
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) quality with 95% confidence interval, diagnostic sensitivity and
assessment tools23 were used in order to evaluate the quality specificity) were extracted. In addition, crude odds ratios with
of included studies. The choice of appropriate tool, one for 95% confidence interval were calculated for studies with
case control studies and one for observational cohort and available data.
cross-sectional studies, was based on each individual study
and its corresponding design. Both tools measure the internal
validity and quality of studies in a similar manner consisting Results
of 12 and 14 criteria respectively and each criterion question is
answered as “yes”, “no”, “cannot determine”, “not reported”, Literature search and eligible studies
“not applicable”. Two authors (DG and EM) independently
applied the aforementioned rules in order to guide a cumu- The initially proposed electronic database search yielded 4379
lative rating for each study defined as “poor”, “fair” or “good”. potentially eligible articles, of which 2020 were removed as

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298 t h e s u r g e o n 1 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 0 4

Table 1 e Summary of eligible studies associating hyponatremia and complicated appendicitis in children.
Study Country, Study Population, Age,Sex Condition CA definition Hyponatr
Setting design emia definition

Besli et al., 2019 Turkey; Retrospective Children, Appendicitis Perforated <135 mEq/L
Tertiary case-control N ¼ 403; or gangrenous
care hospital, Age: 11.39 ± 3.58a y; appendix,
Pediatric _:273 (67.7%) generalized
emergency \:130 (32.3) peritonitis,
department and

Lindestam et al., 2019 Sweden; Prospective Children, N ¼ 80; Appendicitis Perforated 136 mEq/L
Tertiary diagnostic Age:1e14 y, appendicitis
care hospital, accuracy study 9.2 (7.3e11.1) y
Pediatric _:53 (66%)
Surgery \:27 (34%)

Pham et al., 2016 USA; Retrospective Children, Appendicitis Perforated 135 mEq/L
Tertiary care case-control N ¼ 392; Age 12 or gangrenous
hospital, _:260 (66.3%) appendix,
Pediatric Surgery \:132 (33.7%) an intra-abdominal
department abscess,
or fecal
Serradilla et al., 2018 Spain; Retrospective Children, N ¼ 162 Gangrenous Intraabdominal <135 mEq/L
Tertiary care case-control appendicitis abscess
Hospital, Pediatric (postappendectomy)
Surgery department

CA: complicated appendicitis.

N (%) CA: number of patients (percent of total population) with complicated appendicitis.
N (%) CA þ Hyponatremia: number of patients (percent of complicated appendicitis population) with complicated appendicitis and hypona-
NCA: noncomplicated appendicitis.
N (%) NCA: number of patients (percent of total population) with noncomplicated appendicitis.
N (%) NCA þ Hyponatremia: number of patients (percent of noncomplicated appendicitis population) with noncomplicated appendicitis and
Na level: Serum sodium level.
a Corresponds to mean ± standard deviation; y: corresponds to median (interquartile range).

duplicates (by Endnote 7 (Thompson Reuter, USA) or Patient and included studies characteristics
manually) and 2359 were further screened for relevance.
Among the 2359 papers, 2349 were removed after title and A total of 7 studies with 2682 patients were conducted in 6
abstract screening according to the predefined inclusion and different countries. All studies were designed and performed
exclusion criteria. The remaining 10 studies were screened in in tertiary care centers. The total number of adults (>18 years),
full-text and 3 of them were excluded (1 conference poster included in 3 studies, was 1645 (61.3%) and the number of
without full text and 2 irrelevant articles). Finally, after children (<18 years), included in 4 studies, was 1037 (38.7%).
manual searching and no additional study retrieval, 7 studies Case-control design was implemented in 5 studies, one study
were included in the systematic review (Fig. 1). was prospective cohort and one was retrospective cohort. In

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t h e s u r g e o n 1 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 0 4 299

N (%) N (%) CA Na level N (%) N (%) NCA Na Level Hyponatremia e

CA CA þ NCA NCA þ Na level comparison CA association
Hyponatremia Hyponatremia between statistics
245 62 (25.3%) 136.11 158 (39.2%) 29 (18.4%) 136.96 p ¼ 0.004 Crude OR ¼ 1.51 (95% CI:0.92e2.47);
(60.8%) ±3.03 ±2.54a Chi-Square test p ¼ 0.103;
AUC: 0.580
(standard error 0.03,
p ¼ 0.005; p < 0.05,
95% (CI:0.581e0.672).
Cut-off value
Na 138 mEq/L.,
Sensitivity 82.5%,
Specificity 31.1%.
15 13 (86.7%) 134 65 11 (16.9%) 139 p < 0.001 Crude OR ¼ 31.9
(18.8%) (132e136) y (81.2%) (137e140) y (95%CI:6.3e161.9);
Univariate logistic regression:
OR ¼ 25.5 (95%CI:5.0e128);
RR ¼ 15 (95%CI:3.7e62);
Na 136 mEq/L for diagnosing CA:
Sensitivity 0.87
(95% CI, 0.60e0.98),
Specificity 0.83
(95% CI, 0.72e0.91),
AUC ¼ 0.93
179 112 (63%) 134 213 71 (33%) 137 p < 0.01 Crude
(46%) (132e136) y (54%) (135e138) OR ¼ 3.34 (95%CI: 2.21e5.07);
Multivariate logistic regression
OR ¼ 3.1 (95%CI: 2.0e4.9)

54 NA NA 108 NA NA NA Crude OR ¼ 10,

(33.3%) (95%CI: 4.68e21.36), p < 0,001;
Multivariate logistic regression
OR 8.143 (95%CI:
3.551e18.674), p < 0,001

studies with available gender data we observed a male pre- presence13,16,17 or development of appendicitis complica-
dominance (1572 out of 2436 patients of 5 studies, equal to tions15 in children. In total, 3 out of 4 eligible studies reported
64.5%). Eligible studies patient characteristics are summarized statistically significant results.
in Table 1 (children) and Table 2 (adults). In a retrospective case-control study (including 403 chil-
dren) by Besli et al., complicated appendicitis was defined as
Hyponatremia and complicated appendicitis association the presence of perforation or gangrenous appendix, perito-
nitis or intra-abdominal abscess.17 Hyponatremia (Na <135
Our systematic search identified 4 eligible studies investi- mEq/L) was nonsignificantly associated with complicated
gating the role of hyponatremia as a marker of the appendicitis (OR ¼ 1.51, 95% CI:0.92e2.47; Chi-Square test:

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300 t h e s u r g e o n 1 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 0 4

Table 2 e Summary of eligible studies associating hyponatremia and complicated appendicitis in adults.
Study Country, Study Population, Condition Complicated Hyponatremia
Setting design Age,Sex Appendicitis definition
(CA) definition

€ ser et al., 2013

Ka Switzerland; Retrospective Adults, N ¼ 84 Appendicitis Perforated <136 mEq/L
Tertiary case-control (data provided appendicitis
care hospital, only for 82 patients);
Adult Age: >50 years
Kim et al., 2015 USA; Retrospective Adults, N ¼ 1550; Appendicitis Perforated <135 mEq/L
Tertiary case-control Age:>18 y; or gangrenous
care hospital _:980 (63.2%) appendicitis
\:570 (36.8%) (intraoperative finding)

Wu et al., 2013 Taiwan; Retrospective Adults on hemodialysis Appendicitis Perforated appendicitis <135 mEq/L
Tertiary care hospital cohort N ¼ 11 (data provided
only for 10 patients);
Age: 63 ± 20a
_:6 (54.5%)
\:5 (45.5%)

CA: complicated appendicitis.

N (%) CA: number of patients (percent of total population) with complicated appendicitis.
N (%) CA þ Hyponatremia: number of patients (percent of complicated appendicitis population) with complicated appendicitis and hypona-
NCA: noncomplicated appendicitis.
N (%) NCA: number of patients (percent of total population) with noncomplicated appendicitis.
N (%) NCA þ Hyponatremia: number of patients (percent of noncomplicated appendicitis population) with noncomplicated appendicitis and
Na level: Serum sodium level.
a Corresponds to mean ± standard deviation; y: corresponds to median (interquartile range).

p ¼ 0.103).17 Cut-off level for basal serum Na 138 mEq/L (Crude OR ¼ 3.34 (95%CI: 2.21e5.07); Multivariate logistic
provided a sensitivity of 82.5% and specificity of 31.1% with regression OR ¼ 3.1 (95%CI: 2.0e4.9)).13
AUC ¼ 0.580 (standard error 0.03, p ¼ 0.005; 95% In a retrospective case-control study by Serradilla et al., a
CI:0.581e0.672) in the diagnosis of complicated appendicitis.17 total of 162 children with gangrenous appendicitis were
A recent prospective diagnostic accuracy study by Lindes- evaluated and the development of intra-abdominal abscess
tam et al. included 80 children (15 with complicated and 65 (post appendectomy) was significantly associated with pre-
with noncomplicated appendicitis) and identified significantly operative hyponatremia (<135 mEq/L) (Crude OR ¼ 10), (95%CI:
lower levels of serum sodium in patients with perforated 4.68e21.36), p < 0,001; Multivariate logistic regression OR 8.143
versus patients with nonperforated appendicitis.16 Plasma (95%CI:3.551e18.674), (p < 0,001).15
sodium concentration cut-off was set at 136 mEq/L and the Hyponatremia was evaluated as a marker of complicated
difference between groups was significant in both crude and appendicitis in 3 adult population studies,12,14,18 but only 1 of
univariate logistic regression analysis (Crude OR ¼ 31.9 (95% them showed significant difference between complicated and
CI:6.3e161.9); Univariate logistic regression: OR ¼ 25.5 (95%CI: noncomplicated appendicitis groups.
5.0e128)). Cut-off level for basal serum Na 136 mEq/L pro- Ka€ ser et al. investigated the diagnostic role of hypona-
vided a sensitivity of 87% (95% CI, 60%e98%) and specificity of tremia in cases of perforated diverticulitis or appendicitis in a
83% (95% CI, 72%e91%) with AUC ¼ 0.93. In addition, hypo- population of patients older than 50 years.12 Perforated
natremia was associated with a 15-fold higher perforation risk appendicitis subgroup consisted of 84 patients (contact with
compared to serum sodium levels >136 mEq (RR ¼ 15 (95% authors through email provided data for 82 participants) and
CI:3.7e62)).16 the association between hyponatremia (Na < 136 mEq/L) and
Pham et al., who retrospectively evaluated 392 children perforated appendicitis was not significant (OR ¼ 1.74, 95% CI:
(179 with complicated and 213 with noncomplicated appen- 0.61e4.95); Chi-Square test (p ¼ 0.296).12
dicitis), defined hyponatremia as serum Na  135 mEq/L and Another study by Kim et al., involving 1550 adult patients
complicated appendicitis as the presence of perforated or (409 with complicated vs 1141 with noncomplicated appen-
gangrenous appendix, an intra-abdominal abscess, or fecal dicitis), investigated the association between hyponatremia
peritonitis (intraoperative finding). Hyponatremia was more (Na < 135 mEq/L) and intraoperatively identified perforated or
frequently observed in the complicated appendicitis group gangrenous appendicitis and reported significant results on

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t h e s u r g e o n 1 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 0 4 301

N (%) N (%) Na Level N (%) N (%) Na Level Na Level Hyponatremia e

CA CA þ Hyponatr CA (range) NCA NCA þ NCA p value CA association
emia Hyponatr (range) between statistics
emia groups
45 (55%) 13 (29%) NA 37 7 (19%) NA NA Crude OR ¼ 1.74
(45%) (95%CI:0.61e4.95);
test p ¼ 0.296

409 173 (42.3%) 136 1141 NA 137 p < 0.001 Multiple logistic
(26.4%) (134e137) (73.6%) (136e139) y regression
OR ¼ 2.8
p < 0.001
5 (50%) 2 (40%) NA 5 (50%) 1 (20%) NA NA Crude OR ¼ 2.67

multiple logistic regression analysis (OR ¼ 2.8, 95% CI: 2.1e3.8,

p < 0.001).14 Discussion
Wu et al. retrospectively compared hemodialysis (HD) pa-
tients with acute appendicitis versus non-hemodialysis pa- Acute appendicitis affects approximately 100 per 100.000 of
tients with acute appendicitis and they further performed a the general population per year and the lifetime risk is esti-
subgroup analysis in HD patients (n ¼ 11) in order to investigate mated to be 7e8%.1,2 Patients are usually in their second or
the influence of hyponatremia in the prognosis of HD patients third decade of life and a slightly increased incidence is
with appendicitis. Perforation and acute appendicitis were not observed in males compared to females.2 Despite being one of
significantly associated (Crude OR ¼ 2.67 (95%CI: 0.16e45.1)).18 the most common surgical emergencies, acute appendicitis
diagnosis is still a cause of diagnostic dilemma and frequently
Quality assessment of included studies presents with atypical symptoms and as a mimicker of other
conditions with overlapping clinical features.24
Quality assessment of each case-control study according to Clinical and laboratory findings have been combined in the
NHLBI assessment scale is presented in Table 3 and of each form of appendicitis clinical risk evaluation scores (Alvarado
cohort study is shown in Table 4. Totally, 3 studies had an score, appendicitis inflammatory response score eAIR,
overall rating of good and 4 studies were rated as fair. In RIPASA score) in order to adequately stratify risk and guide
general, studies lacked sample size justification, with only one further investigation and interventions.2,25 The appendicitis
study16 providing data concerning the sample size and asso- clinical risk scores provide good overall sensitivity, but spec-
ciated study power. Two of the studies12,14 investigating the ificity and thus the ability of confirming the presence of acute
adult population did not statistically adjust for some of the appendicitis is considered unreliable.2,24,25 Improved diag-
key potential confounding variables and a few items of the nostic accuracy has been achieved with the establishment of
quality assessment tools were not reported across studies, imaging tests, such as ultrasound (US), CT and magnetic
especially the presence or absence of researchers blinding on resonance imaging (MRI).2,24 CT widespread use is associated
case/control status of participants. The mean NHLBI cumu- with increased exposure to ionizing radiation, which in-
lative score for the 5 case-control studies was 7.2 (SD: 0.84) and creases the long-term risk of malignant neoplasms occur-
for the 2 cohort studies was 8.5 (SD: 0.71). rence.24,26 An alternative approach, in order to avoid

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302 t h e s u r g e o n 1 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 0 4

Table 3 e Quality assessment of case-control studies with NHLBI quality assessment tool.
NHLBI Quality Assessment of Case-Control Studies Kaser Kim (2015) Pham (2016) Serradilla Besli (2019)
(2013) (2018)
1. Was the research question or objective in this Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
paper clearly stated and appropriate?
2. Was the study population clearly specified and defined? Yes Yes Yes No Yes
3. Did the authors include a sample size justification? No No No No No
4. Were controls selected or recruited from the same or similar Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
population that gave rise to the cases
(including the same timeframe)?
5. Were the definitions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, algorithms Yes Yes Yes NR Yes
or processes used to identify or select cases and controls valid,
reliable, and implemented consistently across all study participants?
6. Were the cases clearly defined and differentiated from controls? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
7. If less than 100 percent of eligible cases and/or controls were selected for No NA No NR NA
the study, were the cases and/or controls
randomly selected from those eligible?
8. Was there use of concurrent controls? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
9. Were the investigators able to confirm that the exposure/risk occurred No No No No No
prior to the development of the condition
or event that defined a participant as a case?
10. Were the measures of exposure/risk clearly defined, valid, reliable, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
and implemented consistently
(including the same time period) across all study participants?
11. Were the assessors of exposure/risk blinded to the NR NR NR NR NR
case or control status of participants?
12. Were key potential confounding variables No No Yes Yes Yes
measured and adjusted statistically
in the analyses? If matching was used, did the investigators
account for matching during study analysis?
Total score % 7 (58%) 7 (58%) 8 (67%) 6 (50%) 8 (67%)
Rating Fair Fair Good Fair Good

NR: not reported.

NA: not applicable.

unnecessary radiation exposure, is to perform US initially and cytokines crossing the blood-brain barrier act on neurons
only in cases of negative or uncertain results to proceed to originating in the supraoptic and paraventricular nucleus and
CT.24 Leeuwenburgh et al. compared MRI versus US combined transduce their signal through activation of Janus tyrosine
with conditional use of CT and reported similar results be- kinases (JAK) and their associated transcription factors, the
tween the two approaches in the detection of perforated so-called signal transducer and activator of transcription
appendicitis.27 Nevertheless, both diagnostic methods mis- (STAT) family.21,31,32 Subsequently, cytokine mediated non-
diagnosed almost half (43% for MRI and 52% for osmotic ADH secretion results in increased free water reab-
US þ conditional CT) of the patients with perforated appen- sorption in the kidney tubules and dilutional
dicitis.27 The aforementioned disadvantages and limitations hyponatremia.21,31,32
of currently established diagnostic tests mandate the need of Our review identified in total 7 studies associating hypo-
newer diagnostic modalities, especially in the case of natremia and complicated appendicitis, but only 4 of them
complicated appendicitis suspicion. had statistically significant results (Table 1). Despite being
Hyponatremia has been previously associated with retrospective, the adult population study by Kim et al. had the
increased mortality in necrotizing soft-tissue infections,28 largest sample size (1550 patients) and reported a significant
gangrenous cholecystitis29 as well as ischemic bowel in pa- association in multiple logistic regression analysis (OR ¼ 2.8,
tients presenting with a mechanical small bowel obstruc- 95% CI: 2.1e3.8, p < 0.001).14 The diagnostic accuracy study in a
tion.30 Alsaleh et al. in their systematic review identified children population by Lindestam et al., rated as good in
hyponatremia as a significant and potential clinically relevant quality assessment by the NHLBI tool (Table 4), reported a
indicator of anastomotic leakage in patients undergoing strong association and was the only study to prospectively
colorectal surgery.31 In addition, preoperative hyponatremia evaluate the relative risk of perforation in children patients
has been found to be a predictor of 30-day perioperative with hyponatremia (RR ¼ 15 (95%CI:3.7e62)).16 The presence of
morbidity and mortality.19 Swart R.M. et al. suggest the non- hyponatremia at admission may act as an accessory marker
osmotic release of antidiuretic hormone, mediated by the helping surgeons and emergency medicine physicians in the
production of proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukins earlier diagnosis and clinical management of complicated
IL-1b and IL-6, being involved in the development of hypona- appendicitis. Based on these data, in a patient with suspected
tremia in severe inflammatory reactions.21 Circulating appendicitis and a serum sodium level equal to or less than

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t h e s u r g e o n 1 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 2 9 5 e3 0 4 303

Table 4 e Quality Assessment of cohort studies with NHLBI Quality Assessment Tool.
NHLBI Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Wu (2013) Lindestam (2019)
1. Was the research question or objective in this paper clearly stated? Yes Yes
2. Was the study population clearly specified and defined? Yes Yes
3. Was the participation rate of eligible persons at least 50%? NR No
4. Were all the subjects selected or recruited from the same or similar populations Yes Yes
(including the same time period)? Were inclusion and exclusion criteria for being in
the study prespecified and applied uniformly to all participants?
5. Was a sample size justification, power description, or variance and effect estimates No Yes
6. For the analyses in this paper, were the exposure(s) of interest measured prior to the NR Yes
outcome(s) being measured?
7. Was the timeframe sufficient so that one could reasonably expect to see an association Yes Yes
between exposure and outcome if it existed?
8. For exposures that can vary in amount or level, did the study examine different levels NA NA
of the exposure as related to the outcome (e.g., categories of exposure, or exposure
measured as continuous variable)?
9. Were the exposure measures (independent variables) clearly defined, valid, reliable, Yes Yes
and implemented consistently across all study participants?
10. Was the exposure(s) assessed more than once over time? NA NA
11. Were the outcome measures (dependent variables) clearly defined, valid, reliable, and Yes YES
implemented consistently across all study participants?
12. Were the outcome assessors blinded to the exposure status of participants? NR NR
13. Was loss to follow-up after baseline 20% or less? Yes NA
14. Were key potential confounding variables measured and adjusted statistically for Yes Yes
their impact on the relationship between exposure(s) and outcome(s)?
Total score % 8 (57%) 9 (64%)
Rating Fair Good

NR: not reported.

NA: not applicable.

136 mEq/L one should have the possibility of complicated signs in order to diagnose or predict the development of
appendicitis in their differential. complicated appendicitis.
Our findings should be considered carefully and the quality In summary, future well-designed prospective diagnostic
of the included studies should be taken in to account. accuracy studies are required to further elucidate and estab-
Furthermore, additional limitations should be acknowledged lish the connection between hyponatremia and perforated
during the interpretation of our study results. Missing data as appendicitis. Nevertheless, we propose that the admission
well as relatively small sample sizes included in the adult serum sodium level measurement, an easily and routinely
population studies by Ka € ser et al.12 and Wu et al.18 should be performed, low-cost test, should be taken into account in
considered as a factor affecting the power of the study and patients with clinical presentation compatible with acute
thus the identification of hyponatremia and complicated appendicitis and suspicion of underlying complications.
appendicitis association. In addition, discrepancies in the cut-
off definition of hyponatremia between studies may affect the
generalizability of findings (Table 1, Table 2). Hyponatremia Conflict of interest
was defined as plasma sodium concentration <135 mEq/L in 4
studies,14,15,17,18 whereas 3 studies defined hyponatremia at a None.
level of 135 mEq/L,13 136 mEq/l16 or <136 mEq/L.12 We
propose that any future studies should use the ‘cut-off’ of
<135 mEq/L in accordance with the generally accepted lowest Funding sources and support
limit of normal serum sodium concentration of 135 mEq/L.33,34
In addition, the identified studies only investigated the asso- This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
ciation of hyponatremia with macroscopic pathological agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
changes. No effort was made to further evaluate the associa-
tion between hyponatremia severity and histopathological
changes. Finally, by the time hyponatremia result is obtained, references
other blood or imaging diagnostic modalities could indicate
the presence of severe appendicitis and thus limit the use-
fulness of this marker. An alternate approach would include 1. Stewart B, Khanduri P, McCord C, et al. Global disease burden of
hyponatremia as one of the parameters of models that utilize conditions requiring emergency surgery. Br J Surg
inflammation markers (WBC count and type) and clinical 2014;101(1):e9e22.

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