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Interviewing a TLE Teacher about Adapting Methods for Present Learners

Name: Nicdao, Britz Jaimes T.

Course/Year: BTLED IA-III

Directions: This activity allows pre-service teachers to gain insights from experienced TLE teachers on
adapting teaching methods to cater to the needs of present learners.

● Pre-service teachers should familiarize themselves with various TLE teaching methods and
current trends in education.
● Develop a set of interview questions focused on the chosen topic. Sample questions might
o "What are some traditional TLE teaching methods you use?"
o "How do you adapt these methods to cater to diverse learning styles?"
o "What challenges do you face in keeping your TLE lessons engaging for present
o "What technology tools or resources do you find most effective in your TLE class?"
o "What advice would you give to pre-service teachers on adapting their methods for
present learners?"
● Select a TLE teacher with experience in using various methods and is open to sharing their
● You may ask the class mayor for a valid letter for the teacher for formality and communication

1. Pre-Interview: Conduct brief research on the selected TLE teacher's experience and teaching
2. Interview:
o Conduct a semi-structured interview using the prepared questions.
o Actively listen, clarify questions, and probe for deeper insights.
o Take detailed notes or record the interview with permission.
3. Reflection:
o Analyze the interview data, focusing on key themes and learnings.
o Reflect on how the insights gained can be applied to your teaching practice.
o Consider the challenges and opportunities in adapting TLE methods for present learners.
4. Sharing:
o Prepare a short presentation or written report summarizing your findings and
o Share your learnings with classmates or fellow pre-service teachers in a discussion or
● If in-person interviews are not feasible, consider conducting the interview online or through
written questionnaires.
● Depending on the course focus, the activity can be narrowed down to specific TLE subjects or
aspects of teaching methods.
● Encourage pre-service teachers to connect their learnings to specific educational theories or
pedagogical approaches.

As for the questions that I’ve asked to my fellow former TLE teacher here’s what they’ve answered.

1.) I used Lecture-based Instruction: This involves the teacher presenting information to students
through verbal explanation, often supported by visual aids such as slides or chalkboard diagrams
and lastly the most common ways to collaborate in my students is Asking students questions or
questioning to assess their understanding, provoke critical thinking, and stimulate class

2.) Allow students to take turns demonstrating skills after observing the teacher's demonstration.
Provide written instructions or diagrams for students who learn best through visual cues, I also
offer a variety of hands-on activities to accommodate different learning preferences. Provide
written instructions, demonstrations, and opportunities for collaboration to support diverse
learning styles. Assign roles within groups to capitalize on each student's strengths. Provide
clear guidelines and expectations for group work and offer opportunities for individual
contributions within the group setting.

3.) Students may struggle to see the relevance of TLE concepts to their everyday lives, especially if
the content seems disconnected from their interests, goals, or experiences. With the rise of
digital technology and constant exposure to media, students often have shorter attention spans,
making it challenging to maintain their focus throughout the lesson.

4.) software allows students to design and create digital models of objects, structures, or products.
It's particularly useful for teaching design and engineering concepts in subjects like drafting and
woodworking. Online learning platforms provide access to a wide range of educational
resources, including interactive lessons, videos, tutorials, and quizzes. They offer flexibility for
students to learn at their own pace and provide opportunities for teachers to differentiate

5.) Be willing to experiment with different teaching methods and approaches to accommodate the
diverse learning preferences of your students. Adapt your lessons based on feedback from
students and observations of their engagement and comprehension. Differentiate instruction to
accommodate the diverse learning needs and abilities of your students. Offer a variety of
instructional strategies, resources, and assessment options to support students at different skill
levels and learning styles.

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