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What do you understand by term Law?

The term "law" can have multiple meanings and interpretations depending on the

context in which it is used. However, in general, law refers to a set of rules and regulations

that are established and enforced by a governing authority, such as a country's government or

legal system, to regulate behavior and maintain order in society.

Laws can take many forms, including statutory law (laws created by legislative

bodies), common law (laws created by court decisions), and administrative law (laws created

by executive agencies). They can address a wide range of issues, including civil and criminal

matters, property rights, business regulations, and individual rights and liberties.

Ultimately, the purpose of the law is to provide a framework for resolving disputes,

preventing conflicts, and promoting justice and fairness in society.

Please write a note on Contract and its kinds in your own words with the help of


A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that creates an

obligation to perform certain actions or provide certain goods or services. Contracts can be

verbal or written, but written contracts are generally more reliable because they provide a

clear record of the terms agreed upon by the parties.

There are several types of contracts, including:

1. Valid contract: A legitimate contract is one that is legally enforceable. When an

agreement meets all of the requirements for a valid contract, it is considered a

contract. In a legitimate contract, all participants are legally liable for the contract's

fulfilment. If one of the sides violates the contract, the other side can have it enforced

in court.

2. Void contract: A void contract is a contract that is invalid and unenforceable from the

very beginning, meaning that it has no legal effect. In other words, a void contract is

considered as if it never existed at all, and it cannot be enforced by either party.

Contract without free consent or of unlawful object is said to void contract.

3. Voidable contract: Voidable contract can however be avoided or confirmed. It is a

void contact if it is not acted against. Party A is forces to sell a house to party B. If

party A decides to got court it would be a void contract but if party A wishes to not

interfere then it is voidable.

4. Express contracts: An express contract is a contract in which the parties explicitly

state the terms and conditions of the agreement, either orally or in writing. For

example, when you sign a lease agreement with your landlord, you are entering into

an express contract.

5. Implied contracts: An implied contract is a contract in which the terms and conditions

are not explicitly stated, but are instead inferred from the actions of the parties

involved. For example, when you order a meal at a restaurant and eat it, you have

entered into an implied contract with the restaurant to pay for the meal.

6. Executed contracts: An executed contract is a contract in which all of the terms and

conditions have been fully performed by both parties. For example, when you

purchase a product from a store and pay for it, you have entered into an executed


7. Executory contracts: An executory contract is a contract in which one or both parties

have not yet fully performed their obligations. For example, when you hire a

contractor to perform renovations on your home, but the work has not yet been

completed, you have entered into an executory contract.


In summary, contracts are an essential part of conducting business and other transactions,

and there are several types of contracts that can be used depending on the specific

circumstances of the agreement. It's important to understand the different types of contracts

and their implications before entering into any legally binding agreement

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