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Research Method

This chapter presents the research method, research design, participants of the study, sampling procedure,
research instrument, and data gathering procedure that used in this study.

Research Design

The research we conduct is qualitative research. The information to be gathered is words and not numbers.
Our research is about the experience of bullied students at Malandag National High School. This research is
finding out more about the bullying that’s happening in school. To know if there are students who are
experiencing bullying or have experienced, students who are bullying other students, and their thoughts and
feelings about such incidents. We would also like to know the perspective of the students about bullying,
what they know about it, what do they think of it, and the relevance of being aware of it in their lives. To find
more information that can help in decreasing the bullying incidents in Malandag National High School.

Participants of the Study

Your participation in our study would be greatly appreciated. Your personal accounts and observations may
offer deep understandings of the social, psychological, and emotional effects of bullying in educational

It would be your responsibility to relate your individual experiences of being bullied, including specifics like
the type of bullying, how often it occurs, and the effects it has had on relationships with classmates, academic
achievement, self-worth, and emotional health. You might also talk about any support system that the school
may have, as well as coping strategies you've employed or seen in your peers.

Through your involvement, the bullying events will be better understood, which could result in the creation
of assistants and care strategy for bullied kids that are more successful. Throughout the study, your privacy
and confidentiality will be maintained to make sure you feel comfortable talking honestly and freely about
your experiences.

Sampling procedure

The sampling procedure we were going to use is the purposive sampling, also known as judgmental or
selective sampling, is a non-probabilistic sampling technique where researchers deliberately select
participants based on specific criteria or characteristics relevant to the research study. Unlike random
sampling, which provides an equal chance for every member of the population to be included in the sample,
purposive sampling allows researchers to target specific individuals or groups who are most likely to provide
valuable insights into the research topic.
Purposive sampling is commonly used in qualitative research, particularly in studies where the emphasis is
on understanding a particular phenomenon or exploring diverse perspectives. Researchers may use various
strategies to select participants, such as expert sampling, maximum variation sampling, typical case
sampling, affected students.

By following this purposive sampling procedure, the study can effectively capture the diverse experiences of
bullied students at Malandag National High School, providing valuable insights for addressing bullying and
supporting affected students.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researcher will be using Interview. Interview is generally a qualitative research technique
that involves asking open-ended questions to converse with respondents and collect elicit data about a
subject. An interview in qualitative research is a conversation where questions are asked to elicit information.
The interviewer is usually a professional or paid researcher, sometimes trained, who poses questions to the
interviewee, in an alternating series of usually brief questions and answers.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher made a letter for the approval to conduct the study at Malandag National High School. The
researcher will gather data by handing out questionnaires to the participants. The researcher will give them a
set of questions to be answered. After answering it and returning it to the researcher, the researcher will study
and understand the answers received. The researcher will sort and evaluate all the data that they have
gathered. After studying and analyzing them the researcher proceeds in finalizing them.

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